Killer Tip: Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

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social shares can boost conversions up to 9.5%. This is a good amount of growth when we compare to the amount of resources spent on social sharing.

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Page 1: Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

Killer Tip: Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

Page 2: Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

One question that comes to many people's mind is

that "can social share earn you money?"

MarketingLand.com published their study that social

shares can boost conversions upto 9.5%. This is a

good amount of growth when we compare to the

amount of resources spent on social sharing.

Page 3: Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

It is pretty evident that people mostly trust links or feedbacks their

friends share on social networking sites.

An example :

A website xyz.com gets around 10k visits per days, out of that

10,000 people, 10% people share the blog on their social

networking accounts. And around 10 friends of each sharer visits

the link. (10/100)*10000 = 1000 visitors shared 1000*10 = 10,000 people visitors reached

Page 4: Turn Social Shares into Hard Cash

There are lot of opportunities which you can utilize :

1. Your post may get viral if someone with good number of followers picks up your URL, Tweet and shares it.

2. If some influencer retweets its, you will get a good chunk of his followers to your twitter profile.

3. If the post is really interesting, people will keep sharing it for long which creates a snowball effect. This means that the website will start getting regular traffic from social networks

To know more, visit http://blog.loginradius.com/2014/09/turn-social-shares-hard-cash/