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Supracervical Hysterectomy

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Supracervical Hysterectomy

A Supracervical hysterectomy can be done either through an abdominal incision or with a laparoscope. In

a supracervical hysterectomy, only the uterus is removed through either an abdominal incision or through

a laparoscope with a uterine morcellator. The cervix and possibly even the ovaries are kept. Many people

have been misdiagnosed and went on Morcellator lawsuit.


Considerations before Undergoing This Procedure

To determine if you are a candidate for this procedure, you must provide your doctor with a complete

medical history. You must also undergo a physical exam, vaginal ultrasound, and Pap smear. You may also

need to undergo testing for human papillomavirus (HPV). If you have other conditions that may affect the

procedure, separate tests will need to be conducted.

You may not be a candidate for supracervical hysterectomy if you have any of the following conditions:

endometrial hyperplasia or cancer; current or previous cervical dysplasia or cancer; or any other

gynecologic cancer. Thorough tests must be performed to exclude cancer precursors, or uterine and

cervical cancer. If you feel being a victim of medical mistake, please visit Morcellatior cancer lawyer.

Does Supracervical Hysterectomy Get the Thumbs Up or the Thumbs Down?

Advocates of this procedure claim that this technique preserves the sexual function of a woman because

the cervix is preserved along with the mucous-secreting glands which prevent vaginal dryness. Vaginal

dryness is a common complaint of women who have undergone hysterectomy.

The technique also results in better pelvic support, as the ligaments that support the vagina and cervix

are not severed. In addition, this type of hysterectomy causes less pain than other types of hysterectomy.

It requires a shorter recovery period because of the small incisions that are made through the laparoscopic

approach. Moreover, hormone replacement therapy may no longer be needed since the ovaries are left

intact. This hysterectomy appears to have the shortest operating time as well as the shortest hospital stay

when utilized by an experienced Gynecologist. Women who undergo this hysterectomy can also resume

their sexual activity sooner.

However, recent research conducted by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists showed

that there is no real advantage with the supracervical hysterectomy compared to the other types of

hysterectomy. A woman who has undergone a supracervical hysterectomy may even be exposed to more

risks from the cervix that is kept. This can lead to further treatment with regards to cervical pathology in

the future.

Page 2: Supracervical Hysterectomy

Just as with total hysterectomy, supracervical hysterectomy patients still experience bladder emptying,

urinary frequency, and urinary incontinence. In addition, the study showed that women who underwent

a supracervical hysterectomy reported no difference in the quality and frequency of sexual activity when

compared with other types of hysterectomy.

In deciding whether or not to undergo this procedure, it is best to thoroughly discuss the pros and cons

with your doctor. This will enable you to better evaluate whether this type of hysterectomy is right for
