Heavy industries in pakistan

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Page 2: Heavy industries in pakistan

Industries Of Pakistan And Problems To The Industries In


Page 3: Heavy industries in pakistan

Industry Industries in pakistan (24.3% in GDP)

Role of industries in the economy of Pakistan

Problems to Industries in pakistan Solution of the problems

Industries in Pakistan

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“Industry refers to that sector of economy which is related with manufacturing and production of products.

In Pakistan industry can be categorized as under





Cottage and small Industry

Defence Industry

Heavy Industry

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Heavy Industry consists of

Textile Industry

Sugar Industry


Vegetable ghee and

cooking oil

Chemical Fertilizer Industry

Heavy Industries in Pakistan

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major contributer to forigen exchange, cotton and cotton based products accounts for 61% in export

3rd largest exporter of the world Over 1.3 million farmers, upto 5 million are involved

in the cultivation of this crop 8.5% contribution to GDP Scarf, winter Shwals, wool fibrics, Blankets etc are

the products of Textile Total import $14.8 billionin the last year

Textile Industry

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In Pakistan in 1947 there were only two suger industries

At present 106 suger mills are opreating in pakistan

It is 2nd largest industry after textile 15th rank in the world in suger production Employment 1 million Per capita consumption is 26 kg GDP contribution is 0.7%

Sugar Industry

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Cement contribution in GDP is 3.5% Exported last year 700 million USD (47%

increaed) Pakistan has ranked 5th position in world

exporter of cement Total companies 23, 4 forigen and 3

controlled by armed forces 19 are listed in stock exchange

Cement Industry

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Fertalizer is any oraganic and inorganic products added to soil to supply plant nutritent.

Major products are Uera, DAP, NP, CAN, SSP Contribution of fertalizers are 14% in GDP Emlpoyment are 4.7 million Major fertalizer corporations are Fuji fertalizer Sitara chemical ltd Engro chemichals

Chemical Fertilizer Industry

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Agriculture 20.47%◦ Crops 9.90%◦ Livestock 9.97%◦ Fishing 0.33%◦ Forestry 0.25%

Industry 23.93%◦ Manufacturing 17.53%◦ Mining 2.39%◦ Construction 2.19%◦ Electricity & Gas 1.80%

Services 55.60%◦ Wholesale & Trade17.25%◦ Transport 11.80%◦ Finance & Insurance 3.59%◦ Ownership & Dwelling 2.22%◦ Public Administration & Defense 5.4%◦ Community & Social Professional Services 10.22%

GDP Contribution of Different Sectors of Economy

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contribution of industries

GDP growth0%







PakistanIndia Bandladeshsrilanka

Comparison of the Industrial Sector with Other Countries

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Problems to the Industrial Sector of Pakistan

Power shortage

Lack of trained manpower

Diffeculty in export

Lack of new technology

Changing political and economic policies

Bad law and order situation resulting in lower investment

Higher interest rate

Terorisum which reflects forigen inveters

Following are main problems to industrial which make obsticle in the way of growth in their producton, result in transforing industries to other


Page 13: Heavy industries in pakistan

Suggested Solution

Forigen investment

Attract foringen cargo airlines

Micro cridit

Innovative technology

Substitute of powers (oil, gas,

wind mills)

Decrease interest rate


Traning of labourResearch


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Prepared by:

Ishfaq AhmedNurture Grammar School,sufora.