Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee •Whether it is from too many coffees, teas or super-sized soft drinks, we have little ability to argue when our bladder calls. Our attempts to put off the inevitable are countered with increasing levels of discomfort and ultimately pain until the needs of the bladder are met. When we do successfully find that sometimes elusive toilet, we are treated with a short feeling of relief until the next time our bladder would have us do its bidding.

Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

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Page 1: Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

• Whether it is from too many coffees, teas or super-sized soft drinks, we have little ability to argue when our bladder calls. Our attempts to put off the inevitable are countered with increasing levels of discomfort and ultimately pain until the needs of the bladder are met. When we do successfully find that sometimes elusive toilet, we are treated with a short feeling of relief until the next time our bladder would have us do its bidding.

Page 2: Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

• While this is the “normal” discomfort and pain that we might expect every so often from our urinary system, it is by no means the only type of message that this region of the body might choose to send. The human body frequently uses pain to tell us that all is not well. When it comes to painful urination or dysuria, this is especially important because dozens of different conditions can all result in different types of pain that appear when we urinate.

Page 3: Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

Pain Severity Does Not Indicate Severity Of The Problem

• In addition to several different types of pain being associated with urination, it is important to understand that the severity of the pain experienced when urinating can vary considerably. However, it it is important to realize that the severity of the pain does not necessarily relate to the severity of the condition causing the pain. Because of this, it makes sense to seek medical treatment whenever it hurts to urinate for more than a short period of time.

Page 4: Painful Urination – 7 Common Reasons Why It Hurts To Pee

What Conditions Cause Pain When Urinating?

• By far, the leading reason that people experience pain when urinating is as a result of infection. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) can involve any stretch of our internal tubing from the kidneys to the bladder to the point of exit. Such infections are usually the result of E. Coli bacterial invasion but can also involve other bacteria in some situations. Even a yeast infection can lead to pain.

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painful urination treated

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