Edge talk webinar (UKEDGE0112A) Page 1 of 16 Downloaded on: 05 Dec 2017 11:12 AM [Vicky.Captioner is Live] JANET WILDMAN: We will get started in a couple of minutes, but we have an icebreaker for you. We want you to tell us the music you listened to when you are 18 to 25 years old. It was a while ago for me, but it might be just around the corner for you. Just tell us what you used to listen to, the artist or the type of music. We will get started having a conversation about that, what the triggers are for you, how it makes you feel, what it means for you in terms of the way it makes you think. Join me in the chat room. We have a couple more minutes. I will go into the chat room in a couple of minutes and put down my music. I will see you in a couple of minutes. So is anybody confident enough to give us a rendition this morning? Tell us your favourite music, why you have chosen your favourite music as an icebreaker. I put down that my favourite music was the Bee Gees, Earth, Wind and Fire, Bob Marley. Tell me, what was the music that meant a lot to you around 15 to 25 years ago? What type of classical, Kate? We haven't heard from you, Grace, as of yet. And Ignar, you are holding on until your session. We would like to hear - what is your favourite music? If you think about 15 to 25 years ago, tell us in the chat room before we make a start. It is 9:30, but we are still on an icebreaker. We want to know from you in the chat room your favourite music 15 to 25 years ago. What does it mean to you? Get the conversation started. Let me go and see what is happening in the chat room. Bob Dylan, brilliant. You have to give us a rendition, Grace! You will have to tell us a bit more about that in your session, why Bob Dylan for you. OK, it is 9:30. I'm going to get started. I'm hoping we will be joined by loads of people. If you are here for the first time or one of our regulars, welcome, welcome, welcome. It is 1 December, 2017, can you believe it? Welcome to Edge Talks. We are going to do about how music to our ears can become a care aid. We are so pleased and excited to be joined by the experts, people who can share their personal experience, passionate about this area, it's going to really help us to challenge our thinking, challenge our practice around this. Ignar Ris and Grace Watson. Hold your horses, we will hear from them in a little while. Before we do, I just want to give you a little bit of housekeeping.

Transcript from #EdgeTalks December 2017

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[Vicky.Captioner is Live] JANET WILDMAN: We will get started in a couple of minutes, but we have an icebreaker for you. We want you to tell us the music you listened to when you are 18 to 25 years old. It was a while ago for me, but it might be just around the corner for you. Just tell us what you used to listen to, the artist or the type of music. We will get started having a conversation about that, what the triggers are for you, how it makes you feel, what it means for you in terms of the way it makes you think. Join me in the chat room. We have a couple more minutes. I will go into the chat room in a couple of minutes and put down my music. I will see you in a couple of minutes. So is anybody confident enough to give us a rendition this morning? Tell us your favourite music, why you have chosen your favourite music as an icebreaker. I put down that my favourite music was the Bee Gees, Earth, Wind and Fire, Bob Marley. Tell me, what was the music that meant a lot to you around 15 to 25 years ago? What type of classical, Kate? We haven't heard from you, Grace, as of yet. And Ignar, you are holding on until your session. We would like to hear - what is your favourite music? If you think about 15 to 25 years ago, tell us in the chat room before we make a start. It is 9:30, but we are still on an icebreaker. We want to know from you in the chat room your favourite music 15 to 25 years ago. What does it mean to you? Get the conversation started. Let me go and see what is happening in the chat room. Bob Dylan, brilliant. You have to give us a rendition, Grace! You will have to tell us a bit more about that in your session, why Bob Dylan for you. OK, it is 9:30. I'm going to get started. I'm hoping we will be joined by loads of people. If you are here for the first time or one of our regulars, welcome, welcome, welcome. It is 1 December, 2017, can you believe it? Welcome to Edge Talks. We are going to do about how music to our ears can become a care aid. We are so pleased and excited to be joined by the experts, people who can share their personal experience, passionate about this area, it's going to really help us to challenge our thinking, challenge our practice around this. Ignar Ris and Grace Watson. Hold your horses, we will hear from them in a little while. Before we do, I just want to give you a little bit of housekeeping.

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This is who I am. If you have not met me before, my name is Janet Wildman. I will be chairing the session today. And looking after you today. We will be also joined by Rosie Redstone and Leigh. They will be looking after Twitter. If you are one of the people who enjoys Twitter, please join us. I will tell you more about our hashtag in a moment. I am also pleased to welcome Pardeep Bains who is going to help us with our technical support. A big thank you from all of our presenters and from me for the work you have been doing in the background, making this work for us. So join in today and beyond. Please use the chat box to contribute throughout the session and tell us what this agenda means to you in terms of music. What does music mean to you? How can we use music in a more person-centred way in our healthcare services? Also please tweet with the details on the screen. Please join us on social media and use that hashtag and handle. Also, please tweet our presenters. They are very great on social media. They have fantastic followings. So those are the presenters' handles. Please tweet and follow them, now and after the session. They would love to hear from you if you can. So, that is where we are up to. I'm going to hand over to our presenters, but before I do, I would just like to let you know that today, we are going to be exploring how to use music to support patient care. How we can use music to inspire and motivate family, patients and staff. And we are going to learn how to use music as a method that supports patient and staff development. And I would like to introduce our presenters. You might not know who they are, but they are very renowned in their fields. They are experts in how we use music to support patient care. Ignar Ris is from the Netherlands, a passionate speaker. If you have not met him before, he is very passionate. A passionate speaker, passionate trainer and an expert advisor to helping care organisations. He is very interested in how music can become a help engine for the brain and he will share his personal story and his campaign around #PinkSocks and the three-step plan. We will also hear from Grace Watts. She is a music therapist in the Kensignton and Chelsea NHS foundation trust hospital. She has also been involved in international randomised controlled trials exploring music therapy for children with autism. She is also, you would be pleased to know, a development director for the British Association for music therapy. She is really interested in how to use music in maternity services for women, staff and their families. OK, I will quickly hand over to Ignar. Welcome. It is fantastic to have you. I will hand straight over to you.

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IGNAR RIS: Good morning from Holland. We have great weather here, sunshine. Just last week, I was in London, where I met the fabulous Edge Talks team and it was very good to meet all of them. Big compliments for you all. I was in London on invitation and as a guest of Terry Pratt for the Fab Awards. I met so many warm people, friendly. It was not that we met for the first time, I met old friends. I don't know if everybody knows about the pink socks. These are the famous pink socks. Pink socks are set on the worldwide patient central stage. In healthcare, it is not going about money, it is not going about (unknown term) and not about egos. It is about the patient and making contact with them. That is what our pink sock stand for. For me, it is also for the people who work, caregivers, caretakers and the nurses. You are the heart of the care. So for all of you, these are pink socks. If you want to know more about it, you can see on pinksock.life or#PinkSocks. I am very proud I was made an ambassador. As an ambassador, I will be there for you to help you integrate music as a care aid and make your work easier and more fun. But how is it possible that music is a powerful care aid tool? Music gives us a response or tears in our eyes. It is not such a mystery. Music stimuli activates directly 70 trillion brain cells and those brain cells are spreading out over the whole brain, activating and connecting the different brain parts with each other. And just the connections are very important, because you can say we are our connection, for everything we do. Walking, smelling, lifting up this drink, thousands of connections must be made in our brain. And when an illness or whatever disability for whatever reason, connections are not made that easy. You create a kind of... You can say you create kind of... You create (unknown term) for the roadblock. It is powerful and helpful. At the moment we're listening to our own favourite music, our brain makes endorphins and endorphins make you feel good, like eating chocolate or having sex. Music is also a painkiller. English research has shown us that patients who are listening before and during the operation to their own favourite music, they needed less anaesthesia. For people who listen to music, they recover better and faster than those only listening to hospital sounds. Also, people with Parkinson's and all kinds of disabilities who are going to move better if they listen to music once or twice a week, they get more energy and their mobility improves. Always. When you are actively engaged with music, your physical motor skills improve. It is so powerful and so easy, no side-effects. I think it is the cheapest healthcare tool there is.

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Also, people who get a stroke, music is the most powerful revelation tool. There is a damage in the brain and the brain is working very hard making new connections. You help the brain enormously by listening to music. And also, with mirroring music, when people mirror each other with music, they can do movements that they cannot do alone. So, first, you put people mentally emotion, but also physical emotion. That is very nice because visitors and the family can do this. The visit becomes more fun and, at the same time, you have a tool to get patients out of bed. We all know how important that is. And, of course, dementia. Music and dementia are a gold coupling. Everybody knows that. [Matthew.Captioner is Live] Imagine you are standing in your own street in your own neighbourhood. You want to go home. But there was some thick fog, you cannot find your own home. How do you feel? What do you feel? At the moment, your own child or your partner is standing on the rooftop shouting out your name and at that moment you know "There is my home where I feel safe and secure." That is what music means and brings for people with dementia. It is a lighthouse in dementia fog because music has the power to break through the dementia and reach the person there. We must never forget that the person is always there. Always. It becomes difficult and harder to find and connect with the person, but they are always there and it is our job to make that connection. Music, well, it is one of the most powerful tools you can use with it. That is why music is a care aid and well-being and help engine of the mind. Music is not only important for the people you care for but also for you. For the nursing, the care workers. It is really a care aide. How strong it is, how powerful, well, this next story I heard at a nursing congress will tell you that. It was a Norwegian care home, a man from Pakistan, this man had dementia and Parkinson's disease. In the morning, this man was so stiff that it was a lot of work to get this man out of bed, undressing, showering, washing, getting dressed. But on a sunny Norway day, there came a nurse from Pakistan and this nurse did not start with working directly, no, she started with singing Pakistan songs. After that, she did still not start work, oh, no, she started... During the singing she took the man by the hands, taking him out of bed, together, they made a little dance. Dancing and singing did not take longer than five minutes but after this the whole morning ritual could be done in half the time. In half the time! Because the man was more movable. And I don't have to tell you that this way of caring was much more pleasant for the man but also for the nursing and the care workers. That is why music is so important for both of them. For me, the music is more important for the care workers because when the nursing have fun or feeling good at the work, the people you care for will pick this up. They cooperate more. You become more happy and more fun. The

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snowball starts to roll and becomes bigger and bigger. How do you do this? How can you integrate someone's personal favourite music into the daily care? The people who can do this by themselves, it's terrific that they can make their own playlists, searching their music, at the same time you create patient engagement and we know how important that is. For the people who cannot do that by themselves, the family, friends or volunteers can do this. Most important thing is that we find and search for the personal favourite music because like us here, we are now connected in this Internet space of time, we are all different. We all have a different kind of taste for music, for food. We are unique. And this stops not when you get an illness and disability or dementia. You stay unique. For me, everybody has the right of his own favourite music. The family and everybody else can find this music with the help of the music discovery list which you can find on my site and the link will be tweeted. On this list you will find someone's personal favourite music. But you also need the music from somebody's 15-25 period. Because the music we have heard all between our 15-25 years is so deeply rooted in our brain that even dementia cannot destroy this. The moment you hear this a whole world of memories will come to life. Think about your own music time, the 15-25 period. You will know - I was there, I was wearing that and I was with that person and that person. That is so powerful. When we have found and collected all this music and sound, we have one big box of music and now we are going to divide this music to the care orientated playlist. The care orientated playlist are connecting with the different parts of the day or the care action. We start in the morning. Morning music. Isn't it the best and most wonderful way to wake up with your own favourite music? The whole surrounding and atmosphere is becoming better, especially when you are in a strange surrounding, in hospital or nursing home. But also for people with dementia or mental disability, will not know exactly where they are waking up and the questions are coming up, where I am? What I am doing here? Please, please help me. You can help me? And they can call and shout or start to go out of bed searching for answers, we could do that also, if we do not know where we are. But at the moment somebody's favourite music is there and surrounding feelings of home and safety create the kind of shelter. There is no need for outburst. The second is of course that it gets somebody out of bed, undressing, washing, showering and dressing. These are the most stressful moments of the day for everybody. Nobody is very happy when this intimate care action is done with you. Everything you can do to make the surrounding better and give a distraction, it helps. But at the moment we use music, you activate your own care helpers. The care action goes better, especially people with disabilities.

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People with dementia, this is actually proven, people with dementia hearing music during correction, they see what the nurses are trying to achieve. It is so powerful. Then you of course get the exercise, everybody knows that you have to exercise much. We all have to do it. I have to do it a little bit more. When you cannot do it yourself or you cannot start, dementia or other kinds of disabilities, you must do exercises. Everybody knows that it is not fun, for example, when you get exercises from your visitor 10 times. You do the first time ten, then nine, eight. Then you think, well, we will do next time. But music makes it easier to move, move your whole body. Make it fun. Then people start to do it. Sleeping music, very important. Use music as a care aid to bring people to bed but also when people are waking up in the middle of the night not knowing where they are. Again, music is a lighthouse in the dark or in the dementia haze. It is so... I have seen it myself with my mother in the hospital, when I was with her in the hospital. The music was there and gave her shelter and comfort. This is how you can integrete music into the daily care. I really hope that we can make a start of that, to bring the power of music into the NHS into the daily care. So the your work becomes more easier. For that, I need your help, input and feedback, what kinds of tools do you need? What kind of help do you need? What kind of help can we give to help you to realise this? Maybe you have great ideas or you have good tips, we can do this in practice with the hardware, what kind of sounds or boxes we can use? Please, give that feedback. What we start here, we start the change. You can contact me always by twitter or by the site of the Academy of Fabulous Ideas. I will thank you. I will thank you for your time, for listening and this special contact that we had in the moment of time in this Internet space. And for me I have deep respect for you, the work you do. I understand the work you do because I have cared for my mother with Alzheimer's for more than 10 years, and of course, our care home, there was just one carer - my mother. There was no performance interview. But for me, you are really great. You do the day in, day out and you make such a big change where you can make some big impact for the people you care for. For me, you are really care angels. Have a good wonderful day. JANET WILDMAN: That was fantastic. We have had a number of people talking about how powerful music really is and not everybody knows that they can actually make that ask of the people that look after them, that they want to use music as part of their care plan. How can we get the message out is

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one of the questions we were asking each other in the chat room, how can we get our message out so that people can say, do you know what I want to use my favourite music? What would your response to that be? IGNAR RIS: Just start, start it yourself. Just one person can make the change. Start doing this, today or tomorrow, you can start singing during your care actions. Or you can tell people, you can direct them to my site, alzheimershappiness.com, where you find the tools to do it. But show it. Do it. JANET WILDMAN: I like the fact that you talked about it can be fun. It can be linked to physical exercise but it can also be fun. Grace was saying it sparks lots of different emotions. How can a hospital, which is sometimes one-size-fits-all, really think about a patient in terms of a personalised way, because my favourite music might not be yours. How can a hospital begin to change how it engages with patients? IGNAR RIS: it could be very great with the intake conversation. The hospital point out that take your own favourite music with you. Take your mobile phone, make your playlist with Spotify and listen to them when you are in the hospital active and they can point out that recovery and you are feeling better. So that this is a kind of medicine. Kind of. The hospital can point it out and all nurses who are listening now, they can tell this to the patient they have. We have to start somewhere, to talk about it, and then we can roll out and please let me know, we are working together with the Academy of fabulous stuff, I can be in touch with people to get it started. SPEAKER: I will just find out what is happening on Twitter, I will hand over to Rosie, to tell is what is happening on Twitter around this conversation. Just quickly over to you before I bring Grace in. [Vicky.Captioner is Live] Hi, Leigh. OK, we might have lost Leigh. Is Rosie there? OK, I will quickly go to Grace. I will invite Grace Watts to talk by the power of music from her perspective and how it can be used as a care aid. I am handing over to you. Thank you. GRACE WATTS: Can you hear me alright? Thanks for the lovely introduction. Ignar, that was wonderful. I feel there was so much I want to respond to with what you said. (inaudible)

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JANET WILDMAN: We can pick up on some of the things that Ignar talked about later on in the session. GRACE WATTS: Lovely. There are so many things. He alluded to the nonpharmacological approach, that is very important. This golden combination (inaudible), culture as well, and this idea of weaving music into our daily lives. I mentioned it in the chat room, we are musical beings and I think we have forgotten that a little bit. But also, you talked very importantly, it now, about the (unknown term) of music, and you are describing dementia and that is often how we use music for people with autism. There are so many transferable elements of music. I am excited to share a bit of our project we are running at our hospital. I will jump us to the other end of the lifespan, into maternity care. So we know that music can affect people in many ways. Any of you may be aware of music therapy in neonatal units, for example. And with my hat on as development director for the British Association of music therapy, I am working with our paediatric network to begin to map where music is happening, where music therapy is being used in maternity and how. Just jumping back to the project, there are so many parts to our project at Chelsea and Westminster and I would love to share with you today, but we don't have time. This is an initial inside to some of our experiences of music and people in maternity, because it is very much about relationships. And perhaps there might be some other ways later on, Janet, we can start using that edge on social media to continue the conversation. What I hope we might be able to cover today is history about how the project came to light, context about how we, as clinicians and musicians, have been able to transfer our transferable music skills to explore how we can support care within other areas of the hospital. The ripple effect - this has been quite a large part of the work, both immediate and wider, including being part of this today. Questions, once we set out to try and explore with the project, but also ones that have emerged with the project. And finally, I want to finish with a video about the work so you have more of an insight to what we're trying to do and what we are doing. That will hopefully speak volumes for you. Yes, if you have questions as we go, please feel free to ask. I know Janet has that in hand. A bit of history. Music therapy is a very well-established service within Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. We are based in the child development service and it is one of the largest NHS musical therapy departments in the UK. We are very lucky we have an incredible team and we work very flexibly with this wonderful approach, which is "yes, and?" So somebody gives us something and we say, "Yes, and how can we use this?"

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The project came to life following conversations with midwives, and that was led by my colleague, Claire, who cannot be with us today. She carried out a pilot project king at how we can use music in the antenatal clinic, as well as the antenatal ward. Obviously, can be quite stressful within that waiting area and on the antenatal ward, we might have been hospitalised quite early before your due date and you have a lot of time to spend in hospital. We have been thinking very much about time as well which is something we will come to. It was really this idea of waiting and the anxiety that comes with waiting we were beginning to explore in that pilot project, which has now developed into a year-long project, with Claire and I working across the maternity services. I deliver music in the antenatal clinic and Claire delivers music on the wards in the antenatal ward and the postnatal ward. When I say "deliver music", it seems very simple. We have a keyboard and we play a keyboard. But there is a complexity to it because you can never just play music. You are instantly inviting conversations, dialogues, conversations to evolve and develop. So I'm just showing you here on the slide. I don't know if you can read it, but the commitment again to enable team has made which is about incorporating music while you wait. It is about helping improve experience for women and staff. If we could skip to the next slide. So, waiting. That is really the essence of the antenatal clinic. We know that women and their partners, families come and it can be a very anxiety provoking time. What we're trying to explore is how the use of music helps to reduce or alleviate or ameliorate that anxiety. We collect that feedback and as part of playing in that space, we're looking at the environment, the sound of it and the ecology. What does it mean to drop live music into that space? What does it do? It is the how and the why we're interested in. How does it work, why does it work? There is a concrete part of music. If you think about rhythm, structure of music, that helps us to mark time passing or let us forget time is passing or immerse ourselves in a different experience. When we are talking to women and their families, it is fascinating to hear the responses to the live music. Lots of us tell them it is relaxing and it makes them calmer, but we have not quite gotten to the how of that. I had a lovely conversation with a mum the other day. I have been playing for about an hour and I realised that I was about to start playing something I thought she had already heard when she first came into the clinic. I reached over to her because she was sitting next to the keyboard and said, "I'm about to play another piece that I think you have heard already. I am mindful I'm repeating the music."

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From there, this lovely conversation evolved about the way she uses music at home, her husband being a pianist, and how she was sitting, listening to the radio or the TV. She was very aware of the baby moving in a particular way, kicking quite strongly. She felt that was in response to the rhythmically driven cot music. But while I have been sitting here, not only is this helping me relax, I didn't sleep very well. I can feel my shoulders loosening and it is softening my body. She also spoke about how she had felt her baby move in a very different way. She was taking a moment to observe that. It was as if it was swimming or gently dancing or swaying to the music. There is something fascinating there, If we can help it transform the waiting experience from something anxiety provoking, we're thinking much more about internal health, mother bonding. We know they be started here sounds at around 18 weeks. Their processing really develops around the 24, 25 weeks. They have a good, sensible sound processing and they recognise voices. In having those conversations with the women in the clinic, you can be thinking about how we might be able to use music, not only to support bonding with the baby, but thinking about the environment in the sound world as they existed, which is fascinating. That is a huge project right there. We also know that the music we use, need to be very careful about using because we know everybody has a relationship with music. As you said, Ignar, and Janet, what some people like my not be what other people like. The type of music we use our pre-composed, not always the famous classics, but something that has a steady, gentle pace and tempo. Something that is not too evocative of particular emotions, but allows for a range of feelings to be experienced. We will also use our improvising skills to reflect the mood of the space at the time. JANET WILDMAN: This is so powerful. We are feeling all of the emotion through this talk. I just was wondering if you could speak up a bit more because we're struggling to hear you. But keep going, this is fantastic. Thank you. GRACE WATTS: I wanted to tell you a bit about how we are collecting the feedback. Part of this is about working towards a better maternity experience. Ensuring we are offering the safest maternal experience at the hospital. We are familiar with the (unknown term) review. We know that when people feel safe, they feel reassured that the care they are going to get is going to be safe. And then from there, we have a really solid foundation to work and we can allow relationships to evolve, partnerships to develop. So that the care is not clinically led, but about what the person wants and needs from the professionals they are working with. Evaluating the project is tricky and challenging because we are dealing with complexities. We

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are dealing with people, is it. Not dealing with quantifiable entities, as it were. One of the ways we are collecting feedback in the clinic is to ask people to tell us what they think. As you can see on the screen, there are wonderful comments. For me, this one set so much. (Reads) That is something that has come up a lot, really, into feedback. It is about being human and making you feel safe, and the continuity of care. I think the human thing comes in because we are musical beings as humans. I feel like we have often forgotten that. We do a lot of music to us, so a lot of listening, we forget that we are all musical beings. We have all got a voice, rhythm, tempo. We all moved to music, regardless of our own perceptions around it. So the human element is absolutely crucial. But I think, just thinking about evaluation, the idea of asking someone to fill out a questionnaire feels clunky. [Matthew.Captioner is Live] For people to be able to add their comments, have a conversation with me within the music or beside the music feels helpful. Can we move to the next slide? The ripple effect - I'm aware the time is marching on, so I will squeeze much in. The ripple effects have been felt so many different ways. I gave the example of the maternity waiting area. They ripple out to the staff, they ripple out to the environment of the maternity service within the hospital but also in terms of being able to connect with bigger networks that are out there around maternity care. I am flashing the sash for the wonderful Mat-Ex gang. I hope they are tuned in. That was really quite an amazing way of using music because I think there was something about the golden thread of music that allowed and enabled relationships to come together that helped weave together some powerful and key messages in a sensitive and thoughtful way. I will show you some exciting videos of that in a second. Can we skip to the next slide? I wanted to touch on the visibility of this keyboard. It has done a lot of travelling around the hospital and it has facilitated a lot of conversations and it has raised awareness. I wanted to share one story with you which is about an experience I had. This keyboard lives on the cancer ward. One day I was taking it back and some people were walking through and held the door for me and said, "Oh, are you here for the wedding?" I don't know, I didn't know a wedding was happening.

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"One is happening really soon." I spoke to the nurses and they said, "Yes, a couple are getting married this afternoon." I said, "They like music, do you think? I would be happy to come and play for them." The nurses were delighted by this and taken aback. I got a phone call from them 10 minutes later to say, "They would really love the music. Could you come and play?" It was an incredibly moving service, as you can imagine. It was a cancer ward, so one of the couple was very seriously ill. The music was able to bring normality to that special experience for them. It changed the environment and changed the experience. It made it more human and I think this is going back to that approach, the wonderful human approach. Where can we use music? How can we be creative? That was a moving experience of how we were able to use music. It was much about relationships and connections and allowing things to happen and evolve. It gets to the heart of personalised care. That was a real serendipitous moment and it really was very personal. Could we slip to the next slide? The great thing about this project - this is Claire playing the keyboard - it is for everybody. We know these environments hold everyone. With a student midwife, it turned out that she is also a great musician. She was able to join Claire in playing the music. There have been women who have been through the maternity service who have also played with Claire, which is really what the project is about, because it is about connecting people with the music and from their relationships and partnerships enfolding and enabling people to feel they have agency around their care. Because music does something to relationships, it changes care. People see each other in different lights which means things can change without huge structures having to move. If we can move to the next slide, that would be fantastic. Again, this is a snapshot of the feedback. It touches on the human elements of the hair we are talking about. A holistic level of care and continuity that is almost unheard of. That is a powerful message. This person who wrote this, I saw her on Tuesday, for her, she was on the post labour ward, she had just had a baby, for her, she said one of the most moving experiences through her maternity journey had been continuity of the music always being there when she went to the clinic and hearing it on that post labour ward and it was an emotional experience for her. That was fantastic. A moment on Tuesday. Could we go to the next slide? This is the ripple. This is how we are here today at the edge talk. This wonderful team of people here, many of you might recognise Anna, consultants, obstetricians, various people in various roles in maternity.

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This is part of our huge event with Jill Phillips back in the summer and from there we were invited to be part of the NHS Expo events which I'm just about to show you a video of with the wonderful Jenny. The midwife. She created this great rap around skin to skin and what the music did there was progress into contact with people that Claire and I perhaps would never have met had we continue to think about music just in Chelsea. It open up this use network and enable us to feed into other ways of thinking. It would be great if we could show you a little bit of that rap with Jenny. JANET WILDMAN: We are just about to do that for you. Over to you, Hardeep. (Video plays) SPEAKER: An example of how we can do powerful messages sensitively. It demonstrates the way in which people can be brought together by music, allow things to be formed and it can help us share messages in a really exciting way. It is bringing together of people and music and makes it dynamic and that is what music is, a dynamic thing and we are dynamic beings. That is why this wonderful natural lines between music and people. We can just show a little bit of the next video, maybe half of it. This is a song that was cocreated by the mat ex-gang and it was conveying the key messages from the better births maternity review and we were able to do that really sensitively and use social media to collaborate on composing these lyrics. (Video plays) SPEAKER: It was wonderful because someone was in the audience and she got involved with that and it was wonderful to be able to show her how much we had done together as this collective voice to show how passionate we all are in maternity care and music being the golden thread running through the musical. Joining these up and allowing the joy of maternity care to be explored but also the difficulties of it when it might not go to plan or allowing for reflection because that is what music can enable us to do, it allows us to explore a range of emotions and the joyfulness of maternity but they can also allow us to explore the more difficult or challenging things around anxiety. I'm aware of time and I want to get the last video which is of Claire playing and I will talk if that's okay as the video is playing, we won't have time to show all of it I want to show you some of the work in action really. Feel free to press play whenever and I will keep talking.

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(Video plays) GRACE WATTS: (inaudible) Just because I am aware of time and Janet I don't know if you want to jump in at this point. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you so much. That is so powerful. I felt the emotion, I can't articulate how I'm feeling as a result of that. I learned so much, I want to quickly bring in Tony. Hardeep, can you unmute Tony for me? He has an interesting take... Some interesting feedback, I want to bring him into the room. Are you there, Tony? SPEAKER: Can you hear me OK? Right, OK. I will talk very briefly about some work that I am starting in the new role that I've taken on. I'm now working on a ward that is for male members living with dementia. I am in the middle of developing the This Is Me Document, so that we can take into account a person's historical musical interests and that kind of thing. So that we can start using those through a lot of different care interventions, personal care, supporting through agitation and that kind of thing. It has been interesting to hear you speak about the use of Spotify because that is a direction that I would want to go with. It is a lot more accessible. At the moment we are using YouTube, which has adverts and breaks the relaxation period a little bit. JANET WILDMAN: Do you have any specific questions for the presenters? TONY: It is more about the complexities of (inaudible) and that kind of thing which I think need to be thrown to the IT department. I can see how it can be done. I think it is just a case of working through with them to be honest with you. GRACE WATTS: Can I just say that it would be great, I can have a conversation with you afterwards about how you might want to get round some of those issues. I know there are schemes in place around using playlists and so on so I can link you with some of those things that are out there that could help you with what you are doing.

SPEAKER: That would be really helpful. GRACE WATTS: I would be really pleased to help you with that. There is a really exciting conversation around

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music and dementia which is being led by the council which I'm involved in. I would encourage everyone involved to dementia to look at that. They will be really exciting and make really helpful and key recommendations about using music and music therapy within dementia care. I will keep posting information about that but that is a good one for you to look out for. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you for that. I will brilliantly just to get what is up on Twitter. LEIGH KENDALL: Good morning. Thanks so much very beautiful talk. It was emotional. People have been really enjoying what you have been saying about the power of music for care and sharing some other evidence and thinking about the research and things and how we can spread this further so more patients can benefit from the work. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you. I want to bring Ignar now. Any final thoughts and, Grace, any final thoughts for practical ways that our audience... I want to move this agenda forward. A couple of tips that you will give us so that if we were going to take this agenda seriously, what would we need to do? IGNAR RIS: Especially for Tony and everybody that works with people with dementia, the magic you cannot do alone, you need family, volunteers, you can direct them to my website alzheimershappiness.com, and then they find the three steps and then everybody can find the right music and can make care orientated playlists and those care orientated playlist, they can use. You can integrated and work together and the beauty is that you take the family in it and they get the feeling we are part of it, they see what they do and also the visiting is more fun as they are working with the music and finding the playlist. Everything is ready for you on my website and everybody can start with it. There you are. [Remi.Coordinator is Live] JANET WILDMAN: Thank you very much for your wisdom. Grace, any top tips? GRACE WATTS: Find out what music is available. If it is not available, ask whether music can be part of your care and how it can be part of your care. Find out if there is an active music scene at your hospital and just ask them questions initially. If not, find out who to ask about helping music be part of your care package and use resources that are out there. Use the British Association for music therapy. Use the CNET is so active in the UK. We have a wonderful network of musicians working in that area, and we are starting to get a hold of what it means to support our well-being.

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Ask some questions, make some connections and build relationships. Where there are people, music will follow. Where there is music, people will follow. Just have conversations. JANET WILDMAN: Thank you so much for that, Grace. I always say music and food always go well together! (Laughs) But you are absolutely right. A big thank you to yourself, Ignar and Grace and for everyone who joined the call today, looking at the power of music and how it can be part of our care aid going into the future. Before I say goodbye, Hardeep, please could you put us onto the last slide, please? I would like to put in a big plug for our School for Change Agents. If you are a change agent that doesn't know how to do – who needs more tools and confidence doing change, why not join this fabulous School for Change Agents. It is absolutely free. We have some really good ideas and tools that will be available to you. Here are all the dates. We will start in February, going all the way through to March. There will be live sessions. There will be webinars. There will be lots of exciting activities taking place throughout the School for Change Agents. Please, why not visit the website? It is there for you. We have the Twitter handle. You can even email us. If you're interested, it is absolutely free. We are really trying to plug this. You can join and register your interest and get in touch with me if you feel you need to, and I will take you through and tell you more about the background to the School for Change Agents. So, here it is. Take down the details. It is already on Twitter for those of you who don't know about it. My final thing is to say thank you to everybody who has joined the call today. We appreciate you taking the time to join the edge talk team. On behalf of myself and the edge talks team, thank you and have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe until we see you in the New Year on 15 January. Thank you and goodbye. Thank you.