Management by Objectives – Examples. Agnes Miriam. I

Management by Objectives

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Page 1: Management by Objectives

Management by Objectives – Examples.

Agnes Miriam. I

Page 2: Management by Objectives

Criticism on MBO

• W. Edward Deming – Argument against MBO.• lack of understanding of systems commonly

results in the misapplication of objectives.• Setting production targets – encourage

workers to meet those targets through whatever means necessary – poor quality.

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Peter Drucker on MBO

Management Buy Out !!!

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Improving Sales Force Performance by MBO.

• Tying compensation to MBO – Motivate the sales team.

• Sales Compensation Plan – traditional – lack proper data to measure sales.

• MBO Centric Compensation Plan – rewards people for meeting objectives.

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MBOs Have Their Time and Place

• When the company has indirect or insufficient data that limit the ability to measure individual sales performance.

• Technology company preparing for its first product launch.

• No immediate results even though the production and sales forces have worked hard.

• MBO based incentive plan is a good fit.

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Building a Successful MBO Team

• Involve the entire team• Drive results• Develop strong objectives• Tie to ratings• Centralize and automate

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Results Achieved

• The company established strong customer relationships.

• The sales force’s efforts created a customer base of eager first movers.

• the company retained its best salespeople in larger numbers than expected.

• The company had approached MBOs the right way, the technology company achieved its initial goals, motivated the sales force and rewarded salespeople appropriately.

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MBO – “The HP Way”

• Highly acclaimed management style.• MBO – an integral part of The HP Way !!• Bill Packard – MBO – Antithesis of Management by

Control.• Overall objectives are clearly stated, Flexibility to

work in different ways.• Planning – High level management and then

delegated to all.• Monitoring performance measures – plan modified.

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MBO at Microsoft by Bill Gates.

• Eliminate politics by giving everyone the same message.

• Keep a flat organisation in which all issues are discussed openly.

• Insist on clear and direct communication.• Prevent competing measures and objectives.• Eliminate rivalry between the different parts of

the organisation.• Empower teams to do their own things.

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MBO in Action at INTEL

• A Manager’s guide at Intel:• Start with a well chosen objectives.• Set your subordinates objective that fit in

within your objective.• Allow the subordinates to setup their own

key results so as to achieve their own objectives.

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MBO in Action at INTEL

• In Intel, objectives are written down for each level of the organisation and individuals are given specific aims and targets.

• What organisation is trying to achieve, what is their part and how they can help.

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MBO in Action at INTEL

• Andy Groove – “ The only thing MBO should provide is focus.”

• Keep objectives precise and their number small.

• For MBO to be effective, the individual managers must understand their specific objectives and how those objectives fit into the overall objective of the company.