By Maggie Fitzgerald Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

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27 Easy, Delicious and Healthy Smoothie Recipes to Lose 15 Pounds in 10 Days

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By Maggie Fitzgerald

Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

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The 10-Day Green Smoothie Challenge: 27 Easy, Delicious and Healthy Smoothie

Recipes to Lose 15 Pounds in 10 Days

By Maggie Fitzgerald

Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

Page 3: The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

LiveNatural Press Atlanta, Georgia USA

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED:No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted for resale or use by any party other than the individual purchaser who is the sole authorized user of this information. Purchaser is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use only. All other reproduction or transmission, or any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage or retrieval system, is prohibited without express written permission from the author.DISCLAIMER:While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.This Book is not a source of medical information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering a medical service. As with any medical advice, the reader is strongly encouraged to seek professional medical advice before taking action.

By Maggie Fitzgerald

Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

Page 4: The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Table Of ContentsSummary:IntroductionI. Green Smoothies 101A. What is the green smoothie diet?B. Best Vegetables to UseC. Solving Common Issues

II. Benefits of Drinking Green SmoothiesA. Lose Weight with a 10-day Green CleanseB. Green Smoothies for Diabetics

III. Living Healthy with Green SmoothiesA. Green Smoothies with ProteinB. Tips and Tricks for Green Smoothie DietingC. 27 Easy to Make Green Smoothie RecipesConclusion

By Maggie Fitzgerald

Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

Page 5: The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Green Smoothies 101You may already have an idea of what a green smoothie is and how it’s made, but before we delve into the basics, I want to clarify something first. Green smoothies are blended drinks, not juiced. Although they may sound similar, the two greatly vary from each other. What makes them different from each other is that juices are faster to digest while blended smoothies are slower. Because juices require very little digestion , the nutrients can easily be assimilated into the blood stream making these drinks ideal for people who have nutritional deficiencies and a sensitive digestive system. Juices are packed with nutrients that help strengthen your immune system and help you prevent diseases. It’s also beneficial to people who have severe nutritional deficiencies or have a highly sensitive digestive system. More often than not, people who suffer from these conditions cannot tolerate fiber and juices provide exactly since it’s packed with nutrients without the fiber. All in all, juicing is great for nourishment, cleansing and rejuvenation but it should never be used to replace meals.

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Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

Page 6: The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

What is the green smoothie diet?The green smoothie diet means exactly what its name implies. It’s a diet that requires you to drink green smoothies. Despite its simplicity, green smoothies are loaded with nutrients that make them an ideal addition to your diet. So what do these green smoothies comprise of? The basic green smoothie consists mostly of leafy green vegetables, fruits and some natural flavor enhancers like almond milk and Chia seeds. The most popular vegetables used in making green smoothies include collard greens, kale, rainbow or Swiss chard and spinach. You might wonder why you should add fruits when it’s supposed to be just green stuff. Well, aside from the added nutrients, fruits are a great way to add flavor to your smoothies. Some of the healthiest leafy greens taste bitter, so adding fruits in the mix help mask the bitter taste. Most vegetables also contain insoluble fibers which make it a bit challenging to mix in water with a blender. When fruits are added, their soluble fibers help create a creamy mix without separating the particles.

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Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

Page 7: The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Best Vegetables to UseI want to make sure you get the most out of your green smoothies. Although the majority of vegetables are inherently good for you, the ones I listed below are sure to provide you with the most benefits. In this section, I will share with you a comprehensive list of the vegetables that are best added when you are making your green smoothie. You don’t have to limit yourself to these vegetables alone. They are just suggestions that will help optimize the health benefits you get from the green smoothies.1. Spinach2. Ginger3. Carrots4. Fennel5. Sea vegetables e.g. dulse, kelp, wakame6. Kale 7. Cucumber8. Zucchini9. Mushrooms (medicinal ones like Reishi, charge and shiitake)

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Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

Page 8: The 10 Day Green Smoothie Challenge

Tips and Tricks for Green Smoothie DietingI know I have discussed this earlier, but I wanted to emphasize how very important it is that you should regularly change the type of leafy vegetables that you use in your smoothies. For example, this week you can use spinach, kale for next week and then romaine lettuce for next week. Try to avoid using the same thing every week and add variety in the vegetables that you use. Why should you do this? All greens have their own type of alkaloids. When served in small amounts, they are harmless and can even strengthen your immune system. But when you eat the same vegetable week after week without rotation, the alkaloids of that certain vegetable can accumulate which can lead to some serious health issues.

Take note that it’s only vegetables that you have to rotate, not fruits. Fruits contain very few to no alkaloids and do not cause the same harmful effects as vegetables do. But, I still recommend that you also rotate the fruits to enhance the variety of flavors in your smoothies. Doing this promotes nutritional diversity into your diet and you get a more balanced amount of vitamins and minerals. It will also make your taste buds happy, making you more likely to stick to the diet.

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Copyright © 2014 Maggie Fitzgerald

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About the AuthorMaggie Fitzgerald is a natural health, diet and nutrition expert and author from California. She has dedicated a large part of the last two decades studying and researching the amazing health benefits of green and raw diets.

She has three children and a loving husband. In her spare time she is an avid cook and enjoys hosting monthly dinner parties for her friends and family.

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