Evaluation Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation question 4

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Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Target Audience For our film the target audience is mainly teens and young adults from the ages of 13 years old and 21 years old and it is for both females and males as our main character is a male but he has a lot of interaction with female characters. Our audience may be able to relate to our characters because we have an average male who is being troubled by both a girl and a boy so it is very realistic as this happens in schools all the time. We also used trendy outfits for both girls so that our female audience can relate to our film.

Who is our target Audience?

Our target audience is most likely a female between the age of 25 years old and 29 years old but for our film we would like to go a little younger because she is a little too old. She is most likely to work in the education industry with left wing political views.

Lifestyle Most likely loves following celebs personal lives and enjoys going out to the cinema with friends and enjoys sports like gymnastic and eating burgers and ice cream.


Spends on average 31-35 hours a week online on things like twitter, facebook and instagram

Target Audience profile

This is an image of someone who would watch our film and who this film is targeted at.

Typical Facebook page for our target audience

Favourite Type of Music

Just like any other young girls Lilly is into boy bands and Female pop stars. This is our idea type of audience because she fits perfectly with both of our female characters.

Favourite Films These are her favourite movies, these movies indicate she would love Average because she is into teen dramas and romantic comedy's

Favourite BooksShe is into books like game of thrones which many young people are into who watch youth dramas and high school movies.

Favourite TV Shows

She watch`s a lot of teen drama shows like the Game of thrones and Breaking Bad

Favourite Apps

She is on all apps that most young people are on so she is into social media and gossip. As she has all these apps she can talk about our film on some of her social media accounts