Sales Kit - Foursquare

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about us.

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what is foursquare?foursquare aims to encourage people to explore their neighborhoods and then reward people for doing so. We do this by combining our friend-finder and social city guide elements with game mechanics - our users earn points, win mayorships and unlock badges for trying new places and revisiting old favorites.

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the buzz.

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Foursquare ventures beyond utility, however: It's a virtual game in which participants earn badges for checking in at various locations; those that check in most become a venue's "mayor." By all accounts, this mechanism is as addictive as Twitter, Facebook or checking your e-mail on a BlackBerry.

- Pete Cashmore, CEO Mashable, Next Year’s Twitter? It’s Foursquare

Twitter and Facebook ask users to answer the question: What are you doing right now? But for many urbanites in their 20s and 30s, two other questions are just as important: Where are you, and can I come join you?

For them, a fast-growing social networking service called Foursquare is becoming the tool of choice.

- Jenna Wortham, New York Times, Face-to-Face Socializing Starts With a Mobile Post

Advertisers would be smart to start thinking about their "location" strategies while there's still a relatively open playing field. By taking advantage of mobile platforms like Foursquare, ones that engage and offer incentives to consumers within the proverbial "last 50 feet," businesses can bring all the advantages of the social web to their front door.

- Allison Mooney, Advertising Age Building an Army of Hyper-Local, Mobile-Connected Advocates

Foursquare is among a handful of upstart companies that have tapped into the combination of social media and a user's geographic location along with the fact that mobile phone game players seem increasingly open to meeting up with people they get to know online… Foursquare bills itself as a complement to Twitter -- a way to take the connections and personas people create online and move those experiences into the real world.

- Julie Wernau, Chicago Tribune,Foursquare may bounce social media into money-making mode

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the opportunities.

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promotions ……mobile

……Opportunity: all of our venue promotions are geo tagged (anyone using the app within a predetermined radius will see your special offer). Lots of venues currently running promotions (mayoral and check in). Great means for customer acquisition. Leverage foursquare game mechanics to build loyalty.

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Opportunity: learn more about your loyal customers and new ones as well! Foursquare will be able to tell you who checks in, when, with whom, how often, where patrons go before/after, etc. The first time ever that venues can measure live foot traffic into their venues. Real time CRM!

analytics and crm ……web……

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brand page(foursquare.com/brooklynmuseum)

Opportunity: Foursquare allows brands to submit “sponsored tips” or things for patrons to do in the area. (i.e. “Make sure to check out John’s restaurant and try the steak sandwich”). These tips will be unlocked, serendipitously as users explore their cities

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sponsored badges

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leaderboard(philanthropic)Opportunity: Great opportunity

for brands to motivate users to “check in for charity”! Pepsi’s December 2009 week long campaign netted “CampInteractive” over $59,000 in charitable donations from Pepsi and anonymous donors

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Leaderboard 860 x 130

Medium Rectangle350 x 200

Branded title

co-branded page• Featuring high impact creative banners from brand

• Custom messaging and city-specific content, great for engaging with consumers/fans and leading them to do interesting things around the city (“go here, do this”)


• Leaderboardo 860 x 130 pxo rich media accepted

• Medium Rectangleo 350 x 200 pxo can be a combination of html, text and imageo redirect url


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advertising sponsored badge landing page• Featuring high impact creative badge from brand

• Custom messaging and copy, great for engaging with consumers/fans and ____ a brand’s personality.


• Sponsored Badge Designo 300 x 300 px

• Sponsored Badge Copyo 140 characters or less (with spaces) for messageo 20 characters or less (with spaces) for title (i.e. “Trainspotter”)o redirect url (?)


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advertisingsponsored badges• Featuring high impact creative badge from brand on the mobile device, great for users to “show off” to friends while on the go.

• Custom messaging and copy, great for engaging with consumers/fans and ____ a brand’s personality.


•Sponsored Badge Designo 57 x 57 px (mobile)

•Sponsored Badge Copyo 140 characters or less (with spaces) for messageo 20 Characters or less (with spaces) for title



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sponsored leaderboard• Featuring high impact logo from brand on the mobile device. Great for brad to motivate users to “check in for charity”!

• Custom messaging and copy, great for engaging with consumers/fans and ____ a brand’s personality.


•Sponsored Leaderboard Designo ___ x __ px (banner)

•Sponsored Leaderboard Copyo 140 characters or less (with spaces) for message



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contact us


Foursquare Labs, Inc.

36 Cooper Sq (at E 6th St) New York, NY


advertising inquiries?………….

[email protected]

business development inquiries?………….

tristan walkervp business [email protected]

press inquiries?………….

[email protected]

Interested in advertising with us? We’d love to hear from you.