Constant war with the Harmful “Bugs

War with harmful bugs (rev)

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Dr Ramesh Srivastava prepared this for education. This is excellent for Cold and Flu season. Very informative. Use it with all your friends and relatives especially school going kids. V K Batra

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Page 1: War with harmful bugs (rev)

Constant war with the Harmful “Bugs”

Page 2: War with harmful bugs (rev)

Who are these germs harming us ?

Virus ------- smallest

Bacteria---- small

Fungus ----- medium

Parasites ----small

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Question is how to

remain healthy and

not get sick

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These intruders can be seen by microscope

Virus ------- by special microscope

Bacteria --- by microscope after staining

(coloring them)

Fungus -----by microscope after staining

(coloring them)

Parasite ----by microscope

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How they look?


Fungal spores

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How they enter into our body ?Along with the Breathing air

through the cracks in the

mucous membrane of nose and

respiratory tract due to dry air you


insect bite

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How they enter into our body ?Along with the food or Drink –

Hand to Mouth

Most common Route

By insect bite

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Air Bourne infections:Like cold, Flu, pneumonia

Can you breath in infection?

Usually you are safe if you breath - 3 feet

away from the source (patient)


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Infection through the skin (insect bite)

Usually they are parasitic infections like:

Malaria, Dengue fever

Rocky mountain spotted fever etc.

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Biting insect transfer the Parasite through the skin

Mosquitoes –--Malaria

Tick-- ---Rocky mountain

spotted fever

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Along with the food or Drink

Hand to Mouth

Most common Route

By insect bite

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Through mouthmost common route

Persons with non hygienic habits are most

common Victims.

Dirty hands

Contaminated food

Contaminated drinks

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By naked eye

you can’t see

what is hidden on

surface of your

pretty hand

You think your hand is clean

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Believe it, Hands are the most common carrier of germs

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Your Hand

All kind of

germs are

hidden on

the surface

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Only way to get rid of these germs from hand is by:


With soap &


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Your hand becomes a carrier of germs

Before you someone else has

touched it then you touch it and get the

germs on your hand, then you touch your

food or drink or contaminate other objects

(cross contamination)

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Cross contamination

You touched the door knob

which has been touched by

someone else who didn't wash

hands properly now you got

Germs NOW this hand is dangerous carrier for you

and for others!

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Cross contamination Remedy

Wash your

Hands with

Soap and water

Thoroughly (20 Sec.)

before touching


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Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again. You are done (turn off the water ,you did well)

While you are washing hands say:

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You get germs on your hands

when you touch any object which is


If you touch your food or you touch

anybody's hand he becomes a carrier

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It is passed to you by your handwhen you touch the secretionON SOME OBJECT or surfaceTHEN you TOUCH YOUR NOSE ,EYES OR MOUTH & pass on GERM TO YOU

When someone has cough or cold

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Someone asked very good questionIf my nasal secretions are so badwhy I am not sick all the time?

Every ones nose has germs and you live with them but

if put your finger then touch a object it becomes

contaminated if this object is touched by another

person and he doesn't wash hand, the germ enters his

body and he or she may become sick.

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Your finger may become carrier of cold virus or ear infection

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There are thousand situations where you don’t know

who has touched your desk, book, pen or

computerwith contaminated hand

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Do you know how a family member spreads infection to other family member

By contaminated hand which carry germ

Not by coughing too close but by dirty hand

you can

pass it to others

by even a handshake

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Animals are cute but it is good habit to wash hands after playing with them

Also to prevent cross contamination:

Don’t share hair brush or tooth brush

Don’t touch infected areas

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You can relish eating by hand as far hands are clean

*Don’t use hand to pickup

things from plate

*Use spoon or prong for

picking items from plate

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Try to use non dominant hand or a disposable

paper when you are not sure the object you are

going to touch is clean (not contaminated)

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How to keep hands clean all the time

Wash hands with antibacterial soap and water,

on odd places use disinfectant

gel (having 60% alcohol)

Carry this with you all the time

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All soaps are Good BUT antibacterial soaps are better

*Use them to wash your hands at home

*Keep a small bottle of antibacterial gel

in your carry on bag so you can use in

school cafeteria or at a restaurant.

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Open items like fruits may be contaminated by the fruit handler

Wash them and your hand with soap and

water. Eat them with skin or peel the

skin with your washed hand

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Meat and Poultry

Whether it is beef, pork, turkey or chicken and

whether it is baked, fried or barbequed –

Inside of meat must be cooked at 160(F)

* Cutting board and knife must be cleaned

with Clorox or similar solution

Then enjoy your meal with soap washed hands

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War with the germs:

You can’t take care of every person but

if you clean your hands, You will be safe, not

get sick & will not pass germs to others.

With these precautions You will enjoy life

without missing school days

or missing time on the job.

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So if you want to win the battle with germs

1---Wash Your Hands before you go to

dining table or restaurant. & also

whenever you come home from outside

2---Avoid cross contamination

Ramesh S (2012)

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The images used in this presentation are obtained from the internetFor educating the community

many MANY thanks to their owners Ramesh
