Neurosurgery Study Finds Overlapping Surgery Safe for Patients Melissa Macias

Neurosurgery Study Finds Overlapping Surgery Safe for Patients

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Page 1: Neurosurgery Study Finds Overlapping Surgery Safe for Patients

Neurosurgery Study Finds Overlapping Surgery Safe

for PatientsMelissa Macias

Page 2: Neurosurgery Study Finds Overlapping Surgery Safe for Patients

Introduction A graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin, Dr. Melissa

Macias has served as a neurosurgeon in Texas, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Dr. Melissa Macias currently treats patients through Aurora Health Care in Milwaukee.

A common strategy used in neurosurgery is known as overlapping surgery. During an overlapping surgery, a single surgeon manages two operations at the same time and takes care of critical parts while co-surgeons perform the more basic parts of the procedures. This strategy gives patients better access to in-demand professionals.

After a patient at Massachusetts General Hospital was paralyzed during an overlapping surgery, concerns about this process were raised. 

Page 3: Neurosurgery Study Finds Overlapping Surgery Safe for Patients

Neurosurgery  However, a recent study published in Neurosurgery

found that overlapping procedures actually result in less time in the hospital, less blood loss, and lower mortality rates. The researchers reviewed 7,350 neurosurgeries completed between 2012 and 2015 and tracked severity of illness, procedure, mortality risk, and admissions data.

The outcomes of overlapping procedures were evaluated based on expected length of stay in the hospital and estimated blood loss. In the end, overlapping procedures provided more benefits to patients than separate surgeries.