By Author: Arushi Dutta

The Ultimate Guide to Workout Routines

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Page 1: The Ultimate Guide to Workout Routines

By Author: Arushi Dutta

Page 2: The Ultimate Guide to Workout Routines

Table of Contents

Book Description ...................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3

Chapter 1 – Starting Strength Workout- Beginners ................................................ 4

1.1 What do you truly want to attain from a strength workout? ...................... 4

Chapter 2 – Hypertrophy and Adding Muscle- Mass Workout .............................. 6

2.1 Number of repetitions ................................................................................. 6

2.2 Rest time in-between sets ........................................................................... 6

2.3 Time under tension ..................................................................................... 6

2.4 Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy ......................................................................... 7

2.5 Myofibrillar Hypertrophy ........................................................................... 7

Chapter 3 – Strength and Hypotrophy Workout ..................................................... 7

Chapter 4 – Super- Hero Physique (Advance and for beginners) ........................... 9

4.1 Resistance in Consistent, Progressive and Workouts................................. 9

4.2 Tablelands: Roadblocks to Your Advancement........................................ 10

4.3 Supplementation Gets You Their Faster .................................................. 10

Chapter 5 – Women’s workout routine to get strong and toned ............................ 11

Chapter 6 – At home workout for when you can’t get access to a gym ................. 13

6.1 House workout routines, which ones right for you? ................................. 13

6.2 3 Steps to Success ..................................................................................... 13

Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 16

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Book Description

You know that one of the best methods to get the results you are looking for is to

embrace a flexible workout routine, if you have ever thought about developing your

physical fitness. There are many different ways that you can do this, but at the end of the

day, having a flexible routine that can fit in nicely with your personal agenda, is one of

the most powerful things you can do.

The reason for this, being once you have adopted a routine to suit your life style, before

you know it, having a routine in your lifestyle, you can slowly but surely turn this, into

an everyday or every week exercise routine. Creating a workout routine is simple enough

you merely have to know, what you are after and where you are going to find it. We

believe this is critical for many different reasons, if you have ever spent any amount of

time working out, you know that it is vital to have a preset routine that you can rely on

day in and day out. This is how you get consistency in your routines and is how you get

slow, foreseeable increases in your fitness levels.

Certainly, it will not be difficult, but you will consistently have a substantially better

opportunity of getting the results, that you are looking for from a routine, if you adhere

to your workout routine. There is not that much that you have to do to get into shape

either, once you have developed a routine.

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Bodybuilding workout should be a well-rounded routines, having adequate numbers of repetitions to create the required resistance from any or all regions of the body and every one of the muscle groups. It needs to contain a variety of exercises jointly with a cardiovascular alternation & weight training. There is no exclusive magic formula for everybody if you are wondering about different types of bodybuilding workout routines.

You need to consider the present state of your health when you are attempting to plan a smart workout routine. Your health will assist in your recoverability, susceptibility to your physical limits, & harm. If you are starting a workout session to get healthy and in shape, work your way upward and you will most probably have to start slowly. Another element in a workout routine that is very successful is to think about what your personal goals are in this effort. Would you like to raise body mass, or slim down, or just become more powerful? Whatever purpose you have got will dictate what kind of workout will work best to succeed.

By working out in this manner, each muscle group will be worked on in some unspecified time in the future individually, that can empower the most growth potential in addition to maximum recovery time. You need recovery time due to the intensity of a fervent bodybuilding routine to permit your muscles to recover in between exercise sessions. This can be quite crucial in any bodybuilding plan. Workout sessions for body building change from individual to individual, but they all contain fundamental elements that can ease all bodybuilders grow tone their bodies & their muscles. Keep your individual aims in mind when developing your workout regime and then select it!

There are different methods and routines you should consider a compare one workout strategy with the other, there is no one exclusive method that you should set up for a workout. A successful body building routine can be a mixture of rest and exercises with your program while allowing you sufficient time to build your muscles in an economic manner. Most specialists concur that when taking into account, you want to schedule in rest days, how your bodybuilding routine will go.

Beginners need to take into consideration their physical well-being so that they understand what their body can do before they begin. Because complete general well-being will designate how you will be able to work out without, the danger of causing harm or exhaustion that can cause you stop this is so essential. An excellent bodybuilding workout routine can concentrate on using boundary components of the body only one day per week. You must also add in a cardiovascular workout every now and then. You need some rest days in between your workouts to allow your body to recover from the stress and strain.

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Chapter 1 – Starting Strength Workout- Beginners

The first thing to realize when contemplating such power workouts is that they should not be considered individually. For any workout to be extremely successful and obtain the desired results as quickly as possible you need to take the following variables into account:

1.1 What do you truly want to attain from a strength workout?

Huge muscles and a significantly increased strength, bodybuilding style.

This will require dedication and use of heavy weights, exercise machines and work with a partner or trainer. Strength workouts will consist of fewer reps with heavy weights. Normally there may be 4- 8 repetitions and more or three sets. Also, it is important to have the correct rest periods to allow muscles to repair and grow. Diet and nutrition also play an essential part.

Improved strength, lose fat and better muscle definition, a modern, slim and healthy look.

Entails using a weight that is comparatively less but doing more reps. Usually 10- between one and three sets and 12 repetitions. Some of the newer workout plans promise to have better results with fewer repetitions, about 8-10. Rest period between sets should be less than one minute.

Better strength but with really great muscle endurance, sports that require good strength and muscle endurance.

The amount of weight used now needs to enable you to complete between twelve to 1 and sixteen repetitions -3 sets. A vital factor for endurance is reducing the rest period between sets to about 30 seconds.

With any form of exercise, it is important to build up slowly and to get professional guidance before starting. This is important to avoid injury.

To increase strength means pushing your muscles hard, beyond where they are typically used to going, subsequently as the muscles recover they become bigger and more powerful. This is why a diet, rest periods and nutrition play a big part in you achieving your fitness goals. Your body does not have the right nutrients and if the rest periods are short or too long results will most likely be inferior.

These workouts will comprise some kinds of exercises to ensure that your workout the various muscle groups. You would start with a warm up, which might be little weights or

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light cardio, then move on to strength exercises for the larger muscle groups. Eventually, you might target some particular a warm down session and then smaller muscle groups.

Strength exercises may contain lat pull downs, parallel bar dips, rowing, bench press, dumbbell press and dead lifts, these all require the use of some exercise equipment. This could entail joining a gym or instead buy equipment for home use.

Strength exercises that do not need special exercise equipment are lunges, pull ups, push-ups and squats. If you are simply just starting strength training it can be great to start with a few of these; results will be restricted, and you must always get professional advice first.

Any Strength Training for Beginners has to include these factors; a few sets which can be between 1 to 3 sets, 12 to 20 repetitions, light weights, and comparatively short rest periods.

All these resistance-training factors complement each other with regards to the novice or beginner's weight training. When starting out, your body will react to strength training with the above straightforward elements, which might continue for two months to six months. And after that, you need to alter those numbers to a more particular-oriented target as your body will start to adapt the changes. Another significant variable is that many beginners entering the resistance training program focus only on one region and neglect the other parts in the body and wind up with less than an ideal balance of strength.

So, for example, although you desire to improve your arms like the triceps, then you also need to exercise your biceps even though it is not in your plan. Do not ignore your legs because you desire to look good around your upper body. Or, do not focus on your six abs, and neglect the core muscles which lie beneath and deeper the abdominal rectus muscle.

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Chapter 2 – Hypertrophy and Adding Muscle- Mass Workout

Muscle Hypertrophy is a complex term thrown around in the health science world, which is rather easy to comprehend when simplified. Simply put, muscular hypertrophy is a growth or increase in muscle. This growth is called hypertrophy. There are two kinds of hypertrophy, and they are sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and myofibrillar hypertrophy. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is when the size of your muscles increase, but without the same increase in muscular strength. This means that your muscle tissue density is falling. The size of your muscles increases at a higher rate than your muscle tissues under this particular type of hypertrophy. As their primary issue is to get as large as possible, this kind of hypertrophy is desired among bodybuilders. Strength is not primary.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy is when your muscle tissue density is increasing. This implies that you are gaining more strength, but not always gaining size at the same speed.

The reality is that no exercise is totally one or the other before you feel the need to pick one side. Exercises are a blend of the two. You can, however, do exercises that favor either sarcoplasmic hypertrophy or myofibrillar. It depends on what your goals are. As discussed above, if you're looking to become a bodybuilder, you should concentrate on reaching sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. If you're an athlete, you would probably desire to focus on myofibrillar hypertrophy, to optimize your strength without having to carry extra mass (some athletes may need both, like a football linebacker). So how do you know which hypertrophy you're reaching with your workout? Below are some exercise guidelines to follow.

2.1 Number of repetitions

For sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, you should be planning to do 8-12 reps (60-80% of your one repetition maximum). For myofibrillar, do 1-5 reps (80-100% of your one repetition maximum). Do more reps and lighter weights for less and sarcoplasmic reps and more weight for myofibrillar.

2.2 Rest time in-between sets

The time you take resting between sets should be shorter for sarcoplasmic and longer for myofibrillar. Try to rest approximately 1-3 minutes between sets for sarcoplasmic, and 3-6 minutes for myofibrillar. The reason for the longer rest time is because you're aiming to lift heavier weights, you need to give your muscles enough time to rest to lift as much weight as required.

2.3 Time under tension

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This refers to the length of time it takes you to perform a repetition of any exercise. Again, this is a general rule of thumb. For sarcoplasmic, take 5-10 seconds per repetition, and 2-3 seconds for myofibrillar. Now most of you aren't bodybuilders or professional sportsmen, so training specifically for sarcoplasmic or myofibrillar hypertrophy probably is not something you want to reach. Most people will want a mix of having strength, achieving a physique that is good looking and while also getting buff. Decide for yourself what your aims are, then use this knowledge to help you achieve it!

Muscle hypertrophy is a term that is certainly frequently used by bodybuilders and to put it simply; it means an increase in the size of the muscle. Now, when folks say they want muscular hypertrophy, they mean different things. There are two types of muscular hypertrophy, sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. We will look into what each one is, and then discover why two folks desiring muscle hypertrophy may, in fact, want things that are different.

2.4 Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

In quantity, the muscle cells grow in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy with no comparable increase in muscular strength. This is a result of challenging training at high numbers (generally 8-12 reps). Bodybuilders are usually the sort of people who are concerned chiefly with this type of hypertrophy. With fit performance and strength being secondary, their primary goal is to reach the size, look, and shape of their muscles. This form of hypertrophy is the chief reason you see strength to weight ratios decrease, as a person gets larger.

2.5 Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

In size, the contractile proteins grow in myofibrillar hypertrophy, making more of your muscles available to be applied to resistance. This type of hypertrophy is appealing to athletes whose performance is the primary concern. People who require dynamic strength and power, for example, weightlifters will focus on myofibrillar hypertrophy. This is achieved by high intensity, low volume training. By applying more heavy resistance to your muscles, they are increasing in strength.

One of the biggest hurdles, when they begin to seriously consider increasing their fitness plans up into something more extreme most body builders have to overcome, is coming up with a muscle mass workout. Needless to say, muscle mass workouts are distinct from regular workouts mainly because they focus much more on building muscle mass instead of complete fitness and cardiovascular work.

Chapter 3 – Strength and Hypotrophy Workout

Static strength workouts, also called isometric exercises are an excellent way to not only change up your workout but to also build great muscle. These exercises are performed as

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a static contraction, there is no change in muscle length while performing these exercises.

Increase muscle motor unit recruitment beyond and above what you get from eccentric or concentric repetitions, which leads to great improvements in strength.

Raises the amount of time a muscle is under tension (or being actively worked), which is responsible for muscle development.

Great for rehabilitation of patients because the work is not on the muscles or on the tendons or joints.

Can increase your blood pressure, the intensity can affect the heart. If you have high blood pressure or heart problems discuss these with your physician before starting.

Can be dull- holding an exercise for a certain amount of time can be boring but any workout can. It is important to shift things up completely!

Does not improve muscle endurance, since after all, the muscle is not moving.

There are millions of videos and training posts out there with only a fraction worth watching. Thus, having a great summary of what's out there helps you save time. Having the consequences of hundreds of hours of research and hard work can be useful in presenting the most important information back. Whether you are cross fitter, an athlete or bodybuilder, all these videos are very interesting stuff.

In a nutshell, the best of the web regarding Olympic Weight lifting, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, CrossFit and Cardio workouts is already there with the videos and workout tips, so you're able to reach your full potential. It is only a matter of finding the greatest videos accessible.

To be working out safely, you need to know the basics and focus on technique first.

Once you know the theory of training, you will be able to practice and keep a close eye on your programming, work on your strengths and weaknesses, visualize your development, worth the quality of coaching you receive, optimize your gains and reduce the risk of injuries.

Essentially any adequate weight training programmed will produce effects that are positive as long as you're progressing in some way. If you are lifting the same weights and performing the same exercises every time you go to the gym you can be certain you aren't going to put on any further muscle mass.

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Chapter 4 – Super- Hero Physique (Advance and for beginners)

Everyone recalls the first time they touched weight, whether it was at a basement home-gym the high school weight room or. Everyone can recall those first increases when every workout seemed to spurn a new round of increase. Those "newbie gains" were sensational, and never were we able to grow again at this kind of rate.

As bodybuilders move from "beginner" to "intermediate" trainer status, diet and training unexpectedly become pretty important. Eating 4 to 6 high-quality meals every day, training intelligently four times per week, sleeping seven hours per night, and consistent use of simple nutritional supplements is enough to keep the increases coming and the physique enhancing.

Remember that it's physically impossible to achieve 100% of one's potential. New trainers might achieve 40% of their possibility in two years. Another ten years of training might have them at 80% of their physical possibility, and flirting with advanced standing. That top ten percent, once an athlete has reached a 90% clip of his possibility, is going to be the most demanding to achieve, by far.

The best motivation is the success, as one nears the summits of genetic possibility and success comes in smaller doses. Athletes at this level are often very successful for two main reasons. First, they already possess the discipline, drive, and consistency eats right to reach this type of level and to train. Second, they live the daily success that most bodybuilders dream of. At that amount, every day feels like a triumph.

It is an error to take your workout program overly seriously. Most bodybuilders consider as important as their basic needs, which is only valuable if it contributes to health and better fitness and exercises second nature. You have a difficulty when you push your body too far in workouts. Too much stress hastens weariness, and your attempts to compensate leads to injury. You don't need to set your progress back by a couple of weeks because of overstretched muscles or a pulled tendon. Custom workout program and proper form ensure advancement, and you can't manage not to begin with the basics if you're a beginner.

4.1 Resistance in Consistent, Progressive and Workouts

The key to muscle development (or toning) is resistance. This seems like a no-brainer, but many overlook the value of increased resistance in workout routines. You should not remain too comfy with set loads and routines, particularly if you've improved over the previous week in increased muscle mass, a shapely physique. For beginners, the key is moderation. Anticipate to roll off to a slow start, with routines of restricted repetitions and average exercises. This is where appropriate kind is vital; you will probably maintain the position you started with throughout the program. Consider hiring a personal trainer for your first few months, and then wean yourself from the supervision once you've learned the ropes in supplementation, diet, and exercise.

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4.2 Tablelands: Roadblocks to Your Advancement

The worst first encounter you will ever come across is the dreaded plateau. This is a period of minimal to zero improvements, regardless of your efforts. Every bodybuilder stumbles upon this, and the reasons vary, to your attitude towards your program from your physiology. Often, it is the result of a lack of variety, in any of the aspects of your program. Exercise routines get monotonous over time, and you will have to change every so often to ensure the strain still poses a challenge to your muscles. This also applies to diet and supplementation. You can have steamed chicken daily, but the question is, are you willing to settle for the monotony of the lack in favor? Your six small daily meals are more gratifying with the same flavor as the viands you indulge in, or a semblance of flavor, at the very least.

4.3 Supplementation Gets You Their Faster

The last word is in supplementation. This is far from an afterthought, especially for serious bodybuilders. You are going to have to take on combination nutritional supplements, some and others alternated to prevent your body from developing a dependence or tolerance to the concentration. The potencies disagree, and it is better if a personal trainer and a doctor supervise your supplementation program. Your well-being is the priority, given that you are working out to build better fitness and wellbeing.

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Chapter 5 – Women’s workout routine to get strong and toned

The body of women is complicated in nature. The body fat of a girl gets rid of those tough to lose extra pounds and pooches and is naturally higher than that of a guy making it more difficult to tone muscle. Girl’s workout routines make this problem easy to get rid of with exercise plans designed especially with women in mind. There's absolutely no need to worry anymore because a remedy is accessible.

If you have never had a workout before, before starting workout routines, you need to become comfortable with the exercises. The key is to get the maximum out of each workout that you perform, although you do not have to work out quite long. Each exercise adds a component that is important to your routine that's essential for advancement.

You can get started once you choose the targets for your workout. Do you need more muscle tone, more toned buttocks, slenderer legs, a flatter tummy, arms of steel, or a total body makeover? All of these targets are attainable with workout routines. Aerobic action and lifting weights both are exceptional means to stay in shape. You merely have to determine what works best for you.

Do not be scared to attempt something new. Whether it is a new exercise move or a new fitness course, a workout routine is appropriate for you. Love the variety and delight that each workout brings to your life. You can appreciate exercising in exciting and new ways.

There are some important differences between health club workouts for women and men due to the physical differences between both genders. This is why what mainly works for guys mightn't be best for women. The health club workout routine is typically made in a way which helps without making the girl look like a body builder lose tummy fat, tone up muscles. At the same time, it should give her that alluring look that she craves. The needs of men are largely distinct.

There are a couple of things that one should keep in mind when choosing the best workout routine for women. First of all, where will the workout take place? Will it be at home, or in a health club? Next is the question to get the most of it on what steps to take to begin the routine. Then eventually, how much time should a girl spend on her daily exercises? It is also important to ask oneself what the principal facets that one should focus on for the program that is routine are.

There are three primary programs that are worth looking into to help women get their bellies and breasts company again and lose the weight in those flabby regions of their bodies:

The first program should tone all the body muscles up, and this is an especially useful routine for beginners or women that have barely any time for exercise. This essentially consists of doing the routine five days, meaning the first three days are about lifting weights and the last two on cardio exercises.

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The second program is done more at a steady speed which helps the person lose weight quicker and will help the lower and upper body parts get the appropriate workout.

Ultimately the third routine helps one lose weight from particular regions. This is essentially about doing cardio for the next two days and lifting weights for five days.

If you do not need to spend that much time on these exercises, or you might not have the time to do them at this rapid speed, you can do a considerably more straightforward routine. All you need is 7 minutes per day.

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Chapter 6 – At home workout for when you can’t get access to a gym

House workout routines have become quite popular. A WebMD post reported that "63% of American adults are overweight or obese" That means that there's a serious need to do something about our well-being and fitness. Family life and busy work schedules make it very difficult to find the time to go to a health club, so that is why finding great home workout routines are significant.

Everyone needs to be in shape and have a youthful looking body, but all of the US knows that it takes effort and time. Let us get one thing right from the start. All of us know if we're honest with ourselves that there isn't any magic pill or quick fix to slimming down. Great nourishment is taken by it and transferring our bodies. That's the lone way to correctly drop some weight and keep it away. We must feed our bodies with foods that are nutritious and locate a great home fitness strategy and make it a lifestyle.

6.1 House workout routines, which ones right for you?

It's possible for you to alter your level of fitness simply by taking a walk after dinner each evening or during your lunch break on the job. But for some that simply is not possible. Using a top notch DVD fitness workout that was good can do most home work out plans. You have seen the infomercials for P90X, Madness, and 10 Minute Exercise Device. These are all great home workout routines, but which one is the correct one for you? That is the most significant idea to learn. You need a home workout routine that is fun, and that may keep you intrigued. Because recall, it is a lifestyle to keep the changes in fitness and weight reduction.

Do you like to dance or perhaps you where a college or a high school athlete? Perhaps you have not done any exercise before, and this is your first time. There are many home workout routines that can satisfy your needs. Perhaps you have a busy program. Well, there are home workout routines for you also. To put it simply, "There is no Excuse". It is time to think about you and take charge of your well-being and fitness.

One amazing thing about a home workout that is good is that they are efficient. A health club membership will cost you hundreds of dollars a year. A great workout DVD will just cost you $40 - $120. The workout DVD's typically have distinct degrees of strength that will give you a great return for several years.

6.2 3 Steps to Success

WE consider there are three important steps you must take to have a home workout plan that is successful.

1. Determine to do something about fitness and your health- No one else will if you do not see the value in it. Find your "WHY." Why you need to make a change. It could be

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discouragement with your present lifestyle, health reasons or any reason you can return to when you are becoming discouraged.

2. Have to a plan- There are many home workout routines to choose from to achieve your aims.

3. Support- It is shown that a greater percent of individuals that need to lose weight have a better opportunity to do so when they can be supported or are in a support group.

Once these three steps are fulfilled, you will be on your journey to good health and fitness. This will finally lead to you Success. No longer will you have to go to the health club or local fitness center to get into condition. You've got the power to get an excellent workout right in the comfort of your own home. Decide to begin your home workout routine now and you won’t repent it.

So that is where we are going to begin.

Groups in Your House Workout Routines

There are five basic kinds of motions that we're going to contain in these home workout routines (and here're some examples also):

1. Squat - like a Bodyweight Squat

2. Single Leg - an example would be a lunge

3. Shoving Move - We. a pushup

4. Bound - like a jumping jack

5. Center - a board hold

Do not freak out however and believe that you have to do a complete pushup on your toes right from the start when developing your home work out routines.

You could do a pushup on a wall first if you are just starting off with exercise. Then you could go to doing them on your knees once that gets simpler. Once that gets simpler, you can challenge yourself again to doing them on your toes.

Building Your House Workout Routines

Now let us pull this all together.

You need to pick on one exercise from each of the groups above, and you are going to do each of those exercises for no rest between exercises, and 30 seconds each.

So for a beginner, it goes like this:

1. Lying Hip Extension - 30 seconds

2. Wall Pushup - 30 seconds

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3. Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds

4. Side Leg Lift - 15 seconds on each leg

5. Kneeling Plank - 30 seconds

You do all five of those exercises with no rest between each exercise, and then when you were done with the Kneeling Plank, you had rest about 30-60 seconds and then complete that circuit again. Subsequently, rest another 30-60 seconds and do it one more time.

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Are you just starting to get back into a workout routine after years away from the gymnasium? Perhaps you need to figure out some day-to-day routine of what the heck to do and never been in your life to the gym.

First, begin small. Do not expect too much of yourself when you're beginning that manner the results will impress you do reach.

Second, do a blend of both weight lifting and cardio. Weight lifting will build muscle and the more muscle you have, the fatter you burn. Cardio is significant too. Nevertheless, you don't have to spend hours every day on a treadmill. By doing ten 50 - 100 meter sprints you'll raise your metabolism so that you're burning off more calories when you do spend longer on the treadmill.

Third, there is no reason to do sit ups or any variety of abs workouts until you've gotten down to the body fat percentage that will make your abs muscles observable. Men need below 16% below women and 10% body fat.

Four, you do not need to spend hours a day in the gymnasium. Merely spend between 30 - 45 minutes five days a week. You can do cardio one day and lift weights the next. Variety is the spice of life and will keep you from getting bored.

Finally, here are a few weight loss secrets that will add to the effectiveness of your efforts. Exercising in the morning before eating burns off the fat calories rather than carb calories so this is an optimal time. Green tea was found to substantially increase the metabolism and consequently leads to weight loss. Brew yourself some green tea and save it as an iced tea to drink while you work out. And take cayenne pepper capsules. The advantages of this spice are too numerous to list here, but one of them is that it also increases your metabolism.


Arushi Dutta

Nutritionist and Fitness Expert in MyFitFuel