CREATED BY Amanda Severs Senior Account Manager Rockhouse Partners Grow Your List. Increase Engagement. Sell More Tickets. Email marketing yields an average ROI of $44 10 STEPS TO INCREDIBLE EMAIL MARKETING

10 Steps to Incredible Email Marketing

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Amanda SeversSenior Account Manager

Rockhouse Partners

Grow Your List. Increase Engagement. Sell More Tickets.

Email marketing yields

an average ROI of



Page 2: 10 Steps to Incredible Email Marketing

#1 BUILD YOUR DATABASEUse What You’ve Got: Ticket Buyers. Organic Sign-ups. Contests.

2.5x1-click forms gather more organic sign-

ups than text links

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#2 CHOOSE THE RIGHT TOOLSEmail Provider. Google Analytics. Ticket Tracking Codes.

Email marketing yields

an average ROI of


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#3 SEND A WELCOME EMAILPut Your Best Foot Forward. Let Subscribers Know What to Expect.

The click rate for welcome emails is

4xgreater than regular

promotional emails

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#4 DEFINE BUSINESS GOALSSell Tickets. Build Audience. Increase Awareness & Sponsorship Value.

Pre-sale emails alone

account for at least

10%of total

ticket sales

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#5 SEGMENT & TARGETLeverage Data to Deliver Tailored Content to Your Target Audience.

Segmented emails achieve a

15%higher click rate than overall list

click rates

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Winning email


#6 CREATE STELLAR SUBJECT LINESStrong Value Proposition. Action-Oriented Messaging. A/B Testing.

Test 20% of the list so that

the other

80%receives a winning

subject line

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#7 CREATE FOR MOBILEDesign for Touch Instead of Mouse-Click Using Mobile-Optimized Email Layouts.

More than

60%of email opens

come from mobile devices

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#8 DRIVE TRAFFIC WITH CALLS-TO-ACTIONUse Buttons and Action-Oriented Messaging to Drive Clicks.

Buttons and images generate

2xthe clicks as regular

text links




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#9 FOCUS ON RESULTS: MEASURE & ANALYZESubscriber Activity. Traffic Sources. Conversions.

The average industry open rate is14%. We exceed that

90%+of the time

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#10 IT’S A MARATHON, NOT A SPRINTImproving List Size. List Health. Engagement & Sales.

In 2013, Rockhouse grew our

clients’ lists by


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Say hello.

[email protected]

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