Ana Isabel Vallejo Giraldo Thwarting Protein Production Slows Cancer Cells' Malignant March Understanding the Effects of Genes On Human Traits

Presentación biología Ana Isabel Vallejo

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Ana Isabel Vallejo Giraldo

Thwarting Protein Production Slows Cancer Cells' Malignant March

Understanding the Effects of Genes On Human Traits

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Human body is the perfect machine, but at the same time is the most fragi le structure and here is where the medicine, biology and many other sciences takes place. Trying to understand from top to f loor the function of human genes and genome related in each disease have been one of the most complex things of al l the t ime but with new technologies and new investigations, science is getting closer to unrol led al l this “structure” and solve many unknowns.

This news gives us hopes about new cures and treatments for patients witch cancer and other common diseases

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Thwarting Protein Production Slows Cancer Cells ' Malignant March

there's a heat shock factor (HSF1) that is closely related to the survival rate of malignant cel ls, this factor helps normal cel ls from thousand years ago to adapt to extreme environments and extreme conditions. cancer cel ls take advantage of this ancient strategy to help them to survive and to propel malignity, this factor have shown that helps cel ls by helping them with the production for new proteins and to produce large amounts of energy needed for their growth and prol iferation.

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scientists and researchers have envisioned this HSF1 as a potential target for stopping the proteins translation in malignant cel ls, unfortunately those transcriptional regulators have been very diff icult to target.

Malignant cell

STOP IT!!! !

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There’s one compound called the Rohinibit (RHT) i t is an analog of the HSF1 and have shown big properties by disrupting the translation protein and the HSF1 activity, normal cel ls are l i tt le affected by this RHT. But blood cancer l ines such as leukemia are highly affected by this , RHT inhibited the tumor growth and suppressed the glucose uptake.

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Scientists have l inked together the protein translation with the heat shock response, they just need to f ind the best match for thwarting the cancers cel ls abil ity to harness the HSF1 properties

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Although there is a lot of information and new discoveries about cancer, there are sti l l many blanks spaces as the cel ls do not always act the same way or respond the same way to exogenous agents, with this new discover we could get closer to the cure of cancer now that we just found that there's a l ink between the translation process that could affects directly the function of malignant cel ls , by stopping them for growing

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Understanding the effects of genes on human traits

Recent technological developments in genetics have revealed that there's a big genetic influences on common complex diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, cancer or schizophrenia.

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A group of scientist proposes that there's a new way for scanning the human genome that wil l help us understand how it affects the biology of the human body , DNA is the blueprint by which our body is buil t and works, cel ls read this “sequence” and transcribes the info by creating the RNA so then it can construct some proteins in the cytoplasm with the help of the r ibosomes.



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Researchers are now looking closely into de DNA-RNA transcription because at this point many genetic diseases takes place.


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Al l of this research is based on f inding a way to personal ized medicine so they can tailoring the treatment to the patients genetic profi le by developing personalized biomarkers for new therapies and creating a better understanding of the effects of genetic variants on the translation process.


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This could be the principal step for treating and cure many diseases, because not every human is equal to another one, so there could be a huge factor involve in the answer of this question : why not al l the actual treatments works the same way in every patient? , why some patients responds adequately to one treatment and the other not?. With a naked eye and with not knowing a lot of this topic there's obviously a genetic factor involve, but not a common one, but an unique factor of each human being . and thanks to the methodology of knowing the DNA-RNA transcription we can understand the genetic variants on translation (RNA to proteins) so we can developed biomarkers for each patients genetic profi le.


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First of al l , if researchers f ind the best way for inhibit the HSF1 that could work in many types of malignant cel ls not only in the blood cancer l ines ,they would be at the door of the cure for cancer, as they prevent the prol iferation, strengthening and growth of malignant cel ls.

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Cancer currently have a catalog with few alternatives for i ts cure, and not al l of them are effective or the safest as wel l as they destroy malignant cel ls and benign cel ls. in the article they did not specify the effect that an analogue of the HSF1 would have on benign cel ls, but what is clearly specified is that they can stop the growing of a malignant tumor and even cause the death of these malignant cel ls. then it could be an alternative to be able to say to a patient "you wil l be cured” and not just tel l ing him/her about probabil it ies and possibil i t ies.


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There are lot of problems in the moment of choosing which is the best option for treating a patients disease, because there's not a clue of how is going the body to react to the exogenous agent


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By discovering the genetic variant that is predisposing to a disease and knowing the exact mechanism and how does this genetic variant affects health and by combining this f indings with the genetic profi le of each patient, this could be applying to f ind the best way to prevents, cure and treat a disease.


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• MARTINEZ SANCHEZ, Lina María. Biología molecular. 7. ed. Medell ín: UPB. Fac. de medicina, 2012.

• Thwarting Protein Production Slows Cancer Cel ls ' Malignant March. July 18,2013.

http:// www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130718142420.htm

• Understanding the Effects of Genes On Human Traits. July 31,2013.


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