10 quick tips for email marketing that gets results By Voight Thornton Having a email marketing media presence helps your company stand out from competitors, along with attracting potential customers, investors and business partners. Marketing your business online can be challenging to generate a buzz. However, implementing email marketing can help your company build a sustainable media presence. 1. Keep it catchy. There is a direct correlation between your ability to write great copy and the success of your email marketing campaign. So a headline that grabs attention, invokes curiosity, and gets your viewer to keep reading is extremely powerful. For example: If your keyword phrase is "how to jump higher," create a headline that includes that phrase and will get viewers excited to learn more: How to Jump Higher in 48 Hours Adding a time element to the headline is a great way to differentiate yourself and get readers’ attention. 2. Keep it short. People are busy, and their inboxes get bombarded with email. Hone in on one or two key points to make your emails easily digestible. Edit with rigor! Challenge yourself to cut your text and keep your message concise and clear. 3. Repurpose content.

10 quick tips for email marketing that gets results

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10 quick tips for email marketing that gets results

By Voight Thornton

Having a email marketing media presence helps your company stand out from competitors, along with attracting

potential customers, investors and business partners. Marketing your business online can be challenging to

generate a buzz. However, implementing email marketing can help your company build a sustainable media


1. Keep it catchy.

There is a direct correlation between your ability to write great copy and the success of your email marketing

campaign. So a headline that grabs attention, invokes curiosity, and gets your viewer to keep reading is

extremely powerful.

For example: If your keyword phrase is "how to jump higher," create a headline that includes that phrase and

will get viewers excited to learn more: How to Jump Higher in 48 Hours

Adding a time element to the headline is a great way to differentiate yourself and get readers’ attention.

2. Keep it short.

People are busy, and their inboxes get bombarded with email. Hone in on one or two key points to make your

emails easily digestible. Edit with rigor! Challenge yourself to cut your text and keep your message concise and


3. Repurpose content.

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Who has time to create 100­percent unique emails every time? If you’ve got a wealth of great copy — on your

website, in your social channels, etc. — leverage it for your email marketing campaigns. Be creative to

repurpose content from other mediums. Develop once, use 10 times!

4. Develop a natural voice.

Email marketing isn’t a mechanical process, and you aren’t a robot. Consider your emails as one more tool for

communicating with your customers or readers — a tool that enables you to reach a wider audience in a natural

way. To learn more about writing with a strong voice, see “Audience, language and other things that make us

go woot!”

5. Include a compelling call to action.

Think about the main action you want email readers to take. Call for an appointment? Check out your new

video? Remind readers of an important deadline, or repeat what they stand to lose if they don’t take up your

offer. Express your call to action in a strong, active way, like this:

Call today to save 30%!

6. Be consistent.

Setting expectations and living up to them is a sure way to build your email recipients’ trust. Clearly state that

your email marketing is a weekly, bi­weekly or monthly mailer — and stick to your schedule. Such consistency

can build a strong presence and serve as a powerful way to position yourself as an authority in your industry.

7. Insert links.

Boosting engagement with your brand — including driving email readers to your website and social media

platforms to learn more — is a key goal of email marketing. So you need to include relevant links in your email.

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Embedding links to verifiable sources such as your business’s Facebook page or YouTube channel will

increase your chances of people clicking the link and engaging with more of your company’s content.

8. Analyze what works (and what doesn’t).

Most email marketing programs offer advanced tools and targeting options to boost engagement from your

customer and prospects. Take the time to analyze what is and is not working for your email campaigns, and

make necessary adjustments.

9. Experiment.

Be a maverick and try something new! Never included video in your email campaigns? Now is a great time to

start. Test contests and email exclusive promos. Dare to be different with your brand; you’ll be surprised by

what does and does not work!

10. Make it easy to opt in or out.

Opt­in is when someone actually gives you permission to add them to your email list; opt­out is when you

assume that it’s OK for you to send them email unless they tell you to stop. Make sure these functions are

readily available in your marketing posts to ensure your permission campaigns are within email compliance. For

best practices regarding email distribution lists, check out this post.