@TopRightPar tner 23 Expert Tips to Transform Your Marketing

23 Expert Tips to Transform Your Marketing

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23 Expert Tips to Transform Your Marketing

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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“The Power of Transformational Marketing

Marketing is in a state of transition. Digital, data and demand are more important than ever. And the CMO sits at the intersection of converting digital know-how and data analytics into consumer demand.

Kimberly A. Whitler

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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

The Power of Transformational Marketing

Bruce Rogers

“The primary differentiator between the transformational CMO and the CMO of yesterday is that they are performance-driven CMOs. They have a fundamental understanding of the levers of growth and know how to convert this understanding into enterprise-wide action that drives overall performance.


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

The Power of Transformational Marketing

“Core to leading any significant change effort is the organizational alignment. No amount of tactical change management training will substitute for having an entire organization that has a clear vision of goals, shared responsibility, and personal accountability to achieve results.

Kelli Hinshaw


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Craft an Engaging Brand Story

“Unless you have absolute clarity of what your brand stands for, everything else is irrelevant.

Mark Baynes


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Craft an Engaging Brand Story

“Brands are built around stories. And stories of identity – who we are, where we’ve come from – are the most effective stories of all. This storytelling is a powerful way to bring brands to life.

Bill Dauphinais


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Craft an Engaging Brand Story

“People don’t buy goods and services, they buy relations, stories and magic.

Seth Godin


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Craft an Engaging Brand Story

“An advertising message focused purely on a transaction are met with an immediate yes or no reaction; most people will forget the ad several hours later. However, branded advertising that tells an authentic story engages people on a deeper level. This is what makes stories so powerful--they are memorable and lasting.

John Cinquina


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Craft an Engaging Brand Story

“2017 will be the year brands will have to shift from advertising and promotion to true storytelling. They will need to personalize and humanize the way they tell authentic stories.

Michael Brenner


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“You have to engage with your audience more authentically because people are no longer forced to view your advertising.

Jacob Warwick


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“As the buyer’s journey becomes increasingly digital and the line between digital and non-digital touches begins to blur, the ability to seamlessly plan all marketing and deliver a consistent, mutually supportive set of interactions to prospects will be the hallmark of an effective demand creation team.

Monica Behncke


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“Your team needs a direct and clear connection between organizational goals and daily projects. Without this correlation between their work and the missions of the company, it’s a lot harder to drive better performance.

Chris Arringdale


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“Catering to all existing marketing channels is next to impossible. There’s too much to do and too much to promote. A possible (yet not easy) workaround is being an early adopter. Early adoption is more important than ever thanks to the over-saturation of marketing channels: look for emerging marketing channels that are still unsaturated.

Ann Smarty


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“The single most important ingredient to an effective customer-driven marketing strategy is relevant data.

Doug Fowler


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“If you have big news, you need a big plan. And that's where the product launch comes in. From establishing the proper messaging and creating the assets to enabling your sales team and keeping momentum, there's a lot that goes into putting together a solid product launch plan.

Marcus Andrews


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“The most important ingredient of a successful B2B marketing strategy is consumer insights. Starting with the intention and messaging of your campaign, the data you gather around consumers’ thoughts, behaviors, feelings and values towards a particular product or brand will be the key to your campaign success.

Sarah Tourville


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Create a Compelling Strategy

“If you form a strategy without research, your brand will barely float and at the speed industries move at today brands sink fast.

Ryan Holmes


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly

“Mediocre marketers think in terms of campaigns. Great marketers think in terms of growth frameworks.

Neil Patel


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“I believe the most effective way marketers can leverage big data in their marketing strategy is simple and it comes down to two things; The right message, the right audience.

Chad McDonald

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“Brands are confusing brand love with brand attention - giving people cheap gifts might keep them on the radar but it won't grow affection for the future.

Tiffany Kenyon

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“Content is fire, social media is gasoline. Without useful content – without content that entertains, without content that breaks through – it’s much, much more difficult to create and maintain an audience than it used to be.

Jay Baer

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“Content is king but engagement is queen, and the lady rules the house!

Mari Smith

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“Where I see the big opportunity is to take that data and tell automation to send a piece of content at this time, making a more real-time, data-driven process for sending nurture campaigns. This would get ahead of competitors, coming across as relevant and timely.

Mike Ballard

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly


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23 Expert Tips to Transform your Marketing

“Putting in place effective marketing technology really starts with understanding how the consumer is changing and which channels are experiencing growth and why.

Jason Heller

Align the Systems to Execute Flawlessly


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To truly transform, marketing must get all 3S’s right: the right Story, the right Strategy, the right

Systems, all measured through the lens of Simplicity, Clarity and Alignment.

Download our new e-book:Transformational Marketing: Moving to the



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1. Kimberly A. Whitler

2. Bruce Rogers

3. Kelli Hinshaw

4. Mark Baynes

5. Bill Dauphinais

6. Seth Godin

7. John Cinquina

8. Michael Brenner

9. Jacob Warwick

10. Monica Behncke

11. Chris Arringdale

12. Ann Smarty

13. Doug Fowler

14. Marcus Andrews

15. Sarah Tourville

16. Ryan Holmes

17. Neil Patel

18. Chad McDonald

19. Tiffany Kenyon

20. Jay Baer

21. Mari Smith

22. Mike Ballard

23. Jason Heller

