FOCUS GROUP My focus group consists of 10 individuals aged 25-50 50% Male + 50% Female Every member permanently lives in Kent

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FOCUS GROUPMy focus group consists of 10 individuals aged 25-50

50% Male + 50% FemaleEvery member permanently lives in Kent

What would you ideally look for in a regional magazine?

Every member agreed that style over substance was key in the process of attracting potential buyers. When asked whether they would prefer a broad range of colours, or a consistent colour scheme in their magazine, the majority responded positively to the prospect of a definitive colour scheme.

When questioned about the general tone employed by the magazine’s creator, almost all of the members agreed that the language used should be relatively informal and avoid pompous and confusing text. This would only deter individuals. Pretentiousness was not favoured at all.

The majority of individuals implied that the magazine should be affordable hence why I intend to price it at £2.49 (Just below the market range average of £2.99). Some argued that it should be even cheaper in order to broaden the potential market to people with less disposable income such as students. However, students do not fall within my target audience and therefore other characteristics must be prioritised.

When showed a series of existing regional magazines, my focus group collectively agreed that the more simple and bold designs used by companies such as TimeOut were more attractive than the complex word heavy covers used by companies such as KentLife.

What would you not like to see in a regional magazine?

80% of my focus group decided that messy unstructured layouts were the worst characteristic in any magazine whether it were regional or national. The other 20% argued that it was in fact other features such as extortionate pricing or poor photography. Both of these highlighted points will be scrutinised throughout the production process in order for me to meet the ideologies of the potential market.

When showed the most recent edition of TimeOut magazine, my focus group pointed out that despite it’s attractive design, it lacked any regional identity and failed to address the true interests of the people of London at first glance.

In addition to this negative feedback given regarding TimeOut, the majority also implied that Kent Life’s 2014 Autumn edition only appealed to a very narrow market (Middle Class and aged between 50-80). This information correlates well with my market research. This has allowed me to conclude that certain brackets are enforced by the magazines content and this is most consistent in the ‘Life’ magazine range from region to region.


My magazine must focus on reaching out to my intended age range by incorporating relevant features such as event listings. These will include music, fashion and entertainment articles. The content will ideally appeal to a typical family via the many suggestions for activities it provides.

The styling must be consistent and avoid sporadic colouration and poor arrangement on the page. I must value a dominant colour scheme that will help me to establish the brand throughout the magazine, not just on the front cover.

The pricing should be reasonable and not extortionate. The focus group have however implied that the suggested cost is suitable and making the product free isn’t at all necessary with regards to target buyer.

It should feature only relevant information and news whilst avoiding pretentious text that would only deter the average individual. The advertisements should also reach out and appeal to my intended market otherwise they too will be irrelevant and wasteful.