Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally By Jane Simmons

Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

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Page 1: Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

By Jane Simmons

Page 2: Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

• The first step in quitting smoking naturally is to adjust your thinking. Old beliefs and values lie buried in our subconscious and cause us to think and behave in established patterns. You will need to challenge your old beliefs about smoking and replace them with new ones that support your decision to quit.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2841747

Page 3: Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

• Now, the next step is to make several copies of your reasons for quitting and the benefits you are going to enjoy. Carry a copy with you at all times; keep one in the car, beside your bed, in your desk and especially in all the places you used to keep your cigarettes. Read through your lists often to keep your attitude positive and your resolve strong. Make up little affirmations that you can repeat to yourself when feeling challenged.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2841747

Page 4: Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

• Decide what you will do when you would usually have a cigarette. Plan in advance so you are not caught out. Maybe carry a handful of nuts with you to snack on at these times; have a fruit juice or some dried or fresh fruit. If you are in the habit of taking a smoke break at work, replace it with a 10 minute brisk walk - you will return to work refreshed and more productive. Try to avoid depending on candy, as you will be just replacing one bad habit with another.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2841747

Page 5: Tips to Successfully Quit Smoking Naturally

• Remember that it takes 30 days of consistent effort to change a habit so quitting smoking naturally is not something that will happen overnight.

• Know where you can go for help when things get too hard; join a support group or counseling service. Take up a new activity like a team sport or hobby; learn meditation or yoga for relaxation; take a Pilates or spin class at the gym. All these activities will help with stress and cravings and improve your fitness as well. Keep to a balanced, nutritional diet to help your body overcome your cigarette addiction.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2841747

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