Subject: 1 Designs & Constructions of Buildings in India 2 Architect Act 1972 & under it Constituted Regulations ‘Comprehensive Architectural Services 1998 notified on 11.5.1998’ 3 Competencies related to Chartered Engineers (India) Civil From: suraj singh ([email protected]) To: [email protected]; Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Date: Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 12:00 The President 2.8.2016 The Institution of Engineers (India) 8 Gokhale Road 700020 [email protected] Subject- 1 Designs & Constructions of Buildings in India 2 Architect Act 1972 & under it Constituted Regulations ‘Comprehensive Architectural Services 1998 notified on 11.5.1998’ 3 Competencies related to Chartered Engineers (India) Civil Respected Sirs, 1 In relation to foregoing subject, mails were forwarded to IEI 2 This issue has significance to an extent that practice by Corporate Members IEI & thereby Chartered Engineers (India) Civil on buildings does not practically exist in India at national status as Engineering Professional Practitioners, whose profession is certainly a part of mandate under IEI Royal Charter 1935, which covers advancemen, promotions & business in all branches of Engineering in India 3 Competencies related to Chartered Engineers (India) Civil on Designs & Construction of buildings has been adversely affected since Regulations ‘Comprehensive Architectural Services 1998 notified on 11.5.1998 under provisions of Architect Act 1972 4 Unfortunately, Chartered Engineers (India) community remained unaware about these regulations, which were constituted under said statute, duly approved by Council of Ministers & Parliament of India, per existing provisions under Architect Act 1972 5 Initially, in 1972, no such provisions had been included within Architect Act 1972, which provisions mandate protection of Architect title & matters connected therewith Print https://uk-mg42.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=4v3v99i0nkoc2#912... 1 of 4 02-Aug-16 12:01 PM

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Subject:1 Designs & Constructions of Buildings in India 2 Architect Act 1972 & under it Constituted Regulations‘Comprehensive Architectural Services 1998 notified on 11.5.1998’ 3 Competencies related to CharteredEngineers (India) Civil

From: suraj singh ([email protected])

To: [email protected];

Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Date: Tuesday, 2 August 2016, 12:00

The President 2.8.2016The Institution of Engineers (India)8 Gokhale Road [email protected] Subject-1 Designs & Constructions of Buildings in India2 Architect Act 1972 & under it Constituted Regulations ‘Comprehensive ArchitecturalServices 1998 notified on 11.5.1998’3 Competencies related to Chartered Engineers (India) Civil Respected Sirs, 1 In relation to foregoing subject, mails were forwarded to IEI 2 This issue has significance to an extent that practice by Corporate Members IEI &thereby Chartered Engineers (India) Civil on buildings does not practically exist in India atnational status as Engineering Professional Practitioners, whose profession is certainly a partof mandate under IEI Royal Charter 1935, which covers advancemen, promotions & businessin all branches of Engineering in India 3 Competencies related to Chartered Engineers (India) Civil on Designs & Constructionof buildings has been adversely affected since Regulations ‘Comprehensive ArchitecturalServices 1998 notified on 11.5.1998 under provisions of Architect Act 1972 4 Unfortunately, Chartered Engineers (India) community remained unaware about theseregulations, which were constituted under said statute, duly approved by Council of Ministers& Parliament of India, per existing provisions under Architect Act 1972 5 Initially, in 1972, no such provisions had been included within Architect Act 1972,which provisions mandate protection of Architect title & matters connected therewith

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6 But 17 years later in year 1989, Council of Architecture a statutory body under said Actmanaged to integrate aforesaid reference Regulations under mandate of Architect Act 1972 7 These regulated provisions allow architects to carry out profession, related to design,construction & supervision over construction, respecting all involved building engineeringdisciplines, including building structures, building services & others whatsoever 8 Architects are mandated to get clients & deal with client, while no other professional assuch, is allowed to get clients from anywhere, which means that only, on an exclusive basis,Architects are designated professionals, while other Engineers from other Engineeringdisciplines are not treated building engineering professionals 9 Same constructive interpretation was recorded with Bureau of Indian Standards on23.12.2015 regarding National Building Code 2005 part 2 Administration, includedcompetencies, related to professionals to be engaged on buildings such as Engineers,Structural Engineers etc.. 10 Council of Architecture does not treat Engineers as professionals on buildings, but theirprofessional clerical assistants, which is a great insult caused to engineering communitythrough statute Architect Act 1972 & constituted regulations under that as aforesaid 11 Whenever certain publicity is issued by whatever government in India, only Architectsare invited for submission of Building related projects & no invitation is given to CharteredEngineers (India) or Professional Engineers (India) or even other non registered Engineers,related to engineering activities or operations 12 Indeed, Council of Architecture has badly played with entire Civil EngineeringCommunity, without any notice taken, either by IEI or by Chartered Engineers (India)Corporate Members IEI & by other Engineers 13 It is regretful to record that IEI based upon statutory provision, mobilizes 2# corporatemembers to be integrated members on statutory Council of Architecture, while it is assumedthat these 2# corporate members were available in council meeting during finalizing byCouncil of Architecture, about these statutory Regulations in 1998 14 It is not understood why these corporate members constituting part on Council ofArchitecture did not object inclusion of all discipline engineers roles under ComprehensiveArchitectural Services, which has deteriorated professional status of Engineers to work onbuildings 15 Architect Act 1972 is a Special Act at national level that would certainly weigh over allother state laws & state bye laws that have no constitutional power & authority to decide

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competencies of building engineers 16 Even Bureau of Indian Standards can issue only Guide lines to be followed by adoption ifstate so pleases & cannot force them comply with by all state level bodies & BIS has nostatutory power to enforce all such Guide lines itself 17 Even Model Building Bye Laws ‘Appendix E’ issued by Urban Development Ministry in2016 covers repetition of competencies included on National Building Code part 2Administration, yet these are only authentic guidelines, having no force of implementation atall.

18 The Institution of Engineers (India) has been constituted by Royal Charter 1935, which ishaving force of a statute & is constitutional in its legal status 19 IEI is empowered to test candidates & issue professional engineering competenciescertification, which IEI has been affecting since 1935 successfully, whether it beAMIE/MIE/FIE Chartered Engineer (India) since 1935 or Professional Engineer (India) since1995 20 Empowerment of IEI for competencies certification, invests IEI with policy, related todeciding professional competencies, regarding all disciplines, so that public know, about whatengineers can do for them 21 Competency certificate should speak & notify about professional power that engineer canwork for & deliver to public & clients 22 It is not in professional interest of IEI & Engineers that Municipalities & other authoritiesshould decide what engineers should carry out in profession of engineering, based on thesecompetencies titles 23 Therefore, IEI should take initiative & lead nation on similar grounds as Council ofArchitects have done in 1998 to protect profession of Engineering, since IEI Royal Chartermandates that IEI can do whatever is conducive in interest of Engineering, as a matter offraming policy in national & social interest 24 Expected that IEI shall serve Engineering community, so that best professional servicecould be extended to public with trust & goodwill 25 Howsoever, engineering community has understood that no authorities in governmentwould decide in favour of Engineers, since Engineering community is no vote bank, whichmeans that Engineers may resort to knocking Indian Courts for resolution if nothing happenspositively

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RegardsEng Suraj Singh Thanks & Warm RegardsHave a nice timeInt P Engineer (India): Suraj SinghContracts Arbitration & Civil Engineering ConsultantMobile (+91-9810610718)/(430 /21 B- NCR Faridabad, India)

I E I Certification Int P Eng (I) : 800042-9The Institution of Engineers (India)Issuing Authority: Board For CertificationDiscipline: Civil EngineeringCertificate Valid Up to: 30/09/2015


MailToIEIRegardingCivilEngineersCompetencies 2.8.2016.docx (16.21 KB)2-PE1-MailToIEIAboutCOA14.7.2016.pdf (29.62 KB)2-PE2-MailToCOA31.7.2016+IEI.pdf (40.69 KB)12-PE12-COAObjectionsAboutBIS2015.pdf (1.54 MB)

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