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Email Marketing Box Set - Pure360

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The Simplified Series Box setThe complete series episodes 1-6


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Customer Insight Pages 82-103

Email Measurement Pages 104-120

Email Strategy Pages 3-23

List Management Pages 24-38

Modern Email Design Pages 60-81

Targeted Email Pages 39-59

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The Simplified Guide toEmail Strategy

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Define your audience…4

ݬ Define your busines …6

ݬ Create your personas…7

Set your goals…8

ݬ Set goals…10

Manage your email list…11

ݬ Web signup hotspots…13

Build a schedule…14

ݬ Build a schedule…16

Review your success…17

ݬ Review campaigns

The simplifying strategy process…19






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The Challenge“We are seeing lots of clever email strategy from our competitors and feel like we’re falling behind. When we try to do something new or ground breaking, we come up against too many complications and issues. The whole process becomes overwhelming, so we revert back to what we know”

The SolutionLots of companies send newsletters, this isn’t hard, where the challenge lies is crafting a targeted and innovative email marketing strategy that will generate results and help you stand out from the crowd.

If you spend time on your email strategy, it will pay out. However, knowing where to begin can be daunting. There are lots of exciting strategies and features available, but if you try to experiement without a solid email strategy foundation, you are likely to send out emails that are littered with mistakes and do more harm than good.

Sometimes it’s good to simplify things. By following The Simplified Guide to Email Strategy you can build a solidfoundation, redefine your email campaigns and ensure thatyou are ticking all the boxes for a successful send.

What you will learn in this guide: - The importance of defining your audience and how to do


- How to set achievable and reviewable goals

- How to organically grow your email list

- How to use all of this information to create an email schedule

- How to review your campaigns

- What you can start doing today

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1. Define your audienceTo succeed in your marketing campaigns, you need to know exactly who you are targeting and why. By defining a clear audience you will be able to give your content and marketing far more clarity and focus; in turn making it far more effective.

Define your businessYou can begin by looking at your business and definingwhat it is that you do. After all you cannot know who your business appeals to until you know your own business inside out.

Ask yourself these important questions:

- What is the purpose of what you sell?

- What is your USP (unique selling point)?

- Who are your competitors?

- Why do your customers buy from you?

Once you have a firm grasp of your own product and thecompetitive landscape, the next step is to find out who willbenefit from your business

Conduct researchA great place to start is by conducting online research. You can send out online surveys or use social media monitoring tools such as Hootsuite (there’s a free version) or Brandwatch to delve down into the conversation about your brand.

Ensure that you are also monitoring industry news and competitors’ activity. Consider setting up Google alerts for your brand and key terms within your industry, so that you are notified of any interesting activity or stories.

Feature FocusPure360’s Viral Promotions is perfect for collecting survey information in an innovative and fun way.

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Refine your audienceAt this point your view of your target audience should really be taking shape. However it’s important to refine it as muchas possible.

Consider the following questions:

- What is the reach of your product?

- What are your audience demographics? Consider age, gender, location.

- Look at psychometrics; what are the interests and hobbies of this audience?

- Lastly, does your business appeal to other businesses or just consumers?

Create personasYou’ve come a long way and have gathered masses of information about your audience; however this can be a little overwhelming.

A great way to make this data manageable is to build personas around it. Look at the key information and use that to build a person with a personality, name and maybe even a photo. Refer to these personas to target all of your marketing activity.

To do:ፌፌ Use our worksheet to define your business and what it is you do.

ፌፌ Sign up to Hootsuite and Google alerts to begin gathering information about your industry and audience.

ፌፌ Use this data and our worksheets to build relatable personas.

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Worksheet 1- Defineݬ your businessWhat is the purpose of what you sell?

What is your USP?

Who are your competitors?




Why do customers buy from you?

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Create your personasݬ

Persona 1

Name Age

Job Title


Biggest challenge this year





Persona 2

Name Age

Job Title


Biggest challenge this year





Persona 3

Name Age

Job Title


Biggest challenge this year





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2. Set goalsJumping into a campaign send feet first can be tempting; however you have to consider how youwill measure the campaign’s success once it is sent.

Write a goal statementBy forcing yourself to condense your goal into one or two sentences you are helping to clarify what it is you want to achieve.

Ensure your goals are SMARTOne way to ensure that your goals are effective and realistic is to set SMART goals. A SMART goal is:

Specific – Your goals must identify exactly what you want to accomplish as specifically as you can manage

Measurable – Try to quantify the result so that you can know exactly if you have hit your goal or not.

Actionable – Every goal should start with an action verb like “quit” or “finish”, not a to-be verb, such as “am” or “be”

Realistic – Make sure you are able to work to the goals you set, as opposed to making them unattainable.

Time bound – Every goal needs a date associated with, such as when you plan to deliver it.

Service FocusIf you are struggling to set long and short term goals, our Actionable Insights Reviews will help you to identify strengths and areas needing improvement.

Acknowledge potential issuesThere are always issues that can get in the way of us reaching our goals. By acknowledging these in the early stages you can begin to plan work arounds to prevent them from becoming a real problem.

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Log your goalsBy writing your goals down you are stating your intention and setting things in motion. Be sure to review them frequently; every time you review them ask yourself if you are on the road to achieving your goals and if not, what the next steps should be to get there.

To doፌፌ Use our worksheet to set three realistic goals using the SMART system, be sure to refer and review these on a regular basis.

ፌፌ List any potential risks and how you can overcome them.

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Worksheet 2 - Set goalsݬ

Goal 1

What is needed to accomplish the goal?




Is my goal...






Goal 2

What is needed to accomplish the goal?




Is my goal...






Goal 3

What is needed to accomplish the goal?




Is my goal...






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3. Manage your email listYour email list and the information within it is one of the most powerful marketing tools at your disposal. Without this information it is likely that your marketing campaigns will struggle to succeed.

To ensure that your list is healthy and organic, you should practice the following steps:

Get your web sign up right Make sure that your sign up form is visible and included on all main pages. Check this with as many people as possible. Sometimes what seems obvious to you, may be near invisible to someone else.

Double opt in – Use a preference centre Once a visitor has submitted their basic details you can then delve deeper into their interests and likes by using a preference centre. You can find out their gende , when their birthday is, where their nearest store is, whether they would like to receive emails with special offers or just the newsletter etc.

Feature FocusWhy not use our innovative Behavioural Targeting feature to send automated welcome campaigns to new sign ups?

Create powerful contentNewsletter sign up isn’t the only way to encourage newcomers to your list, free content also works wonders. If you are lucky enough to have access to specialists and thought leaders then use them to help create unique and educational content which users can only have access to if they fill out a simple form.

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Manage your listOnce you have acquired relevant data you will want to ensure that you maintain a clean email list.

Consider giving your email list a regular ‘spring clean’ to identify any faulty or inactive addresses. If you have never conducted one of these before, we’d recommend you speak to your ESP about booking in a list health check.

Service FocusNew to email list growth and management? Our List Health Check is the perfect way to get started.

To doፌፌ Use our hot spots worksheet to determine if your sign up form is in the most prominent place.

ፌፌ Speak to your ESP about booking in a list health check to spring clean your data.

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Worksheet - Web signup hot spotsݬ

Is your web signup in one of these hotspots?

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4. Build a scheduleNow you have a good grasp of who you are emailing, it’s time to build a schedule which you can realistically stick to.

Decide on email frequencyFirstly, decide how often you will be sending emails. This could be daily, weekly or monthly. The frequency may depend on what you are using email for; for instance are you using it to promote wider campaigns, or just for a quick update with your readers?

Ensure you have sufficient contentOnce you have decided on frequency, ensure that you have sufficient content to cover all of these emails. It is worthworking with your Content Manager at this point, to be sure there is enough content to support your emails and vice versa.

Get the timing rightTiming should be your next consideration. You can start by looking at general email trends to discover best industry

sending times, but by delving into your own data you will discover information specific to your audience.

You can begin by using AB testing to test delivery dates and times. This can be done for an entire list, or you could break it down further and test individual segments of your list.

If you’ve already sent some campaigns at various times or on different days of the week, then check out your reports and compare open and click through rates for the best performing campaigns.

Content FocusCheck out our email timings infographic to help you decide when you should be sending your emails.

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Create a sharable scheduleNow you are armed with content, email frequency and sending data, you can begin creating an email schedule with dates and times of your sends. Remember to include the segments you are sending to and the content which will be included, to avoid any crossover of campaigns.

Share this schedule with your colleagues so that everyone is aware of the schedule and how it fits intotheir activity. We’d recommend using Google Docs so that editing can be easily managed.

To doፌፌ Review your data and content to determine sending frequency and times.

ፌፌ Use this information and our worksheet to create a shareable email schedule which the whole marketing team can reference.

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Worksheet 4 - Build a scheduleݬ

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Campaign name







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5. Review your successAn email marketing campaign is only as good as the stats that it produces, so anyone not tracking their emails are missing out on an opportunity to gauge their effectiveness.

In any area of business it pays to always be improving and email marketing is no different. By measuring how successful your emails have been at persuading consumers to check out your website or sign up for a product, you give yourself a frame of reference, a platform from which to improve your return on investment.

Refer to your goalsThere are a wealth of performance metrics available to you; to measure your success effectively you should evaluate which ones are most appropriate for the goals you have set, then monitor them. By producing periodic reports you can see how well the campaign is performing over time according to the parameters you have set.

Choose your metricsBy using web analytics or your own email platform you should have access to a host of valuable information that can help you measure success. Here are some of the most important:

Open rate - This is a great indicator of how well your subject line is working and can offer insight into how your brand is perceived by recipients.

Click-through rate - This metric relates to how many people have clicked a link on the email and offers a more telling barometer of how good your content is.

Conversion rate - The calculation (number of conversions divided by total emails sent, x100 for a percentage) tells you plain and simply what proportion of the time your calls to action are successful.

Delivery rate - This statistic shows how many of your emails are getting through to people’s inboxes.

Service FocusAre your metrics looking a little low? Our Deliverability Consultancy will help get your emails in the inbox so that your hard work isn’t being wasted.

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Use your resultsMost importantly, make sure you are taking insight and using your results to inform future campaigns. Often marketers will repeat their activity as it’s what they know best; however if something isn’t working then make a change.

You should monitor your results throughout your campaign in case any tweaking can be done in the process. Then take an overall view of performance to address any weaknesses, and repeat any strengths.

To doፌፌ Decide on the metrics you want to measure based on your original goals.

ፌፌ Begin tracking them using our reporting template.

ፌፌ Use your results to make at least one improvement to your next campaign.

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Worksheet 5 - Review campaignsݬ


n ra



k th


h ra








y ra







n ra



k th


h ra








y ra






Name of campaign

Send date

Size of list

Name of campaign

Send date

Size of list

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This week’s to do listFrom reading this guide you should have a solid idea of the elements needed to create your email strategy foundation. Here is what you can action this week:


ፌፌ Define what your business does.

ፌፌ Create audience personas.

ፌፌ Set three realistic SMART goals.

ፌፌ Position your web sign up form in a hot spot.

ፌፌ Book in a list health check with your ESP.

ፌፌ Create a sending schedule and share with your team.

ፌፌ Decide on your reporting metrics and add these to the reporting template.

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The simplifying strategy process

Audience ፌ Define your busines

ፌ Research who is in your industry

ፌ Refine this audienceand get to know them

ፌ Create personas

Goals ፌ Write a goal statement

ፌ Set a numerical goal

ፌ Define a deadlin

ፌ Ensure goals are SMART

ፌ Acknowledge potential issues

ፌ Log and review goals

Lists ፌ Simplify your signup

ፌ Use a preference centre

ፌ Offer valuable content

ፌ Use social media

ፌ Manage your list

Schedule ፌ Decide how often you will send

ፌ Ensure you have sufficient conten

ፌ Research the best time to send

ፌ Create a sending schedule

Review ፌ Refer to your original goals

ፌ Choose relevant metrics

ፌ Use your results to inform future campaigns

2 3 41 5

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The Simplified Guide toList Management

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Optimise your web signup

ݬ Web signup worksheet…6


Grow your list organically…8

ݬ Offer something in return

ݬ Utilise social media

ݬ Run competitions

ݬ Promote at events…10

Manage your email list…

ݬ Email list performance template

The simplifying strategy process…19




Print worksheets


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3 Manage

The challenge:“We want to reach more potential customers and grow our revenue from email but building a list organically seems time consuming.”

The solution:Often marketers will want to email as many people as possible, as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible. This is a common mind-set which can end in marketers purchasing or renting an email list.

If you are looking for both immediate and long term results, buying a list is not the answer. The immediate results you will generate will be of low quality and can in fact damage your email marketing efforts in a short period of time.

Instead you should begin a list building strategy which can start building quality leads or generating sales in a short period of time, as well as being cost effective and not damaging your long term email list health.

By following this simple three step guide you will:

- Grow an organic, engaged email list through your website

- Continue to grow your list and increase engagement through other mediums

- Maintain a healthy list moving forward, to ensure optimum ROI in your campaigns

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3 Manage


1. Optimise your web sign upWhen someone visits your website and chooses to sign up to your email list, they are openly agreeing to receiving content from you. These people are interested in your offering and want to hear from you! This means that these subscribers are highly engaged with the communications you are going to send.

The first step in building an organic email list is optimisingyour web sign up. This may seem obvious; however web sign up can be easy to get wrong, so make sure you have this basic step perfected to avoid any negative knock on effects further down the line.

Optimise your formBegin by creating a solid form that encourages users to hand over their information instead of leaving your site.

Short forms are easier to fill out but can encourageless engaged users. Longer forms suggest the user is more likely to convert, but can be frustrating to fill out.To compromise, consider making less-necessary fields‘optional’ and explain what the user will receive in exchange for their data.

Make the form visibleWhen adding your sign up form to your site ensure that it is highly visible and included on all main pages; remember to make signing up to your list as simple as possible. Positions such as at the top of the page, in the banner image or in the footer are all tried and tested places.

Use double opt-inDouble opt-in is the practice of asking a subscriber to confirm their request to be added to your email list. After their initial request via your web sign up, a confirmationemail is then send to the email address entered on the sign up form, stating that they must confirm their subscriptionrequest.

The double opt-in is beneficial as it re-confirms that thperson who entered the email address actually wants to subscribe to the list, increasing engagement in the future.

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3 Manage

From a marketer’s perspective it is important to only have subscribers who genuinely want to be on your list. This means you are only emailing engaged subscribers who are more likely to open and click and less likely to hit the SPAM button.

Add a preference centreWhen someone is about to unsubscribe from your list it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t want to hear from you anymore, they may simply want to change their details or contact frequency.

A preference centre enables your subscribers to easily modify how businesses interact with them as well as update their email address and details, without them without having to completely unsubscribe from all email communications.

Creative focus:If a preference centre sounds beneficial to your recipients, we are able to build a custom centre which feeds directly into your PureResponse account.

To do: ፌ Optimise the length of your form

ፌ Optimise the questions on your form

ፌ Make your web sign up form highly visible on your website

ፌ Use double opt in

ፌ Add a preference centre


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3 Manage


Web sign up worksheetݬ Are the compulsory questions on your web sign up form necessary?

Does the sign up form demonstrate the value of signing up?

Does the sign up form explain the type of content they can expect?

Is your web sign up form in a prominent position?

Are you sending double opt in emails?

Is there a preference centre for managing subscriber preferences?

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3 Manage


2. Grow your list organicallyNow you have perfected your web sign up form you can get creative with building your list organically. There are lots of options available to businesses, the following are some of the most popular and proven methods which you should be practicing:

Offer something in returnTo encourage users to part with their data you will have to offer something in return; make this as enticing as possible! It is common practice to offer early access, guides, whitepapers, webinars, discount codes, offers or exclusive content to users in exchange for their details.

Utilise social mediaYour fans on Facebook are already engaged with you, so encourage them to sign up to your email list so you can continue to communicate with them regularly.

You can do this by adding a newsletter sign up form to your Facebook business page. Pure360 can provide sign up forms which automatically populate with the users Facebook data; not only making it super-simple to sign up, but also increasing the accuracy of the data you collect.

Promotion of your email list via social media is also a great way to communicate with your already engaged audience; make them aware that you send out newsletters, offers and email content.

Feature focus:Make signing up to your list super simple for your fans with Facebook Data Capture.

Run competitionsCompetitions are an engaging way to build your email list. You can continue with social media and host these on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or you can use a dedicated landing page.

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3 Manage


Ensure that you are running competitions which offer prizes relevant to your business or industry, also make it a requirement that contestants have to put in a little effort to enter. This means that you attract entrants who are more engaged and more likely to buy from you in the future.

Promote at eventsTrade shows, exhibitions and promo opportunities are perfect for meeting potential customers who are looking for your product or service. When you or a member of staff speaks to them make sure that an email address is collected to keep in touch with offers and news. You can do this using an iPad or data scanner to digitally collect their information.

Don’t forget about in-store opportunities Consider asking customers to fill in their emailaddress when they make a purchase to receive a virtual copy of their receipt or a discount on their current/future purchases. Alternatively many stores include boxes or fish bowls on their tillsfor customers to drop in their email addresses to receive exclusive discounts and news.

Feature focus:Create and publish competitions and promotions for your marketing needs with Viral Promotions.

To do: ፌ Decide what is deemed high value to your customer and use this to capture data

ፌ Create a posting schedule to promote your sign up forms on social networks

ፌ Brainstorm and decide on a competition to run for data capture purposes

ፌ Book an iPad or scanner for your next event to help capture data

ፌ Begin implementing data capture schemes into your physical stores

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3 Manage


Offer something in returnݬ

Define what is important to your customer What can you offer which relates to this?

Have you set up a web sign up form in front of this offering?

Utilise social mediaݬ

Which social networks are your audience on?

Facebook Twitter Linkedin Google+ Instagram Other

Set a posting schedule to promote your web sign up forms:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Sign up form promoted

Networks promoted on

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3 Manage


Run competitionsݬ

Brainstorm three competition ideas:




What can you use to incentivise your competition?

Where will you host your competition?




Promote at eventsݬ

What are your next three events?




Have you booked out an iPad or data scanner?

Do you have a way to pass in-store data to your database?

Are attendees and staff briefed on collecting email addresses?

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3 Manage

3. Manage your listYour list is gradually increasing but the work doesn’t stop there. An email list can actually do more harm than good if it is not managed effectively, so be sure to keep on top of it with the following steps…

Practice good hygiene List management can start with simple, ongoing data checks for spelling errors or typos entered, such as [email protected] or bill@gmailcom, by doing this you can ensure that you aren’t sending your emails to invalid accounts. Also keep an eye out for any distribution addresses such as [email protected], system email addresses such as [email protected] and any email addresses which have the word “spam” in.

Clean hard bounces Sending email to addresses that bounce will do far more harm than good to your email ROI, therefore it’s important that you regularly clean your list of hard bounces.

A hard bounce is a permanent delivery problem such as an invalid email address. Because there is no chance that emails to this address will be delivered, it is important that you remove these addresses from your lists.

Product focusUnsure if your list is healthy? Book in a list health check for a full evaluation and list strategy advice.

Don’t be afraid to unsubscribe The thought of removing addresses from your email list when they haven’t actively unsubscribed is a scary one. However it is actually proven best practice for marketers to remove addresses to ensure that their lists only contain subscribers who are actively engaged.

Before unsubscribing try re-engaging recipients with a re-engagement campaign, or offer them a preference centre for them to change contact frequency.

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3 Manage

Refresh your dataAfter a period of time the data on your email list will become outdated; contacts will change jobs, change email addresses and change ESPs. Every business will have their own opinions on when data needs refreshing, so decide on where you draw the line and work to refresh your data at this point.

Further readingFind out how your delivarability performance compares to other marketers in Return Path’s Inbox Placement Benchmark report

Feature focus:You can improve deliverability with Return Path Certification; an exclusive whitelisting program with deep corporate and consumer market coverage.

To do: ፌ Conduct a quarterly list hygiene check

ፌ Conduct monthly check of hard bounces in your list

ፌ Conduct checks of inactive subscribers

ፌ Run regular re-engagement campaigns to inactive subscribers

ፌ Define how often you want to refresh your data and conduct data research at this point

ፌ Use our worksheet to continually monitor the performance of your list

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3 Manage

3 Manage

Email list performance templateݬ Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

# Addresses increased

% Increase

# New business

% Increase

# Addresses unsubscribed

# Business removed

# Total addresses

% Difference to prev. month

# Total business

% Difference to prev. month

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3 Manage

To do this week:

ፌ Perfect your web sign up form and add it to your website

ፌ Create a posting schedule for social networking using our worksheet

ፌ Brainstorm a competition idea

ፌ Conduct a list hygiene check

ፌ Remove hard bounces from your list

ፌ Identify unengaged subscribers and begin planning a re-engagement campaign to them

ፌ Begin refreshing your data

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The list management process

Optimise web sign up ፌ Optimise your form length

ፌ Optimise your form questions

ፌ Target the form to your audience

ፌ Make your sign up form visible

ፌ Practice double opt-in

ፌ Add a preference centre

Grow your list organically

ፌ Create a posting schedule

ፌ Offer an incentive for data capture

ፌ Brainstorm a competition

ፌ Book an iPad or scanner at events

ፌ Capture data in your physical stores

Manage your list ፌ Conduct a quarterly list hygiene check

ፌ Conduct monthly check of hard bounces

ፌ Conduct checks of inactive subscribers

ፌ Run regular re-engagement campaigns

ፌ Regularly refresh your data

ፌ Monitor the performance of your list

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The Simplified Guide toTargeted Email

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Segment by demographic

ݬ Demographic worksheet…6


Segment by behaviour…8

ݬ Behaviour worksheet…10

Build personas…

ݬ Persona worksheet

Automate your segments

ݬ Automation worksheet…19

Trigger real-time emails

ݬ Triggers worksheet

The targeted email process






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Challenge: Marketers are struggling to effectively utilise the information in their email list and therefore have to resort to batch and blast campaigns as opposed to sending personalised, targeted communications.

“We’re aware that the emails we send are very general and ‘one size fits all’, instead we want to stand out in inboxes with more relevant, targeted emails. We know our database can help us do this, but we don’t know where to start or how to advance”

Solution:One of the main reasons recipients unsubscribe from emails is because they aren’t relevant. By segmenting their email list and practicing email automation techniques marketers can easily and quickly send highly targeted and relevant email communications.

In this guide you will learn: - How to perform essential demographic segmentation

- How to make segmentation even more targeted by using recipient behaviour

- How to create persona segments to influence youroverall marketing, as well as email

- How to automate communications to these segments

- How to trigger real time emails

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1. Segment by demographicSegmenting by demographic is the perfect place to start when sending targeted email. By collecting basic demographic information you can easily segment your list to create highly personalised and targeted communications which are relevant to the individual. Here are some of the tried and tested options for demographic segmentation:

Gender demographics:By segmenting by gender you are able to send more relevant products to men and women; meaning that neither are alienated. Additionally you can tweak the design and copy of your emails to appeal to each gender.

Age demographics:Age demographics can inform the language and most appropriate images you should use, as well as the products you promote when communicating with a specificage group. This enables you to build a positive relationship with the recipient, as well as offering relevant content.

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Location demographics:Location demographics allow you to refer to events, landmarks or stores which are most relevant to a specificsegment of users. As well as being highly relevant to users this can also help to drive footfall to your offline stores.

Industry demographicsDifferent industries will face different challenges, have different audiences and require different products or services. Because of these significant di ferences it really is essential that you segment by industry, else risk sending content and information which is useless to them.

Mobile dataBy segmenting by mobile data you can determine which devices your users are accessing their emails on and at what time. This will give you a more thorough understanding of how engaged users are and therefore the type of content you should be including in your emails.

For instance users who are accessing emails on a mobile device are often on the move and will want emails which are image heavy for easy browsing, and calls to action which are easily navigated on a mobile device.

Feature Focus:Consider using a preference centre to help you gather more relevant demographic data.

To do:□ Note the demographic data you

currently have access to

□ Decide if this is what you require

□ If not, note the demographic data yourequire for campaigns and collect it

□ Brainstorm how you will use thisdemographic data in your emailcampaigns

□ Begin sending relevant email campaignsto these targeted segments

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Worksheet 1 - Demographicsݬ Demographic data you currently collect

1) Name





Top demographic data for your campaigns

1) Age





Demographic data you would like to collect

1) Age





Targeted campaign idea

1) Student promotion





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2. Segment by behaviourBehavioural segmentation is a more focused way to segment your recipients. It works by identifying specific behavioural patterns which you can use to generate emails that are far more targeted thanthose based on demographic segmentation. As with demographic segmentation, the options are vast, however some of the most useful segments are:

Lifecycle stageThis method refers to the stage that a consumer is currently at in the purchasing cycle. This can range from ‘not yet purchased’ to ‘first time buyers and ‘regular buyers’. You may want to offer those in the early stages of their lifecycle more help and information, whilst offering long term customers VIP status to keep them engaged.

UsageUsage involves classifying consumers based on the frequency that they use your product or service. For instance you may want to communicate with high users more regularly than low or non-users as they are already highly engaged with you and will be more willing to convert. Alternatively you could send a re-engagement campaign to those who have not purchased from you in a while.

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LoyaltyLoyal customers are some of your most valuable so you will want to keep them happy and engaged. You can do this by classifying these consumers into high, medium and low loyalty. You can then use these segments to determine the aims of your communications, as well as frequency, content and messaging.

Benefits soughtBy considering benefits sought you can segment usersbased on the attributes of your product that would interest them the most. This will enable you to focus on the most relevant areas of your product in your communications to them. For example, are they interested in the cost or the quality of what you offer?

Feature focusEasily segment and automate your emails with the use of our Magento integration.

To do:□ Note the behavioural data that you

have access to

□ Decide if this is what you require

□ If not, note the behavioural datawhich you require for campaigns andcollect it

□ Brainstorm how you will use thisbehavioural data in your emailcampaigns

□ Begin sending relevant emailcampaigns to these targetedsegments

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Worksheet 2 - Behavioursݬ Behavioural data you currently collect

1) First time buyer





Behavioural data relevant to campaigns

1) Usage





Behavioural data you would like to collect

1) Usage





Targeted campaign idea

1) Send re-engagement campaign





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3. Build personasAfter gathering so much data and creating so many segments you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Holding all of this data in your head at one time and communicating it with your team can be extremely difficult. The solution to this is to create personas.

Creating personasPersonas represent the different prospects and customers you commonly come across in your marketing and sales process.

Personas can be created via a mixture of data which you have collected and from research which you can conduct to get a little more insight. They can reflect whicheverareas you feel are useful in your business and even include information on family life or hobbies.

Putting personas to useOnce you have created your personas you can start using them as segments to send emails to. There are lots of ways you can do this, for instance:

- Send targeted products to a recipient based on their persona

- Create workflows to enable you to nurture leads in acertain persona segment

- Create blog content (or similar) which is targeted at a specific persona and include it in your emails to the

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Personas and marketing activityThese personas have the benefit of influencing your widemarketing strategy. They can give you insight into your entire customer database, enabling you to see whether you attract larger amounts of specific personas. This can influence your branding, messaging and content.

Feature focus:Why not use a survey or questionnaire to collect data which can help you build your personas?

To do:□ Review your segments to begin

building personas

□ Conduct research via phone, internaland external questionnaires, socialmedia and online to fill gaps inpersona details

□ Use all of this data and ourworksheet to begin buildingpersonas

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Worksheet 3 - Personasݬ Use our buyer persona example to build your own personas


Head of online marketing

Worked at same company for 4 years


Mid-sized retailer




Lives in London


Not easily accessible via phone

Likes to receive content digitally

Likes conversations to be to the point




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Increase online enquiries

Improve conversion rate to sale

Increase repeat purchase from online store


Data management

Better understanding of customer

Getting more from software

What can we do?

Make data collation and management easier

Basket abandonment emails

Automated content suggestions

Strategic account management



What can we do?

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4. Automate your segmentsCertain segments lend themselves to automated emails, meaning that you don’t have to go through the process of sending out an email to your segments every time you think it’s appropriate to communicate with them.

Date based segmentationBy using date based segments you can send your emails at the time when recipients are most likely to open, click and convert; meaning maximum results for little effort.

Emails can also be automated dependent on where the customer is in their product or service lifecycle. You can use this strategy to offer relevant products, reminders or advice based around specific time frames in their life cycle.

For instance, the NHS send out different emails to expectant parents, dependent on where they are in their pregnancy.

There are a huge variety of options available, here are just a few:

- Anniversary reminders

- Renewal reminders

- Countdown timers to festive periods and holidays

- Event reminders

- Birthday promotions

- Lifecycle automations

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Nurturing campaignsSimilar to lifecycle automations, nurturing campaigns can be used to build up a relationship with a recipient, based on the amount of time they have been connected with you.

Begin by researching how long on average it takes for a recipient to purchase after first point of contact, and create anurturing campaign based around this time frame.

For example, you can begin by automating informative emails at the beginning of the nurturing campaign to build up your brand awareness. Towards the end of the campaign you can introduce more calls to action and more sales-based messaging.

Feature focus:Pure360 Advanced Automations can help you send automated emails to highly targeted segments, seamlessly.

To do:□ Review segments which contain

dates/time frames

□ Produce or collect content which isrelevant to dates/ time frames

□ Set up emails to be automatedat these dates/time frames usingautomation feature/software

□ Review data regularly to ensure thattriggers are timely

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Worksheet 4 - Automateݬ Segments that contain date/time frames

1) Date of birth





Content revelent to these campaigns

1) Discount code and e-card





Campaign ideas for these segments

1) Happy Birthday promotional offer





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5. Trigger real time emailsThe final stage in creating targeted email is to use real time data to trigger your emails based onreal time behaviour; making your communications even more personalised.

You can utilise real time data using functionality such as Pure360 Behavioural Targeting. Here are a few examples:

Welcome emailsWelcome emails are invaluable to any business. At the point of sign up, purchase or entry into a survey or competition, an automatic email is generated instantaneously confirming the recipient has beenadded to your contact list.

This is the perfect time to present a welcome offer, an add-on purchase or collect extra data; recipients are 8 times more likely to purchase as a result of a welcome email compared to a regular newsletter. So be sure to use this moment of heightened engagement to your advantage.

Recovery emailsDid you know that marketers who send cart and browse abandonment emails get 11% extra online sales?

You can do this too via real time recovery emails, which identify users who are abandoning shopping carts, forms and browse sessions and then automatically sends them highly personalised email content to encourage them back.

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Product recommendationsUse real time data and content within your marketing emails to offer highly relevant product recommendations. You can target on an individual level; reflecting what an individualhas been viewing or purchasing on your site, on a crowd sourced level; such as hot or trending topics, or on a product level; showcasing new or related products.

Feature focusUtilise real time data to trigger automated emails with Pure360 Behavioural Targeting.

To do:□ Look at real time data that you have

access to (there may be a lot!)

□ Brainstorm campaign ideas for thisdata

□ Produce or collect content which willbe needed for these campaigns

□ Set up real time triggers usingbehavioural targeting feature/software

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Worksheet 5 - Triggersݬ Real-time data available

1) Abandoned basket





Content needed for these campaigns

1) Buyers guide





Campaign ideas for this data

1) Promotion of related items





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This week’s to do list

□ Set up segments based on bothdemographics and behavioural data

□ Start creating emails which aretargeted to these segments

□ Begin conducting research into youraudience and collecting data to buildpersonas

□ Set up automation campaigns to yoursegments and personas

□ Review the real time data which youhave access to

□ Set up triggered emails based on thisreal time data

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The triggered email process


- Note demographic data you already have

- Brainstorm how you could use demographic data

- Create segments for targeted emails


- Note behavioural data you already have

- Brainstorm how you could use behavioural data

- Create segments for targeted emails


- Review your segments

- Conduct research to fillgaps in persona details

- Use all of this data and our worksheet to begin building personas


- Review segments that contain dates/time frames

- Produce or collect relevent content

- Set up automated emails

- Review results


- Look at real time data

- Brainstorm campaign ideas for this data

- Produce or collect relevant content

- Set up real time triggers

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The Simplified Guide toModern Email Design

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Find out where your emails are being opened

ݬ Decide on best devices and email clients…6

Decide on your message…8

ݬ Decide on message type…10

Grab their attention…

ݬ Brainstorm attention grabbing elements

Design for the finger

ݬ Mobile email diagram…19

The next steps

ݬ Review your campaigns

The simplifying modern design process






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The Challenge: The way that email is consumed is changing rapidly. Recipients are constantly on the move and checking their inboxes via multiple devices, at any time of the day and with varying degrees of attention.

“We are seeing our database size increase however we are also seeing our mobile users increase. Despite our database growing, our open and click through ratio is decreasing and we have even had mobile recipients complain about our emails being unusable.”

The Solution:Modern email needs to be designed for the modern recipient. To offer a seamless user experience on all platforms markers have to address new challenges; concentrating on changeable templates, mobile friendly functionality and a continuous review process to ensure that no recipient is alienated.

In this guide you will learn: - Where your emails are being opened

- The type of message appropriate for your email

- How to grab the busy recipients’ attention

- How to design your email for mobile users

- How to keep your emails at the forefront of modern design

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1. Find out where your emails are being openedDesigning email for mobile devices is a hot topic right now, and rightly so. Mobile email has been found to account for up to 70% of email opens and mobile open rates have grown by an enormous 180% in the past three years. So it’s safe to say, mobile isn’t something that can be ignored:

That being said, we’d never suggest that you follow any hot topic blindly. That is why looking into your own analytics and gaining insight into your own recipients’ behaviour is even more essential.

Find out which devices your audience useFirstly you will want to determine the devices that your recipients are opening your emails on. For instance, it may be the case that mobile users are a significant minorityand therefore you may question whether you want to put resources into creating a mobile-friendly email design.

To discover this information you can use the reporting by device capability which is available through any good ESP. Alternatively, you can use Google Analytics to determine the device which your website visitors use to view your site for an even wider perspective on device usage.

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Find out what email clients your audience useSecondly, you need to determine the email clients which your recipients are viewing your emails on. This information enables you to decide where to spend your design resources; for instance if almost none of your recipients use a certain client, you need not spend hours trying to make your email render perfectly on it.

Similarly to device analytics, any good ESP will offer reporting on the specific email clients which yourrecipients are using.

Once you have determined this, you will need to educate yourself on the ins and outs of these clients. What techniques do they support? What are the do’s and dont’s for each? We suggest that you design for the majority, however have a safety net option so that the minority of your readers will also have a great experience.

Use inbox previewLastly, be sure to use your ESP’s inbox preview tool. This will allow you to see how your email looks on the most popular devices and email clients. What’s even better is that it should allow you to see the most popular devices used within your last campaign as well.

Feature Focus:Our reporting by device functionality shows you not only the device that your campaign was opened on but also the browser and client.

To do:□ Use your ESP to find out which devices

your emails are being opened on

□ Use analytics to discover which devicesusers are visiting your site on

□ Use your ESP to find out which emailclients your emails are being opened on

□ Use inbox preview to check your emailson devices and clients

□ Use inbox preview to check devicesused within your last campaign

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Worksheet 1 - Decide on bestݬ devices and email clientsUse our worksheet to decide on the best devices and email clients to focus on:

Top devices used to read your emails

1) iPhone




Top devices used to visit your website

1) Desktop




Top email clients used to read your emails

1) Outlook




Devices and email clients you will focus on





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2. Decide on your messageStep two is to decide on your message. This step is often overlooked by marketers however is integral as it dictates the design work required.

Messages can be categorised under the following three headings, each requiring slightly different designs:

Marketing emailsThese are likely the majority of your communications, such as newsletters, promotional and sales messages. The aim of these emails is to maintain brand awareness and contact, as well as to encourage the recipient to take action over something more general. For example purchasing an item in your sale.

These emails should be branded and informative, due to the general nature they don’t always have to be personalised, however we would always recommend using targeting when sending out promotional messages.

Notification emailsThese emails are also known as triggered or automated, as they are sent after the recipient performs a specificaction. Examples include welcome campaigns, basket abandonment, related purchases and birthday (occasion) emails.

It’s best practice for these emails to be kept short, clear and to the point. Also personalise them as much as possible; using the recipient’s name and potentially referencing their previous activity in some form.

The aim of these emails is to encourage the recipient to take action in a specific, targeted manne . For example purchasing a related item.

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Transactional emailsLastly, transactional emails are sent to offer information to a recipient over a recent purchase or action. For example a purchase confirmation, shipping update or accounttermination.

These types of emails should always be personalised to maintain reassurance, especially when money is involved. They should be clear, informative and not distract from the main point of the message. Links back to your website or support are also useful in case the recipient needs to get in touch.

Feature focusIf you want to create emails which are highly personalised and targeted based on recipient activity, check out our Behavioural Targeting functionality.

To do:□ Decide on the message you want to


□ Categorise the message under amessage type

□ Note the attributes required for thismessage type

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Worksheet 2 - Decide on messageݬ typeUse our worksheet to decide on the message type you will send and the attributes requred:

Summarise your message in one sentence:

Choose the following statement which most reflects your message:

“I want to send a branded communication to keep in touch with our database, keep them up to date with our latest news and/or promote our latest sale/product”

“I want to send a specific communication to a targeted group of recipients, this may encourage them to perform a specific action, such as purchasing a relevant product”

“I want to send a highly personalised but simple email to an individual based on their recent purchase or engagement activity, such as delivery updates”

You require a marketing email

You require a notification emai

You require a transactional email

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Now note the attributes required, based on your email type:

Marketing email

Highly branded



Include reasons to click through

Notification email


Targeted to a specific audienc

Reference previous activity

Specific C A

Transactional email

Highly personalised and targeted

Information is presented clearly without distractions

Include a link to your website or support

Does not require a CTA


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3. Grab their attentionFirst impressions have always been important for email; however this is even more relevant as recipients are busy and increasingly distracted when checking their inboxes.

Therefore it is integral that you immediately grab their attention and maximise the initial impact of your communication.

Subject LineWhen an email lands in an inbox recipients decide whether or not they will read it in a matter of seconds. Often their decisions are based around subject lines; making a well written one integral to standing out in the inbox.

To make the very most of your subject lines be sure to keep the copy between 35-45 characters, don’t overuse punctuation or symbols (this looks spammy) and don’t use capitals.

You can also experiment with questions, humour and intrigue to encourage an email open. Remember to be different. You want to stand out, not blend in.

Pre-headersThe pre-header will accompany your subject line in grabbing the recipient’s attention.

Not only is it the first line of copy that a recipient will see, but in some email clients it will follow on from the subject line; offering more information before the all-important open.

Craft your pre-header copy so that it makes the recipient want to continue reading. Consider following on from the subject line for consistency, or state exactly what your email is about in a succinct, snappy way.

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ImagesMany recipients will be too busy to scroll through text, so use your images to paint a picture of what you are trying to communicate to the recipient.

To be really eye catching, ensure that images are simple and bold; using contrasting colours and short, snappy copy so that the recipient is immediately drawn into the email.

Call to actionAs you know, the call to action is essential, as is ensuring it grabs the recipient’s attention.

Ask yourself “what do I want the recipient to do?” and ensure that your call to action copy relates directly to this in the most clear and concise way possible.

Bold, bright calls to action that stand out are always advised so that they do not blend into the rest of your email.

CopyThe smaller your screen size, the less space you will have to promote your call to action, so make this space count. Limit yourself to asking the reader to do just one thing; including a single call to action which is immediately visible. Be sure to bring attention to the most important elements of your message and consider whether other copy is necessary.

Feature focus:Discover which subject line works best for you with our subject line testing and selecting functionality.


To do:□ Craft an irresistible and succinct

subject line

□ Create a pre-header which follows onfrom your subject line

□ Spend time choosing or designingimages which stand out

□ Write snappy content which gets tothe point

□ Make a feature of your call to action

□ Make sure that your call to actiontells the recipient what to do

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Worksheet 3 - Brainstorm attentionݬ grabbing elementsUse our worksheet to brainstorm an attention grabbing email:

Brainstorm 3 subject lines and choose the most attention grabbing

1. Get 50% off before anyone else!




Brainstorm 3 pre-headers and choose the most engaging

1. VIP deals especially for you




Brainstorm 3 call to action messages and choose the most enticing

1. Buy now!




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4. Design for the fingerThe size of mobile devices as well as their touch screen capability means that you will have to reconsider some fairly basic usability elements of your emails.

Mobile users will be interacting with your emails differently; by keeping them in mind when designing the details of your email you will be able to create a positive experience for both mobile and desktop users.

LayoutSpace on a mobile device is far more limited than on a desktop; providing restrictions in how best to display content and interaction. Specifically the layout needs to bestreamlined and focused without the requirement for users to scroll from side to side or zoom in.

SpacingIt’s essential that users are able to explore content without performing an action they didn’t mean to and without clicking on something when they are trying to scroll.

Therefore spacing between elements must be ample; allowing the recipient to easily navigate the email when using a mobile device.

ButtonsHistorically buttons have been made to ‘click’ on with a mouse, now they are being tapped with fingers. Rememberthis when choosing the size of a button and again, include sufficient spacing. The button needs to be large enough to be pressed with a finger and without the user accidentallytapping anything else.

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ColourColour is a great way to help busy recipients skim through your email. Consider using it to differentiate sections within your email; giving prominence to important items and CTAs, to demonstrate that certain areas are connected, or to separate content.

IconographyIcons are particularly useful for mobile recipients due to limited screen space and limited time. You can use visual metaphors for icons instead of using actual words, such as delete, email and social icons. Remember to keep icons clear and recognisable to avoid any confusion.

- Feature focus:Our marketer-focused Drag & Drop Editor enables you to make these essential changes to your email easily and without coding knowledge.

To do:□ Ensure that you have adequate

spacing throughout your email

□ Ensure that all interactive elementsare in close proximity to one another

□ Take finger size into considerationwhen creating buttons

□ Use colour to help give your emailstructure

□ Include icons to save space andto make your emails even morescannable

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Worksheet 4 - Mobile email diagramݬ Use our diagram to ensure your email is suitable for mobile recipients:

Adequate spacing

Finger-friendly buttons

Scannable structure

Colour todefine sections

Easily understood icons

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5. The Next StepsCongratulations! You’ve designed an email fit for the modern recipient. Your work doesn’t stop there though.

To ensure your email and all following emails offer the best possible experience for all users, it is important that you also take the following steps:

Keep on testing As we mentioned previously, the best way to dictate the design of your emails is by opening up your analytics and seeing what is working best for your recipients. Split content testing is yet another way to gain this type of insight before you hit send.

Almost anything in an email can be tested, however it’s important to focus on the most important elements of your email instead of getting distracted by the smaller details.

Elements such as timing, message, calls to action and subject lines are all integral when communicating with the busy, modern recipient. So conduct testing to be sure that you are sending out the most engaging and eye catching emails possible.

Design your mobile journeyDesigning for mobile doesn’t just stop at the email, far from it. The journey that the recipient takes after clicking on your CTA is just as important.

Ensure that the landing page and website that the recipient is taken to functions on all devices. There is nothing more frustrating than engaging with a mobile friendly email and then being taken to a page you cannot navigate.

Also make sure that the email message is also carried through to the landing page. Do not make recipients spend time and effort trying to look for the offer or CTA that you included in your email.

Forms and transactional pages should also be a breeze, especially if users are having to enter sensitive information. Ensure that these pages are usable on all devices, succinct and 100% secure.

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Gain insightIt goes without saying that you should be reporting on all of your email performance.

However as email trends are rapidly changing, you should constantly be gaining insight into your results; specificallyyour recipients’ behaviour.

Paying attention to open and click ratios will give you a good indication of how well your email design is performing. Be sure to compare these to desktop results to ensure that any changes you have made for mobile users aren’t alienating desktop users.

Also keep an eye on devices and clients that your recipients are using as these trends tend to change rapidly.

Feature focusEnsure that all elements of your email are working for your recipients with the use of our Split Content Optimisation.

To do:□ Conduct AB testing on the core areas

of your email

□ Ensure that all follow on steps aremobile optimised and secure

□ Use our reporting worksheet tocontinuously measure your results

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Worksheet 5 - Review yourݬ campaignsUse our worksheet to report on the success of your newly-designed emails:

Mobile Ope

n ra



k th


h ra








y ra









Name of campaign

Send date

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This week’s to do list

□ Find out the devices and clients mostcommonly used by your recipients

□ Decide on the message type for yournext email campaign

□ Ensure that the main elements ofyour email are attention grabbing

□ Ensure the details of your email aremulti-device friendly

□ Split test your email

□ Ensure you have designed yourmobile journey

□ Have reporting in place for post-send

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The simplifying modern design process


ፌ Find out most popular devices

ፌ Find out most popular email clients

ፌ Decide on the devices and clients you will focus on


ፌ Decide on your message

ፌ Categorise your message

ፌ Note attributes required to design your message

Grab attention

ፌ Choose a subject line and pre-header

ፌ Choose striking images

ፌ Write engaging copy

ፌ Choose an enticing CTA


ፌ Include adequate spacing

ፌ Include finger-friendlybuttons

ፌ Structure using colour

ፌ Utilise icons

Next steps

ፌ Conduct AB testing

ፌ Optimise the mobile journey

ፌ Review results

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Want to do all of this and more?Keeping up to date with modern email design is achievable with the use of our new Drag & Drop Editor.

Giving creative freedom to Marketers

First and foremost, our Drag & Drop Editor has been designed with the marketer in mind.

That is why we can offer the most user friendly drag and drop email builder on the market today.

The ability to quickly build impactful emails is now at your fingertips. e provide true drag and drop functionality, meaning there is no need for technical knowledge or coding expertise.

On canvas editing

All content is editable directly from the canvas, giving you total freedom over image size, effects, orientation and text – without ever leaving the page!

Intuitive options

Unlike other systems our Drag & Drop Editor presents you with options and tools when you need them. This eliminates confusion and allows you to easily see your email content as you build it.

Simple file management

Upload images and assets or just drag them onto your library straight from your computer.

Best in class email code

All emails are developed with best-in-class email code meaning you can focus on your content without worrying about build quality or rendering issues.

View the Drag & Drop Editor

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The Simplified Guide toCustomer Insight

simplified.pure360.comPage 82

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Capture demographic data

ݬ Demographic worksheet

Capture multichannel behavioural and transactional data…8

ݬ Behavioural & transactional worksheet

Connect your data in a central hub…

ݬ Collate data worksheet

Segment your data

ݬ Segment worksheet…19

Set up automations

ݬ Automate worksheet

The customer insight process






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The Challenge: To send out highly relevant and targeted campaigns you need to fully understand your customers. This requires you to gather intelligence from multiple sources to gain insight into who they are, how they behave and what they purchase. However, with so many data points and so much intelligence, fully understanding this data can be daunting.

“I know we are collecting data on our customers, but this sits in so many different departments that it seems impossible to view it and gain any intelligence, nevermind use it in campaigns”

The Solution:To gain an actionable view of your customers you need to ensure you are gathering the appropriate intelligence and collating it into a centralised hub, making it easy to view, manipulate and understand. Only then will you understand the types of campaigns that are relevant to specificcustomers.

In this guide you will learn how to: - Capture relevant demographic, behavioural and

transactional data

- Collate this data to gain insight and intelligence into your customer base

- Create actionable segments with this data to group customers based on similarities

- Use these segments to send out highly relevant and timely email automations

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1. Capture demographic dataThe first step in understanding your customers is to capture essential demographic data. This will offer you insight into factors such as gender, age and location which should be taken into consideration when personalising or segmenting any email campaign.

Demographic data can easily be captured, here are some tried and tested ways:

Web formsWeb forms are the perfect place to start collecting demographic data. These can be used to capture data at the point of account creation or checkout, newsletter sign ups, downloadable content and webinars.

By offering something for free to encourage users to hand over their demographic data, users are often more willing to give a larger amount of information.

Quizzes and competitionsQuizzes and competitions are a fun and engaging way to capture demographic data. They work particularly well when you are offering the entrant something in return, such as a prize or even a quiz result.

In fact, if a prize is being offered entrants will be far more willing to fill out lengthy forms, so you will be able to makethese as tailored to your data requirements as possible. Take advantage of this opportunity and be specific

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Social mediaSign up forms on Facebook allow fans to sign up to your newsletter or email updates directly through your Facebook page. By using specific features such as Facebook DataCapture the forms will be pre-populated so that users don’t even have to enter their information. This creates a simple user experience, whilst ensuring that you have access to the most reliable and accurate data possible.

Use social media to not only capture basic demographic data, but also information on vocation, hobbies and their own social network.

OfflineUtilise offline stores, trade shows, exhibitions and promoevents to collect data when interacting with customers who are engaging with your product or service.

Consider using scanners, ipads or even paper forms to collect data when offline. You will want to keep these forms short however, as customers will often be time-scarce in these instances and less willing to fill out lengthy forms.

Mobile devicesMobile data offers information about the type of device which the recipient is often using and at what time of day. This provides a strong indication of how engaged they are and the type of message you should be sending at what time.

For instance, users accessing communications on a mobile phone will usually be on the move and will want communications which are image as opposed to text heavy, and will often revisit to convert when they are on a desktop.

To do:□ Note the demographic data which

you currently have access to

□ Decide if that is what you require

□ If not, note the demographic datayou require and how you cancollect it

□ Brainstorm how you will collectthis dataFeature focus

Use quizzes and competitions to grow your demographic data and email list by 20% with Pure360 Viral Promotions.

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Worksheet 1 - Demographicݬ 1. Note down the demographic data you currentlycollect

1) Gender




2. Note down the demographic data you would liketo collect

1) Marital status




3. Brainstorm campaign ideas per channel to collect demographic data

1) Web forms: Offer discount codes when customer sign up to your newsletter

2) Quizzes and competitions:

3) Social Media:

4) Offline:

5) Mobile:

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2. Capture multichannelbehavioural and transactionaldataOnce you have collected your demographic data, you should begin capturing behavioural and transactional data, which offers a more insightful view into your customer’s online activity.

Behavioural data offers intelligence on the specific behavioural patterns of your users, allowing youto increase the relevancy of your emails. Transactional data on the other hand offers intelligence not only into the frequency of purchases that your recipient makes, but also the types of purchases.

Browse dataBrowse data provides you with intelligence into how users are behaving online. For instance, there could be specificproducts which the user frequently views on your site, or even types of pages, such as support or certain topics.

By gathering this data you can tell what your recipient is interested in; whether that be a product type, or information around certain topic of feature that you offer.

Browse data can be collected via behaviour monitoring tools such as Pure360 Behavioural Targeting, Ecommerce platforms or web analytics.

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Purchase dataPurchase data takes insight one step further than browse data, by looking at the product and downloads that the user actually completes. This could include frequently purchased products, abandoned products or topics of guides/whitepapers that are frequently downloaded.

Similarly to browse behaviour, this can be collected from web and browse monitoring tools, Ecommerce platforms, finance and invoicing systems, in-store purchase data andbooking/reservation systems.

Email dataBy collecting email data you can establish the types of emails which generate high or low open and click through rates as well as the time of day that these emails perform well, or perform badly.

Email data can be collected from within your email platform, specifically within the reporting section.

Feature focusCollect and monitor real-time behavioural data to send highly targeted emails with Pure360 Behavioural Targeting.

To do:□ Note the behavioural and transactional

data which you currently have access to

□ Decide if that is what you require

□ If not, note the behavioural andtransactional data you require

□ Brainstorm how you will collect this data

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Worksheet 2 - Behavioural andݬ transactional1. Note down the behavioural and transactionaldata you currently collect

1) Abandoned basket





2. Note down the behavioural and transactionaldata you would like to collect

1) Browse behaviour





3. Brainstorm how you will collect this data

1) Browse behaviour - via systems such as Pure360 Behavioural Targeting or using web analytics





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3. Connect your data in a central hubOnce you have collected a wealth of demographic, behavioural and transactional data, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal and there are some steps you can take to begin to collate and understand your multichannel data:

Know where you want to beBecause you are likely to be dealing with a large amount of data, it is sensible to take a step back and look at what you want to get out of it. This will allow you to focus on the data which will help you reach your goals, instead of being distracted by information which isn’t relevant.

Where possible, try to quantify the benefits of focusingon specific data. This will help you to achieve buy in and participation from other departments and individuals, which is very important for our next step.

Get the right people involvedCustomer data is usually owned by various individuals and departments throughout the company, as well as sitting in different systems.

Therefore it is integral to identify these data holders and begin getting them involved in your project. You may require access to their data for our next step, so getting these individuals on board is very important.

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Collate data into a central hub To start understanding this data we highly recommend you collate it into a centralised hub. By doing so it will be far easier to view, absorb and pull out any intelligence.

Systems such as Pure360 Customer Intelligence allow you to do exactly this, making our next step far easier!

Look at your dataOnce you have collated all of your data you can now take a good look at it to see if there are any gaps which could stop you from achieving an overall view of your customer base. By identifying gaps you can look back to how you are collecting your data and focus on gathering more information to give you a fuller customer view.

You will then be able to continually improve your data capture strategy, to focus on the data you really need and filter out that which you don’t.

Feature focus:Pull customer data from multiple sources and collate them into a centralised, data hub with Pure360 Customer Intelligence.


To do:□ Decide what you want out of your


□ Liaise with relevant people and getthem on board

□ Collate data into a central hub

□ Identify any gaps in data and fill themwith the help of our worksheet

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Worksheet 3 - Collate dataݬ 1. Note down the five main things that you want to learn from your data

1) Popular products my customers are viewing





2. Note down the people who hold this data and liaise with them







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3. Look back to question 1. Can you answer these questions with your data? If not, note down whatthe data gaps are and how you can fill them?

Question Gap Solution

1) Popular products my customersare viewing

Lack of website browse data Implement software such as behavioural targeting to track browse behaviour





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4. Segment your dataNow that your data is collated in one centralised place, it’s time to gain some insight and intelligence from it.

You can do this via segmentation, which is the practice of dividing your customer base into groups of individuals which share similarities, such as age, gender, spending habits etc. You can then talk to these groups in an individual and highly relevant way.

Segment by demographic dataAs mentioned previously, demographic data is essential to target your customers. It is typically easy to collect, so you probably have lots of it! Here are some ways that you can segment that data:

Gender and age segmentsThese dictate the most appropriate products and services that you should promote, as well as appropriate language.

Location segmentsThese segments will allow you to refer to local events, landmarks or stores.

Sector segmentsThese allow you to refer to the sector and industry which companies are in.

Example segment using demographic data: Send email to female customers who live in Manchester.Promote the opening of the new Manchester branch of your women’s clothing store.

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Add behavioural dataBy adding behavioural data you can increase the relevancy of your communications. Consider using behavioural data to build the following segments:

Lifecycle segmentsThis refers to the stage a consumer is at in the buying cycle, it dictates the appropriate language, products and services that you should promote.

Engagement segmentsThese segments refer to the frequency that the recipient visits your site and/or uses your products or services.

Benefits sought segmentsThese are particularly important as benefits sought help youdetermine the reason why the recipient uses your products or services.

Example segment using both demographic and behavioural data:Send an email to businesses who are in the events sector but outside of the UK and who are engaged with your website. Promote your new international services when growing your pyrotechnics offering internationally.

Now add transactional data, and combine all three!By using transactional data you can encourage repeat and related purchases. Some tried and tested segments are:

Purchase recency segmentsHow recently a customer purchased your product or service; these segments can be split into specific time frames suchas daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

Purchase frequency segmentsThese refer to the frequency that a customer purchases your products or services.

Monetary value segmentsThese refer to the amount of money that a customer spends with you; this could be tied into the amount of purchases they make, or the type of product they buy.

Type of purchase segmentsThese segments give you insight into the products and services most commonly purchased or recently purchased by a customer.

Example segment using demographic, behavioural and transactional data:Send an email to Bristol-based, long term customers who are high spendersPromote the VIP deal at the Bristol branch of your fast-food chain.

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To do:□ Decide what you want to learn about your

customers using demographic, behaviouraland transactional data

□ Brainstorm your own segments to answerthese questions

□ Then combine all three!4Segment

Feature focus:Use Pure360 Customer Intelligence to create highly tailored segments, either by yourself or with the help of our best-practice segment templates.

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Worksheet 4 - Segmentݬ 1. What do you want to learn about your customersusing your data?

1) Demographic data? I want to email all men who live inLondon

2) Behavioural data?

3) Transactional data?

3. Brainstorm segments which combine all three datatypes




2. Brainstorm your own segments to answer thesequestions

1) Demographic data? All males who live in London

2) Behavioural data?

3) Transactional data?

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5. Set up automationsOnce you have mastered segmented campaigns you can take things a step further by setting up email automations.

By automating campaigns you can utilise your customer data to communicate with them in real-time. This significantly increases the relevancy of your emails and ensures the recipient is highlyengaged.

Here are some popular types of email automations which have been proven to work:

Not yet purchased Begin by identifying visitors who have yet to buy but are active on your website. Consider sending an email asking if you can assist in their purchase or offer similar items which may be more appealing to them - this may offer the final‘nudge’ that they need.

First time buyersOnce you have convinced your visitor to purchase, get in touch with them to offer them useful information by using transactional emails to update them on their purchase, delivery time or to suggest items directly related to their purchase which they may require in the near future.

Lapsed customersThese are customers who have purchased in the past but have not purchased again for a specific period of time.Track how likely they are to spend in the next week/month/6 months (etc) and send them a personalised reminder email to help them make their decision.

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Loyal customersYou can measure your loyal customers in a variety of ways; from high purchaser to site visitors and products viewed. Reward your loyal customers with early bird deals on their favourite products, thank you emails or even by offering them perks and ‘VIP’ status with exclusive offers.

Abandoned productInstead of sending out a generic abandoned cart email consider sending an email based around specificabandoned products.

Reference the specific items which the visitor hasabandoned, use personalisation to recognise the recipient and then offer them useful content by asking if they need assistance, referencing other items which might be of interest to them, or even by offering an incentive or money off voucher.

Feature focusPark Holidays Case study - Check out how Park Holidays used targeted and automated campaigns to increase their click through rate by 9%.

To do:□ Utilise our automation

suggestions to engage with allof your customers

□ Brainstorm automationcampaigns with the help of ourspreadsheet

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Worksheet 5 - Automateݬ 1. Brainstorm automation campaigns for each group of customer

1. Not yet purchased Send them a related products email based on their browse data

2. First time buyers

3. Lapsed customers

4. Loyal customers

5. Abandoned product

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This week’s to do list

□ Capture relevant demographic data

□ Begin capturing behavioural data

□ Collate all of this data into a central hub

□ Begin brainstorming and creatingsegments

□ Use these segments to send timely andtargeted automations

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The customer insight process


ፌ Note the data you have

ፌ Note the data you need

ፌ Brainstorm how you will collect this data

Behavioural & transactional

ፌ Note the data you have

ፌ Note the data you need

ፌ Brainstorm how you will collect this data


ፌ Decide what you want out of your data

ፌ Liaise with relevant people

ፌ Collate data into a central hub

ፌ Identify any gaps and fill the


ፌ Decide what you want to learn about your customers

ፌ Brainstorm your own segments

ፌ Then try to combine all three segment types


ፌ Utilise our automation suggestions

ፌ Brainstorm automation campaigns

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The Simplified Guide toEmail Measurement

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Set goals

ݬ Setting goals worksheet

Measure the basics…8

ݬ Basic reporting worksheet

Look at the pound signs…

ݬ Monetary reporting worksheet

Be campaign-specific

ݬ Campaign reporting worksheet…19

Don’t be misled

The Simplifying Measurement Process






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The Challenge: “We are currently measuring our email campaigns via opens and clicks, however we are becoming increasingly aware that these metrics are not sufficient to justify the value of our email campaigns.

We need to be able to track metrics which can justify our email activity as well as further spend in this area over other channels.”

The SolutionIn order to truly measure the success of your email campaigns you need to look beyond the open and the click.

By measuring other metrics that are specific to your goalsyou will not only be able to assess the value of your campaigns, but also justify your email marketing activity as a whole.

This will help you to achieve buy in from senior members and to improve your email campaigns moving forwards.

What you will learn in this guide - How to set goals and benchmarks based on the

information you have

- How to ensure you are measuring the basics correctly

- How to prove ROI using monetary metrics

- How to measure metrics which are useful for campaign-specific reportin

- Which metrics to be cautious of

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1. Set goalsBefore you get stuck into measuring your email marketing you need to set yourself goals and benchmarks to determine what “success” actually looks like.

Write a goal statementBy forcing yourself to condense your goal into one or two sentences, you are helping to clarify what it is you want to achieve.

For example, “I want to drive sales from new customers as well as increase loyalty and long term sales with existing customers using regular email communications”

Include your current metricsIf you’re reading this guide then it’s likely you aren’t measuring many, if any, email metrics. However, if you have dipped into email measurement in any form, such as opens or clicks, then include these metrics in your goal and benchmark setting for a (very) rough guide.

Utilise industry averagesBuild on your current metrics by utilising industry averages, which provide you with a ready-made benchmark to aim for while you are building up your own reporting history.

There are a variety of email benchmarking reports available, but we’d recommend using the DMA National email benchmarking report.

*Excerpt from DMA report, full report is free for DMA members

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Ensure your goals are SMARTOne way to ensure that your goals are effective and realistic is to set SMART goals. A SMART goal is:

Specific Your goals must identify exactly what you want to accomplish as specifically as you can manage

Measurable Try to quantify the result so that you can know exactly if you have hit your goal or not.

Actionable Every goal should start with an action verb like “quit” or “finish”, not a to-be verb, such as “am” or “be”

Realistic Make sure you are able to work to the goals you set, as opposed to making them unattainable.

Time bound Every goal needs a date associated with, such as when you plan to deliver it.

To do:□ Write your goal statement

□ Utilise your current metricsand industry averages to setbenchmarks

□ Utilise our benchmarking templateto help you set goals

□ Ensure your goals are Smart

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Worksheet 1 - Set goalsݬ Use our goal setting template to ensure suitable goals and benchmarks are set before you begin measurement

Write a goal statement

Note down any current metrics you are tracking

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4

Metric 1

Metric 2

Metric 3

Note down industry averages for your relevant metrics

Industry average

Metric 1

Metric 2

Metric 3

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2. Get the basics rightChances are you may already be measuring these metrics, but if you’re not, you absolutely should be. If you see a dip in any of the following, then you will need to start investigating any issues as soon as possible.

Bounce RateWhat is it? Bounce rate refers to the percentage of total emails sent out that could not be delivered to a recipient’s inbox.

Why is it useful? You can use this metric to uncover any potential problems with your email list. There are two kinds of bounces to consider, hard and soft.

Hard bounces are the result of a closed or non-existent email address which means your emails will never be successfully delivered to them. These should be removed from your email list to improve your sending reputation.

Soft bounces are the result of temporary issues with a valid email address, for instance a full inbox.

How to measure it? To calculate bounce rate you can divide the total number of emails that have bounced by the total number of emails sent to establish number of bounces per email. Simply multiply your bounce per email rate by 100 to establish your bounce rate percentage.

Deliverability RateWhat is it? Delivery rate is the percentage of emails that were actually delivered to your recipients’ inboxes.

Why is it useful? Delivery rate is the foundation of a successful (or unsuccessful) email campaign. To have the chance of engaging with your recipient, your message has to actually get to their inbox!

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If you notice your delivery rate decreasing over time then this is an indication of a problem with your list, for instance too many invalid email addresses.

How to measure it? To measure delivery rate subtract hard and soft bounces from the gross number of emails sent, then divide that number by gross emails sent. You should be aiming for a delivery rate of over 90%.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)What is it? Click through rate (CTR) refers to the proportion of your recipients who have clicked on one or more links in your email message.

Why is it useful? CTR is an indication of whether or not the content included in your email was enticing or relevant enough to the recipient; giving you insight into the success of your email campaign.

It’s important to remember that CTR can vary depending on the message type. For instance newsletters often have a much higher CTR than transactional emails. Therefore set your benchmarks accordingly.

How to measure it? You can calculate CTR by dividing unique clicks by the number of emails delivered.

To do:□ Ensure that reporting is in place to

monitor your essential metrics

□ Utilise our essentials reportingtemplate

□ Measure your results on a campaignbasis or a monthly basis

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Worksheet 2 - Basic reportingݬ Use our basic reporting template to track your metrics on a monthly and campaign basis

Month 1 Month 2 % difference Month 3 % difference Month 4 % difference

Bounce rate

Delivery rate

Click through rate

Campaign 1 Campaign 2 % difference Campaign 3 % difference Campaign 4 % difference

Bounce rate

Delivery rate

Click through rate

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3. Look at the pound signsThe previous metrics are a great way to gauge email marketing and campaign performance, but often the success of your campaigns comes down to the monetary value they generate.

Therefore, the following metrics will allow you to determine how much money your email marketing is making for your business.

Conversion RateWhat is it? Conversion rate refers to the percentage of your recipients who have clicked on a link within your email and have gone on to complete your desired action, such as filling in a leadgeneration form or purchasing a product.

Why is it useful? Conversion rates are considered by many marketers to be the ultimate measure of how successful an email campaign has been. The higher your conversion rate then the more relevant and engaging your campaign has been.

How to measure it It is important to remember that conversion rates depend on multiple factors which go beyond your email campaign, this could be the quality of your landing page for example.

To measure conversion rates, you will need to integrate your email platform with your web analytics. This integration can be easily performed by creating unique tracking URLs for your email links to identify where your clicks have come from (such as a specific email campaign).

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Overall ROIWhat is it? Overall ROI refers to the amount of profit which is generatedfrom email marketing activities.

Why is it useful? Overall ROI is one of the most important metrics for marketers as it helps them to evaluate whether the money they are spending on their email marketing is generating healthy profits for their business.

How to measure it The mathematical formula for ROI is:

(Earned - Spent) / Spent = ROI as a percentage

In layman’s terms, you need to minus what you have spent on your email marketing campaigns from what you have earned, and then divide this by your email marketing spend.

You will obviously want to include the cost of your ESP, but you may also want to include the time you spend on your email campaigns as a monetary value as well.

3Monetary To do:

□ Utilise our monetary reportingtemplate

□ Measure the above metrics on amonthly, quarterly and campaignbasis

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Worksheet 3 - Monetary reportingݬ Use our monetary reporting template to track your monetary metrics on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Month 1 Month 2 % difference Month 3 % difference Month 4 % difference Quarterly %

Conversion rate

Overall ROI

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4. Be campaign-specificThe goals of your email marketing may vary from campaign to campaign. Therefore, we have included the following metrics which are particularly useful when measuring on a campaign level.

List Growth RateWhat is it? This metrics follows on from lead generation but refers to the overall rate that your list is growing, as opposed to individual leads.

Why is it useful? Monitoring your list growth rate is important as a healthy email list needs to be continually refreshed with new names and data. This metric is particularly useful for gauging a high-level understanding of how well an email campaign performed, without having to delve into specific leadmetrics.

How to measure it Calculate your list growth rate by subtracting opt-outs and hard bounces from the number of new email subscribers gained in a campaign. Then, divide that number by the original list size.

Revenue Per Email CampaignWhat is it?Revenue per email campaign refers to the return of investment from a specific email campaign

Why is it useful?This metric is particularly important for e-commerce marketers who generate high amounts of direct sales from email campaigns. It is also useful to gauge the success of specific email marketing campaigns.

How to measure itThis is likely to require an integration between your ESP and your e-commerce or web analytics platform. By using this integration you will easily be able to note any spikes in revenue and relate them back to specific campaigns.

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New (or Total) Leads GeneratedWhat is it? This metric is primarily for B2B marketers and refers to the measurement of leads generated through an email campaign. These leads will often contain email addresses and other data which you wish to capture (such as name or company name).

Why is it useful? If the goal of your email marketing is lead generation then you should be tracking how many leads you’re capturing every day week and month. You can decide to focus on all leads generated, or only new ones added to your database, depending on your priorities.

How to measure it To measure the leads you are capturing you will need to utilise lead management software and/or a CRM integration.

You will need to send out lead capturing content within your emails, such as a specific form where recipients exchangetheir details for free content.

You can then pull this form from your lead management software and use your CRM to determine whether they are new leads into your CRM or existing.

Lead-to-Customer Conversion RateWhat is it? Again, this metric is primarily for B2B marketers and provides a measurement of leads (or prospects) which have been converted into customers.

Why is it useful? If your goal is to nurture leads (and prospects) into converting as customers then this metric is essential. This metric will also help you to gauge the quality of the leads you are generating, hence why it should be looked at on a campaign basis.

How to measure it To track this metric you will ideally need an integration with a CRM to monitor your prospects’ statuses. You can then align these statuses to your company’s specific sales funnelto determine when they have become a customer.

To do:□ Utilise our campaign

reporting template

□ Note down your campaignsfor the next 6 months

□ Ensure that you are trackingcampaign metrics for eachcampaign

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Worksheet 4 - Campaign reportingݬ Use our campaign reporting template to track relevant metrics on a campaign basis

Campaign 1 Campaign 2 % difference Campaign 3 % difference Campaign 4 % difference

List growth rate

Revenue per email campaign

Total leads generated

New leads generated

Lead to customer conversion rate

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5. Don’t be misledWhile the following email metrics are undeniably useful, they can sometimes be misleading.

That is why they shouldn’t be taken at face value, instead you should conduct additional research into what they mean for each campaign.

Open Rate What is it?The amount of emails which you have sent which have been opened.

Why you should be cautiousAn email is only counted as ‘opened’ if the recipient also receives the images which are embedded into that email message. However, a large amount of recipients have image blocking enabled on their email client, meaning the images will not load.

This means that even if they do open your email this will not be tracked in your open rate metrics, leading to underreporting.

Unsubscribe RateWhat is it? Unsubscribe rate refers to the amount of users who click “unsubscribe” from your emails

Why you should be cautious Open rates do not offer a reliable picture of your email list health. If recipients are tired of your emails, many won’t actually bother to unsubscribe. Instead, they will simply stop opening your emails.

Therefore you should focus on tracking click-through and conversion rates to gauge recipient engagement.

However, it is worth tracking unsubscribe rates after specificcampaigns to note if there have been any particular spikes.

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The Simplifying Measurement Process

Set goals

ፌ Set goals and benchmarks using current metrics and industry averages

Measure the basics

ፌ Measure basic metrics on a weekly and monthly basis

Look at the pound signs

ፌ Measure monetary metrics monthly, quarterly and per campaign

Be campaign-specific

ፌ Measure campaign metrics on a campaign basis

Don’t be misled

ፌ Keep a cautious eye on any misleading metrics

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A bit about Pure360 Quite simply, Pure360 allow marketers to send clever, result-driven campaigns without over complicating things.

We make best practice look achievable because it should be.

So if you’re looking to improve your email-based marketing activity and enjoy the glory of improved ROI, get in contact.

0845 856 0001

[email protected]


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