@Sailthru Brought to you by the email marketing experts at That Will Redefine Your Email Marketing Priorities Stats 13

13 Stats That Will Redefine Your Email Marketing Priorities

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Brought to you by the email marketing experts at

That Will Redefine YourEmail Marketing Priorities


More than200 billion emails

are sent every day....

…65 billion of thoseare marketing messages…

…But click-to-open rates can be as low as 1%.

We know that

84%of peoplewake up

and go right to their phones…

So how can we make email marketing better and improve

response and conversion?

Brought to you by the email marketing experts at

That Will Redefine YourEmail Marketing Priorities


72% of consumerssay that email is their favored conduit of communication

with companies they do business with



44% of internet usersfeel that marketing emails can be improved

by receiving less frequent emails



You heard it here - consumers favor email,

but many want less of it.Rather than take that at face value and just throw our

hands up, let’s consider how we can improve email so that customers actually want to hear from us more often!

48% of consumerspurchase more from brands that send personalized emails!


The attention span of your customers, readers and subscribers has never been shorter, so when that email enters their inbox it better contain content that is relevant, informative and UNIQUE to them!

74% of consumers expect companies to use past purchases to personalize marketing emails

55% expect companies to use data based on what they browsed while onsite


1) Email users expect to be catered to based on specific behaviors they participated in and

2) Personalization based on behavioral data trumps generic personalized information such as gender or birthday.

This data tells us a few things.

75% of consumersare willing to receive additional promotional emails if personalized!


Still think personalization isn’t for you?

67% of consumerswill unsubscribe when receiving irrelevant information.


That’s right. This is serious stuff. You’ve been pumping money into acquisition and have finally gotten a customer or reader to subscribe.

All of that money goes to waste if you’re not engaging them on their terms, with content that actually matters!

So let’s talk about you…And how you can increase engagement and

deliver a more relevant email experience.

63% of marketing professionalsreport that improving engagement is their most important email marketing strategy objective


You’re not alone.Marketers across all industries are recognizing that competition is increasing and that email is the channel that delivers the highest ROI.

Personalization is critical to increasing engagement - and better yet, conversion - but many don’t know where to start. Here’s a primer.

65% of marketerscite building a single customer view as

a major barrier to personalization.


We believe that relevancy is the new currency.

And in this case, every dollar is backed by data. Without the ability to collect meaningful data and attribute it to individual customers, the ability to increase relevancy will be very challenging. Make this your first priority.

Of those marketers who personalize email...

31% use consumer interests and44% use purchase history


More and more marketers are using a mix of explicit and implicit behavioral data to power personalized

product and content recommendations.

These behavioral emails account for upwards of 70% of total email revenue for some

of Sailthru’s customers.Make sure this is in your data plan!


62% of marketers include automation in their strategies,

58% have major challenges in dynamically

personalizing content


No company has the resources to create emails for every single individual. Algorithms have advanced to the point where they can accurately identify

the most relevant content for every individual customer every day.

So, make sure your provider can deliver 1:1.

Only 46% of marketers use robust testing to gain insight

into personalization.


We’re supposed to be in the age of data, yet 67% of marketers report that their still using satisfaction surveys.

Our mantra: always be testing.When defining your priorities this year, make sure you’re

prioritizing personalization AND testing so that you can optimize your email templates, send time and other critical factors.

86% of marketers are using broad segmentation to deliver personalization


This isn’t personalization!Don’t get trapped into thinking that going far beyond coarse rules-

based segmentation is neither efficient nor scalable. Modern technology is redefining what’s possible with email and cross-channel personalization, so ensure the technology you evaluate isn’t limited!

Marketers who go beyond this can increase revenue per send by 175%


The Clymb, an IR 500 company, and Business Insider, the fastest growing business news publisher in the world, both leverage Sailthru’s email

personalization technology and have increased email revenue through our approach to behavioral email, predictive segmentation and 1:1 personalization.

