Do you live in an unfavorable environment ? Are you short of breath?


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Toxfighter-Lux is recommended as a dietary supplement, an additional source of dietary fibers like wheat bran; flavonoids, tanning agents etc., which help in neutralizing the effects of toxins and by-products of metabolism and reduce the effects of toxins, there by maintaining general health of the gastrointestinal system Toxfighter lux is a dietary supplement, based on vegetable components. These ingredients have multi-purpose entero-sorbent effect, allowing to neutralize the effects of toxins and by-products of metabolism, reducing the effects of allergens, to remove functional disorders of digestive system and also to minimize the level of cholesterol in blood, to reduce the load on the kidneys and liver and to improve the process of metabolism achieved by the ingredients. Plantain leaves, sublimated beet, wheat bran, apple pectin forming a part of the complex safely bind and remove free-radicals, salts of heavy metals and toxic metabolites out of the organism. Under the influence of dietary fibers of these ingredients, the food evacuation process in stomach decelerates; long term digestion process creates the feeling of satiety. Dietary fibers significantly improve the movement of food along the gastro-intestinal tract, promote the removal of cholesterol exchange products and thus, carry out the prevention of atherosclerosis and obesity. Pectin possesses a styptic, ambient and protective effect over the mucous membrane. Vegetable extracts show anti-inflammatory, choleretic and spasmolytic effects. Such enzymes as papain and bromeline stimulate complete food breakdown and improve digestion. Lactobacteria maintain natural microflora of the intestine against toxins, stimulate the local immunity and increase the organism’s resistance to infections and unfavourable factors of the environment.

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Page 1: Toxfighter

Do you livein an unfavorableenvironment?Are you shortof breath?

Page 2: Toxfighter

Do you oftenfeel pain in your stomach?

Page 3: Toxfighter

Or doyou suffer from allergy?

Page 4: Toxfighter

Do you easilyget tired and lack energy?

Page 5: Toxfighter

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