Organising Your Garage

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Organising Your Garage

• What does the inside of your garage look like? If you're like many, it's probably in a bit of disarray. As structures intended for storing a collection of our belongings, it's easy to see how garages can become disorganised; however, a disorganised garage is also a less effective garage.

• Maximize use of your garage by keeping it organised throughout the year. Can it be done? Absolutely. Consider Fair Dinkum Shed's 5 tips for keeping a clean garage.

Organising Your Garage

• If you're a new garage owner, you'll save yourself the hassle of sorting through clutter in the future by adopting good habits from the start.

• Before you place any item in your new garage—even your car—develop a game plan. Create a general list of both the large and small items you plan to store in your garage, and sketch out a floor plan that specifies where each item will fit. Ask yourself: in what ways will I keep this space organised on a long-term basis? Hint: the proceeding tips will help you answer that question!

Tip #1: Start Fresh

• The first step in thoroughly organising a garage is sorting its items into 3 categories: things to keep, things to sell or donate, and things to throw away.

• Keep the things you use on a regular basis or things that have truly sentimental value to you.

• Sell or donate items that are infrequently used, that are nonessential, and that are in good shape. For example, donated power tools should be still functioning, old gardening gloves should be newly washed, etc.

• Throw away items that you haven't used in years that no one would consider valuable, or that are in disrepair.

Tip #2: Sort your Stuff

• Once you've decided upon what to keep (which should be around ¼ of what you previously had in your garage), separate items into common groupings and store in the same location for easy access.

• Items that will not be used on a regular basis should go into clear plastic storage containers with seal-tight lids and clearly marked labels. This will make finding items when you need them much easier. Always make sure items go back into your storage bins when you're finished using them to keep your garage looking sharp all the time.

• Build and install proper storage units to house containers and other small items that would otherwise take up floor space. These could include large shelves to set against one or multiple walls, or a tall cabinet.

Tip # 3: Properly Store What you Have

• Find ways to keep the floor of your garage as clutter-free as possible by reserving this space for only large items. In other words, if an item is too large to lift, it can stay on the floor; anything else should find a new home. It makes sense to dedicate floor space to push lawn mowers, bikes, and of course, your vehicle; the floor is not a good spot for gardening pots, a set of golf clubs, or footballs.

• Installing wall hooks and pegboards can be another effective way to free up floor space. Hanging tools, equipment, and miscellaneous items on the wall will also make them easier to access.

Tip #4: Optimize Floor Space

• Once you have your garage organised, congratulations! However, you'll likely soon acquire new items, and this has the potential to undermine your previous organisational efforts.

• To manage an influx of new items, never place a new item in your garage without first finding a permanent place for it. Rather than setting a new handsaw upon your work bench after first use, identify a designated space for safe keeping, such as on your pegboard, wall hook, or plastic storage bin.

• Once you've accumulated a fair amount of additional items, it may be time to take inventory of your garage again. Repeat the process of sorting items to save, sell, or toss to free up space for more valuable or relevant items. To keep your garage looking supremely sharp, you'll also want to conduct a thorough cleaning approximately every 6 months to a year.

Tip #5: Find a Place for New Items

Find exceptionally well-built garages to properly store all of your belongings at

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