Stress And Health Capt Ayinun Nahar MOBC Trainee Armed Forces Medical Institute

Stress and Health

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Health Capt Ayinun Nahar MOBC Trainee Armed Forces Medical Institute Bangladesh

• Definition• Types of stress• Stressor• Types of stressor• Body response to stress• Health effects of stress• Managing stress• Recommendation• conclusion

Stress is the spice of life….who would enjoy a life of no runs, no hits and no errors?

-Hans Selye, M.D.

What is Stress


Stress is the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events that we see as threatening or challenging.

Types of Stress

Acute Stress

Caused by -Noise -Crowding -Hunger

Chronic Stress

Caused by -On going highly pressure work -Long term relationship problem -Loneliness -Persistant financial problem



Occupational Stress

Combat Stress



Any event or circumstances that cause stress is called Stressor.

Types of Stressor

Cognitive Stressors -Inability to solve a problem -Coming up with creative projects

Life change stressors -Death of Loved ones -Divorce -Trouble among family and friends

Biological Stressors - Any illness or desease -Disabilities -Injuries

Environmental Stressors -Natural disaster -Poverty -Overcrowding

Body Response to Stress

The Stress Response SystemCanon proposed that the stress

response (fast) was a fight-or-flight

response marked by the outpouring of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the inner adrenal glands, increasing heart and respiration

rates, mobilizing sugar and fat, and

dulling pain.

The Stress Response System

The hypothalamus and the pituitary

gland also respond to stress (slow) by

triggering the outer adrenal glands to

secrete glucocorticoids


General Adaptation Syndrome

General Adaptation Syndrome

Alarm“Fight or Flight” reaction: body mobilizes resources to combat threat; activates the sympathetic nervous system.

ResistanceEnhanced ability to fight stressor via moderate physiological arousal; ability to withstand additional stressors (e.g., infection) is reduced.

ExhaustionDepletion of resources brings on diseases and disorders (e.g., chronically high heart rate and blood pressure increase chances of heart attack and stroke).

Health Effects of Stress

Stress and the Heart

Stress leads to a clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle result in

Coronary Heart Disease.

Stress and BP


Increased Cardi

ac Activ



Stress and Diabetes Mellitus

Cortisol causes

increase in blood

sugar level to help

boost energy.

This may be

compounded by

unhealthy eating


Stress and immunity• B lymphocytes fight bacterial infections,T

lymphocytes attack cancer cells and viruses, and microphages ingest foreign substances.

• During stress, energy is mobilized away from the immune system making it vulnerable.

Stress and Cancer

• Alter the number of T-cell and NK cell• Increase Inflammation• Decrese Immunity

Stress and HeadacheConstriction of blood vessels

Distension of blood vessels

Pushing of nerves


Stress and Asthma

• Acute Stressful situation• Negative family

environment• Emotional arousal

Stress and irritable bowel syndrome

It has been suggested that there occurs disturbance in gut-brain axis in response to stress.

Symptoms include

• Flashbacks

• Nightmares

• Impaired concentration

• Emotional numbing

• Depression.

• Symptoms can last for years

Post traumatic stress disorder

Stress and Child Health


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Menstrual cycle disorders

Memory loss


Kidney disorders

Other stress related disorders

Social problems

1. Drug and alcohol use

2. Gambling

3. Broken/ problem families

4. Accidental injuries

5. Suicides

Managing stress

Two ways to deal with stress

• Behavioral ways of dealing with stress, such as meditation, exercise, going out with friends, etc.

• Cognitive ways of dealing with stress, such as problem-solving, planning/worrying, denial, etc.

Community level

Stress management

Individual level

Family level
