About Leaderonomics

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The world needs a little fixing.

... we thought we’d try.

hello we’re

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How it’s pronounced in the Northern Hemisphere:


How it’s pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere:


Trying to fix the world,one leader at a time.

Leaderonomics is a social enterprise with the sole purpose of transforming nations through leadership development. We are a cradle-to-grave leadership solutions provider with a belief that leadership begins with...

YOU.“EvErYthing risEs and falls with lEadErship.” John Maxwell

our vision

We beLieve in: Setting new goals to challenge and propel all people to develop into leaders, in all fields of endeavour. Playing an active role in helping the world’s leaders of all ages, classes and ethnicities to adapt to the dramatic changes in our natural and synthetic environments and helping them grow and develop as leaders. Establishing leadership in all its forms by transforming the minds and hearts of leaders to create a just, free and caring society.

Building Communities through LoveGrowing People into Leaders

Transforming the Nations

why we dowhat we do

“Almost ten years before we set upLeaderonomics, I had a burning question that plagued me – why do certain communities thrive whilst others languish in poverty and despair? I decided to explore the question with a series of experiments. What began as a small project resulted in a profound insight. It became clear that everything rises and falls on leadership. It was easy to go into a poor community and give them funds and help them with the issues they faced today. But that would be temporal relief. What these communities needed were leaders who could help them transform themselves. Leadership was a key missing element in all these communities but there was no means to bring leadership development to these communities. My experiments also highlighted that leadership is not genetic but a learnt process, and that it usually begins in a person’s childhood and school years. So how could we go into the most rural of places in the developing world and provide experiential leadership development?

Hui Ming and I, together with a few others, pondered this issue for months and we knew we had to dedicate our lives to this vision of reaching out to transform developing nations through leadership development. We knew that if we helped grow one person into a leader, he or she would then be able to transform their community and if we kept repeating this over and over, nations will be transformed. And thus the vision of Leaderonomics began.

roshan thiran, CEO

“We knew if we helped grow one person into a leader, he or she would then be able to transform their community...”

“When Roshan shared his insights on how critical leadership education was and how scarce it was in the developing world especially in rural schools and villages, we all knew that this was a calling worth investing our lives into. We are called to leave a positive legacy in this world, and what could be more important than enabling people to fulfill their potential? Many social enterprises give shoes, funding or food to the poor but those never solve the root of the issues in these challenged communities. But this vision at Leaderonomics was about going to the heart of the problem and fixing the root causes. How could we afford to bring this education to the masses, especially challenged communities? We knew we did not want to set up an NGO but rather, a model of leadership which could be replicated in all developing countries. Thus, we decided to set up a social enterprise offering learning and corporate services to businesses all over the world, where all our talents and skills could be fully utilised and monetised. The funds generated from these services will be invested into community programmes for youth and university students as well as to help NGOs and community leaders fulfill their calling.

We set up Leaderonomics, a unique social enterprise that funds its community programmes through world-class leadership development programmes for corporates. Every morning I jump out of bed knowing that we are changing the world, one person at a time. And we want as many people as possible to partner with us on this exciting journey.”

ang hui Ming, COO & CFO

“We are called to leave a positive legacy on this world, and what could be more important than enabling people to fulfill their potential?”

Today, Thisvision remains The hearTbeaT ofLeaderonomics – providing leadership development to all, including those who cannot afford it, especially impacting the lives of children and youth. At Leaderonomics, we have now grown into a global organisation, staying true to our calling but investing heavily in R&D in leadership development. Our research is now the cornerstone of our action-learning curriculum, which explores new areas of leadership including EQ, Asian leadership and new means to lead. Today, we are proud to see numerous global organisations leverage on our corporate services, and partner with us on our media and community work.

core vaLue #1

RELATIONSHIPSOur entire organisational infrastructure is designed to ensure we build long-term relationships with every stakeholder we engage with. We believe that relationships are how we build bridges and impact change in the world. Every relationship we have, is one that we treasure and grow, be it with a participant of our programmes, our customers or the community at large.

Treasuring & growingrelationships with each other,people we interact with,the community & God.

our Core vaLues

Serving otherspassionately &nurturing a spiritof generosityeverywhere.

core vaLue #2

gIvINgWe believe the world would be a better place if we all learned to serve others. We seek to build passionate people who live a lifestyle of generosity, because only as we give, can we hope to receive.

Enabling everyone to have a voicein the world and a place to

make a difference.

core vaLue #3

EmPOwERINgWe want to provide a platform for everyone to be able to express how they feel and to achieve their dreams. Our aim is to give everyone an opportunity to make a difference.

Fuelling a lifelongpassion for learning,innovation and holisticself-transformation.

core vaLue #4

gROwTHWe recognise the importance of lifelong learning for individuals as well as organisations. Growth is painful, yet critical, for leadership greatness. We are zealots of growth in everything we do and our fervour is transmitted into all our services and leadership development programmes.

Executing & building the futureby renewing minds and hearts tocreate a just, free and caring world.

core vaLue #5

buILdINg THE fuTuREWe believe all our actions today have consequences on the future. We want to be people of honour, people of their word and people who try to live in purity of mind and heart, so that we can build a bright and exciting future for the nations we work in.



media communiTy

this is howwe operate

The Leaderonomics structure reflects our conviction to provide leadership training to all.

In our Corporate Services arm, we partner with organisations to ensure they have the best talent and structures possible to meet their business goals. As a trusted growth partner of companies from multiple industries, we work hard to ensure our clients get the best solutions possibe through bespoke design and customisation of programmes. These insights enable us to produce the best-in-class experiential learning programmes which can also be replicated in our community services programmes.

While our Corporate Services division allows us to input into leading influential minds and magnify the effectiveness of organisations we work with, our Media arm stands as a testament to our recognition that leadership content can and must be transmitted through varied means in order to reach society effectively. We leverage on current technology to ensure content can be accessed in both a convenient and enjoyable manner. Our Community arm provides face-to-face and interactive reach to the greater community, including the underprivileged that would not usually have access to leadership training.

Leaderonomics funcTions as asociaL enTerprise.

our corporate services, media and community divisions work together as a system which complement each other in funding and content creation. all three spheres contribute to our core mission to grow people into leaders.

LearningphiLosophy& growthmodeL

We see the process of building leaders as a science with funda-mental principles and foreseeable dynamics. Leaders are made through experience, practice, hard work and sacrifice.

The traditional form of learning is mainly classroom and coursework-based where learning by listening is the primary mode of learning. According to research (Figure 1), learning by listening only results in a 10% retention rate after 3 months. Learning by visualisation does not fare much better, with only 20% being retained 3 months post-training.

We believe that people learn best not by being fed theory, but by having practical experiences. Research backs our claims where 70% is retained when learning is through experiences. And so we have flipped over the typical learning model where the majority of learning revolves around the classroom being ‘forced’ to listen to a person ‘teach’.

All our programmes move from a ‘learning through listening’ model employed in typical training programmes to a ‘learning while doing’ model.

“Play is the highest form of research.” albert einstein

LISTENING• Presentation/Speech• Video• Manuals/Flyers• Discussion

Retention Rate


3 weeks

3 months

Retention Rate72%


3 weeks

3 months

Retention Rate

3 weeks

3 months

SEEING• Role modeling

• Seeing and following

TEACHING• Leading others to do• Coaching own team

• Teaching other leaders



Figure 1: How PeoPle learn

DOING• Practice• Practical application day-to-day

Retention Rate85%


3 weeks

3 months


conventional model vs. leaderonomics model

Our programmes concentrate on providing hands-on experiences through our 70-20-10 model, where 70% is devoted to live and action learning, 20% to mentoring and coaching and 10% to interactive classroom training. (refer to Figure 2)

And thus, all our programmes focus on ‘live experiences’ which include simulations, action-learning modules, role plays, live projects, learning through failure, and other action-oriented learning practices.


Networking,Role Models& Mentors



Networking,Role Models& Mentors










“Leaderonomics have perfected action learning into a science and have the best experiential learning programmes in the market. They also have a great research team that has brought gems of insights on leadership especially on Asia to many of us in Europe and the uS.”

george Kohlrieser Head of Leadership

imd switzerland; hostage negotiator& best seller author

“Leaderonomics recently provided in-novative ideas and learning solutions to myself and my MBA classmates in efforts to address a real world global project. Thanks to these valuable insights provided, our project outcome was a big success and we delighted our key stakeholders. Overall, I am extremely impressed by the meaningful purpose of this organisation, the leadership, and the breadth of knowl-edge the company has to offer. Leadero-nomics is truly a best in class organisa-tion comprised of world class talent with diverse perspectives and impactful solutions. Highly recommended!”

lena Tai HR Leader

Johnson & Johnson (uSA)

What dopeople sayabout us?

business/domain masTery

strategic ThinkingGlobal perspective

industry awarenessdomain experience

FuncTionalmasTerydeep Technicalfunctional skillsbreadth offunctional skillsprocess orientatione-savvyness


personal effectivenesspassion

self awarenessresourcefulness

influencing skillsTeamworkcreativity


leadersHiPmasTerychange advocacydecision makingextreme Leadership


BuSINESS/DOMAIN MASTERyAt the essence of business/domain mastery, is the ability to identify opportunities and connect the dots. The most successful leaders understand their environment, and are able to spot gaps and envision a way forward. This level of awareness, perspective, insight and vision is strengthened through experience and exposure, and begins with an enthusiasm to learn and keenness to see.

PERSONALMASTERyPersonal mastery boils down to self and how effective we are as individuals. It encompasses elements such as our ability to influence, communicate, energise, create, and manage time and

projects. We believe that the cardinal key to developing this mastery is having an awareness of self so we understand how to minimise our weaker areas and how to develop them, whilst leveraging and exposing our strengths. We observe this trait in all compelling leaders.

FuNCTIONALMASTERyFunctional mastery is all about expertise. Successful leaders are not jacks of all trades and masters of none. They possess depth and have spent energy and time in specified areas to acquire credibility in their chosen fields. We believe it is fundamental for leaders to select and focus on developing themselves in certain spheres to acquire a solid level of know-how and perspective.

LEADERSHIPMASTERyLeadership mastery is as much about decision-making and timing of usage of traits as it is about competency of leadership traits. Whilst it is important for a leader to be a big picture thinker, it is also crucial for a successful leader to be detail-oriented, humble and assertive. Therefore, we believe that decision making lies at the core of powerful leadership. This mastery is developed through exposure to different contexts and experiences.

our growth model

Through extensive research and interviews with the best global leaders, we have drawn the conclusion that great leadership consists of four fundamental areas that we term masteries: Business, Personal, Functional and Leadership. Whilst each mastery on its own is valuable, there is a synergy when all four are combined and it is this amalgamation that we believe to be the key to being a cutting-edge leader:

As practitioners in the science of building leaders, we focus our efforts on helping organisations build a sustainable talent framework that helps them define, identify, select, develop, promote and retain their pool of talented leaders. Talent management is a critical part of your business success. At Leaderonomics, we have the expertise and the know-how to help you build a talent management framework and develop an eco-system in the organisation to support this.

From talent acquisition to talent devel-opment and retention, our Corporate Services deliver the tools, personnel and expertise to help you craft the best talent strategy for your business goals.

Our solutions have benefited talent of all levels, from C-level management to managers to executives and supervisors. Holding true to our Learning Philosophy, our services are experiential, differenti-ated and tailored to your unique needs. We believe that intentional experiential learning works best and our experienced team can work with you to propel your organisation to the next level.

Grow with us through our 6 key areas in Corporate Services:

We believe that leaders and individuals carry their organisation on their back in the journey of continuous growth and success.


As companies battle for the best talent, talent decisions take on greater complexity. Our Talent Assessment team works with organisations so they can better assess, identify and develop their potential superstars. Bearing in mind that the demands for talentsdiffer from one organisation to another, we take time to craft our assessments to best suit your company’s needs. Leaderonomics’ Talent Assessment offers you the following services that are uniquely developed by trained and experienced consultants and assessors: competency based interview (cbi)scenario-based assessment centredynamic business simulation assessment centrecompact assessment centrePsychometric Personality/interest Profilingaptitude Tests (Verbal, Numerical, Spatial and more)multi-angled assessment (360)individual development reportdevelopment of success Profilescompetency modelingindividual & group Talent analysissuccession readiness assessments & analysis


• Better understand the strengths of individuals and groups and leverage on them to maximise returns from talents

• Identify development gaps to enable targeted development plans to be put in place

• understand the bench strength of their employees/talents

• Recruit the right people

• Assess the job & culture fit of an individual

• Identify and promote the right successor

• Identify key talents and superstars of the organisation

In Learning & Development, we offer over 100 programmes and courses crafted to develop corporate leaders.

We adopt a hands-on, problem-based learning approach that solves real business issues and our courses are customisable according to the needs of clients. Our approaches range from business simulations, hands-on workshops to facilitation sessions, and more. Our topics are in-line with our Growth Model that focuses on 4 areas: Personal Mastery, Business Mastery, Functional Mastery and Leadership Mastery. Our trainers include world-renowned leadership gurus, professors, former CEOs and business leaders from Fortune 500 companies and innovators and experts in their field.

For more information on any of our corporate services programmes, please email [email protected]

“Leaderonomics’ Talent Acceleration Programmes are one of a kind, where participants enjoy learning through endless simulations and personal coaching by the chief facilitator and a team of able co-facilitators. Through this method, difficult concepts are broken up into small “learnable and applicable pieces”, which are continuously applied in role plays.

Participants enjoyed discovering how they as leaders are held hostage in their minds, every day at work or at home, rendering them helpless, and ineffective. But they also quickly discovered how to free themselves from this entrapment and negative mind state, by seeing through the eye of the mind, rewiring their brains and applying effective dialogue and intelligently negotiating with the “adversary”, to bond and work out things together for mutual gains.

Through Leaderonomics’ TAP, our high potentials have been exposed to so much more than classroom type training, making the learning more relevant and sustainable for them.”

en yusop abdul rashidAssistant Vice Presidentmalakoff corporation berhad

“The acceleration programme brought about a big change in the way I look at things from a leadership perspective. Being CEO for a day shows the highest responsibility you have to carry on your shoulders and what skills you should have to be a good leader. I’m using some of them in my daily collaboration with my team mates.”

Kumaran PadmanabhanNetwork Engineering & Operation Manager network implementation & operations, maxis berhad

Accelerated learning of multidisciplinary skills within a short period of time (beyond one’s area of functional expertise). Truly recommended for those in preparation to advance to the next level.

Vickie lai MPS Managerprepaid marketing, maxis berhad

“I find programmes conducted by Leaderonomics to be informative, holistic and experiential. The trainers have rich experience and the team has a diverse background that adds substantial value to the participants. Their training programs are interesting and keep the participants fully engaged!”

P.r. KalaivananFormer, Vice PresidentLeadership development, asia pacific, Johnson and Johnson, medical.

What dopeople sayabout us?

Leaderonomics offers a unique programme called Talent Acceleration (TAP) that accelerates the development of your people. In this highly customised programme typically 6–18 months in length, participants are pushed to their limits to ensure their growth is maximised.

Leadership is learnt best by doing and the entire structure of TAP revolves around live experiences, live projects, one-on-one mentorships, executive coaching, field trips to view best practices first hand, experiential learning and simulation sessions and extensive interaction with senior leadership teams internally as well as externally. Leaderonomics has pioneered the talent acceleration process and we are amongst the small number of learning organisations globally that offer long-term acceleration programmes that provide an immediate ROI to organisations.

The experiences participants go through include the following:

For more information on any of our corporate services programmes, please email [email protected]

experiential learning


benchmark Fieldtrips

business & strategy case




internal & external leaderssharing

Psychometrics assessments

mentoring& Feedback

business Projects


csr Projects

Looking for world-leading best practices to benchmark or implement? Team up with our Sounding Board comprising of our network of CEOs, functional business leaders, HR practitioners and academic experts. We have in-depth experience from strategy at the board-level all the way to operational and transactional levels, including factory-floor improvements and customer centre effectiveness.

Here are just some of the reasons why organisations use our consultants:• Global knowledge and experience from Fortune 100 companies from Asia, uS, Europe and Australia.• Strategic and operational capabilities with collective knowledge and experiences gained across roles, industries and regions.• HR expertise to bring together a holistic platform of leading talent and HR practices, strategic & operational systems and processes to support organisational strategy and high performance. Our expertise covers these areas:1. Strategic Leadership Development2. Corporate Strategy and Management3. HR and Culture Change4. Talent Management

The crucial difference between a high performing company and average one is not the state of competency, but its state of engagement. The focus of LCEE (Leaderonomics Centre of Engagement Excellence) is on the ever-pressing need from organisational leaders to capture the hearts and minds of their employees, and set the organisation up for high and sustainable performance.

Our experienced LCEE team partners with senior leaders of organisations to build engagement excellence through identifying strengths (ensuring talent are in their right fit), building character (developing great managers who can engage) and creating a culture of accountability (driving alignment of key results through personal ownership).

Here are some examples why organisations engage the expertise of LCEE: 1. Turnover remains high despite efforts to improve remuneration, benefits and work environment.2. High blame-culture with individualistic employees who do not take personal ownership and accountability.3. Plenty of employee surveys and yet there is poor alignment between engagement and performance.4. Managers are more instructional rather than inspirational, with poor coaching skills.

When the rubber hits the road, every talent would appreciate having a coach/mentor to turn to for advice, support and encouragement. At Leaderonomics, we believe advanced coaching is crucial in a talent framework to help individuals better understand themselves and see situations in a new perspective through the eyes of someone more experienced. Our coaching sessions can be run individually or as part of our Talent Accelerated Programme (TAP). Our pool of executive coaches are certified, with extensive corporate experience. Alternatively, Leaderonomics can also help organisations develop their own pool of internal coaches.

For more information on any of our corporate services programmes, please email [email protected]



We spend an inordinate amount of resources in the pursuit of developing engaging, simple and breakthrough content. Much of the leadership content that exists today is in books and is text-based. We believe that the good, quality content that we produce daily at Leaderonomics has to be delivered not just in text form but in multiple platforms, through various technologies and in engaging new media. So, we have worked hard to build the following channels to ensure you get world-class leadership content delivered to you, just the way you like your content.

mindful, not mindless content

at Leaderonomics, we take content creation seriously. There is significant noise everywhere and tons of information on leader-ship. yet, much of the content out there is not engaging, relevant or soundly backed by research.


CAreer GUIDe

lEadErOnOMiCs.COMYour One-Stop Leadership Channel

Leaderonomics.com is a reflection of our commitment to partner with individuals from all walks of life as you grow in your career and leadership. This one-stop leadership channel provides insights, tips and inspirational content to equip and empower you to fulfil your full potential.

understanding that our audience and readership spans a wide range of ages and backgrounds, our articles, videos and audio shows are valuable and relevant for senior management, employees, entrepreneurs, job seekers and students alike. Categories like Be A Leader and Consulting Corner, written by industry experts and practitioners, tackle issues that individuals at senior levels face on a daily basis.

Other sections like Dare to Fail, Company Profile and Company & Talent highlight great leaders, noteworthy companies and internal initiatives worth shouting about, to both increase awareness and encourage best practices.

For the young and ambitious, Starting young shares tips and insights to enable and equip young people to make valuable contributions in their sphere of influence.

The myStarjob.com Career Guide is published every Saturday in Malaysia’s leading English daily, and is proudly powered by the leaderonomics.com editorial team.

Read by more than a million Malaysians, it aims to empower readers with rich information and tips that will help them in their leadership and career development.

The Career Guide team also works closely with heads of HR and Corporate Communication of organisations to enrich and execute their employer branding efforts. This is done via custom-created content to showcase exemplary initiatives and attributes of companies via storytelling in the form of text and video.

In an age where readers are shying away from manufactured and sterile content, the Leaderonomics.com team works tirelessly with organisations to produce stories that are at once authentic, personal and relevant to readers.

For more information or to provide feedback on any of our media services, please email [email protected]

lEadErOnOMiCs.COMYour One-Stop Leadership Channel CAreer GUIDe

In an effort to explore and produce leadership content in more interactive and engaging ways, we started our own leadership web channel, LeaderonomicsTV.

We see the video medium as an exciting and dynamic way to communicate with our viewers. Our shows range from The Leaderonomics Show (a talk show that interviews the best leaders from around the world to find out how they became the leaders they are today) to Be A Leader, a series that zooms in on key leadership thoughts to address common issues we face in organisations today, such as communication breakdowns and systemic failures. you’ll find all our shows on our youTube channel, leaderonomicsmedia.

Sometimes, certain topics are best explored in the form of books. Call us old-fashioned, but we truly believe that at times, there is no better way to dive deep into a topic and communicate a variety of perspectives than through a series of chapters bound together under a single title.

While our focus remains predominantly on bite-sized content in article or video form, we have published books such as “What’s After SPM”, a compilation of stories of 101 young inspiring Malaysians and their journeys after SPM.

But we take a very different stand on our community work. Whilst some organisations may view its Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) as merely a form of branding or a form of giving money to the less fortunate, we embrace it as our core focus and mission. Our aim is to enable individuals in the wider community to reach their leadership potential by providing leadership development, including to those who cannot afford it.

With a special focus on the younger generation, our initiatives in this space are customised to the needs and preferences of our target beneficiaries. This can range from camps to clubs and even volunteer projects to instil the spirit of volunteerism and generosity.

Our hope is that as we serve with sincerity and purity of heart, that we will encourage other organisations and individuals to do the same.

Our community work can be categorised into 3 key areas:

we want to Play a Part in the develoP-ment of communities and nations.

at Leaderonomics, we understand the importance of community and believe that social responsibility helps make communities better, stronger and more vibrant, enabling nations to grow and advance.


DIODE LeadershipCamps From facilitating self-discovery and positive peer relationships, to creating pathways for careers, our camps are a fantastic kick start to early leadership development in youths between the ages of 12 and 21. Leadership skills are cultivated through project management, value-based games, mentorship with key industry leaders and many more experience-based learning activities.

We ensure that 30 percent of our camps are given free to underprivileged youth from challenged backgrounds including orphans and the poor. This is to ensure that every youth is given a chance to become a leader. Among the camps we offer are the highly-acclaimed youth Leadership Camp (yLC), Tween Camps and School Leavers Camp (SLC). We also provide schools and youth organisations with customised camps specific to their needs and the competence-level of their youth.

DropZone youth Inspiration CentresWe run a network of drop-in youth centres called DropZone, that take after the concept of a second-home. DropZone runs youth-catered activities in the hope that it becomes a healthy leisure alternative focusing on the personal and creative development of youth.

Our aim is to establish centres that inspire youth to become leaders of integrity and distinction. We want to instill the values of civic-mindedness and equip youth to serve the community. We are now in process of building free, community centres all over the country with the goal of 1 centre in every town in every developing nation in the world.

We want to see young people wanting to make a difference. We understand that by building up the younger generation, we can all share a better future. Our youth work is the catalyst to such change.

We make youth confident, build their leadership skills and most importantly, help them realise their potential to make their future a better tomorrow. Guiding and nurturing them into history makers is our main priority and instead of seeing this as a job, we see this as a lifetime fulfillment.

OuR yOuTH SERVICES INCLuDE:1. diode youth leadership camps2. dropZone youth inspiration centres3. leaderonomics club4. youth education

“we cannot always build our future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” Franklin D Roosevelt

For more information on any of our youth initiatives, please email [email protected]

I love stories. And I see every person as a story in progress. Every so often I wonder how my story will unfold with every passing day.

As I recall, during my teenage years, my friends and I used to hang out a lot together. Our conversation subjects ranged from mathematical formulas to girls. Sometimes we talked about what we hoped to do after leaving school, but secretly we doubted if our dreams would come true after all. Then, just as it is now, there were expectations laid out from the start.

But we often wondered whether there was more to life than good grades, getting a respected job with good pay, getting married and perhaps producing a couple of offspring in the process. I often wondered how I survived this phase of my life. Growing up as a teenager is challenging because one is neither a child nor yet fully an adult. It is simultaneously an exciting and confusing time of transition, intertwined in a complex web of relationships.

As it is in stories, while times have since changed, certain things remain true. Today, young people are growing up in a new, shifting, and complicated world. Looking back now, one important factor that contrib-uted positively towards my growth as a person was the mentoring of other caring, mature adults.

While my parents modelled for me many exemplary qualities, these mentors helped me to build up my leadership and confidence. Rather than pushing their adult agenda, they allowed me to explore my interests and direct me to act on my aspirations and strengths. It is no secret that young people often long for mentors who possess moral assurance, who will accept and respect them, and who can point them toward purpose and significance as they navigate through the complex maze of life.

I believe this desire reverberates strongly with Lead-eronomics’ core values in growing people into lead-ers, building communities of love, and transforming society. At Leaderonomics, we believe that behind every face there is a story, and every person is a story in progress. We want to hear their stories, and to join them in making good stories out of their lives.

My Story Chong Keat LimVP, youth Division / Leaderonomer since 2008

Leaderonomics Club We bring our passion for leadership building to the secondary school setting through the establishment of Leaderonomics Club, which provides students with leadership skills training and an avenue to grow and channel their leadership potential.

These leadership clubs are housed in schools as part of their extra-curricular programmes, where youth learn leadership and then practise them at their schools. Currently, there are a number of clubs being piloted in Malaysia but we are looking to have a club in every school in South-East Asia by the end of the decade.

youth EducationIn line with our experiential learning philosophy, our workshops engage youth in team projects, practical challenges and simulations of real-life situations to enhance skills critical to positive adolescent development, including management of time, stress and peer pressure, as well as confidence building and idea vocalisation.

For more information on any of our youth initiatives, please email [email protected]

premier Lead The Premier LEAD Programme is a fully customisable long-term leadership accelerator experience designed for high potential and top tier undergraduates (scholars, dean’s list, 2nd upper students and above).

With a comprehensive support structure, this intensive programme focuses on higher-level competencies to ensure participants are holistically developed. The duration of the programme may run on a 3-month to 6-months basis, depending on the needs of your organisation and accessibility of the students.

Among the key components of Premier LEAD are:• Experiential Modules• Simulations• Business/CSR Projects• Fieldtrips• Internal & External Leaders Sharing• Networking• Case Studies• Assessments• Coaching & Mentoring

camp LeadCamp LEAD is a 5–6 day leadership accelerator experience, which is a short and intensive version of Premier LEAD. It is also designed for high potential and top tier undergraduates (scholars, dean’s list, 2nd upper students and above).

A LEAD Camp, unlike typical soft-skill or leadership camps, aims to nurture young leaders to be at the top of their game with our action-based modules.

Projects are executed either within the camp itself or on a separate project timeline, which is usually no more than 3 months.

The components of a Camp LEAD are as follows:• Experiential Modules• Business/CSR Projects• Simulations• Case Studies• Leaders Sharing• Assessments

Leaderonomics Campus is dedicated to developing the leadership competency and capacity of university students. Our vision is to be the leader and the innovator in developing students into top talent for organisations and leaders for the community.

To achieve our vision, we are on a dedicated mission to:1. Develop potential young leaders that bring high value to organisations2. Empower campus students to give back to the community3. Inspire & influence young minds across geographical boundaries We aim to achieve this through our 3 interventions - Premier LEAD, Camp LEAD & LEAD Training Series.

For more information on any of our campus initiatives, please email [email protected]

Lead Training series The LEAD Training Series is a series of learning workshops crafted to develop leadership soft skills and overall competencies among undergraduates. This series is catered to all undergraduates across all disciplines. With an option for 1-day or 2-day workshops, the content consists of selected learning modules based on the Leaderonomics’ growth model of Personal Mastery, Leadership Mastery, Business Mastery and Functional Mastery.

With our experiential approach, university students will be intellectually challenged with exposure to the working world with our highly experienced trainers. With the Leaderonomics’ growth model, this training series aims to develop top talent and future leaders with strong leadership values.

Our training LEAD series is extensive, with comprehensive modules. It is highly customisable and flexible to meet the learning and development needs of students.

For more information on any of our campus initiatives, please email [email protected]

do Good. volunteer. As an initiative to promote volunteerism, Do Good. Volunteer. (www.dogoodvolunteer.com) is an online volunteer matching portal created to serve as a platform to encourage participation from the public in community endeavours. Via publicised community projects, Do Gooders (volunteers) will be able to access a variety of volunteer opportunities ranging from traditional on-site help to more skill-based opportunities such as designing, blogging and more. By that same token, NGOs will have access to a wealth of volunteers that can assist through various means. The Do Good. Volunteer. portal enables volunteers to be mobilised in groups and organisations (e.g. corporate companies, brands, clubs and educational institutions). Another enhanced feature offered enables organisations to view their member’s volunteering hours and as well as provide recognition for their community efforts and help rendered.

do Good academy

As an extension of Leaderonomics’ core beliefs in talent development, Do Good Academy aims to empower NGO leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to run their organisations effectively and sustainably. It brings together top trainers and community leaders to take part in growing the capacity of NGO leaders. It is also an avenue that seeks to unite NGO leaders so that they may draw strength and purpose through networking and collaborating with one another.

Through Do Good, we put into action our commitment to helping organisations in the non-profit sector thrive and attain their goals.

Do Good’s community engagement initiatives are rolled out in three fronts:1) Do Good. Volunteer. online matching portal2) Do Good Academy3) Do Good Employee Volunteer Programme

For more information on any of our do good initiatives, please email [email protected]

do Good. employee volunteer programme With our vast experience developing programmes within the corporate and community spheres, we are extending our reach by helping companies and organisations bring their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Employee Volunteering Programmes (EVP) to the next level. Our services range from helping companies develop an end-to-end programme that successfully engages their employees in community service to finding a fit-for-purpose solution that is aligned to each company’s specific goals and objectives. Our programmes are designed to not only maximise community impact, but to also encourage grassroots movements that also benefit your company as a whole.

partnerwith us

We are acuTeLy aWare ThaT We cannoT accompLish These GoaLs on our oWn. We recognise that will only be by mutual encouragement and good fortune that we carry the hope of seeing the fruition of what we envision. If not us, then we hope that the generations after us will reap those fruits.

Partner with us in our journey of building leaders and making our vision a reality.

To discuss how we can work together, email us at [email protected] or call us at 03-7957 5804