Getting the Most From Your Landing Pages @dotmailer

Getting the most from your landing pages

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Page 1: Getting the most from your landing pages

Getting the Most From Your Landing Pages@dotmailer

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The Customer Journey – Relationship between Email and Landing Page@dotmailer

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" are landing pages right for you"

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Leapfrog customer machine

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64% of marketers say landing pages are the most effective way to test a proposition.

Testing must not be overlooked. Test and you could yield a conversion increase of 264%

Landing pages are vital – a good landing page can lift conversions by as much 300%

But according to Econsultancy, only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates. So there is work to do.

Don’t forget the customer experience and optimise for mobile. Do this and you could experience a 153% increase in conversion

Get this right and you will deliver more leads and more sales. But ensure they are relevant. Avis achieved a 15% increase in revenue and a high 603% ROI with a dynamically targeted landing page.

Landing pages lift conversions, deliver leads, more sales and yield a high ROI. So it’s time you start working on them

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Types of Landing@dotmailer

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5 common challenges of the modern marketer

#1 Data

#2 Technology

#3 Automation

#4 Resource

#5 Relevancy Landing pages are a relevancy play

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of companies using customer journey analysis, copy optimisation and segmentation improve there website conversion rates’Econsultancy 2014 – Conversion optimisation report

Source: ????


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The three different types of landing page

FocusedEducational Other use cases

• For when your normal site won’t do it

• Homepage takeover

• Protect your site from traffic

• One off event registration

• Client/customer portals

• Credit / account upgrades

• International version of homepage with different languages

• Product/program promos

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Highlight the USPs 1

If your email has done a good job of whetting their appetite then your landing page must very quickly underline their interest.

Very few things will do this better than that single unique point that your product or service offers. This has to be powerful.

Highlight the USPs #1

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Highlight the USPs 1

2 Outline the benefits

Beyond the specific USP, a summary of the benefits is the next best thing to help the reader on their way to conversion.

Remember that these are not features; they are the things that actually deliver value to your readers. They tend to be more specific here than in the mail because you can be more focused.

Outline the benefits


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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant




Outline the benefits

Now that the reader is engaged make sure that everything you say has direct relevance to – and impact on – helping them make the next step.

Avoid anything that could be a distraction.

Long forms WILL reduce the level of response so think hard and test the data points that you absolutely must have versus those that would be a nice to have.

Keep it relevant#3

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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words





Outline the benefits

Be big, bold and focused (again) with your hero image. Whereas a homepage is typically forced to use many images to support a broad array of products, a good landing page is more likely to use just one that supports the topic, is engaging and has maximum impact.

Choose wisely, use rich images but don’t forget to use white space to emphasize it.

A picture tells a 1000 words


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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Prove credibility






Outline the benefits

If you have done a good enough job to get a reader this far then it may be a little reassurance will be the element that will get them across the line.

A testimonial from relevant organisations can be effective here - Best Buys or recommendations from independent reviewers, titles or consumer groups are good examples as well as the words of your satisfied customers.

Prove credibility#5

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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Prove credibility








Outline the benefits

Ensure that you focus on a single action for the reader and a clear conversion goal for yourself.

At this stage, after all of the previous steps in planning, it should just be a case of hitting the button and waiting.


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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Prove credibility










Outline the benefits

The path that you have built for the reader maybe now just need a final prompt that emphasizes limited availability or the fact that other people may secure the product or service first.

Techniques from countdown clocks through ‘other people are browsing’ to ‘X people have bought in the last hour’ can all contribute to this impact. Just be careful to apply them at the right time – any earlier in the journey and you are likely to be pushing for a decision before you have made all the supporting arguments for it.


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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Prove credibility










8 Signpost progress

Outline the benefits

Clarity in what the reader needs to do next is essential. A clear CTA is even more critical on a landing page than on a website or in an email. The are 4 things to consider and test here:

• CTA wording

• CTA position

• The use of buttons

• What’s next

Signpost progress#8

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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Prove credibility













Signpost progress

Outline the benefits

Forms provide the opportunity for your business to ease into a relationship with your prospects – you do not want to put potential customers off by asking too many questions.

Forms should be kept simple, asking for only the information needed to generate leads and drive sales. Minimizing the number of fields is likely to increase the chances of a high conversion rate.

Occassionally when you are tasked with collectgiing lots of data it may be worth considering a two-page approach


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Highlight the USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Prove credibility












Outline the benefits


8 Signpost progress



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Invision app

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Highlightthe USPs

Keep it relevant

A picture tells a 1000 words

Signpost progress





9 Forms Outline the benefits2



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Other use cases

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The Perfect Landing Page@dotmailer

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Learning Requires Robust Testing

Research on bread indicates that:

1. More than 98 percent of convicted felons are bread users2. Half of all children who grow up in bread-consuming households score

below average on standardised tests3. Over 90 percent of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours of

eating bread4. Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and

given only water to eat begged for bread after as little as two days

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Learning Requires Robust Testing

In light of these frightening statistics, it has been proposed that the following bread restrictions be made:1. No sale of bread to minors2. A 300 percent tax on all bread to pay for the societal ills associated

with bread3. The establishment of "Bread-free" zones around schools4. A nationwide "Just Say No To Toast" advertising campaign

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Students T-test

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Landing Pages Are Different

• Very specific function

• Not in the field long enough to comprehensively test

• Needs A/B testing – not split stream testing

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Landing Page Testing Checklist

Develop a clear hypothesis to test Limit variables to those being tested Clearly define the measurement criteria Ensure causality Watch for statistical significance – but be practical Document your learning for future use

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