5 S Implementation for Quality Improvement Health & Family Welfare Department Dr J L Meena State Quality Assurance Medical Officer Commissioner of Health, Medical Service & Medical Education Department of Health & Family Welfare Government of Gujarat, India Email:- [email protected] Web:- www.gujhealth.gov.in/quality-assurance-program.htm 1

How to Implement 5S in Our Workplace

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Page 1: How to Implement 5S in Our Workplace

5 S Implementation for Quality Improvement

Health & Family Welfare Department

Dr J L MeenaState Quality Assurance Medical Officer

Commissioner of Health, Medical Service & Medical Education

Department of Health & Family Welfare

Government of Gujarat, IndiaEmail:- [email protected]

Web:- www.gujhealth.gov.in/quality-assurance-program.htm


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Video for 5 S Implementation

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Game for 5 S Implementation

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Game for 5 S Implementation


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Game for 5 S Implementation


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Game for 5 S Implementation


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Game for 5 S Implementation


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Game for 5 S Implementation


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From Mess to Five S !!

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Life without 5 S

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Definition of 5 S

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5 S is a system that isdesigned to ensure workplaceSafety, Efficiency, Cleanlinessand Increase quality


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What is 5 S

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1st S Sortસયુોગ્ય અને બિન ઉપયોગીવસ્તઓુને અલગ તારવવી

2nd S Set in order સવુ્યવસ્સ્િત કરવ.ુ

3rd S Shine સ્વચ્છ અને સશુોબિત કરવ.ુ

4th S Standardize સનુનનિત ધારાધોરણ િનાવવા

5th SSustain & Self discipline

સાતત્ય પણુણ અમલીકરણ અને સ્વ અનસુાશન


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What is 5 S

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SortSeparate out the things you use and remove the things you don’t.

જરૂરી વસ્તઓુ અલગ કરો અને બિન જરૂરી વસ્તઓુ દુર કરો.

Set in orderOrganize the things you use and place them where you need it.

જરૂરી વસ્તઓુને તેના ઉપયોગ અને જરૂરીયાત પ્રમાણે ગોઠવણી કરો.

ShineScrub equipment, machines,tools, work area and floors

સાધનો, મશીન, ફનીચર, દિવાલો, િારી-િારણાાં, િાિરૂમ, કામગીરી કરવાની જગ્યા, તળીય ુવગેરે સાફ કરવા.

StandardizeCreate a system to maintain 5-S daily

ઉપરોકત ત્રણે સતુ્રોનુાં પાલન રોજ િાય તેવી સીસ્ટમ તૈયાર કરવી.

Sustain & Self discipline

Follow the new system every day-make it a habit and always look for improvement

ઉપરોકત ચારે સતુ્રોની આિતિનાવો અને તેન ુપાલન કરો અને વધ ુસધુારો લાવવા પ્રયત્નશીલ રહો.


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Why start with 5 S ?

Health & Family Welfare Department

Allow everyone to “See” Waste. Creates discipline in Processes Allow productivity gains Allow quality improvements Allow safety improvements. Allow delivery improvements. ESSENTIAL to sustain all of the above.


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Benefits of 5 S

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Saves time wasted by searching for tools, etc.

વસ્તઓુ શોધવામાાં લાગતો સમય બચે છે.

Reduces amount of walking around (Steps) to complete task

જરૂરી વસ્તઓુ નજીકમાાં હોવાથી એક જગ્યાએથી બીજી જગ્યાએ જવ ુપડત ુનથી અને સમય બચેછે.

Increase health and safety by eliminating stretching and bending

કોઇને ઇજા થવાની સાંભાવનાઓછી થઇ જાય છે.

Increase the reliability of equipment સાધનોની યોગ્ય જાળવણીકરવાથી તેની આવરદા વધે છે.

Make your workplace more pleasant કાયયકે્ષત્ર વધ ુઆનાંદાયક બને છે. Increase morale જુસ્સો વધારો


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આપણને, લપસી જવાથી ઇજાથવાની સાંભાવના

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Without 5 – S

Injury ???

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5 – S

Without 5 – S

With 5 – S

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There are basically three different types of workplaces…….

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5 S Implementation for Quality Improvement


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ત્રીજો વગય – લોકો આજુ બાજુ કચરો ફેંકે છેઅને તેને કોઇ સાફ કરત ુ નથી.

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બીજો વગય – લોકો આજુ બાજુ કચરો ફેંકેછે અને તેને અન્ય વ્યક્તત સાફ કરે છે.

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પ્રથમ વગય – જે લોકો કચરો પેદા કરે છે તેજ લોકો કચરાનો યોગ્ય નનકાલ કરે છે.

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5 – S Flow Chart

Set in Order &


Sort- Is item

Needed ?

Does the

Item have

value ?

Standardize and Make



Move to Temporary


Use in another

Location or Dispose

within 2 Weeks


YesNo No


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5 – S (ફાઇવ – એસ) ફલો ચાર્ય

સરખી ગોઠવો અને સશુોભભત કરો.

વસ્તનુી જરૂરીયાત છે?

વસ્તનુ ુકોઇ મલુ્ય છે?

ધારાધોરણો મજુબ જાળવણી કરો અને સહલેાઇથી દેખાય તે

રીતે મકુો.

ઉપરોકત પરીક્સ્થતીજાળવી રાખો.

કામ ચલાઉ સ્ર્ોરેજખાતે ખસેડો.

નનયત સમયમાાં કાયયરત કરો અથવા નનકાલ કરો.

કચરો (નનકાલ કરો).

હાના ના


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5 S Implementation for Quality Improvement

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1st S- Sort

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Separate out thethings you useand remove thethings you don’t.

જરૂરી વસ્તઓુઅલગ કરો અનેબિન જરૂરી વસ્તઓુદુર કરો.


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If you don’t use Remove the things from your workplace

1. Space recovered & scrap recovery money

deposited (About 7.5 Cr.)

• By removing TRUCK LOAD’s of old /

unwanted / broken / scrapped items that

were accumulated over decades.


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Not needed item should be

removed from workplace


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The amount of dust and unwanted things removed by Teams in one of the Civil Hospitals

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From Emergency From Dispensary From OPD & Dispensary From PPU

From Labor room From OPD Regn area

Old case papers

Excess / damaged

Printers, PCs


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Sorting of Records & Medicines in Medical Store Room

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Classification of Records

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Classification of Records in Administration Department

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Sorting of Repairable & condemnable IT Items

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Sorting of Repairable & condemnable Items

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IT Department

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Red Tag on IT Items

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Red Tag Items

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Red Tag on Equipment

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Red Tag

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2nd S- Set in Order

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Set in order

Organize the things you use and place them where you need it.

જરૂરી વસ્તઓુને તેના ઉપયોગ અને જરૂરીયાતપ્રમાણે ગોઠવણી કરો.


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Record keeping with list of files display

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Arranging & listing all files, Labeling / numbering all Cupboards / Racks / Workstations, Layout plan & Cleaning schedule prepared, a good color coding

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2nd S સવુ્યવક્સ્થત કરવ.ુ


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Set in Order

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Set in Order

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Set in Order

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Arrangement of Administrative Records with Labeling

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Arrangement of Drugs with Labeling & Expiry Date

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Classification & Arrangement of Records

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Arrangement of Records & Consumables in Ward

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Arrangement of Records & Consumables in Ward

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Arrangement of Crash Cart & Other Consumables

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Arrangement of Notice Board

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Parking with Marking for Movable Equipments

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Parking with Marking for Movable Equipments

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Zone Map

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Arrangement of BMW

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Arrangement of BMW

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Visual Management of Records

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Arrangement of Medical Record Department

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Color Code of MRD Files

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3rd S- Shine

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ShineScrub equipment, machines, tools, work area and floors

સાધનો, મશીન, ફનીચર, દિવાલો, િારી-િારણાાં, િાિરૂમ, કામગીરીકરવાની જગ્યા, તળીય ુવગેરે સાફકરવા.


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3rd S Shine

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All the old case papers were bundled and arranged and sent them to Records area

Some Glimpses of Improvement Actions taken by batch Teams in OPD Case Regn

+Pharmacy - CHCBefore


MURI (Strain) in the sitting position of the Case writer and Pharmacist because tables were

too big. Big table of pharmacist exchanged with smaller table from Stores.

Case writer table also changed to remove MURI .




dusty –



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3rd S- Shine

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If a workplace is gating dirty faster then it can be cleaned, the root cause of problem has not been identified.


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4th S-Standardize

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Create a system to maintain 5-S daily

ઉપરોકત ત્રણે સતુ્રોનુાં પાલન રોજ િાય તેવીસીસ્ટમ તૈયારકરવી.


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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization

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4 S Standardization Develop SOPs & Manual

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4 S Standardization Developing Health Education strategy for

patients, relatives and health care providers

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Reminder posters for health care staff

Proper Disposal of Sanitary pad

Critical times for hand washing for health care staff

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4 S Standardization Hand washing steps

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4 S Standardization Critical times of Hand washing for community

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4 S Standardization Correct way of use of toilet

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5th S- Sustain

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Sustain & Self discipline

Follow the new system every day-make it a habit and always look for improvement

ઉપરોકત ચારે સતુ્રોની આિત િનાવો અને તેનુપાલન કરો અને વધુસધુારો લાવવા પ્રયત્નશીલ રહો.


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5S Board Implementation

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5S Pocket Card

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5S Screen Saver

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Cleaning Check List and Crash Cart Checklist

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Cleaning schedule

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Cleaning schedule

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Action Taken Report onContinuous Quality Improvement /5 S Implementation Audit.


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Reward & Recognition

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Video for Team work

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Video for Communication

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Quality Improvement Programme


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