Client’s Logo SALES EXCELLENCE 2 9 - J a n - 1 6 When to identify the buying signals – verbal When to identify the buying signals - non-verbal How to get the buying decision The guideline of closing Pragmatic closing techniques and sample [email protected] Closing Skills and Technique

S&m module 3 2nd day 3 jan-15

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SALES [email protected] Skills and Technique

(After a lengthy or flattering introduction) After that introduction, I just can't wait to hear what I'm going to say.

After such a warm, generous introduction, I can only say thank you & I think you must have gotten the wrong guy.

(When addressing a small crowd or low attendance) This must be a wealthy crowd. Each of you bought two or three seats!

I won't speak for long on account of my throat. (clears throat) At my last engagement I talked too long, & someone threatened to cut it.

I'll try not to talk too long. They say its best to leave your audience before your audience leaves you.

I hope my speech will keep you on the edge of your seats. Hopefully that will be because you're interested, not because you're trying to get up the nerve to leave.

I don't have a solution, but I do admire the problem.

Take my advice I'm not using it.

You have the capacity to learn from your mistakes, & you will learn a lot today.

Ever stop to think, & forget to start again?

Treat each day as your last; one day you will be right.(

[email protected]

Turning Objection into sales.In this module 3 where facilitator and trainer will share and teach the salespeople on how to turn objection into sales.

What is an objection? Salespeople are most concerned about objections in the early part of the sale when they are trying to initiate the relationship and toward the end of the sales process when it comes time to close the sale.

Closing SalesWithout closing the deal no money from the bank or client to PKNP. 9.00 to 9.30Intro and Review back the on the first day Module 3 (KNI)9.30 to 10.00 When to identify the Buying Signals Verbal ( GMN) {30mins}10.00 to 10.15 Coffee Break10.15 to 10.45 Video , Role Play and Brain storming on When to identify the Buying Signals (Verbal) KNI {30mins}10.45. to 11.15 When to identify the Buying Signals Non-Verbal (GMN {30mins}11.15 to 11.45 Video, Role Play and Brain storming when to identify the Buying Signals Non-Verbal KNI {30mins} 11.45 to 12.30 How to get the buying Decision ( GMN ) {45 mins} 12.30 to 1.00 Role Play and Brain storming on How to get the buying Decision (KNI) {30mins}1.00 to 2.15 Lunch and Zohor Prayer2.15 to 3.00 The guideline of Closing (GMN) {45mins}3.00 to 3.15 Coffee Break3.15 to 3.45 Role Play and Brain storming on The guideline of Closing ( KN) {30mins}3.45 to 4.15 Pragmatic Closing Techniques and sample (GMN ) {30Mins}4.00 to 4.30 Role Play and Brain Storming on Pragmatic Closing Techniques (KNI) {30Mins}4.30 to 5.00 15 Pragmatic Closing Techniques and sample and Rap up by KNI {30 mins}5.00 to 5.30 Certificate of Attendance Presentations and Photographic Session At the end of this course students will be able to

Turning Objection into sales.In this module 3 where facilitator and trainer will share and teach the salespeople on how to turn objection into sales. From the trainer experience the objection sometime from a salesperson's perspective, it's anything that presents an obstacle to the smooth completion of the sale. Nothing is easy therefore salespeople are most concerned about objections. This session will discuss and brain storm how to handle objection. What is an objection? From a buyer's perspective, objections are concerns which make it inappropriate to make a purchase at this time. From a salesperson's perspective, it's anything that presents an obstacle to the smooth completion of the sale. Salespeople are most concerned about objections in the early part of the sale when they are trying to initiate the relationship and toward the end of the sales process when it comes time to close the sale.Closing SalesIn this final chapter of the 3 module is the SALES CLOSING workshop and training is the most important of all the other sales excellence training approach. Without closing the deal no money from the bank or client to PKNP. This is the toughest trait and in this final session the Facilitator and Trainer will be leading the session with brainstorming and also role play plus participation sharing their similar experience for both of day 1 and day 2. Copyright Precise Software Solutions 20092


15 minutesEndIndividual Exercise (15 mins)

There are 4 flipcharts around the room

1. What are you leaving behind to be here today?

2. What do you want to take away from today?

3. What are you offering to the group today?

4. How would we like to work together today? Visit each in turn & add your comments

A different way of establishing Ground rules!

Its a really good exercise to enable learners to not only get focused on the days training but also to get everyone moving from the start & meeting each other as they do so.

This icebreaker helps you, the trainer, to identify the motivation of the learners.

Flipchart 1. What are you leaving behind to be here today? Can help individuals park their outside concerns.

Flipchart 2. What do you want to take away from today? Helps you, the trainer, establish a group consensus about what the focus of your training will be (e.g. how much time/emphasis to give each topic).

Flipchart 3. What are you offering to the group today? Helps to establish the idea that the training day will be one of sharing ideas & experience.

Flipchart 4. How would we like to work together today? Helps the learners to establish ground rules.3

Ground rule gamesListen to others

Dont put other people down

Respect Confidentiality & Trust

Show Respect

Dont Interrupt others

Try to accept others viewsClassroom Procedures and General Information

The Bathrooms are where

The Break Refreshments include:

The Room for Lunch is whereLunch menuA vegetarian option is offered

Cell phones on off

Please dont email or text during course

4Try to accept others views.or at least understand them!ExampleAfter introductions, ask participants to lay down some ground rules that will prevent the occurrence of problems they have experienced in the past.

Course Designer should: add notes here regarding anything pertinent like all participants should have signed NDA etc.

If the course is presented in a distance learning environment then information pertinent to the environment should be presented on this slide. For instance, if there are urls to supporting materials or if there is VPN information for accessing test/lab exercise platforms then that should be delineated here. Additionally, if there are special security concerns relevant to s distance learning environment then those would be discussed here

You may be tempted to skip developing this part of the course. However, it is very important that students be free of as many distractions as possible when they are engaged in the true instructional portion of a course. Consider that participating in training is far from the daily routine of most students. They may have traveled some distance to participate and are in a different building, at a different company, among different people and maybe in a different country or time zone. Once instruction begins students need to be free from concerns about when they will eat, contact their business associates or family and even whether they are in the right training. When these issues are addressed at the beginning of instruction students are far more likely to give the pertinent training material their full attention.

When to identify the buying signals

What You'll LearnThe buying signals that a customer sendsThe rules for closing a saleThe specialized methods of closing a sale

Overall ObjectiveIn a role-play situation, the student will close a sale with at least 70% accuracy, according to the rating sheet developed by the [email protected]

8-6All your efforts up to this step of the sale have involved helping your customer make buying decisionsLack of confidenceFeels product is unnecessary Poor presentationDifficulties With Closing:Close the sale when your customer is ready to buy.

Some customers are ready to buy sooner than others, therefore you must be flexible.

1/30/20166Closing the sale is obtaining positive agreement from the customer to buyRecognize and avoid common closing mistakesExplain aspects of follow-up that enhance customer relationshipsDefine closing and explain how closing fits into the relationship-selling modelUnderstand different closing methods and provide examples of eachDiscuss the concept of rejection and ways to deal with itIdentify various nonverbal buying signalsKnow when to trial close

Buying signalsWhen & why to close:Here are few specific non-verbal buying signals.

The slow head nod

Extensive pupil dilation

Gestures that show interest

Buyer possessivenessLook for buying signals, the things a customer does that indicate a readiness to buy, such as facial expressions, actions, and comments.

Example: A customer is holding merchandise and smiling, or making comments that imply ownership.

Closing Successfully: A matter of an attitudeThe close is the last stage in the entire process of maintaining the rapport with your client & working towards the common [email protected]

8Customer buying signalsKey TermsSometimes the decision to buy is quick and easy. At other times, it's more difficult. In this section, you will learn how to recognize customer buying signals and how to close a sale.closing the salebuying signalstrial closewhich closedirect closeSTANDING-ROOM-ONLY CLOSEservice closeWhy It's Important

At a certain point in the sales process, your customer will be ready to make a purchase. [email protected]

14-9Recognizing closing cluesNon-Verbal Clues


Body Language

ExaminationVerbal Clues



RequirementsA closing clue is an indication, either verbal or non-verbal, that a prospect is preparing to make a buying decision.

Verbal buying signalsGives positive feedback I like the new features you described.

Asks questions What colours does it come in?

Seeks other opinions Who are some other firms that have bought your product recently?

[email protected]

8-11Nonverbal buying signalsBuyer is relaxed, friendly, open

Buyer brings out paperwork to consummate purchase

Buyer exhibits positive gestures/expressions

Buyer picks up sample and/or literature & examines itThere is a 3 step process to it .Cashing Objections:

Price MyopiaDisassociationFeel, Felt, FoundPsychological Sliding:It starts with matching your clients focus of attentionWhen you sense that your customer is blocking with an objection slide as smoothly as you can to another sensory Focus.Try to help customers experience the new mode as much as possible

[email protected]


DONT FALL INTO THE SEALay out an appropriate number of chairs in a circle (according to your group size). Get everyone to stand on the chairs. The chairs are safety points floating in a sea which is full of sharks. The task....the group has to arrange themselves in birth date order (day & month only....exclude the year). BUT they must not fall into the sea!

Can be used at any timePurpose :to wake participants & get the blood moving again!Keep the concentration of participants focussed during periods of sedentary listening!Sometimes to reduce tensions within the [email protected]

When to identify the buying signals - non-verbal13

NLP Pillars

RAPPORTOUTCOME THINKINGSENSORY ACUITYBEHAVIOR FLEXIBILITYReallyAllPeoplePreferOthers toResembleThem1.Effective Listening is the bottom line of TRUSTWhat is your Mental Map/Representational System?

Critical to the SaleRapport is the bridge that helps the person you are communicating with find meaning & intent in the things you say.


2. Verbal Techniques that build trust:Types of listening:Using the KEY WORDS

Marking Out


Small Talk

Selling with Metaphors : You will get the Attention Simplify ideas Touch the emotions MemorableIf some one uses words that hold special meaning for you, more than just information is conveyed. You instinctively feel that you have been understood

Active Listening

Reflecting and Paraphrase Listening

Shared [email protected]

The 15 most persuasive words: Mirroring


Crossover Mirroring

Matching Voice PatternsDiscover3. MIRRORING: Building TRUST Non-VerballyGoodMoneyEasyHealthGuaranteedLoveNewProvenNewProvenFreeBestResultsSafeSaveOwn

When you can learn to read others nonverbal signals & communicate back to them in the same way, you take rapport to a very deep level.

[email protected]

Do you experience a powerful emotions & sensations that represent how you feel about family as a whole because these feelings have been linked with these people?AnchoringAn anchor ~ a sensory stimuli linked to a specific set of statesHas great power because they can instantly access powerful states.________________

An anchor ~ a sensory stimuli linked to a specific set of [email protected]

A word or a phraseA touchAn objectA smellA song (sound)A taste

Types of anchors:


Where a particular stimulus will elicit a memory, behaviour or a feeling


A [email protected]

Anchoring:Is a way of giving an experience permanence

Happens all the time in our lives.

Usually occurs outside our conscious awareness.Traffic light turns red, you..

Under stress, you

Involve in an accident, you.

Associate a certain smell of cologne, you think of...

Associate a certain smell of food, you think of.

Hear a song, you.

You see a photo of, you..Common situations where anchoring occurs:_____ ___ _________

Usually occurs outside our conscious [email protected]

Comedians are masters of anchoringUse specific tone, phrase, physiology to get laughs instantly.


They do something to get you to laugh, while youre in that specific state they provide an unique stimulus (like a certain smile/ facial expression. They do this constantly until the state of laughter is linked with their expression.____/ ____

Summary of Modelling:They do something to get you to laugh, while youre in that specific state they provide an unique stimulus (like a certain smile/facial [email protected]

Step 1:Select an uncommon gesture you would like to use as your anchor (twiddle your thumb, pulling your ear, clasp your hand together, etc.).Something you do not do often.Step 2:Close your eyes and try to picture a particular moment you have gone through (happy, relaxed, confident, etc.).Recreate the scenario in your head (it may take you a few minutes depending on how used you are to visualisation)Step 3:Are you totally associated with the moment? Enhance your anchors further.Brighten that image, feel the wind, hear the sound, etc..Steps in anchoringStep 4:When your feelings are at its peak / you are at an intense state, anchor that emotion with an uncommon gesture (twiddle your thumb, pulling your ear, clasp your hand together, etc.)Step 5:Repetition, again and again. Successful anchoring depends on precise repetition.Step 6:Test it. Once you have calmed down, try to do the gesture you anchored a particular feeling with, and see if any feelings come forth.

21Step 4:Whatever gesture you associate with that feeling is important because that gesture will be the key to harnessing the said emotion in future.Step 6:* If nothing happens, try to repeat the visualization process again or change your anchor.

Verbal Communication vs. Non verbal Communication

Positive Nonverbal Actions

Maintain eye contact

Show interest = smile Nod head = understanding Show interest = lean forward

Match tone of voice

Negative Nonverbal Behaviors When the other person is talking it is rude to: Look away Check E-mail

Negative body language; head down, flat tones

Speaking too fast or too slow

Verbal Communication Nonverbal Communication Spoken WordsWritten Words Tone of VoiceGestures

Nonverbal Communication The definition of nonverbal communication is defined as, messages expressed through nonlinguistic means. Verbal Communication Spoken wordsWritten words

Nonverbal Communication Tone of voice, signs, screams, vocal qualities (loudness, and pitch) Gestures, movement, appearance, facial expression, eye contact, voice, and touch


The how to get the buying decision

Techniques for closing1. Alternative Choice CloseProvides a choice between items2. Assumptive CloseSalesperson assumes the prospect will buy3. Compliment CloseCompliments the buyer4. Summary-of-Benefits CloseSummarize benefits of products5. Continuous-yes CloseSummarize benefit questions that the prospect must answer6. Minor-points CloseAsk the prospect to make a decision on a minor, single product7. T-account CloseWeighing of pros and cons8. Standing-room-only CloseNow or never9. Probability CloseProbability of doing business10. Negotiation CloseFinding ways to have a fair deal11. Technology CloseUsing technology to close

Closing [email protected]

Be prepared for objectionsPrepare for potential objections

Formulate responses for potential objections

Be able to think on your feet

The close questionEstablish a close question

Memorize your close question

Practice your close________________________

Memorize your close questionFormulate responses for potential [email protected]

26Trial closeAttempt a trial close to test the readiness of the customer & your interpretation of a positive buying signal.Close when your client wants to buy, not when you want to sell.

The best time to close is after successfully handling an objection.

Expect to close each sale a minimum of three times.

Transfer a sense of urgency to your client into buying now.There are 4 rules of thumb to close

Create an Ownership Mentality Use words that indicate ownership, such as you and your. Look for minor agreements from the customer on selling points.Dont Talk Too Much If you think the customer is ready to make a buying decision, stop talking about the product.Dont Rush a Customer Be patient, courteous, polite, and helpful.

A trial close is an initial effort to close a sale.

[email protected]

27My life in salesA difficult sale I managed to turn aroundA sale I achieved with a creative solutionA sales relationship that was broken and I fixedA sale I made really wellA moment when I came to a big realisationA sales objection that I resolved wellAn ingenious solution to get a saleSomething that changed my lifeA mistake I made and learnt fromA challenge I overcameIn turns to select a point from the list and discuss your experience/s surrounding the scenario

When you have had your turn, the next person should choose.

[email protected]



Objective: To emphasis how important listening skills are & how hard it can be to take in too much information at one time. A useful game to help leaders understand that they have to provide clear instructions.

InstructionsAsk one person to leave the room while the rest of the participants come up with a well known phrase, slogan or rhyme. Each participant must take one word from the phrase. They call the person back into the room, shout 1, 2, 3 & then all at the same time shout out their word from the phrase. The listener must make sense of the words & identify the phrase.Of course the listener will find this very hard to do. They may ask for it to be repeated twice & after that they must guess. If they dont identify the phrase, they [email protected]

The guideline of closing29

14-30Guidelines for closing the saleFocus on dominant buying motives

Negotiate the tough points before attempting a close

Be patient

Avoid surprises at the closeDo not isolate the prospect

Show confidence

Ask for the order more than once

Recognize closing clues / buying signals__

Do not isolate the [email protected]

14-31Consider these buyer questions:

Do I really need this product?

Does this product measure up to the competition?

Should I postpone buying?

Will this supplier stand behind the product?

What will my friends think if I buy this item?Review possible barriers to closing the sale

Review closing guidelines

Prepare several closing methods

Plan to ask for the order more than once

Practise closingStrategic planning for closing the saleLooking at closing from the prospects point of view________ ________

Take the customers perspective in closing

Use the best approach to closing, based on the circumstances

Prepare several closing [email protected]

Timing the closeBuying SignalsThings customers do or say to indicate a readiness to buyThese signals include: facial expressions, body language, and comments

Trial CloseTests the readiness of the buyerInitial effort to close the saleWhen to closeYou begin closing once you meet your customer

All actions are directed towards closing

Remember: ABCs

Essentials of Closing Salesa) Prospect must understand what you sayb) Always present a complete story to ensure understandingc) Tailor your close to each prospectd) Consider customer's point of viewe) Never stop at first nof) Learn to recognize buying [email protected]

When to trial close






Trial close

Trial close

Trial close

Negative responsePositive responseSelling is not a linear processCan be used at any time during the sales process

May elicit a negative response because buyer is not ready to purchase

A trial close that works becomes the close!

Trial Close: Reveals readiness or unwillingness to buy

The close should be part of a natural progression of the dialogue with the customer

Use closing skills at the appropriate point in the customer dialogue not just at the end

Use active listening skills to identify customer buying signals (verbal and nonverbal) throughout the sales call examples are given on later [email protected]

14-34Methods to close the sale Trial CloseSeries of trial close questionsTrial close questions give you an indication of interest

Which CloseEncourages buyer to make a decision between two itemsA Trial Close is a closing attempt made at an opportune time during the sales presentation to encourage the customer to reveal readiness or unwillingness to buy

More Methods to Close the SaleMultiple Options Close: offers a choice of optionsDirect Appeal Close: Straightforward request to act nowCombination Close: Two or more closing methods [email protected]

Eight yess

Handling indecisionFill out closing documents

Get buyer to an emotional high, then close

Give the buyer one more reason to buyStrive for yes

Green light means go

More yess = greater chance of completing the sale

More yess = greater chance of completing the saleFill out closing [email protected]



Objective: To help consolidate key learning points from a learning & development event.This variation of the classic game is a great way for finishing a training event on a high. It is also useful to consolidate learning or to check recall. One advantage of this session is that the participants need to review the session fully in order to develop questions for the other team, as well as being tested themselves.

InstructionsArrange participants into two teams (ideally with 4 to 6 players per team) & provide each team with a few sheets of paper & a flipchart & pens.Ask each team to develop a series of questions based on the learning throughout the training session. These can be as easy or as difficult as they like. However, they must be relevant to the session. They should keep these questions secret from the other team for the time being. Once the teams have both completed their questions & written them down on the paper provided, it is time to start the game of hangman!Each team must take it in turns to pose a question to the other team. If the team get the answer right, then it is their turn to ask a question. Should they answer incorrectly, a piece of the hangman is drawn on the flipchart & they are challenged to answer the next question.The game ends when the first hangman is completed & the unfortunate team [email protected]

Pragmatic closing techniques and sample37

Closing the sale


Emotionally packed

Fantastic Presentation

What defines a great closeRecognize Closing Opportunities

Help Customers Make a Decision

Use words like you and your to create ownership__________

Use words like you and your to create [email protected]

Various techniques for closing a saleDirect CloseYou ask for the saleWhen buying signal is strong

Service CloseExplain services to overcome buyer objectionsWhich Close Encourage a customer to make a decision between two items.

Standing-Room-Only close Use this when a product is in short supply or when the price will be going up in the near future

Example: This is the last pair of shoes I have in your size.________________

Direct Close Ask for the sale with non-threatening questions or statements that get the customer ready for the close.Example: "Based on what I've shown you, how do you feel about this product?

Service Close Explain services that overcome obstacles or problems: gift-wrapping, a return policy, special sales arrangements, warranties and guarantees, bonuses or premiums, and credit or payment [email protected]

8-40Direct closeAlternative choice closeIt sounds to me as though you are ready to make the buy. Lets get the order into the system.

If there are no more questions I can answer, I would sure like us to do business today. What do you say?Which works best for your application, Model 22 or Model 35?

Would you like this delivered tomorrow, or would Monday be better?

Do you want it with or without the service agreement?

Gives the buyer multiple viable optionsSimply asks for the order:[email protected]

8-41Summary-of-benefits closeReviews the benefits accepted, reminds buyer why they are important, then asks for the order:Ms. Buyer, weve agreed that our product will substantially upgrade your technical capabilities, allow you to attract new business, and all the while save you money, isnt that right? Lets go ahead and place the order today. I will have my service technician out to train your staff next week.

Summary-of-Benefits Close: Re-emphasize the key [email protected]

8-42Assumptive closeMinor point closeI can ship it to you on Monday. Ill go ahead and schedule that.

Lets get this paperwork filled out so we can get the order into the system.

You need Model 455 to meet your specifications. Ill call and reserve one for you.What colour do you prefer?

Do you want to use our special credit terms?

When would you like our technical crew to do the installation?

Assumption Close: Assumes the positive responseAllows the salesperson to verbalize the assumption to see if its correct:Minor point closeFocuses the buyer on a small element of the decision:[email protected]

8-43Balance sheet closeMr. Buyer, lets take a few minutes to list out and summarize the reasons this purchase makes sense for you, and also list any remaining questions you may have. This will help us make the right decision.2 column list: Reasons for Buying and Remaining Questions

Helps find out whats holding the prospect [email protected]

8-44Buy-now closeWe have a price increase on this product effective in two weeks. Orders placed today can be guaranteed to ship at the current price.

My company is running a special this week. This product is currently 20 percent off the regular price.

Im almost out of stock on this product in our warehouse.Creates a sense of urgency with the buyer (reason must be honest):

Special Concession Close: Something extra for acting [email protected]

45Greeting the customer

Analyzing customer's needs

Describing your product

Customer yawns at the middle of your presentation

Customer interrupts with a question

Customer claims that the price is too high

Concluding your sales call (without an order)The world's worst

Play SampleRecently, we playedThe World's Worst Salespersonwith a group of financial-service professionals. Here are some of the situations and a couple of sample lines from the actors:Greeting the customerYour name sounds Jewish. So what do you think of the Palestinian situation?Hey let's not waste time with small talk. How about signing this order form right now?Analyzing customer's needsWhat do you want?You may not know this, but you sure need our Model 114-HB.Describing your productThis is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Forget the details. Let me tell you that this gizmo is going to change your life.Here's our 300-page reference manual. We are proud of this baby. Let me walk you through the book, one page at a time.Customer yawns at the middle of your presentationI have the same effect on my husband.Want some Java? You need to focus on what I am saying because the good part is yet to come.Customer interrupts with a questionDon't ever do that again. You will make me forget my sales points. I'll take questions later.If you stop interrupting me, I'll get done faster. I'll tell you everything you want to know in the correct sequence.Customer explains that she has another meeting scheduled in 5 minutesThey can wait. This is more important.You better make time for this presentation. Otherwise, you'll be sorry.Customer claims that the price is too high(Winking at the customer) Tell you what. You help me get this order and there will be something in it for you.Okay, let me give you a 60 percent discount. MasterCard or Visa?Concluding your sales call (without an order)If you call me with an order within the next 30 minutes, I'll throw in a microwave egg poacher.I don't hold any grudges. But if you ever get downsized, don't call [email protected]

ClosinggamesEach participant is handed pieces of paper

Each paper has the name of other participants

Each participant has to write I am glad I met XXX because.

The pieces of paper are distributed to the appropriate people & read when they get home

46As time goes by, we tend to forget what we have learnt. Things that are most easily remembered at those things at the beginning or at the end. That is why closing games are so important..they make the session more memorable.

Closing games also tend to be of a positive note which in turn leaves the participant departing with a feel good factor. In this particular example, every participant leaves with positive feedback.

14-47A closing worksheet includesA Closing Clue from the buyerExample: That sounds fine.A Closing Method choiceExample: Direct Appeal CloseA Closing Statement from the salespersonExample: Good, may I get your signature on this order form?

Confirm with reassurance that they have made a good decision

Reduce buyers remorse or dissonance

Offer appreciation

Continue to prospect

Let them know you are available post-sale

Confirm with reassurance that they have made a good [email protected]

14-48Buyer remorse . . .or cognitive dissonance is feelings of regret, fear, or anxiety that a buyer may feel after placing an orderPrepare the buyer for competition contact

Review your strong points one more time

Analyze what happened

Say thank you

Continue to prospectWhen the buyer says yes_______

Say thank [email protected]

ClosingTheSale49Graphic OrganizerSpecialized Methods to Close the Sale



Which CloseDirect Close

A customer seems to be frustrated because she likes three of the items you have shown her. What can you do to help make her buying decision easier?

[email protected]

8-50Dealing with rejectionAttitude is importantRemember the difference between self-worth and performanceEngage in positive self-talkDont assume you are the problemPositively anticipate the possibility of rejection and it will not overwhelm youConsider that the decision not to buy may have underlying reasonsAttitude state of mind or feeling with regard to a person or thing

A positive attitude combined with tenacity closes more sales__________________________________________

Attitude state of mind or feeling with regard to a person or [email protected]

6 common mistakesCommon closing mistakesTells instead of sells, doesnt ask enough questions

Over-controls the call, asks too many closed-end questions

Doesnt respond to customer needs with benefitsDoesnt recognize needs, gives benefits prematurely

Doesnt recognize or handle negative attitudes effectively

Makes weak closing statements, doesnt recognize when or how to close

Bad attitudeIneffective preapproachNot listeningOne size fits all approachUncertainty about post-closing [email protected]

52Failure to Close the Sale1.What are customer buying signals?2.When is the right time to close a sale?3.Provide examples of the following closing methods: which close, standing-room-only close, direct close, and service close4.Why is the failure to close not a true failure?Don't despair if your initial attempts to close a sale are unsuccessful.

In a retail setting, invite the customer to shop in your store again.

In business-to-business sales, it may be possible to negotiate further. Remember that even a customer who does not make a purchase is still a prospect for future business.Reviewing Key Terms and Concepts__________

Remember that even a customer who does not make a purchase is still a prospect for future [email protected]

Review Quiz1. What is closing the sale?

a. Obtaining an agreement to buy from the customer

b. Obtaining a few buying signals from the customer

c. A trial close technique

d. A way to get feedback from the customer

2. What is a which close?

a. A selling method used when a product is in short supply

b. A method where you ask for the sale directly

c. A way to encourage a customer between two items

d. None of the above

3. If the customer is giving you strong buying signals, which close would you use?

a. The which close

b. The standing-room-only close

c. The direct close

d. The service close

4. What is suggestion selling?

a. An after-sales activity

b. A service close

c. Selling additional goods or services besides the main purchase

d. Suggesting which product to choose when the customer is hesitating

Answer Key: 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. c [email protected]

Review Quiz5. CRM is

a. Maintaining relationships with customers

b. Offering related merchandise

c. Giving customers reviews of the product

d. Demonstrating the product

Answer Key: 5. a 54

3 things you have learnt today

2 things you are not sure about

1 way you can link what you have done today to your work place55Wrap upWrite Down


What I have learnt

What I will [email protected]

Learn Unlearn Relearn Evaluation56Please rate the following aspects of the course excellent good not good poor

Organisation & domestics




Overall enjoyment

Other topics of interest

Course Date Name

Use human bar charts?

Lay out 5 chairsInform participants which is 1 and which is 5 (1 meaning bad, 5 good)Ask a question Participants have to stand behind the appropriate chairRepeat with more questions

Can be problems re: confidentiality, but they do give you a good gist about things. Always give the option of not participating.Participants must be fed back the results [email protected]