Brochure Manifiesto (English)

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At Manifiesto we are genuine,natural and approachable.

Sergio PalominoExecutive Creative Manager

These are the three most important words for us. Because that’s how we view our agency, that is what our relationships with our clients are like and that is the way we believe that brands should be presented to the people.

At Manifiesto we always look to strike a balance between emotion and reason, a balance that means we’re able to satisfy our clients’ needs while also being closer to consumers. Since the dawn of the digital era, consumers no longer just listen. Now, they also speak, give opin-ions, reflect and propose … And we need to adapt the way we do things and think about the new rules of play.

Nowadays, a brand’s greatest desire is to find consumers that are a communication channel for the same. Only brands that achieve that can truly create a bond with the people and there’s nothing more valuable than that.

And that’s why we act in just the same way with our clients. We know that they have an increasing need to find a genuine agency, an agency with its feet on the ground, than talks about sales and objectives, and that understands its problems, its market and most of all, its business. Not an agency that promulgates the sale of emotion, but one in which emotion is implicit in everything that happens both inside and outside of its walls. The age of advertising super-ex-ecutives is over, what clients need now is a natural agency, formed by people that live its day-to-day life, who enjoy their work, who are in touch with what’s happening in the street and who work simply and spontaneously. If we work like that, it’s also makes it easy for us to be a warm, approachable agency that builds relationships with its clients that are based on proximity, confidence and transparency.

Because at Manifiesto, there is nothing better that gaining a client’s trust and getting the feeling that we form part of its team.



We were created by 3 people in 2004, and now there are 40 of us

We are in Barcelona and Madrid

30Our average age is 30 years

101IDWe come from a variety of countries: Spain, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina…

DNA53% of us our women and 47% are men

6,6 l.


We each drink 6.6 litres of water a day

77% of us are dark-haired, 17% are blond and 7% of us have gone grey

50kWe write almost50,000 words a day.

And that adds up to quite a lot.

9 Our languages: Castellano, Català, English, Dansk, Italiano, Deutsch, Chino, Nederlands, Français

3,8 h

Some figures

We have 101 profiles on social networks

On average, we all spend 3.8 hours a day on the telephone

Key staff members

My work philosophy is simple: freedom. Freedom for each person to be able to create and express them-selves, because it is from such freedom that good ideas tend to come, even the most brilliant ideas you could imagine.

Sergio PalominoExecutive Creative Manager

Our agency’s intention has always been to form part of our clients’ structures. So rather than isolated projects, we prefer to build solid, long-lasting rela-tionships. Attitude, commitment and rock & roll are my premises for dealing with any challenge in life, and I also apply them to my daily routine at work.

Valeri BertránDirector of New Business Development

In the accounts and planning department, we are all decisive, efficient people with a capacity for analysis and synthesis and who have curious minds that know how to listen and how to be empathetic, honest and caring. Skills can always be learned, but the desire to learn, be motivated and enjoy one’s work is something you either have or you don’t have. That’s why it’s so important to motivate the team and help them to take on new challenges.

Montse BonjornDirector Account Executive & Strategy

The production department’s motto is that we should live each project intensely, taking care over all the details, schedules and budgets in order to achieve perfection as we bring each idea to life. Our challenge is to continually seek innovative materials and technologies that will extend each client’s brand experience.

Matías GravenhorstDirector of Advertising Production

Key staff members

I believe that good ideas are cooked up in a place where creative designers and the other departments are in daily contact. And that’s what we have, a place where the widest variety of profiles work together. Because experience tells me that working side-by-side with all of the other departments is the only way that we can enrich each other and make an idea grow.

Noelia Fernández Creative Supervisor & Copywriter

For each proposal, I present the client with technical solutions at meetings, where we propose new projects, collaborating with the other departments in the pre-production phase in order to control affairs and guarantee that the project produces the optimal results right from the start.

Manel VázquezOnline Project Manager

The only possible way that a professional can grow and carry on feeling unconditional love for what they do is by continuously learning. Learning is eagerness, motivation and achievement. Because there is no worse enemy than overconfidence. And that’s what I try to get across to my team.

Ramón Ramos Art Director

There is nothing more gratifying than getting the agency’s ideas and projects to flourish. That’s what I like best about my work and that is how I motivate my team every day. A creative, positive and unrestricted atmosphere is essential for the creation of quality audiovisual content that will surprise our clients.

Daniel SolàAudiovisual Development Manager

The future is our present.

That’s why we strive to always remain faithful to our way of working.

Defending what we are makes us stronger

Minimum outsourcing

We sharesingle targets:

We can proudly say that we outsource as little as possible. Unlike other advertising agencies, Mani-fiesto has its own in-house production team. That means that our agency shares an office with designers, accounts executives, creative designers, online programmers, mobile app developers, copy writers, video editors and other staff. That’s why the production and development of our campaigns is so fast and immediate, and that’s how we have absolute control over each part of the production process. However, when campaigns so require, we do work with the very finest external professionals as support for our own team. We are in contact with the most reliable audiovisual companies, photographers, producers, sound studios and so on.

So, when a client brief arrives, the whole team gets to work on developing the strategy and defining the client’s needs. We define ideas, create graphical proposals and produce all the pieces under the same roof. That makes the workflow much more dynamic and flexible, and means we can work faster and more effectively when called upon. And if the client gives the go-ahead, we are all set to publish content, anal-yse results and, above all, learn from each and every one of our projects.

Maximum profitability


Utmost control

We createbespoke teamsCreativity is one of the pillars that keep this agency going. At Manifiesto we believe that good ideas should be conceived in a place where creativity and production processes are in daily contact. A place where as many different profile types over-lap and where personalised teams are created on the basis of those different professional profiles. Writers, designers, programmers, illustrators, 3D animators and many others labour side-by-side and enrich each other’s work.





Creative designers

We have grown to be able to offer all the services that a 21st century advertising agency should provide. We have learned through effort and our desire to improve over the years in all fields of communication. We are an agency that knows all about standing out above the com-petition in the digital era.All of that makes us the agency that our clients need.

“Growth has made us better”

Our capabilities

Our strategic perspective is one of the most important within the agency as it enables us to channel each project in the most profitable and successful manner. To do this, we work with the client to focus the commercial strategy through a brand and media strategy, always basing our methods on data analysis and the search for consumer insights in order to optimise the campaign and guarantee the best possible results.

Brand strategy

Within the agency, creativity is evident in each and every one of our departments. Creative talent is not just about coming up with a clever slogan but is also about creating integral campaigns using innovative media and out-of-the-ordinary technologies. Our bread and butter is thinking beyond what has already been done. And the only way to do that is by being surrounded by a team of active and knowledge-hungry colleagues.


Our production team is made up of professionals with extensive knowledge of a variety of different specialist fields: digital production, multimedia projects, art design and direction, programming and much more. Everything has been designed in order for as much of the work as possible to be done in-house so we can develop cam-paigns faster and more effectively, thus always guaran-teeing quality in every one of our projects.


At Manifiesto, we consider ourselves to be digital natives. We are a young team with in-depth knowl-edge of the digital environment and the development of campaigns using a perfect blend of creativity and 3.0 technology. This means that we are able to offer complete digital services and develop transmedia experiences for all kinds of devices.


We help our clients to make the most of the social aspect of their brand and thus generate value for their businesses. We define a strategy, generate creative and dynamic social media content, establish and maintain conversations with all kinds of audienc-es and, above all, analyse the scope of all of our actions on social networks in order to establish results-focused and made-to-measure strategic plans.


At Manifiesto, we don't just create campaigns. We also think about the most effective ways of distribut-ing them. Our team works hand-in-hand with media agencies and distribution channels in the develop-ment of strategies and joint ventures that can be of benefit to our clients. But we also plan, manage and distribute the content efficiently from the start of the campaign right through to the end.


Every day, we monitor, measure and analyse all of the information that we compile for our projects. By filtering and analysing this data, we are able to optimise campaigns on the go, improve performance and act when necessary. And when it is over, we interpret the information in order to analyse the ROI and generate new knowledge and business opportu-nities for our clients.


La Primera is our development and training area, and is where new ideas are generated. The agency has a whole floor dedicated to establishing new collaborations with creative and innovative people from different professional fields in order to create networking, educate ourselves and be enriched by new ways of thinking and creating that we can then apply to our projects. At Manifiesto we are constantly on the lookout for anything that might help us to move the agency further forward.

La Primera

EventsA new paradigm of communication has emerged before us. Events are no longer a part of the mix of media, they have become the epicentre of cam-paigns, the pole around which everything else revolves. People need to live experiences and brands need to be there to offer them. And we know how to do it. Afters years and years of organising events, we have continued to innovate and work hard to make these brand experiences better and better.

Whatever brand, product or sector we are working for, we all invest our full effort, energy and enthusiasm into putting a huge smile on our clients’ faces. We are reliable and experienced enough to ensure that every one of our projects oozes with this passion.

“All of our projects have one thing in common: enthusiasm”

We are experts at learning and re-learning.

For us, every project is an opportunity to learn how to do things even better in the future.

Some of our clients are international. Our day-to-day life involves working with clients from all over Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Holland and the United States. We are able to manage successful global campaigns that are run simultaneous-ly in one, three or even six countries at a time.

We communicate with our clients from two offices. The head offices are in the heart of Barcelona, the European capital of design and creativity.

And we also have an office in Madrid. These two reference points have enabled us to provide a full service to our clients.

Apart from these two offices, we are also able to manage campaigns of any nature and speak to clients anywhere in the world.

Wherewe work We pursue

brilliant ideas, extraordinary results and profitable investments.

Multi-sectorknowhowIt is very important for us to work for a wide range of client types and sectors, as this helps us to gain experi-ence and learn to create campaigns for all kinds of audiences and for products with very different needs. We learn something new from all of them and this diversity is enriching for those of us that work on them.

It all means that when we start to work in a new sector, it is easier for us to adapt to it. We have the capacity, knowledge and experience required to connect as quickly as possible to any new sector, brand or challenge.

Here is a selection of our clients

Because above all we are practical, we turn our way of life into our way of working.

Who we are. How we work.

Genuine, natural and approachable.We are proud to be that way and want to show it.

Have a look at us on VimeoVisit us on Facebook

We like everything that we do and we like people to know it. On Facebook, we publish all of the agency's

news, our projects and our views on the latest trends in advertising and Social Media. Follow us and get to know

our most fun and social side.


At Manifiesto we work hard to produce projects that can make us feel proud of what we do and, most of all,

give our clients what they are looking for. At this agency, we never do anything we don't like, and that shows.

If you're curious to find out more, on our Vimeo you will find some of our work.


Our website is our window on the world, where you will find everything you need to know about us: projects, clients, services, news, where we are and much more. And if there is anything you can’t find, you can always

send us an email and we’ll tell you.


View the profiles of all the people that work for the agency, articles about advertising and communication and all of our professional contacts. LinkedIn is like our

virtual office.


Check out our Linkedin


Go to manifiesto.biz

If you ever want to come and see us in our office, there’s always room for one more

If there’s room for 40, there’s room for 41

www.manifiesto.biz [email protected]

+34 933091299

Manifiesto BarcelonaC/ Trafalgar 38, 1ª planta08010 Barcelona

Manifiesto MadridC/ Gonzalez Amigó 26, 1ºB28033 Madrid