3 Diciembre 2015 . Buenos Aires . Argentina Think! Performance Mauro Nigrele

MeetMagento 2015 - Argentina - Think Performance

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3 Diciembre 2015 . Buenos Aires . Argentina

Think! PerformanceMauro Nigrele

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Mauro Nigrele

๏ Arquitecto IT en Lyracons • Php & MySql - 2004 • Zend Framework - 2008 • Magento - 2010 • Magento Certified Dev Plus - 2012 • Obsesivo, Inquieto, Molesto

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• Tuning sounds like “Server Adjustments” • There is a lot of “Magento Tuning” Talks & Docs

“Sell, Design, Develop, and Manage your store with Performance in Mind“

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“ … Si solo nos preocupáramos por ‘tunear’ servers lo único que

obtendríamos sería… “Juan Carlos Sarlanga . 1883

Alta llanta!

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Features, Catalog, Integrations

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๏ Features Magento (Factory Modules) ๏ Features Custom ✓ To Build ✓ 3rd Party Modules

๏Custom Data on Frontend (views)

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๏Product Attributes Sets ๏Product Attributes

✓ Search

✓ Filter (Layer)

✓ Listing (show in product listing)

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๏ Frequency ๏Relevance ๏ “News” or “Entire” Catalog Update ๏Critical Situations ✓ Add - to - Cart ✓ Cart ✓ Checkout

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Configuration: Magento / Infrastructure

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DevelopmentConfiguration . Magento

๏Remove Unused Modules /app/etc/modules/Enterprise_Rma.xml <active>

๏Catalog Attributes & Attributes Sets ๏ Flat EAV Data

- Products - Categories

๏Merge Javascript & Css ๏Avoid, Minimize & Periodically Purge Rules

- Catalog Price Rules ➡ Backend Performance / Cache Hits / Reverse Proxy Implementations

- Shopping Cart Rules ➡ Add to Cart / Cart / Checkout

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DevelopmentConfiguration . Infrastructure

๏ Configure ๏ Configure

- Avoid

๏ Configure - Avoid

๏ Install a Reverse Proxy Nginx / Varnish / External Services (like Akamai)

★ Minimize Front Servers Hits, Load & Size

๏ Use ★ Improves Layer Navigation Performance & Search Results Quality

๏ Load Balancer / Multiples Front / CDN

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Monitoring: Apps / Tools

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DevelopmentMonitoring . Applications

๏ Server & App Monitoring Applications

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DevelopmentMonitoring Tools (techniques)

๏ Front - Page Load / Rendering / Debugging ★ Dev Tools ( Google Chrome) ★ Firebug (Firefox)

๏Backend - Php:- Mysql:- Redis:

๏Backend - Magento - Magento Log - Magento Profiler

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Wait a minute…

Magento Profiler’s SUCKS!!!


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DevelopmentMonitoring Tools (techniques)

๏ Varien★ https://gist.github.com/MauroNigrele/7a76e625d815797ceb92‣ Include in: ‣ Log Profiler Data on

‣tail -f /var/log/profiler.log

‣tail -f profiler.log | grep -E ‘BLOCK|BLOCK ACTION’

‣tail -f profiler.log | grep -E ‘DISPATCH EVENT’

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Frontend / Backend Facts

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DevelopmentFrontend Facts

๏Views NO Load Models/Collections YES Load Models/Collections in Blocks & Helpers NO Use HTML Comments NO Comment YES Refactor Inherited Markup when isn’t used, ie. NO Write infinite [ if > else if > else ] Statements NO Write endless [ while > for > foreach ] Loops

๏ Layouts (.xml) NO Add All CSS & JS to <default> handle YES Add CSS & JS only to needed <module_controller_action> handle YES Create Handle(s) to remove unused CSS & JS, ie. <update handle=“clean_static”/> YES Create Handle(s) to remove unused Blocks, ie. <update handle=“clean_blocks”/>

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DevelopmentFrontend Facts

๏ Javascript NO Use 100 jQuery Extensions for the same purposeNO Abuse of NO Define Functions inside YES Create Objects that do things instead alone global-functions YES Use id Instead classYES Extend Existing Prototype Objects (like validator.js) YES Load customer “basic” data from cookies instead php

๏ Css (and scss, less, etc) NO Use fronted renderers (javascript) for .less/.sass files YES Remove unused styles from (in RWD Theme use compass config) NO Abuse CSS3 features (box-shadow, transform etc)

๏ Take a Look https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/

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DevelopmentBackend Facts

๏CachingYES Cache all YES Cache every custom block, if necessary, implement “forced” cache. YES Implements FPC in your custom controllers (EE Only) NO Trust Magento! ensure cache invalidation works well. YES Think! Performance

๏Mysql / Magento “ORM” NO Abuse ORMs Features / Events YES Check ORM generated Queries i.e. echo $collection->getSelectSql(true) NO Load Products/Categories/Customers if isn’t necessary YES Use $resource->saveAttribute() instead $model->save() (When Possible) YES Reduce unnecessary data on selects YES Use $conn->fetchPairs() when only needs pairs

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