Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC) Agriculture Industry

IC-DISC for the Agriculture Industry

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Page 1: IC-DISC for the Agriculture Industry

Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC)Agriculture Industry

Page 2: IC-DISC for the Agriculture Industry

Domestic International Sales Corporation (IC-DISC)

Who Can Benefit? Growers Farmers Processors Suppliers Cooperatives and others associated with


IC-DISC is available even if your company is not the ultimate producer or exporter of the goods or services.

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Common IC-DISC Structure (without cooperatives)


IC-DISC without Cooperatives

Operating Company

(S Corporation)

IC-DISC(C Corporation)

Foreign Customer

Qualified Export Sales

Deductible Commission(Offset income taxed at 39.6%)

Qualified Dividend(Taxed at 15% -23.8%)

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Tax Benefit of IC-DISC

Tax Consequence

No federal level tax on the DISC.

Tax deferred until income is distributed (but regularly distributions

often necessary).

Shareholders pay interest on the deferred income. Tax Arbitrage

Convert ordinary income into qualified dividend taxed at

preferential rates when distributing to shareholders.

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Setting up the IC-DISC

Form a US C corporation ‒ Only have one class of stock ‒ Choose an IC-DISC friendly State

Electing IC-DISC Treatment ‒ Form 4876-A must be filed with the IRS within 90 days of the beginning of

the IC-DISC’s taxable year for the election to apply to such year.

Entering into a Commission Agreement ‒ The permitted commission rate is set by statute, and is generally limited

to the greater of: 4% of the exporter’s qualified export receipts, subject to certain

limitations; or 50% of the exporter’s taxable income attributable to qualified export


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Maintaining the IC-DISC Status

95% qualified gross receipts test

‒ I.R.C. §993(a)

95% qualified export asset test

‒ I.R.C. §993(c)(1)(B)

‒ REV. RUL. 77-484, 1977-2 C.B. 289

$2,500 capital at all times

Timely payment of commissions

Annual Filings

Books and Records

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Challenges for IC-DISC with Cooperative Entities


Operating Company

(S Corporation)

IC-DISC(C Corporation)

Foreign Customer

Qualified Export Sales

Deductible Commission(Offset income taxed at 39.6%)

Qualified Dividend(Taxed at 15% -23.8%)

Model A

Cooperative Entity

Domestic Sales DomesticCustomer



REV. RUL. 77-484• IC-DISC failed the destination test for “qualified export sales” if the

product is commingled with other fungible product acquired by the cooperative from other farmers, and cannot be traced to the export sale.

• The IRS IC-DISC Audit Guide suggests that the destination test can be satisfied if the cooperative set up systems for segregation under the FSC regulations.

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Challenges for IC-DISC with Cooperative Entities


IC-DISC(C Corporation)Foreign


Deductible Commission(Offset income taxed at 39.6%)

Qualified Dividend(Taxed at 15% -23.8%)

Cooperative Entity

Qualified Export Sales

Model B

DomesticCustomer Domestic Sales

Uncertainty created by Subchapter T of the I.R.C• Cooperatives are allowed

deductions for certain distributions to its members.

• It is unclear if the “combined taxable income” upon which the commission is determined would take into account the deductions.

Farmers have two stream of taxable income • One from the cooperative. • One from the partnership. • It adds complexity to the tax

accounting treatment for the two revenue streams.


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PALO ALTO1717 Embarcadero

RoadPalo Alto, CA 94303

LOS ANGELES11150 Santa Monica

Blvd.Suite 1200

Los Angeles, CA 90025

SAN FRANCISCO135 Main Street

12th FloorSan Francisco, CA 94105

Palo Alto Office: 650-813-9700




MENLO PARK149 Commonwealth Drive,

Suite 1001Menlo Park, CA 94025

LOS ANGELES445 S Figueroa St

31st Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071

SAN FRANCISCO135 Main Street

12th FloorSan Francisco, CA 94105

Menlo Park Office: 650-813-9700

