Managerial Psychology Prof. Margaret Francis Alliance School Of Law

Managerial psychology

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Managerial Psychology

Prof. Margaret Francis

Alliance School Of Law

Managerial Psychology

Organisation is a social system. People are into it. Individual should understand what role do

organization play in their life. Organisation should also understand people

and their behavior. Many of the concepts and ideas are brought

in light to know about the behavior of the individuals and group in the organization.

Managerial Psychology

It is the study of human behavior in an organisational setting

Knowledge about human behavior would be useful in improving an organisational effectiveness.

Organisational behavior is the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations and the interaction between organisational members and their external environments.

Organisational behavior

Organisational behavior is a field of study that investigate the impact that individuals,groups and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organisation’s effectiveness.

Nature of Organisational Behavior

Human Behavior in Organisational Setting

The individual organizational interface



Foundation of OB

Social System


Holistic Concept

Mutuality of Interest

Individual Differences

Whole Person

Caused Behavior

Human Dignity

Managerial Psychology

Individual Difference:Each individual is different from others in several ways.

The idea of difference comes from Psychology

Individual differences means that management can cause the greatest motivation among employees by treating them differently.

A whole Person When an individual is appointed, his/her skill

alone is not hired, his/her social background, likes and dislikes, pride and prejudices are also hired.

A persons family life cannot be separated from his or her work life.

It is for this reason that managers should endeavor to make the workplace a home away form home.

They not only strive hard to develop a better employee out of a worker, but also a better person in terms of growth and fulfillment.

Caused behavior

The behavior of employee is not caused random

This behavior is directed towards some one that employee believes,rightly or wrongly,is in his/her interest.

If an employee comes late to his work or abuses the supervisor,there is a cause behind it.

The managers must realize this basic principle and correct this behavior and tackle the issue at its root.

Human Dignity People are to be treated differently from other

factors of production because they are of a higher order in the universe.

It recognizes that people want to be treated with respect and dignity and should be treated properly.

Every job, how ever simple, entitles the people who do it to proper respect and recognition of their unique aspirations and abilities.

The concept of human dignity rejects the old idea of using employee as economic tools.

Social System. Organizations are social systems. Activities therein are governed by social as

well as psychological laws. People have psychological needs, they also

have social roles and status. Their behavior influenced by their group as

well as by their individual drives. Two types of social systems exists in an

organizations. One is the formal social system and other is the informal social system.

Mutuality of Interest

Mutual interest is represented by the statement that organizations need people and people also need organization.

They are formed and maintained on the basis of some mutuality of interest among their participants.

People see organizations as a means to help them reach their goals.

Organization need people to help attain organizational objectives.

Mutual interest provides a superordinate

Holistic concept

This concept interprets people organization relationships in terms of the whole person,whole group,whole organization and the whole social system.

It takes an all encompassing view of people in organizations in an effort to understand as many of the possible factors that influence their behavior.

Managerial Psychology

It is the study of human behavior at work in an organisational setting.

How people’s behavior is different in different situations

To understand and find why individuals behave in a specific way,predict-forecast the individuals behavior and control the predicted behavior to the expected behavior.

Nature of People

The key variables involved in identifying nature of people are

Individual differences Perceptions Values and attitudes. Motivation.

Individual differences Each individual is different from other When an individual interacts, the environment

plays a vital role in designing the human behavior.

Individuals inside the organizations are considered as valuable assets.

As they comes from various families,cultural background and the environment are in diverse nature.

From the organisational point of view, understanding and predicting of this diversity becomes complex.

Perception Each individual looks at things differently. The way individual perceive the objects and

events in a given situation is called as perception.

Individual assign meanings according to their perception.

It is the way individual organize, interpret and derive meanings to objects, events and people

Interpretations are done according to individual experience, importance of the events and the values attached to them.

Perception During the processes of perception,selective

perception occurs. Selective perception is where individuals tend

to pay more attention to certain features that is consists

eg. planning to buy a car. It coincides individuals expectations. Eg:If an employee expects the supervisor to

help him in the job,the perception of the worker is that the supervisor is helpful in nature.

If the supervisor helps his co worker,then the perception of the worker is right.

Values and attitudes Individual working in organizations have their

own values and attitudes. Values represent the basic convictions of the

individuals. These convictions are formed in a

hierarchical way depending upon the importance attached to them.

The importance of the convictions depends on its intensity.

General convictions are freedom, self respect, honesty, obedience and ethics.


Attitudes are evaluative statements-either favorable or unfavorable.

It relates to individual views, regarding objects,people or events.

Attitudes reflects something related to ‘people’s feelings”.

Motivation Motivation comes from within. It is the self motivation that makes difference. Every individual works and tries to achieve

certain levels in their lives. Motivation is the key factor that makes people to

behave in different ways. Mangers strive to motivate the employees to

achieve higher productivity ,high sales turn over,quality of services and products.

But the precise performance of an employee depends on,his or her ability to interact with the environment