ENGAGEMENT FACTORY SERVICES Who we are, and what we do FACTORY.com ENGAGEMENT Engagement Factory offers a broad range of services, clustered into 5 key areas. Ranging from strategic consulting to campaign design and execution they are designed to help you be successful at each level of the marketing automation journey.

Engagement Factory Services

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ENGAGEMENT FACTORY SERVICES Who we are, and what we do



Engagement Factory offers a broad range of services, clustered into 5 key areas. Ranging from

strategic consulting to campaign design and execution they are designed to help you be successful

at each level of the marketing automation journey.

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Marketing automation often requires restructuring internal business


We work with our customers to transform their internal processes,

organisation and systems to become a powerful marketing factory.

Marketing Automation, as the name suggest- is a new way of marketing.

We use personas, journeys and content, to capture, convince and convert

prospects into loyal customers. We also build & run campaigns for many

customers using a highly efficient cost model.

Marketing Automation is a technology where the involvement of IT

expertise is required.

We set up MA platforms properly and integrate many other complex

systems as required. We also build Apps to extend MA, leverage mobile

and track events.

Our Team and our Awards

Since the start of Engagement Factory, over three years ago, we’ve grown

tremendously. We are now the largest Eloqua partner in EMEA, with over

35 consultants dedicated to helping leading global enterprises generate

business value using Eloqua.


Many companies specialise in Management Consultancy, Marketing or IT Consultancy, but do not have experience in all of these business disciplines combined. From our own working experience, we missed an agency that could help us across all three areas, so we’ve founded Engagement Factory: a modern marketing agency that combines the facets of change management, IT and marketing – to really accelerate the business value that can be driven from Marketing Automation.

Our teams are based in the UK, France, Benelux, South Africa and the

Caribbean, but we are really location independent. Next to being an Eloqua

certified partner, we are also one of the very few truly global Eloqua/Oracle


Our team has previous employees from companies including: Eloqua,

Philips, Sony, IBM, Oracle, ING, Winterthur, NTT Europe, Atos, Canon, Red

Bull, Visa, Vodacom and Ricoh.




Supported languages: Africaans / Dutch / English / French / German / Italian / Russian / Spanish

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Since the company was founded, our team have won the Eloqua Markie for Rookie of the year, Eloqua Markie

for best Lead Nurturing Program, M&M Global for best-targeted campaign and we aspire to win many more!

Modern Marketing, Personas, Buying Journeys and Content are our DNA, but we really focus on supporting our

customers across many areas to help them really succeed. If we don’t think we can achieve that success, we

won’t take the work.

We have a really strong track record of implementing Marketing Automation for very large, complex

organisations with multi-lingual, multi-touch campaigns.

Our highly advanced technical skills enable us to integrate Marketing Automation with every process or tool. 

From time to time, even Eloqua come to us for help with their toughest challenges.

Eloqua certified employees:

10 - Eloqua products masters

2 - Eloqua implementation specialists

23 - Eloqua fundamentals


Contact us Stationsplein 15A - 5611 AB, Eindhoven

The Netherlands +31 (0)6 3121 4811

[email protected]


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“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient

operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient

operation will magnify the inefficiency.”

Bill Gates | Microsoft

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What we can deliver

Smart Start - The Oracle Eloqua SmartStart™ program fast tracks the implementation process, accelerates the

adoption of the application and helps you to start maximising the return of your marketing investment from day 1.

Health Check - Does your current Eloqua implementation pass our Doctor’s Health Check? Let Engagement

Factory perform a sanity check on your instance and guarantee Eloqua can function smoothly according to

your requirements and best practices.

CRM Integration - Start benefiting from better alignment of Sales and Marketing, an increase on leads

followed up by Sales and better Closed Loop Reporting and ROI calculations. That is the power of marketing

automation properly connected to your CRM.

Contact Level Security - Keep control of your treasured contact data access and use within your marketing

automation tool without having to spend all day monitoring the system and your users. Automate contact

level security and never have to worry about it again.

Preference Centres - Ask your prospects directly what they want to be contacted about, in their own

language, and with your full branding, and only worry about the content you need to deliver, not the

subscription process behind it.

Progressive Profiling - Let us help you get the right information from your prospect without making them feel

they are being interrogated, by carefully crafting the questions, the sequence and the dosage.

Second line support - We can provide a dedicated support service for your team with SLAs to help you with any

technical issues or questions that arise.


We provide a full range of highly advanced technical services to help you deal with any complicated technical challenges that might arise with your Eloqua, Responsys or Bluekai implementation.

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What we can deliver

Organisational Blueprint Consulting - Getting the right team structure, the right roles and competencies in

place in order to generate the most value from marketing automation is a big challenge for many companies.

We have helped many large clients to design an improved organisational structure and build the right capability,

and we can help you too.

Deployment Consultancy - This service is designed to help set up marketing automation in big organisations

with multi language operating companies. We can guide and support the central team with processes and

governance and we can help drive adoption with local teams using playbooks and other tools and processes.

Maturity Model Assessment - We can assess your level of maturity in marketing automation, help you identify

the areas that you should focus on and help you take the right steps to be really successful. Using our own

Marketing Automation Maturity Model with actionable activities at each level, we can help you successfully

implement and adopt marketing automation.

Sales and Marketing Alignment, Lead Management and Lead Scoring – This service is designed to help you

optimise your sales and marketing funnel. It covers setting up the right system infrastructure and develop sales

funnel processes with a common language. We also help you with priority segments and roles to target, and

agree on a reporting framework.

Modern Marketing and Eloqua Training - Bring your whole team to the same level of Modern Marketing

proficiency. This interactive workshop covers theory and practical application exercises.



For marketing automation to be really powerful, you need to have sound business foundations in place. Are all your sales and marketing teams aligned, with lead flow processes, SLAs and KPIs defined? Our Consultancy services help prepare your organisation for marketing automation and create a solid backend structure for a robust sales pipeline.

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“With Engagement Factory’s support, we have been able to structure our processes and

achieve a close collaboration between our Marketing and Sales departments. This has

improved our lead management dramatically. We still have some work to do, but we now

know we are on the right track.”

Casper Hengst | Manager Marketing Intelligence - Ricoh Netherlands

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What we can deliver

Persona Creation - Truly knowing your audience in real depth is absolutely fundamental to achieving great

results with marketing automation. Find out who your customers really are and how they go about their buying

process, to significantly improve your campaign results.

Buyer Journey Mapping - Understanding what key questions, motivations and online preferences your persona

encounters at each step of the buying journey is key to successful campaign planning and automation.

Content Mapping - We evaluate your content and advise on its positioning at each stage of the buying cycle.

This exercise also highlights any potential gaps that may exist where additional content creation is needed.


Personas and content marketing are two areas fundamental to a successful marketing strategy and they can really transform your success with marketing automation.

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What we can deliver

Campaign Consultancy – We help you design the campaign strategy and campaign framework, as well as

creating campaign calendars to ensure that all of your communications work together to efficiently generate

leads or drive customer loyalty.

Creative and Design Services – Our in-house designers are awesome at creating beautiful campaigns that get

noticed! They can also design collaterals, info-graphics and animations.

Campaign building – We’ll help you build out all the campaign assets; from responsive emails, landing pages

and forms to online advertising assets and microsites.

Campaign Coordination and Project Management - No time to manage multi-touch campaigns in multiple

languages? No worries. We can put one of our project managers at your service and take this time-consuming

task off your plate and execute the full campaign on your behalf.

Testing – How do you incorporate testing into a multi-touch campaign to help optimise your campaign

performance? Save precious time by letting us handle your campaign testing for you. We can handle split

testing, A/B testing, Multi-variable testing and email Inbox deliverability testing.

Campaign Analysis – We can review and analyse campaign performance for you, providing you with key insights

and metrics to help drive the success of your future campaigns.


These services are designed to help you with the execution at every stage of your campaign creation process.

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Customers feel recognised and nurtured when they get the RIGHT message, at the RIGHT

time and through the RIGHT channel. For me, Eloqua is THE tool which makes this possible

because each consumer feels important to us.”

Marijke Verspeek | Campaign Manager, Freo

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What we can deliver


We use the latest Oracle Eloqua AppCloud™ Technology to develop products and store them in the secure cloud hosting services of Microsoft Azure. Our goal is to develop a wide variety of applications to extend Oracle Eloqua, provide advanced functionality and improve ROI.

Lead Manager | Routing, notification and lifecycle management of leads - Lead Manager enables fast, secure,

multiple-location, distribution and easy management of marketing qualified leads through a multi-stage sales

lead qualification process.

Voucher Manager | Creation, tracking and distribution of voucher codes - Voucher Manager is a cloud-based

solution that allows you to customise and use your voucher management system, or voucher list, within the

Oracle Eloqua Marketing Automation platform.

Event Manager | Booking, marketing and management of events - The Event Manager and supporting mobile

App enables you to easily manage multiple events, with numerous sessions and timeslots, to ensure the best

possible attendance and experience.

Mobile Engagement Platform | Modern marketing with Mobile apps - The Mobile Engagement platform enables

you to track mobile digital body language in multiple devices, and build multi-touch mobile messaging campaigns.

Lead Capture App | Live, automated follow-up to new contacts - The Lead Capture Mobile App enables mobile

employees to easily create or update customer contact information directly to initiate immediate campaign

nurturing and relevant engagement.

SMS/PUSH connector | Direct mobile push messaging - Give your marketers a new channel to extend the

marketing automation platform and engage with contacts through SMS.

To learn more about these apps, please consult our Product brochure. We can also build tailored apps according

to your business requirements!

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©2015 Engagement Factory