Dualacy chap 2 winter

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A Fishy Dualacy~Chapter 2~~Winter~By: CanImarryapony

Welcome back to A Fishy Dualacy, where magical things happen. Okay, not really, not yet.

Where we last left off, Azure just went to college. And made friends with Adriana, who is also Axototl's close friend in college.

Azure also opened up the first business of the family at Little n' Local. Where she sells flowers and veggies.

Comet and Weather also went to college and their faces exploded. Apparently Jay had a broken face template and passed in on to the kids, but at least they're not face 1.

Comet and Weather also joined the Greek house, but did not move in right away.

That's all for the recap, now on with the show.


Mary was pregnant again, but that didn't stop her from using the first day of winter as a get together. She invited all their friends and family.

Caerulean was delighted, her cousins were coming over and there was snow on the ground.

Rosy and Koi even brought their dog Leylic to play with Squirrel.

The snow melted by noon, but that didn't stop the kids from having a water balloon fight in the yard. Even Azure and Adriana joined in.

While the kids played, the adults hung out indoors watching B horror movies.

Azure enjoyed getting to spend was quality time with her younger sister. For once Cae didn't shove her away.

Unfortunately, Rosy got too cold and all the kids trooped in to take a break. Which meant games of red hands.

Not too long after, Lupe took Rosy home to make sure she didn't catch a cold.

Not long after the house was cleaned and the guests gone, Mary tried to go to sleep, but the baby had other desires and she entered her second trimester.

The next night was Ax's birthday. The cake decorate had gotten the cake wrong, but the show must go on. There wasn't time to get another.

Ax didn't really care about the cake. And grew old in stride. It had to happen sometime. Now he just really wanted to put on new clothes.

A quick trip to the store fixed his wardrobe issue. Now he could live a retired life in style.

It wasn't long before Domino Salt was finally born. Ax's and Mary's third child was born late in the night, Domino has black hair and his dad's pretty blue eyes.

Domino is named after the Domino Damsel. While these little fish are cute, they're known for their aggressive temperament They also sometimes live in sea urchin for protection from predators.

I hope you don't mind having an old man as a dad, bud. Az said softly cuddling his son. Little ones grew up so fast and he hoped he could up with the youngster.

True to the nature of children it was time for a double birthday.

Cae blew her candles out first. I wish that I grow up as pretty as Azure. She said as she closed her eyes tight.

When she opened them she was teenager. She didn't have much time to celebrate because Mary was already tossing Domino.

Domino grew up to look like a even mix of Ax and Mary. He was a bit of a slob, but very outgoing and friendly.

Winter ended quickly. Cae planned to join her sister and cousins for the spring semester. She felt a little cramped with Domino in the house and college would give her the perfect opportunity to make a name for herself. And of course meet college guys.


Jay could dance with joy. He finally found an opening in his dream job. Tomorrow morning he was going to be a detective on his way to being a Captain Hero. He was a little old for the job, being only a few days away from being an elder, but he was still in great shape.

Of course he would still have to play his show guitar for the kids.

Rosy and Koi had learned how to smustle from their older siblings. Jay couldn't help but laugh at their antics.

Lupe and Jay finally saved enough money to renovate the house. They update the main bath and added one to the master bedroom.

Hopefully soon they would have more money to finish the rest of the house.

Late at night Max finally comes around again. Lupe rushed outside to greet the shivering stray. It was too cold a night for Max to be wondering the streets.

Luckily all it took was a treat to get the old dog to come inside. Max would never need to spend winter nights on the streets.

With Max's time in the family just beginning, Frolic's was ending. She had lived a long happy life and had seen two pups to adulthood.

Frolic was the first pet to past away in the legacies.

As much as the family wanted to be sad forever; time must march on and it was time for a triple birthday.

Lupe invited the family over for a small party. It wasn't every day they had an excuse to get together. Now that the kids were growing up.

They all three lined up by the cakes, waiting for the family to gather round.

The twins grew up in unison. Rosy wanted to learn everything there was to know and eventually become a city planner. Koi followed the nature of his uncle and take life in stride as along as he became a celebrity chef in the process.

Lupe blew her candles out after the twins, she really didn't feel any different than she did a moment ago. She guessed being an elder wasn't as bad as she thought. Her brother certainly didn't seem to mind.

The next morning Lupe and Jay went to the store to pick up new clothes. Pink was certainly not her color.

Upon returning home, Lupe changed into a gray dress with a red sweater, she felt much better.

Rosy bent of skilling for scholarships often asked her mother to sit down and play chess. She wanted to at least get one before she left for college in two day. Her brother Comet sometimes visited from campus to give her pointers.

Koi was content to get the scholarships for good grades. That's what the rest of the family had, there was no need to go for more. Besides they had to live the dorm the first year where all the money was pooled.

Rosy finally got her last logic point, hours before her and Koi would be leaving for college. She would finally get to see Weather again. She loved all her brothers, but he was her favorite by far.

Koi and Rosy left early the next morning, leaving the house feeling empty. Jay remembered when they were still kids, playing at the toddler table. Now they all were grown and off to college.

He could almost see them dancing again to his music. Weather would be back soon enough. Jay supposed, then he have little grandbabies to play for.

That's all for this update. A little on the short side, but I neglected to take as many pictures as I should of. I'm glad this one's finally done. I just have to mention how much I love Rosy, as do everyone she knows. She's adorable sweet and cute, strangely enough a perfect little nerd. Gen 2 Sophomore year is next.

The Domino Damsel pic is from rockncritters.co.uk

Cover art is a picture of one of my own fish.

Happy Simming!