History of Genre- Thriller This is where I’ll be examining the genre Thriller through the past to see how it has changed/developed. My chosen Thriller director is Alfred Hitchock. I shall look at his previous Thriller films and how he has changed them to fit into the society

History of genre thriller

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Page 1: History of genre thriller

History of Genre-ThrillerThis is where I’ll be examining the genre Thriller through the

past to see how it has changed/developed. My chosen Thriller director is Alfred Hitchock. I shall look at his previous

Thriller films and how he has changed them to fit into the society

Page 2: History of genre thriller

Alfred Hitchcock-1920s-1930s

‘The lodger’-1926 was his very first thriller. This was then followed by his 2nd thriller, ‘Blackmail’-1929. Alfred did many other genres but then from 1935 he only did thriller movies. Alfred was inspired by other directors such as Victor Saville and George A. Cooper who all made thriller movies

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From this point Alfred was still continuing on making thriller movie, but it wasn't until upon this time that he chose to do his movies colour instead of black and white. Other thriller that was made at this time was ‘Niagara’ which starred Marilyn Monroe

The very first of Alfred colour thriller movies were ,

‘Strangers On A Train’-1951

‘Dial M For Murder’-1954

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In the time of 1960s, Alfred has never been recognised more than this most famous thrillers was ‘Psycho’, this had increased his publicity, which was about a loner mother-fixated motel owner and taxidermist. Another famous thriller was also released at this time was Wait Until Dark-1967 directed by Terence Young.

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Alfred’s first British film in two decades was ‘Frenzy’-1972 which was known to be very scary and included very disturbing scenes, this was then given an R rating due to this. We also saw during this time yet another thriller ‘Due’-1971 which was directed by Steven Spielberg. Other great thriller movie that was released at this time was ‘Play Misty For Me’-1971 which was directed by Clint Eastwood.

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Present Thriller Film

Today in the 20 first century, film have become so popular and is only increasing. We have now more different interesting genres that we never had before but the genre thriller still remains popular then ever. With bigger budget, thriller movies have become a spectular thing to watch as it is more realistic and interesting. This will initially bring a bigger proportion of their target audience and through new technology, we can have more unique ideas. Successful Thriler film today includes ‘The Revenant’,’Spectre’, ‘Fast 7’, ‘The Final’ etc.