Help us Support our Mo Bro Dr. Steve Hotchkiss Dr. Steve Hotchkiss


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Help us Support our Mo Bro

Dr. Steve HotchkissDr. Steve Hotchkiss

During November each year,MovemberMovember is responsible for the sprouting of thousands of

men’s faces,in the US and around the world.

With their Mo’s, these men raise vital funds and awareness for men’s healthmen’s health, specifically prostate cancer prostate cancer and other

cancers that affect men.

Mo Bros start clean shaven.clean shaven. For the rest of the month,

these selfless men, known as Mo BrosMo Bros, raise funds by

seeking out sponsorship for their

Mo-growing efforts.

For a $1 donation to the cause, you

can votevote for what style of mustache

you want Dr. Hotchkiss to grow.

Option 1: “The Selleck”“The Selleck”

Option 2: “The Hulkamania”“The Hulkamania”

Option 3: “The Pencil”“The Pencil”

Option 4: “The Lumberjack”“The Lumberjack”

Vote for your favorite Vote for your favorite today!today!

Purchase a ballot from a receptionist for $1

Dr. Hotchkiss welcomes your welcomes your sponsorshipsponsorship of his stache. Your generous donation will

help the following organizations:

All of the fellas on our staffare Mo-brosMo-bros. Follow their facial

hairon Hulen Hills Animal Hospital’s

FacebookFacebook page throughout Movember.

For Mo-information go to: www.Movember.com

Thank you.Thank you very very much.