Transforming culture through effective meetings. with Mamie Kanfer Stewart and Rob Toomey

Transforming culture through effective meetings

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Transforming culture through effective meetings.with Mamie Kanfer Stewart and Rob Toomey

Page 2: Transforming culture through effective meetings

TypeCoach provides a unique communication system based on principles of personality type.

Our programs are used by global organizations to improve team communication and by sales teams to improve prospecting and close rates.

Representative clients include: Bain Capital, Biogen, Harvard University, Lundbeck, NHS, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Shire, Staples, The TJX Companies, Vertex, and Virgin Care.


Mamie Kanfer Stewart
Rob to provide info
Tai Tsao
I added the content Rob provided here. The second paragraph is in the speaker note. Feel free to move the logo around.
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Web & Mobile Apps Consulting


Page 4: Transforming culture through effective meetings

•The relationship between meetings and culture.

•Specific actions you or your clients can take to improve meeting culture.

•How to make the case for why improving meetings is a worthwhile investment.

•Tools and resources that are available to facilitate the meeting-culture transformation effort.

What you will


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Peter DruckerManagement Guru

Culture eats strategy for breakfast.“

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Culture is theSet of beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees act and interact.Culture is expressed as implicit or explicitRituals, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, and habits.

What do we mean by culture?

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But why meetings?

Meetings are everywhere in our

organizations.9 people

attend each meetingon average

62 meetings

per month attendedon average

per week ormore spent in


24 hours

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Bob Pothier Director of Partners in Leadership Former GE executive

The strongest message about how you want your culture to perform is embedded in how you conduct your meetings.

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Elements of culture appear in meetings.

Habits Language





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Human dynamics are at play in meetings.

Power Values Personality

Tai Tsao
Could be a good place for Rob to chime in.
Mamie Kanfer Stewart
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Emotions emerge in meetings.

FOMO - fear of missing out

Personal worth and respect

Feelings about colleagues

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Practices to transform your meetings.

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A desired outcome isThe measurable result the meeting will achieve.A desired outcome impacts culture by• Improving the quality of the

meeting• Showing respect to colleagues• Creating new, healthy routines

1. Set a desired outcome.

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List of…Agreement on…Decision on…Alignment on…Ideas for…Events scheduled…Stronger relationships…Completed…

How to write a desired outcome.

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2. Establish meeting norms.

Norms areGround rules that set expectations for behavior.Norms impact culture by• Translating values into actions• Making new behaviors ‘Okay’• Providing a shared reference

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● Ask how might we and think boldly.● Make sure everyone’s voice is heard.● Challenge assumptions and voice concerns.● Defer judgment of ideas during

brainstorming.● Use a backburner for off agenda topics.● Separate opinions and interpretations from

facts.● Our customers feedback is more important

than our opinions.

Examples of norms.

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3. End the meeting with a wrap-up.

A Wrap-Up isTime at the end of the meeting for reviewing and clarifying the meeting outcomes.A Wrap-Up impacts culture by• Creating a sense of closure and

accomplishment• Establishing accountability• Enabling transparency

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Ask:● What did we decide today?● What are the next steps? Who will do what by

when?● What do we want other people to know?

What critical information or insights do we need to share?

Have one person capture the outcomes and share with key stakeholders as soon as possible.

How to do a wrap-up.

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Make the case for better meetings and better culture.

Tai Tsao
See speaker note for the poll
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● Introduce changes that you can control● Find a champion partner● Share information and resources● Have a meeting about your meetings

How to introduce meetings as a lever for culture change.

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● Explain the pains, costs, reasons for change ● Paint a vision of healthier culture, improved

productivity● Provide facts, numbers, use cases, data● Share the practices, demystify the new

behaviors● Position this as an experiment● Address ‘what’s in it for me’

Consider multiple approaches to build awareness and make

the case.

Mamie Kanfer Stewart
rob to chime in here too!
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Meetings are a microcosm of your company.

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Set a desired outcome for every meeting.




Use norms to establish expected behaviors in meetings.

End with a meeting wrap-up.

4 Get others onboard with improving your meetings and culture.

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• Decide how you want to approach making changes.

• Pick 1-2 approaches to apply.

• Share this webinar with your colleagues and clients.

• Use tools that support new meeting practices.Tips for

Back at the


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Use tools to facilitate the meeting-culture transformation effort.

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