A COMPLETE GUIDE TO GOOGLE ADSENSE By Imran Uddin from Alltechbuzz.net and Alltechmedia.org

Google AdSense Optimization Tips - The Ultimate Guide

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By Imran Uddin from Alltechbuzz.net and Alltechmedia.org

Page 2: Google AdSense Optimization Tips - The Ultimate Guide

Assuming that:

You have an active AdSense Account that’s fully approved and running Google Ads on a Website/Blog

If you are new to AdSense and haven’t got an AdSense Approval you need to read my article on “How to Get Started with Google AdSense.”

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About Google AdSense:

Google Adsense is obviously owned by Google. As per the known DATA, 80% of Google Annual Revenue comes from Google Adsense.

Google Adsense has been a primary revenue model for many Bloggers and Internet Marketers. The best thing about Adsense is that they don’t have any traffic requirement and accepts almost all the blogs/websites that abide by their TOS.

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Understanding Adsense Terminology:

Adsense has both CPC and CPM-based revenue model.

Now let me explain the terminology that we use on Adsense first; CPC – Cost Per Click – Varies anywhere between $0.02 to $1 (Max. it can go up to $100 as well but in very rare cases.)

CPM – Cost per 1000 Impressions. RPM – Revenue per 1000 Impressions.

CTR – Click Through Rate – Clicks per 100 impressions. Varies anywhere between 1% to 10% based on your niche and ad placement. The other terms like Pageviews, Impressions and Earnings; which I guess are pretty much straight forward.

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CTR (Click Through Rate):

CTR = (Number of ad clicks * 100) / Number of page views.

If my blog has 10,000 page-views per month and 800 AdSense ad clicks, then my CTR is 0.8%.

CTR = (800 * 100) / 10000 = 0.8%

Note: Most of the ads on Google Adsense are Cost Per Click based. That means you get paid whenever a visitor clicks on your ads(You are not allowed to click on your own Ads, it might lead to a permanent BAN). There are very few ads that are CPM based that means you get paid even though a visitor doesn’t click and just view the ad, but these ad formats are very less, and most of the advertisers avoid these ad formats.

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AdSense earning majorly depends on:

Amount and the Quality of Traffic.CTR and CPC.Source of your Traffic.Keywords and Niche.Ads Placement.

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How much revenue will you be able to generate via AdSense:

Page RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000Estimated Earnings = CPC * Total Number of Clicks                                   = CPC * CTR*100

Lets suppose like your RPM is $2 then you must be making around $2/1000 pageviews.Then if you are receiving about 10,000 page views you should be able to make $20.So, if your RPM is $5, then you would make $50 for every 10,000 page views.

If in case your blog is receiving an average of 10,000 pageviews per day which means 3,00,000 pageviews per month at an RPM of $3, the calculation goes as follows;

Total Revenue = RPM * Pageviews/1000 = 5*300 = 1500.

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AdSense Optimization:

Better Ad Placement.Choosing the right Ad Formats.Displaying more ads with Ad Exchange and DFP.Understanding your audience and Heat-map.EZOIC

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Choosing Right Ad Formats:

Bigger is better because bigger Ads have high CPC.300*250 is your go to Ad Unit.Use responsive ads.

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Better Ad Placement:

You must understand your audience and place ads. If you are placing ads away from content then its more likely you don’

t get any clicks. For understanding your Theme/Template better you can use services

like Crazy-Egg which will show you the Heat-map. Above the fold is the area where you should be placing more ads.

But make sure that you don’t place more than 2-3 ads above the fold as it could lead to penalty (Page Layout Algorithm).

Text Links perform the best ad the end of the post. Ideally place ads within the content itself like below the heading, then

in the middle and the end of the post. Right side bar tends to generate less clicks. So, better avoid placing

ads on Right Side Bar if you don’t have extra ad units left with you.

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DFP and Ad Exchange:

Using DFP you can place more than 3 ad per page but this might a little complex for the people who are getting started.

Additionally, what you can do is signup for some Ad Exchange program who will help you in implementing 2 more extra ads on your blog/website.

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An automated platform that improves your Blog Revenue.

The best thing about EZOIC is you can start using 5 ads from the day 1.

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Final Words

All the above mentioned points should work and you can personally work out on your own blog/website and boost the income.

But, if in case you need an expert consultation you can additionally contact me and opt for service. Me and my team have got an expertise of about 5 years in Adsense Optimization and are working as a Premium Publisher with Google AdSense.

You can reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]

For more Tips and Tricks you can follow www.alltechbuzz.net

Happy Earnings, Cheers