Digital Marketing Slovak National Theatre I. www.asystemsdigital.com

Case Study - Slovak National Theatre

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Digital Marketing Slovak National Theatre I.


Page 2: Case Study - Slovak National Theatre

Campaign goals

• To achieve the greatest possible sale of season tickets for the Slovak National Theatre 2015/16

• Under request we used for advertisement only Facebook

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Campaign results 9.6. - 11.8.

• Ad campaign viewed by 309 554 people

• Average frequency - 9,3 (how many times was ad shown to 1 person)

• Total numer of impressions - 2 877 907

• Total clicks - 13 205

• Total unique clicks - 9 297

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• CTR (click trough rate) 0,459 %

• Unique CTR 3,003 %

• Average price for 1000 impressions - 0,56 €

• Average price to reach 1000 people - 5,25 €

• Average Cost Per Click (CPC) - 0,12 €

• Average Unique Cost Per Click (uCPC) - 0,17 €

Campaign results 9.6. - 11.8.

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Campaign results 9.6. - 11.8.

• Total number of engagement (like, comment, click, share, page like) - 104 306

• Total number of people interacting - 66 933

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Best results

Video campaigns have reached the price for watching videos

lower than 0,01€

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Video campaigns

• The most successful campaign

• 10 587 views

• 0,0026 € - video view

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Video campaigns

• 6408 video views

• 0,0027 € - video view

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Video campaigns

• 19 406 video views

• 0,0031 € - video view

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Video campaigns

• 8 837 video views

• 0,0034 € - video view

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Objections• Poorly created landing page of our Client (microsite), on which

ads were directed and where people had to make a reservation

• The site was not responsive

• At the beginning we missed call-to-action button to make an order. It was just hidden in the text. Based on our demand, it was added later.

• The impossibility to buy season ticket online - only reservation

• Many posts on Facebook pages were changed after they were boosted (text changes by the Client). We have lost organic and payed reach what caused higher price.

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Sales - Google Analytics• Conversion tracking was monitored by Google

Analytics. In our case conversion consist of passing the order on the site thank-you. We have reached 92 season ticket reservations.

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Season tickets

Since this objective (Google Analytics) was the only measurable conversion, other types of conversions could not be registered online (phone or on the spot shopping). The online marketing was the only way of



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Season tickets

Average cost spent to sell 1 season ticket

2,36 €

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ROI - return on investment

Due to the fact that we do not know what were the values of season tickets (50-150 €), respectively what is the average price of season ticket sold, we have created

a projection at different average prices

Modified ROI calculated as (gross profit - total cost of advertisement)

/(total cost of advertisement)

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ROI - return on investmentAverage season ticket price (in EUR) Modified ROI

50 2 017 %

60 2 440 %

70 2 863 %

80 3 287 %

90 3 710 %

100 4 133 %

110 4 557 %

120 4 980 %

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For more info and similar results

[email protected]