Histology Of Pulp Aurelian Jovita Alexander MDS I Year Dept Of. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Histology of Pulp

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Page 1: Histology of Pulp

Histology Of Pulp

Aurelian Jovita Alexander

MDS I Year

Dept Of. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Page 2: Histology of Pulp


• Definition

• Zones of Pulp

• Principal Cells of Pulp

• Collagen Synthesis

• Pulp Calcifications

• Age Changes in Pulp

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• The dental pulp is the soft connective tissue of the tooth that supports the dentin.


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Zones Of Pulp

• The odontoblastic zone at the pulp periphery

• A Cell- Free Zone of Weil beneath the odontoblasts

• A Cell- Rich Zone

• Pulp Core

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Odontoblasts Layer

Cell rich Zone

Cell free Zone

Pulp Proper

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Odontoblasts• The outermost(pulp)

• located immediately subjacent to the predentin;

• Pass through the predentin into the dentin

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Cell Free Zone

• Immediately subjacent to the odontoblast layer in the coronal pulp.

• width 40 μm

• Free of cells

• It is traversed by blood capillaries, unmyelinated nerve fibers, and fibroblasts.

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• In this space, the odontoblast may move pulpward during tooth development and later to limited extent in funtioning teeth.

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Cell Rich Zone- Include number of macrophages, dendritic cells

and undifferentiated mesenchymal or stem cells.

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Pulp Proper

• The pulp proper is the central mass of the pulp.

• The connective tissue cells consist of fibroblasts or pulpal cells

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Principal Cells of the Pulp

• Odontoblasts

• Fibroblasts

• Undifferentiated Ectomesenchymal cells

• Macrophages

• Other Immunocompetent Cells

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• Most distinctive cells of the dental pulp.

• No. Of Odontoblasts corresponds to No. of dentinal tubules.

• 59000- 76000 per square millimeter in coronal dentin. Less in root dentin.

• In fully developed teeth,

Region Shape and size

Crown Of the Pulp Columnar , 50µm in height

Midportion Of the Pulp Cuboidal

Apical Portion Of the Pulp Flattened

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ElongatedBasal NucleusBasophilic cytoplasmProminent Golgi Zone

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• 3 Stages

- Secretory Stage

- Transitional Stage

- Resting Stage

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Secretory Phase

• The organelles of an active odontoblasts are prominent consisting

- Numerous Vesicles

- Much Endoplasmic Reticulum

- Well developed Golgi Complex located on dentinal side of nucleus

- Numerous Mitochondria

- Nucleus- periphally dispersed chromatin & several nucleoli

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Electron micrograph showing the Golgi region of a secretoryodontoblast in which well-developed synthesis organelles such as cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi stacks (G), and secretory granules (g) are abundant. M, mitochondria (32,500×).

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Transitional Phase

• Narrower cell

• Nucleus displaced from the basal extremity

• Condensed Chromatin

• Reduced ER

• Autophagic Vacuoles are present and ass. with reorganisation of cytoplasm.

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Resting Or Aged Phase

• Nucleus situatated more apically, creating a prominent infranuclear region

• Fewer cytoplasmic organelles clustered

• Supranuclear region devoid of organelles

• Large lipid filled vacuoles containing tubular and filamentous structures.

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Couve E , and Schmachtenberg O J

DENT RES 2011;90:523-528

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• Synthesizes :

• Mainly Type I Collagen • Small amounts of - Type V proteoglycans

-Sialoprotein-Phosphophoryn- Alkaline Phosphatase

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Odontoblast Process• The odontoblast process occupies most of the

space within the tubule and coordinates the formation of peritubular dentin.

• The process is limited to the inner third of dentin.

( Garberoglio R, Brännström M: 1976)

• Extending further into the tubule, often as far as the DEJ.

(Kelley et al,1981) (Grossman et al,1983)

• Extends throughout the entire thickness of dentin

(Sigal et al,1984)

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Electron micrograph showing the mineralized dentine/predentine/odontoblast layer interface.

An odontoblasts processes (P) that arises from the odontoblast cell body (O) crosses the entire predentine and penetrates into a tubule of the mineralized dentine. Some branches (double arrowheads) of the odontoblast processes are clearly observed in other odontoblast process (5400×).

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Junction between Odontoblasts

• Gap Junctions

• Tight Junctions

• Desmosomes

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• Occuring in greatest numbers.

• Numerous in coronal portion of the pulp.

• They appear to be tissue-specific cells that are capable of giving rise to cells that are committed to differentiation

• (e.g., odontoblast-like cells) if given the proper signal.

• Synthesize types I and III collagen and proteoglycan


Form and maintain Pulp matrix that consists Collagen and

Ground substance

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• They produce and maintain the matrix proteins .

• Mitotic activity preceding the differentiation of replacement odontoblasts appears to occur primarily among perivascular fibroblasts. (Especially in dentinal bridge formation after pulpotomy or exposure)

(Fitzgerald et al,1990)

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Images captured by a confocal microscope(representative bars: 20 µm).

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• Monocytes that have left the bloodstream, enters the tissues, and differentiate into various subpopulations.

• It plays in phagocytic activity.

• Macrophages participate in immune reactions by processing antigen and presenting it to memory T cells.

• In inflammatory stimuli, it produces a large variety of factors, including interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor, growth factors, and other cytokines

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Dendritic Cells

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• Accessory cells of the immune system

• Bone marrow derived

• characterized by:

-dendritic cytoplasmic processes

-presence of cell surface class II antigens

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Functions• Are termed

antigen-presenting cells

• They act as antigen-presenting cells that are essential for the induction of helper T cell dependent immunity.

It engulf protein antigens and then present an assembly of peptide

fragments of the antigens and class II molecules

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Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Cells

• Polyhedral in shape.

• Have peripheral processes and large oval staining nuclei.

• Totipotent cells

• May become formation of odontoblasts, fibroblasts and macrophages.

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• (Hahn et al,1989) found T lymphocytes in normal pulps from human teeth.

• Lymphocytes have also been observed in the pulps of impacted teeth.

(Langeland et al,1965)

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Mast Cells

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The granules contain heparin, an anticoagulant, histamine, other chemical factors which release and causeInflam. & attack to harmful substance.

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• (Yu CY et al,2002) reported that:* odontoblasts consumed O2 at the rate of 3.2 ±

0.2ml/min/100 g of pulp tissue..• It is higher during dentinogenesis than after crown

development • Dental materials ?inhibit oxygen consumption by

pulp tissue as they depress the metabolic activity of pulpal cells.

(Fisher et al,1957 (Jones et al,1979)

• Orthodontic force? causes changes in respiratory activity of the pulp.

(Hamersky et al,1980)

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Ground Substance

• An amorphous , gel like, polyanionicpolysaccharides matrix with water holding properties where C.T cells and fibers are embeded

• Nearly all proteins of are glycoproteins.

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Forms a cushion capable of protecting cells and vascular components. (especialy in young pt,the water pulp is


It acts as a sieve passage of nutrients , between cells and blood.

Regulate osmotic pressure by excluding osmotically active molecules.

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Connective Tissue Fibres Of Pulp

Two types of structural proteins:

A- ELASTIN: fibers are confined to the walls of arterioles.



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Found In..

I skin, tendon, bone, dentin, and pulp

II cartilage.

III unmineralized connective tissues

IV component of basement membranes

V a constituent of interstitial tissues

VI widely distributed in low concentrations in

soft tissues at interfibrillar filaments.

VII component of basement membranes

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Collagen Synthesis

• Type I collagen is synthesized by odontoblastsand osteoblasts

• Fibroblasts synthesize types I, III, V, and VII collagen.

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Specific AA into Polypeptide Chains on Ribosomes ass. With RER in Cytoplasm

Amino Acid In Nuclues

Lumen of the RER

Hydroxylation of Proline and Lysine Residues- permits hydrogen bonding


Glycosylation of some hydroxylysine residues,Addition of galactose


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3 polypeptide chains assembled in triple helix

Disulfide bonding at C- terminal extension, catalysed by protien disulfide isomerase

Proper allignment of the chain

Transported to Golgi Complex , Glycosylation completes

Secretory granules containing the procollagenmolecules are formed at the trans face of Golgi Complex

Addition of glusoce to O- linked galactose residues

Exocytosisat cell surface

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The formation of typical banded collgen fibrils ocurs extracellularly

C and N proteinases

The C-terminal and part of N- terminal extensions are removed in the secretory granules

Secreted into extra cellular matrix

Oxidation of lysin and hydroxylysin=Final collagen- short end diameter


Short Collagen Fibrils-parrallel,and into the gaps hydroxyapatite crystals get lodged

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Blood Vessels

• Arise from inferior or superior alveolar artery.

• Drain by the same veins.

• Infection spread through the communication.

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• Small arteries give off numerous branches in radicular pulp

• Largest arteries- 50-100µm in diameter.

• Pulpal blood flow rapid & pulpal blood pressure

Blood flow in arteries: 0.3 -1 mm/sec

Blood flow in veins : 0.15 mm/ sec

Blood flow in capillaries: 0.08mm/sec

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• These vessels contain 3 layers

Tunica Intima Tunica media Tunica Adventitia

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• Tunica intima

– squamous or cuboid endothelial cells surrounded by closely associated basal lamina.

• Tunica media

– 5µm thick. Consists 1-3 layers of smooth muscle cells.

A basal lamina surrounds and passes between these muscle cells and seperates them from intima.

Occasionally endothelial cell wall is in contact with muscle cells- MYOENDOTHELIAL JUNCTION.

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Tunica adventitia

– made up of few collagen fibres forming a loose network around the large arteries.

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• 20-30µm in diameter

• 1-2 layers of smooth muscle cells common throughout the dental pulp.

• Tunica adventitia blends with the fibres of surrounding intercellular tissue.

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Terminal Arterioles

• 10-15µm in diameter, peripherally in the pulp.

• Endothelial cells contain numerous micropinocytotic vesicles- which function in transendothelial fluid movement.

• Single layer of smooth muscle cells found.Occasionally a fibroblast or pericyte lies on the surface of the vessels.

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• Smaller diameter arterioles.

• Slightly larger than the terminal capillaries.

• Exhibit a complete or incomplete single layer of muscle cells surrounding endothelial lining. 8-12µm in diameter.

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Veins and Venules

-Larger than arteries.

-Appear in central region of the root pulp.

-100-150µm in diameter.

-Walls- less regular than those of arteries because of bends and irregularities along their course,

and thinner in relation to the size of lumen.

Endothelial cells- more flattened and cytoplasm does not project into the lumen. Fewer intracytoplasmic filaments.

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-Tunica media:

1-2 layers of thin smooth muscle cells that wrap around endothelial cells, and appear discontinuous or absent in smaller venules.

-Basement membrane: thin and less distinct.

-Tunica Adventitia:

lacking or appears as fibroblasts and fibrescontinuous with surrounding pulp tissue.

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• Appear as endothelium lined tubes, 8-10µm in diameter.

• Nuclei: lobulated and have cytoplasmic projections into the luminal surface.

• Few peripheral capillaries found among the odontoblasts have fenestrations in endothelial cells – involved in rapid transport of metabolites during time of dentinal matrix formation and calcification by the active odontoblasts.

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• Both fenestrated and continuous terminal capillaries are found in the odontogenic region.

• During active odontogenesis, capillaries appear among the odontoblasts adjacent to the predentin.

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Lymph Vessels

• Endothelium lined tubes• Join the thin walled lymph venules or veins in

the central pulp• Thin walls• Larger vessels have an irregular-shaped lumen

composed of endothelial cells surrounded by an incomplete layer of pericytes or smooth muscle cells or both.

• Cells contain multivesicular structures, WeibelPalade bodies and paracrystalline inclusions.

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• Absence of RBC and presence of lymphocytes.

• Basement membrane shows discontinuity.

• Lymph vessels draining the pulp and PL have common outlet.

• Anterior teeth: drained to submental lymph nodes.

• Posterior teeth: drained to submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes.

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• Majority- Non Myelinated and many of these gain myelin sheath later in life.

• Found in close association with blood vessels, many being sympathetic in nature.

• They have terminals on the muscle cells of the larger vessels and function in vasoconstriction.

• Thick nerve bundles enter the apical foramen-pass along the radicular pulp to the coronal pulp where the fibres separate and radiate peripherally to the parietal layer of nerves.

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• Number of fibres in the bundles varies greatly. 150->1200

• Larger fibres: 5-13µm in size.

• Majority are smaller than 4µm.

• The peripheral axons form a network of nerves located adjacent to cell rich zone, called as Parietal layer of nerves / Plexus of Rashkow.

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• Axons of Raschkow plexus lose their myelinesheath (but not their Schwann cells) as they penetrate the cell-rich and cell-free zones to make synaptic contact with the odontoblast cell body in the pulp or odontoblastic process within the dentinal tubule.

• Raschkow plexus is responsible for transmitting pain sensation from the pulp of the tooth.

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• By virtue of their peptide content they also play important functions in inflammatory events and subsequent tissue repair.

• There are two types of nerve fiber that mediate the sensation of pain:

• A- fibers and C-fibers.

• A-fibers conduct rapid and sharp pain sensations and belong to the myelinated group.

• C-fibers are involved in dull aching pain and are thinner and unmyelinated.

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• The A-fibers, mainly of the A-delta type, are preferentially located in the periphery of the pulp, where they are in close association with the odontoblasts and extend fibers to many but not all dentinal tubules.

• The C-fibers typically terminate in the pulp tissue proper, either as free nerve endings or as branches around blood vessels.

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Nerve Endings

• Nerve axons pass between odontoblasts to terminate adjacent to the odontoblast processes at the pulp-predentin border or in the dentinal tubules.

• Nerve terminals consist of round or oval enlargements of terminal filaments that contain microvesicles, small, dark, granular bodies and mitochondria.

• Close to odontoblast plasma membrane, seperated only by a 20µm cleft.

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• Believed to be sensory receptors.

• Function whether relative to capillaries or odontoblasts in dentinogenesis, is not known.

• More nerve endings found in pulp horns than in other peripheral areas of coronal pulp.

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Pulpal Stem Cells

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- Stem cells are the body’s "master" cells that regenerate the body’s many cells, tissues, and organs.

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• The most commonly known source of adult stemcells is bone marrow, which contains both hematopoietic stem cells (also found in cord blood) and mesenchymal stem cells (also found in teeth).

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Types of dental stem cells:

At least five different types of postnatal mesenchymal stem cells have been reported to differentiate to odontoblast-like cells.

• 1.Dental pulp stem cells(DPSC)

• 2.Dental pulp of human exfolliated deciduous teeth(SHED)

• 3.Stem cells of apical papilla(SCAP)

• 4.Dental follicle progenitor cells(DFPC)

• 5.Bone marrow-derived mesenchymalstemcells(BMMCS)

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• Stem cell are also present in pulp.

• They migrate to the site of injured odontoblastsand produce dentin.

• Transforming growth factor (TGF beta1) and bone morphogenic proteins (BMP-2) -proliferation and differentiation, and endothelial cell injury, in the migration of these stem cells in response to an injury.

• They were shown to develop adipocytes and neural cells.

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• Derived from Pulp tissues of exfoliated deciduous teeth, Primary incisors and Permanent 3rd molars.

• Recent studies show that pulp stem cells synthesise osteoblasts, synthesise 3D woven bone tissue chips in vitro and that are capable to synergically differentiate into osteoblasts and endotheliocytes.

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Indications• Dental Tissue Repair

- Repair damaged tooth tissues such as dentin, periodontal ligament, dental pulp.

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• Periodontal Regeneration

• Regeneration of Pulp in immature tooth.

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• Whole Tooth Regeneration

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Pulpal Calcifications

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Very common occurrence present in 50% of all teeth.

Pulp calcification is considered: a pathological process related to various forms

of injury.

Pulp calcification may be of microscopic size or may be large enough to be detected radiographically.

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• Coronal pulp form →(discrete, concentric pulp stones

• Radicular pulp form →diffuse.(single or attach)

• Variable sizes

• The mineral phase consists of carbonated hydroxyapatite

Pulp stones occupying much of the pulp


Diffuse calcification near the apical foramen

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Age Changes

1. Continued formation of secondary dentin → ↓

size of pulp chambers & canals.

2. ↓ cellularity.

3. ↑ # and thickness of collagen fibers.

4. ↓ # of nerves & blood vessels.5. ↑ Peritubular dentin, dentinal sclerosis & dead


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