Annual General Meeting Trade Union Congress, Great Russell Street, London 13 th November 2014

CIMSPA AGM presentation 2014

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Annual General MeetingTrade Union Congress, Great Russell Street, London

13th November 2014

Welcome and Introduction – David Stalker, Chairman


• Welcome and Introduction – David Stalker, Chairman

• Approval of 2013 Audited Accounts & Minutes – David Stalker, Chairman

• Trustee Recruitment – David Stalker

• The Landscape we are operating in – David Stalker, Chairman

• Transitional Management Report – Tara Dillon, Interim COO

• 5 Year Business Milestones – Tara Dillon, Interim COO & Stephen Wilson, Interim Officer

Approval of 2013 Audited Accounts – David Stalker,


2012/13 Forecasted Performance  Actual1

2012 £Forecast2013 £

Income from activities:    Membership & Partnership subscriptions 376,867 346,312Education & Training 571,919 537,084Other activities 146,991 105,878     Grants receivable - 133,320Income from investments 3,368 3,672Total income 1,099,145 1,126,266     Operational Expenditure (1,134,963) (1,010,015)Investment management costs (1,504) (1,650)Exceptional Costs (4,760) (142,539)     Operating surplus/(deficit) (42,082) (27,938)     Investment gains (realised and unrealised) 13,102 13,000     Total surplus/(deficit) (28,980) (14,938)     Reserves at beginning of year - 42,244Transfer of reserves from IMSPA 71,224 -     Reserves at 31 December 42,244 27,306

• At the last AGM we forecasted for 2013:

• £14,938 deficit• £27,306 funds

2013 Actual Performance

• Accounts were approved by Trustees on 28 May 2014

• Accounts audited by Crowe Clark and Whitehill LLP on 24 June 2014

• Reported operational performance £4,086 better than forecast

• Reported improvement in funds by £24,251

• Total Funds at 31st December 2013, £51,557

Trustee Recruitment – David Stalker, Chairman

Projected Governance Structure

2014 Board of Trustees

David StalkerChair

Carl BennettElected Trustee

Ian NicksElected Trustee

Julian LeybourneElected Trustee

Sue BriggsChair of N&R Committee

Glenn Armstrong

Vice Chair of N&R

Paul CluettAppointed


Trustee Amendments

• At the October 2014 meeting the Trustees and I formally accepted the resignation of Ian Nicks from the Board of Trustees

• Today marks the start of the recruitment process for:

• A trustee elected by the members following the resignation of Ian Nicks

• Three further appointed trustees with expertise:• Financial management • Marketing• Sports & Activity Delivery

Nominations Committee

David Stalker

Julian Leybourne Sue Briggs

Carl BennettChair

• Nominations Committee will:

• Assess applications to stand for election via the membership

• Assess & appoint applications to stand as an appointed Trustee

• Nominations Committee Chaired by Carl Bennett

Regional Committees

• Regions were previously ineffective but crucial for future operations

• Serving on average 157 members per region (12)

• Re-focused to 3 regions and 3 nations

• New Boards established

• Officers recruited and in place

The Context – David Stalker, Chairman

A balance between active & reactive• Seeking to protect the sector against a

withdrawal of apprenticeship funding

• Seeking solutions to the removal of the QCF

• Reacting to increasing local authority cuts by supporting leisure providers to expand their role and influence across the wider range of leisure provision

• Undertaking research to identify skills gaps across the sector

The Institute constantly sits along the fine line of reacting to developments within the sector and beyond, and separately developing new initiatives to challenge and stretch the sector

Challenge and Stretch

ActiveArticulating workforce development plans and promoting the role of the sector

Re-activeResponding to opportunities & challenges by developing initiatives and projects

The landscape has changed• Employers are now in charge but

require clear support

• A third party is required to outline what “good looks like”

• A clear voice to government on workforce development is required or the sector will slip to the back of the queue

Even simply over the course of one year the landscape and context against which we are operating has changed dramatically, actually increasing opportunities for the Institute

The Transition – Tara Dillon, Interim COO

Aims of the Transitional Process

• Embed the principles of the business review into the Institute:

1. Re-structure and grow the membership2. Draft a Professional Development Framework (PDF)3. Build an endorsement programme identifying quality

education and training4. Develop new Education & Training Initiatives such as

mentoring5. Restructure the Nations and Regions Committee6. Develop key partnerships with academic institutions,

market interest groups7. Re-invigorate CIMSPA’s Information and Policy 8. Develop new systems and processes that support greater

member interaction9. Manage the finances through a transitional year

Transitional Team

Tara DillonInterim COO

Spencer MooreDevelopment


Ben GittusEndorsement

& Engagement Director

David StalkerTrustee

Overseeing the Team

1. Membership

































• 2457 live members

• 20.8% increase during transition process

• 80 members (3.3%) ahead of forecast at time of last AGM

• Significant growth through student categories of membership

2. Education & Training2013 Education & Training

The message does not match the education

The Institute must develop and deliver a well rounded programme of education and training

Current members do not participate in the Institute’s education and training

CIMSPA should support the Single Qualifications Framework

The Institute is overly reliant on PPO

The Institute should not compete with education providers who are often its members

CPD is crucial yet current offer only attracts 13% of members

The Institute should be a “badge” of quality providing unequivocal assurance to members

2014 Education & Training

Outline a programme of professional development from levels 3-7

Install clear quality marks across the education system

Protect and grow apprenticeship funding to the sector

Protect against the withdrawal of the QCF

Build a system that identifies best practice to employers and learners; works with awarding organisations; and delivers through training providers

2. Professional Development Framework

Regional Events & Programming


The PDF is at the “heart of the institute as it defines relevant job families, competencies and education

The Institute acts as a “badge of quality” for CPD, Qualifications and courses. Endorsing provision through Awarding Organisations

Members are signposted to education and all categories are aligned to job families, meaning you can progress your membership through your career

Discounts on education, guidance and actual training delivered through the Nations and Regions

• Professional Development Framework is a model of professional skills, competencies and behaviours that foster continual learning as an individual progresses through their career and membership

2. Professional Development Framework

• In tandem with a withdrawal from direct delivery the Institute pledges to build an endorsement model at level 3 and above for management professionals

• An endorsement criteria, submission process, evaluation and contractual process are in place

• Operating for:• Awarding Organisations (Qualifications)• Training Providers (CPD)• Higher Education (Courses)

3. Endorsement

4. Education & Training InitiativesActive Training Awards – first ever sector wide accolade for workforce development, recognising best practice against CIMSPA standards.

Over 65 applications and 150 attendants to first ever conference exclusively focused on workforce developmentTrailblazer – secured Trailblazer status for the sector in order to protect and grow the £30m apprenticeship funding currently received by the sector

Reviewing standards for Personal Training and Leisure Manager aligned to CIMSPA membership and PDF.

Undertake initiatives

that strengthen workforce development across the sector

4. When it works – Higher Education

Offer services

and members to individuals

going through

endorsed education

Build a relevant membership offer for target audience

Endorse education

either through CPD,

Qual or Course

Identify a

standard and a

Job Family

Identified training within Higher Education for Sports Management

Built an endorsement model supported by a ten point plan for partnerships with Higher Education Institutions including: Internship/placements, guest lecturers, links to research, student conferences, HE representation on management boards

Built a student membership offer:• Access to CIMSPA library and resources• Electronic copy of S&PA• CIMSPA newsletter e zine, S&PA Extra• Sector job alerts• Forum within CIMSPA website• Access/ discounts to student conferences• Access to CIMSPA career development work and PDF• Access to negotiated promotions through CIMSPA


Secured a circa 60% rise in Student members through this approach

5. Nations & RegionsRegions & Services

Regional Chairs are volunteers without sufficient support to deliver administrative tasks

Regions can be “like elite little cliques”

Crucial technical guidance requires routine and regular updating

In principle without greater support the Regions are “set up to fail” 

In principle without control from the centre there will be disparities between regions

If adequately supported a region could deliver:• Career Services• Work Placements• CPD sessions• Mentoring

Currently regions are not appropriate in order to deliver member benefits

5. Nations & Regions

Nation or Region Chair Vice Chair

Scotland John Bruce TBC

Northern Ireland Paul Lyness Liam Glavin

Wales Sally Church TBC

North Tim Hicks Glenn Armstrong

Midland Sue Briggs Lloyd Conway

South Rob Hardy Adrian Mathews

5. When it works?

• North East Region

• May 2014 in the midst of changes to regions

• Legal Claims in Sport

• Cost neutral through sponsorship

• 67 attendants• 45 non-members• 13% conversion

6. Key Partnerships

Umbrella Bodies

Education & Endorsement

Government Partners

Higher & Further Education

Inheriting a body without partners but now have, or are developing, MoUs, SLAs and agreements that support membership growth and service:

7. Information & Policy

Create a method of identifying

what guidance is necessary

Ensure a collaborative approach

to the production or review of


Identify both strategic

and technical


Build an understanding that the CIMSPA badge

represents quality


7. I&P – When it works?

Partnership with ukactive Health &

Safety Group

Agreement with the HSE to lead the sector


Now reviewing the HSG 179 Swimming Pools


Stakeholder relationships are key, both employer and consultants must be integrated

Relationships are now in place with bodies such as the HSE, ROSPA, and BSI

We are now a mechanism for the sector to review key pieces of guidance including HSG 179

8. Systems and Processes

Move from a paper based system to an online, personalised, progressive, e-commerce & e-learning platform

8. Systems & Processes

Personalised member login, outlining education achieved

Targeted and relevant events programme on member homepage

Promoting key research and members satisfcation programmes, gathering insight

Targeted and relevant training offers all discounted through partners

Linking to e-commerce and membership purchase

9. Finances

• At 2013 a forecast for 2014 showed:

• A £2,105 surplus

• A £1,067,297 income projection

• Current forecasts demonstrate:

• A £11,183 surplus

• A £950,876 income projection

Is it working?

Individual Essential for every career

EmployerEmbedded within Job DescriptionsProviding a clear

workforce development strategy for your


Reassurance of the quality of learners and


commissioning and partners

Embedded: CPD, publications, regional

events, advice & guidance

Tailored education and training for every step

of your career

Signs of progress

Growing Membership Employers calling for CIMSPA

5 Year Business Milestones – Transitional Management


What is it?


An outline of what the Institute could look like in 5 years

A forecast of how our role should change in line with ambition

A forecast of how we will respond to the changing sector context


We are scratching the surface of Sport & Activity

The workforce development landscape will change

We are a new business, with new models and new staff

Scratching the surface

League Managers

Local Authority Sport & Leisure

Sports Development

Parks & Recreation

Performance Sports

Sport & Exercise Science

Children's Activity

As we grow our models will be applied to numerous individuals, stakeholders and professionals

Workforce Development




Removal of the QCF creating an open market of AO qualifications.

Potentially 40 quals = 1 job

New Government following 2015 election

Mandatory employer ownership and cash investment into apprenticeships

Potentially halving the £30m of sport & activity apprenticeship funding

Renewal of Performance Directors

Into our 3rd local authority spending cycle

CIMSPA members potentially operating in libraries, theatres and parks

We are changing


The message does not match the education

Declining members

No outward policy positions

Not articulating professional competencies

Institute relying on 52% of income through direct delivery of a single qualification


Partnership led

A partnership and endorsement system of education

A government partner essential for workforce development

Income sustainable on membership

Leading sector body for workforce development

We are now recruiting a team to a very different organisation and must be able to articulate that change to the team, members and stakeholders.

A 5 year plan demonstrates our ambition

Our Mission & Vision

 CIMSPA is the chartered professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector. We provide leadership, support and empowerment for professionals working in sport and physical activity AND a single unified voice for the sector. Our vision is “To develop a vibrant, UK wide sport and physical activity sector, led by professionals providing advocacy and leadership and working in partnership with stakeholders to help ensure the highest standards of service delivery”. Our primary objective is to “define and facilitate professional development”. In order to do so we will work in close co-operation with related bodies to define and manage the career pathway for professionals in the sport and physical activity sector. The Institute then holds two long term strategic priorities: • To provide opportunities for young leaders to develop and succeed• To provide leadership on the development and management of career pathways

Our roles







Immediate Next Steps


Recruitment of full time CEO to deliver the 5 year key milestones. The ultimate end of the transition!


New Trustees recruited and elected birng new areas of expertise and experience.

Active TrainingAwards

Deliver the first ever workforce development conference and awards with over 200 attendants

Online System

Phased launch of a new system allowing online purchase of membership etc


Submitting the first ever Leisure Manager apprenticeship in February 2015


Three Regional Officers in place and activity will commence in the New Year