Research of Current Homeless Charity Posters

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Research of Current Homeless Charity Posters

From this website I can see that the charity is very different from most homeless charities I can identify this from the different techniques used on the website.

The colours used are very natural, bright and clear. I think that these colours that have been used are very welcoming to the people, as the colours used are very bright. This will attract the attention of people. The colours used are not for boys neither are they aimed at girls. This shows that the charity welcomes both genders.

The first thing that I notice on the website is the large image which is pasted in the middle of the website the images features a young girl with smiling. This image of the girl is used to make people realise that they can make a difference. Unlike traditional posters of showing sadness and bad things happening to people who are living on the street which makes the audience feel sorrow and sadness. This website source does the opposite and shows happiness to young people which represents that charities can help. For the sash charity a very simple logo has been used which is just a house with sash in it, sash stands for ‘safe and sounds homes’. This simple title gives the impression to people that they help young people by putting them in a safe environment.

SASH – Website Source The layout of the website is very simple and easy to understand. There is a slideshow of images in the middle of the website which swaps every few seconds. There is then text underneath the images which give an explanation of how the charity makes a difference to the community. On the right hand side of the website there is small side bar which gives information of the latest news within the charity.

The font used is a serif font and is a very friendly, welcoming font suitable for boys and girls of any age. This presents that the website is a very welcoming and open to all audiences.

On the website there is also links that you can click such as ‘what we do’ which will explain what the charity does and how they help the community. Another link is ‘our impact’ this link takes people to a page which gives examples of what the charity as done. It also gives examples of the positive things which has come out of the charity and how they have effected people. As people will read this they will then start to have a positive impression of this charity.

The simple logo represents that the charity finds homes even young and small children will be able to recognise the logo and understand what the the charity does. This is very effective as if they have no where to go then they will understand that the charity is available for them. The fact that there is a button which gives the options for people to click it if they are in need for the night represents that they are a very helpful charity. The button in the top right hand corner is a very clear and visible button which is in a different colour so it stands out and anyone can click if if they need help.

SASH - Leaflet

From this leaflet I can identify a lot of different things. One of the first things which I have noticed is the colour which has been used on on the leaflet. The colours of the sash charity logo are green and white on the leaflet this is clearly stated as the only colours which have been used are white and green. I think that the reason why these colours have been used are because they represent safety. The colour green represents a safe environment and because the charity is for homelessness for youth this represents that the charity is safe and that young people people are not in danger. As the charity is SASH which means safe and sound homes. The colour green represents that they are in safe hands. So if a young person does become homeless they will get the impression that the charity is very secure and that they are in safe hands and that they are safe and sound which is exactly what the charity aims to make the homeless people feel like.

I think that these leaflets are a good source of information as they are split into 3 different sections. The language used for the titles is very informal and friendly. The leaflet includes questions such as want to start helping? Which is a rhetorical question aimed at the public to help donate money or help look after someone who is homeless.

The language used within this leaflet is very direct. The charity uses such as ‘YOU’ and how ‘you’ can help. This suggests that the leaflet is talking directly to the audience and that they want as much involvement from the audience as possible. Not only that but the font used is very large which will grab the attention from the audience. There is a section on the leaflet where it can be cut off and where the audience can get involved within the charity. I think that this is very helpful for the audience and the charity as it will persuade people to become volunteers or donate some money to the charity.

On this leaflet i have noticed many things which will attract this and bring attention to the leaflet from the audience I think what's interesting and unique is the arrows used on the pages are shaped as houses. The shape of the houses are also used as the logo for the charity. The way that they have included the logo but in a dynamic way makes the leaflet much more exciting and interesting to look at.

The layout which has been used is very clear and understandable this allows the audience to clearly read and understand everything on the leaflet. Although that there is only one picture on the first page of the leaflet I think that there is an equal amount of text and the font used makes the leaflet look much more attention-grabbing. Although there isn't much text there is enough information for the audience to understand what the charity does and how they can help.

Shelter - PosterFrom looking at this poster I can identify a range of different techniques used to catch the attention of the audience. One of the first things that catches my attention is the image of the young boy in the centre of the image. Because this boy is a young child, the audience get the impression that the young boy is vulnerable this will bring awareness to the audience. The boy in the image is looking down at the candle which is at the bottom of the image. The impression that I get from this technique is that maybe the young boy is lonely. The fact there is a candle on the image also represents the boy is cold, and maybe the house he is staying at is unable to afford heating. The expression on the boys face shows me that he is feeling sad, alone and maybe even unwanted. I think that the charity have decided to present this in the image as it will make people feel sorry for the young boy it will also make the audience feel guilt and sadness. This will then make them feel that they want to help the boy.

On the poster the young boy is also looking at the candle which is presented next to the information box. At first the audience will notice the image of the boy then they will see what he is looking at. They will then notice the information box. I think that this company has chosen this layout as it is a very simple layout and it is straight to the point. The layout is very clear to understand by all audiences.

I think a very interesting technique which has been used is the title of the charity has also been used as the logo. As the name of the charity is shelter on this poster the H of shelter has been used to represent the shape of a house. This instantly gives the audience an impression what kind of charity it is and what they charity does.

When looking at this poster the first thing which the audience will notice is the colour scheme. The colour scheme which has been used is a red and black and also white colour scheme. The boys jumper, the information box and the background all has links with the bright colour. The technique to why I think these colours have been chosen is because the colour stands out and it will bring attention to the poster. When people see the colour red they automatically think warning. I think that this charity has used the red colour because it is very alarming towards the audience, it will gain attention from the public which could result in raising the awareness of being homeless.

The font which has been used is very bold. The title is in a larger font which stands out and the other information is also in a smaller font. As people will read down the information box they will then notice the opportunity to donate to this charity and gives the audience the chance to donate a small amount of money.

To raise awareness of the problems with young children becoming homeless this poster shows some facts and figures. This is information which people may not know. The fact that it says ‘5,8000 children’ not adults which could shock people.

I think that this poster gives quite a negative impression towards homeless. The tones and colours used are all quite dull which will bring a sad feeling and emotion towards the audience.

The design is a very simple, yet bold and effective design. What I have noticed is that there isn't photos of any people on the advertisement there is just the paper men which represent people and the community. I think that although it is a very basic design it will catch peoples attention which will make people look at the poster and this will then raise awareness.

I think that this poster doesn’t have too much writing and too much picture.

When people first look at the poster they will read the phrases and quotes above the paper men and if the audience read the phrases and agrees this will then create more interest in the poster.

In the bottom left hand corner there is an information section where it gives advice to the public telling them to log online if they need any advice. By doing this it is more likely to raise awareness of what to do when you can live at home anymore. The fonts used are a sans serif font. All the fonts are very bold and stand out towards the audience.

From this poster design I can identify different things the first thing which I notice is the colour scheme used. The colours used are very simple, bold and basic colours consisting of red, white and black. One of the main reasons that these colours have been used is because red is the main colour of the Shelter’s logo. Another reason why I think that these colours have been used is because they are very eye-catching. As these poster will be put in public places such as bus stops, schools, colleges and other places where the audience will see it, the poster need to catch attention of the public. This colour is very bright and dazzling.

On the poster it features paper men cut out on a red background. I think that the paper men have been used because it represents the community and people coming together. Not only that but the paper men are exactly the same size this also represents the public and that everyone is similar so everyone should be treated equally such as having a home.

On this poster there are also speech bubbles above the paper men. The things they are saying are normal phrases and quotes which the public would normally say. This represents that the phrases are usual and when people look at this they may think what the poster says.

Shelter – Poster/Sticker Design

Potential – Raising the Roof – Poster

Although this poster is quite negative the techniques used are very smart. The message ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ has been used however it is been conveyed in a different method. By using a very good conditioned chair on a dirty, bleak street allows the audience to feel that they feel the chair doesn’t belong on the street because it looks fine. However if the public saw a homeless person on the street they would think that that’s normal and that’s their home. However this posters suggests that you shouldn’t judge the homeless person as you don’t know their story.

The text used is bold text and is in white which stands out against the grey background. The text is very simple and straight forward. I think that message from this poster is that the public should help homeless people instead of judging them.

The first impression that I get of this poster is that it is quite gloomy and a very depressing picture. I can judge this from the different colours used. The pictures shows a small house which is very dark and includes colours such as grey, blue, black and dark green. However there is a chair on the pavement which is very bright and is a pink, yellow and red colour. I think that the first impression that the audience will get is confusion however I think that the audience will be curious to why there is a perfectly good chair in good condition in the middle of a dirty, wet, dull street.

The street represents how some people live who don’t have a home and that they are living on the dirty street with no shelter, home, family or friends.

The aim of this poster is to allow the audience to judge the scene. I think that the charity of this poster wanted the people to think what the text explains.

This poster doesn’t feature any people. The images and the content is created by objects which create the story of the poster. I think that this homeless charity poster is very interesting to look at because it is very different to other homeless posters and advertisements as it doesn’t feature any people. Using this technique will allow the audience to contribute there own impression of the poster and will allow the audience to create a view of being homeless. I think that this poster does come across quite negative from the colour scheme used because grey, blue, and black represent sadness. By not using a homeless person on this image allows the audience to build up an idea of someone who is living on the streets. This allows the audience to think more in depth and question theirselves.