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Best Approach to Unlock Her Legs

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Best Approach to Unlock Her Legs

Imagine if you could be armed with the power intuitive skill of reading female body signals? What kind of

impact would that have on your dating life? How much more successful would you be if you had this

valuable knowledge to unlock her legs? The obvious answer to the above questions is by being armed

with such golden information, you will have an advantage over most men in being able to pick up on

women's vibes. This will undoubtedly improve your game with women.


It is actually not that hard to understand what women are thinking if you are able to read their body

language, especially when it comes to flirting. There are a few signals you should be on the lookout for

when interacting with a woman. If the woman is displaying more than one of these things then most likely

she is interested in you.

Below I have listed the most essential female body signals to read:

She plays with her hair. If a woman is playing around with her hair, then she is most likely has a crush on

someone. It is a powerful indication of interest, some would argue the most powerful indication.

She smiles often whenever you say something. You might even be saying something that is stupid and she

will still smile. This means she is in to you.

Her pupils are dilated. This is a classic sign to look for. I don't believe it is the most powerful sign, that is

why I didn't put in the first two points, but I do believe there is some truth in it as selective research


She holds direct eye contact with you for an extended period of time. Furthermore, she is looking straight

into your eyes. This is an obvious sign she has a crush on you.

Page 2: Best Approach to Unlock Her Legs

She checks you out. She looks at your entire physique. You catch her looking at your legs, at your behind,

at various parts of your body. This is an extremely powerful sign she is into you and means she is into you

big time and most likely wants to hook up with you.

I have listed the five most essential things to look for when reading female body signals. With the above

information, you will have a female interest radar under your chest. Now go ahead and hit on those girls

with the knowledge of knowing if you are getting anywhere. Never waste a minute again!

If you would like to learn more about reading female body signals and discover incredible techniques on

how to Unlock Her Legs The Scrambler, then visit my website to get your hands on my FREE report that

has helped thousands of men get women they NEVER thought they stood a chance at getting!