Improve Travelio Mobile App Wandy Hermanto Mar 25 th , 2017

Improve Travelio Mobile App

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Page 1: Improve Travelio Mobile App

Improve Travelio Mobile AppWandy HermantoMar 25th, 2017

Page 2: Improve Travelio Mobile App

Project Goal Increase Travelio Mobile App Conversion Rate

• Goal: Increase Travelio Mobile App conversion rate• As a framework, we can use popular AARRR – 5 steps startup metric:

• Acquisition: user comes to site from various channel• Activation: user enjoy first visit - “happy experience”• Retention: user come back, visit site multiple times• Referral: user like product enough to refer others• Revenue: user conduct some monetization behavior

So let’s focus on Activation metric first.

Page 3: Improve Travelio Mobile App

Define - ProblemAll

Problem Priority

1. Home Screen – Value Proposition / Reasons to buy are not clearTravelio home screen seems not clearly communicate their Unique Value Proposition (USP) and why user need to

adopt their service. This USP and reasons are very important for new player like Travelio to introduce and build their



2. Search – Last search is not providedLast search benefits the users in saving their time and effort in searching the same item again – this is especially very

important for travel apps where user often repeat the same search and would benefit greatly


3. Inconsistent header and back buttonTravelio app provide inconsistent header where header will be displayed for some page and will be hidden for some

page, and back button sometimes on the left side and sometimes on the right side – it will confuse user to navigate

through the app


4. Display critical info that influence consumer purchase decisionAn app should display all information that will help user to make their decision to book. These information for example

rating and testimony. But unfortunately Travelio does not display these information clearly on their product page.


From the first release of Travelio Mobile App, there were four major problem that I noticed. But in order to have immediate impact, we need to prioritize which improvement that will be implemented first.I determine this priority based on their impact (is it painkiller or just vitamin / nice-to-have). So we have 2 high priority problem that need to be solved immediately.

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• Immediately after opening the application, users will be displayed with this home screen.

• The first thing that user will see is image “Discover Quality Homes Crafted for Your Stay”. This image seems not clearly communicate what exactly it is.

• Like website homepage, an app need to clearly communicate their value proposition (Unique Selling Proposition / USP) on their home screen.

• This is very important especially for new player like Travelio where most users still don’t know what is Travelio.

• Existing Travelio Home screen does not communicate their USP properly.

• Beside USP, an app also need to give users reasons to adopt them• This reasons could be discounts, features, customer service, etc• One of the most popular reason is discount.

Define - Problem1. Home Screen – Value Proposition is not clear

Travelio Home Screen

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I recommend some improvement for Travelio Home Screen as follow:

Problem: Value Proposition / Reasons to buy are not clear

Solution: Display Travelio’s USP and Reasons to buy on home screen• Display image as slideshow so it will display next image after several seconds. • Travelio’s USP such as “Tawar sekarang dan dapatkan harga terbaik untuk

hotel anda”• Also display button “Semua Promo” and redirect user to other page that

display all Travelio promo

Ideate - Solution1. Home Screen - Display Travelio’s USP and Reasons

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With this improvement, users will easily find what are the reasons to buy at Travelio.

Home Screen

Problem: Value Proposition / Reasons to buy are not clear

Solution: Display Travelio’s USP and Reasons to buy on home screen• Display image as slideshow so it will display

next image after several seconds. • Travelio’s USP such as “Tawar sekarang dan

dapatkan harga terbaik untuk hotel anda”• Also display button “Semua Promo” and

redirect user to other page that display all travelio promo

Prototype1. Home Screen – Display Travelio’s USP and Reasons

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Define - Problem2. Display critical info that influence consumer purchase decision

• Before consumer buy product, they will go through decision making process and of course an mobile app need to provide all information that needed to help user to make their decision.

• These are top 6 factors influencing Consumer Purchase Decision for hotel app:

1. Rating: rating will help consumer to know hotel’s quality of service

2. Testimony: before user book hotel, they want to know how the previous guest experience when they stay at that hotel

3. Facility: of course they have to know the hotel’s facility. 4. Total Transaction: user will get more confidence when

they know that 100+ people ever stayed in their target hotel and they can judge the authenticity of review based on total transaction

5. Location: user prefer hotel that near to popular tourist spot and easy to be reached.

6. Hotel Room Picture: everyone has their own preference on how the best hotel room for them. So they want to see the hotel room to decide if they will comfortable or not when they stay there.

• Unfortunately, current Travelio mobile app only display 3 of 6 factors on their product screen.

• With these limited information, consumer will difficult to decide their purchase.

Hotel Info

Hotel Main Facility

Selected Unit And Price

Map and Address

“Select Unit” button

Travelio Product Screen

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• If we analyze existing Travelio Product page, we will notice that there is two Call-to-Action button that will redirect you to same page, Select Unit page.1. CTA#1: Selected Unit2. CTA#2: Select Unit

• This user experience is wasting product screen space even when we need space to display most important information that help user to make key decision making process.

Define - Problem2. Display critical info that influence consumer purchase decision

Multiple Call-to-Action to the same page

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I recommend some improvement for Travelio Product Screen as follow:

Problem:1. Display critical info that influence consumer purchase decision2. Multiple Call-to-Action for the same purpose

Solution: • Display critical factors that influence consumer purchase decision1. Rating2. Testimony3. Hotel Facility4. Total Transaction5. Location6. Hotel Room• Have a clear structure of content and provide comprehensive info of hotel

Ideate - Solution2. Redesign Product Screen

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With this improvement, users will easily find all informations that will help them to purchase

Prototype2 Redesign Product Screen

1. Rating

2. Testimony

4. Total Transaction

3. Hotel Facility

5. Location

6. Hotel Room Pic

Replace existing two CTA to this part

1. Rating: the first thing user want to see is the rating. Rating score need to be displayed clearly the first time they see the product.

2. Testimony: user need to know brief testimony how previous guest’s experience when they stay there (to investigate the quality of service, hotel access, etc)

3. Hotel Facility: user need to make sure facilities that matter most for them are available

4. Total Transaction: user will get more confidence when they know their target hotel is quite popular based on total transaction

5. Location: user need to see hotel location to get familiar with the location and determine their itinerary.

6. Hotel Room Pic: Some people love classic, some people love minimalist design. Let user see hotel room to help them get the feel.

7. Replace redundant two CTA button into one section on the bottom so user will easily click it and continue the conversion funnel

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Solution Product Metrics

Display USP / Promo as homepage


# click image (Increased)

Bounce Rate (Decreased)

Redesign Product Screen Conversion Rate (Increased)

# click rating

# click testimony

# click hotel facility

# click total transaction

# click location

# click hotel room pic

# click select unit

• We have to validate whether our solution is successful or not. • To validate our solution, we use Product Metrics.• After deployment, we have to monitor our product metrics for certain period of time to

monitor our solution performance.

ValidateProduct Metrics

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