Volume 6, Issue 4 Five Years! Convention’s a “Must” June-July, 2011 Stemtech HealthSciences Health LINK Ray’s Message 2 Ask Christian 3 Top Ten Areas 4 Top Enrollers of Business Builders 4 Rank Advancements 5 Heather: Perceived Exertion 7 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Are you registered for Stemtech’s Fifth Annual Convention? Time is short! Some of the Distributors already registered for the week- end of August 5-7 in Irvine, California, think you just shouldn’t miss it. Here’s why: “This is a business of duplication, so I encourage everyone on my team to join me at the Con- vention for the fun and learn- ing. Being elbow-to-elbow with other attendees ce- ments everyone's belief that we have chosen the right company and products to represent. Support from the friends I see at each Con- vention is the glue that keeps my belief system solid while I expand my business.” Marge Berger Diamond Director I go to every Convention for the camaraderie and to meet old and new friends. We talk about how we have developed successful strate- gies and solved common problems, so we learn so much from each other. Everyone is eager to share, eager to listen, always posi- tive and upbeat. I would not miss this weekend!” Walt Gregory Double Diamond “This will be our first Convention, and Rodney and I are so excited! We know that meeting Stem- tech’s leaders and seeing the headquarters and Vi- taTech will be special, since a tour of these places con- vinced our oldest daughter that ‘Stemtech is for real.’ We also look forward to hearing about Stemtech’s products from Christian himself, and learning how we can build our business from Field Leaders and Stemtech’s Executives.” Peggy Andersen Senior Director “It is most important to bring your leaders and fu- ture leaders with you to the Convention. When you and your team are surrounded by your many Stemtech friends, all of you re-train, re-group and re-motivate yourselves, and all of you hear the latest news first ! There’s nothing like the Convention to charge you up for the Fall Growth Season.” Eugene Banez Triple Diamond “I love the leadership of the Stemtech family, and the Convention is where you spend quality time with the family’s leaders. Everything is so personal, and it always reinforces just why I am part of this company. We have so much fun, reconnect with Distributors from all over, and enjoy lots of recognition and great food. It’s all part of the Stemtech package!” Susan Strandberg Diamond Director “The Convention is an asset, not an ‘expense.’ Published for Distributors and Customers of The Stem Cell Nutrition Company The ULTIMATE PROSPECTING OPPORTUNITY! Do you have some GREAT PROSPECTS who need a “little extra incentive” to commit to Stemtech? Bring these Guests to the Convention. (Have enrollment forms ready!) Walt Peggy Eugene Continued on page 6 Susan Marge Susan

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Page 1: Health link  from stemtech co

Volume 6, Issue 4

Five Years! Convention’s a “Must”

June-July, 2011 S t e m t e c h H e a l t h S c i e n c e s

H e a l t h L I N K

Ray’s Message 2

Ask Christian 3

Top Ten Areas 4

Top Enrollers of Business Builders


Rank Advancements 5

Heather: Perceived Exertion


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Are you registered for Stemtech’s Fifth Annual Convention? Time is short! Some of the Distributors already registered for the week-end of August 5-7 in Irvine, California, think you just shouldn’t miss it. Here’s why:

“This is a business of d u p l i c a t i o n , s o I encourage everyone on my team to join me at the Con-vention for the fun and learn-ing. Being elbow-to-elbow with other attendees ce-ments everyone's belief that we have chosen the right company and products to represent. Support from the friends I see at each Con-vention is the glue that keeps my belief system solid while I

expand my business.”

Marge Berger

Diamond Director

“I go to every Convention for the camaraderie and to meet old and new friends. We talk about how we have

developed successful strate-gies and solved common problems, so we learn so much from each other. Everyone is eager to share, eager to listen, always posi-tive and upbeat. I would not

miss this weekend!”

Walt Gregory

Double Diamond

“This will be our first Convention, and Rodney and I are so excited! We know that meeting Stem-tech’s leaders and seeing the headquarters and Vi-taTech will be special, since a tour of these places con-vinced our oldest daughter that ‘Stemtech is for real.’ We also look forward to hearing about Stemtech’s products from Christian himself, and learning how we can build our business from Field Leaders and

Stemtech’s Executives.”

Peggy Andersen

Senior Director

“It is most important to bring your leaders and fu-

ture leaders with you to the Convention. When you and your team are surrounded by your many Stemtech friends, all of you re-train, re-group and re-motivate yourselves, and all of you hear the latest news first! There’s nothing like the Convention to charge you up for the Fall

Growth Season.”

Eugene Banez

Triple Diamond

“I love the leadership of the Stemtech family, and the Convention is where you spend quality time with the family’s leaders. Everything is so personal, and it always reinforces just why I am part of this company. We have so much fun, reconnect with Distributors from all over, and enjoy lots of recognition and great food. It’s all part of

the Stemtech package!”

Susan Strandberg

Diamond Director

“The Convention is an asset, not an ‘expense.’

Published for Distributors and Customers of The Stem Cell Nutrition Company




Do you have some



who need a

“little extra incentive”

to commit to


Bring these Guests

to the Convention.

(Have enrollment

forms ready!)

Walt Peggy Eugene

Continued on page 6

Susan Marge Susan

Page 2: Health link  from stemtech co

We are all very ex-cited as our Fifth Annual

Convention celebra-tion approaches. In August we will be marking a major milestone for our company — five years of continuous growth, with over four years of global expansion. It has been quite an ad-venture so far, has-n’t it?

But this is only the beginning! At this year’s Annual

Convention in Irvine, we have planned a full weekend of spectacular activities and announce-ments that will surprise and delight everyone.


Whether you are a Stem-tech Family member who has been with us for all the past Conventions, or whether this will be only your first or second one, I can assure you that you have never seen what you will see in Irvine the weekend of August 5th! I hope you are planning to be with us for all the excitement.

As we put the finish-ing touches on the plans for our August Conven-tion, we will also be cele-brating with our Global Family at the Asian Re-gional Convention in Bali and the European Re-gional Convention in Agarve, Portugal, this month. It gives me great

satisfaction to see how we are helping to spread wellness and prosperity all around the world; and I look forward to spend-ing time with our Global Leaders at their Regional celebrations.

As U.S. and Canada racers in the Stemtech Amazing Race tote up their grand totals of MPH, the BIG QUES-TION now looms: Who will win the Grand Prize? Congratulations to all this year’s racers, and to North American business builders who took home Bonuses last month: J o s e p h i n e C o n n ($217.54 Enroller’s share in the New Director Pacesetter Pool) and

Ray’s Message

Ray C. Carter, Jr. President & CEO

Continued on page 4

Come to Irvine and “Say cheese!”Come to Irvine and “Say cheese!”Come to Irvine and “Say cheese!”

Stemtech’s Fifth Annual Convention promises


New this year:

• StemGems: Evening for “Stemtech Royalty”

• Health Fair with “Walk Up & Learn” booths

• Success Workshops led by Field Leaders

• “Home Team” Panel answers YOUR questions

And MUCH MORE! Register online TODAY

so you can be part of our 5th Convention album!

Everyone wanted an autograph from Field Leaders like Marijke Long, whose story was highlighted in Stemtech’s feature in Your Business at Home.

2009 ThirdAnnual

Happy travelers boarded the bus to tour VitaTech.

Ray and Christian wowed everyone, including qualifiers Caroline and the late Bill Lohmeyer,

with Stemtech’s BMW Bonus Program.

2006 Pre-Launch

Joanne Giesbrecht & Mickee Rarick with Christian at the Friday night Mixer.

VP Heather Livingston serves up samples of ST-5.

2007 First Annual

2008 Second Annual

2010 Fourth Annual

Page 3: Health link  from stemtech co


This is a very good question, because the topic of stem cells can easily get complex as we venture into the details of how stem cells work in the body. While the process may be com-plex, the message about our products can be kept very simple.

When conveying the message about Stem-tech’s triad of stem cell support products, tell how our products work with this simple five-step explanation:


Adult stem cells from the bone marrow consti-tute the natural renewal system of the body. Whenever a tissue is in need of renewal, it at-tracts stem cells that are circulating in the blood and triggers their migra-tion into that tissue. As stem cells migrate into the tissue, they become cells of that tissue.


Within the natural re-newal process, there are three important compo-nents to consider:

a. The number of stem cells in the blood-stream that are avail-able to migrate into tissues in need

b. The ability of circulat-ing stem cells to reach every corner of the body

c. The ability of stem cells to respond to sig-

nals sent by tissues in need of renewal.


Our signature product, StemEnhance® tackles component a, above. StemEnhance supports the release if stem cells from the bone marrow, and has been shown in years of clinical studies to increase the number of circulating stem cells sig-nificantly (by twenty-five percent or more).


StemFlo® takes on component b, above, supporting the circulation of stem cells into all ar-eas of the body, in re-sponse to the signals from tissues in need of renewal.


Then it is time for the final product of the triad to do its work: ST-5 with MigraStemTM supports the ability of these sum-moned stem cells to mi-grate into the tissues in need of renewal. In addi-tion, this powerful product contributes to the nour-ishment of every cell in the body.

When you think of the body’s natural renewal system, it is easy to see the importance of sup-porting the natural role of stem cells in the body. Every day of our lives — since the day we were born — each of our tis-

sues has been renewing itself at a different rate. Some examples:

• We have “new skin” e v e r y t w o - t h r e e months.

• We have a “new” pan-creas every four-five years.

• We have a “new” lung every four-five years.

It is, of course, impor-tant for the maintenance of optimal health to follow a good diet, to exercise, to rest well, to manage stress, to take an antioxi-dant daily and to maintain an overall good lifestyle. But even in the best of conditions, losing cells and renewing tissues re-mains a normal part of everyday life. Therefore, it is critical to support the natural role of stem cells in the body, so the body can do what it was de-signed to do from birth: renew tissues each day, to support the optimal health that allows us to enjoy a great quality of life.

So keep your mes-sage simple, as you share the gift of good health. The process might be a little complex, but the message is straightforward, and the results from our products are nothing short of life-changing!


Ask Christian

Christian Drapeau, MSc Chief Science Officer

What is the best way to SIMPLIFY the message about

the features and benefits of each of our products?

While the process

may be complex,

the message about

our products can be

kept very simple.

Page 4: Health link  from stemtech co

Ray’s Message


both South America and the United States, Paola has the right background to develop and support product devel-opment and education, work-ing along with Christian Drapeau and Heather Livingston.

As we welcome Paola, we acknowledge the great contributions Dr. Donna Antarr made during her four years as part of our Execu-tive Team. All of us have benefited from Dr. Donna’s wisdom and charisma during her years with us. We wish her well as she leaves us.

Our very best wishes also go to the Chicoine Family, who are well into their Mara-

Susan Strandberg and Gerald Schleif of the U.S. and Greet Willems of Canada, who each earned a $137.40 share in the Fast-Start Turbo Pool. Extra kudos to Michael Lenz, who earned two full shares!

This month we welcome Paola L. Mazzoni as our new Director of Product Training & Development. Distributors familiar with our Latin American branch of the Stemtech Family know that Paola has already applied her expert knowledge and exceptional skills to the de-velopment of product educa-tion for Stemtech Distributors in the Latin American Re-gion. Fluent in English and Spanish and with a Master’s degree in Pharmacology and Biochemistry, as well as more than a dozen years of solid experience in research and wellness education in

thon of Health, spreading the mes-sage of wellness all across the North American continent.

Everywhere they g o , w e a r i n g “Powered by Adult

Stem Cells” attire, the eight Chicoines are a media mag-net, so our company is re-ceiving some very valuable exposure that I urge you to take full advantage of. Plan business building events around the family’s run near where you live!

While their West-to-East trip across Canada will keep the Chicoines from attending our Fifth Annual Convention, we are working on setting up a “live feed” from their route for everyone attending the Convention. I can’t wait! I hope to see you in Irvine, so we can cheer on the Chi-coines together, as they pur-sue their Marathon of Health. What an amazing adventure!

Continued from page 2


Rank Sales Volume Enrollments

1 California (1) California (1)

2 Florida (3) Florida (2)

3 Texas (2) Texas (3)

4 Minnesota (4) Arizona (4)

5 Washington (5) New York (6)

6 New York (8) Washington (5)

7 Arizona (7) Minnesota (7)

8 Missouri (6) Illinois (9), Missouri (-),

Wisconsin (9) TIED

9 Michigan (-)

10 Puerto Rico (-)

Previous month’s ranking noted in parentheses.

First Place Michael Lenz*

Third Place


Susan Strandberg

David Weible

Second Place Gerald Schleif

Fifth Place Delores Hutchinson

Seventh Place Alejandro Medin

Eighth Place


Ann Harrison

Darline Ramos

Tenth Place Ray Mikelonis


of Business Builders

* Also a Top Ten Enroller last month

The Chicoines overlooking Calgary. Photo by Kim Pryhitko.

Page 5: Health link  from stemtech co

Stemtech Global Family Rank Advancements

APRIL, 2011

Congratulations to these

Stemtech Distributors who

have joined or advanced

within the StemGem Team!

Triple DiamondsTriple DiamondsTriple Diamonds

Adjei Appiah

Acest Enterprise GH

Graciela Aguilar Sendejas MX

Double DiamondsDouble DiamondsDouble Diamonds

Pandyan A/L Ponniah & Uma Magesvary A/P

Kundumony MY

Diamond DirectorsDiamond DirectorsDiamond Directors

Ayite Amavi GH

Dominique Boulay FR

J. Trinidad Carranza Tovar MX

Arcelia Diaz Gonzalez MX

Ruby DirectorsRuby DirectorsRuby Directors

Gregor Metz DE

Joseph Michael A/L A.

Santhanasamy MY

Sapphire DirectorSapphire DirectorSapphire Director

Haziq Bin Hamizan MY


Emma Amechi GH

Irma Banuelos De Lina &

Cinthia R. Estrada Banuelos MX

Linus Eluba GH

Peter Knudson US

Campos Miramontes MX

Benjamin Patrick MY

Hat Raphael GH

Jean-Marie Schneider FR

Isaac Saiw Boateng GH

New Executive Directors

Gloria Martha Aguilar Zendejas &

Christian Pena Aguilar MX

Leah & Allan Ahrens

Nature’s Helping Hand US

Juliana Amaechi GH

Lillian Barkes AU

Chong Bee Yeen MY

Sariam Binti Suhod MY

Sandrine Boulay FR

Catena Calanna AU

Andrea Calvillo Gallegos MX

Maria Zoraida

Candamil Saldarriasa CO

Beth Chiang US

Emma Chapman US

Kam Chong Heng MY

Maria del Pilar

Coronado Rojano &

Enrique Bringas Sanchez MX

Daniel Gyamfi GH

Yueh Hsun Ho US

Iting’s Property Sdn. Bhd. MY

Bhawanin A/L Jogologon MY

Tai Juan Sen &

Choo Chock Fah MY

Mark Khan Life System DE

Emmanuel Korku &

Shirley Mifetu GB

Kyereko Lawrence

Prikorlar Alumunuim Co. Ltd. GH

Samuel Lin US

Maria DeLourdes Lucio Perez MX

New Senior Directors

Irma Martinez Pizano MX

Gema Maseda Isla

Isla Maseda SL ES

Fredy Migerel FR

Jonathan A/L Naesarrajoo MY

Joseph Jebarajah

R Naesarajoo MY

ynthia Nkechi Onuh GH

Mercy Ebele Nsolibe GH

Jane Nwike GB

Cheo Sim “Judy” Ong AU

Alberto Ramos Perez MX

Faustino Pinon Ramos MX

Chew Quin Teck MY

Jean Quinn AU

Lucio Reyes Quintero MX

Jayanthi Ratnam MY

Evelyn Repp US

Christine Robinson GB

Elvia Isadora Rocha Romero MX

Donato José Alfredo

Rodas Vargas MX

Ong Shak Leng MY

Maria Isabel Sierra Barajas MX

Chu Su Nyun MY

Kien-Tieu Tran US

Desmond Tsorlrenyanu GH

Stan Webster US

Diana Zielinski

B&J Enterprises US

林碧惠 林碧惠 TW

New Senior Directors



New U. S. Directors

Rebeca Anders

Bobbie Bruce

Jason Chuang

Judith Grever

Delores Hutchinson

Paula Lo

Gerald Schleif

Lien Tran

AU Australia BG Bulgaria CA Canada CO Colombia DE Germany ES Spain (Virtual) FR France (Virtual) GB Great Britain GH Ghana MX Mexico MY Malaysia

NZ New Zealand TW Taiwan US United States ZA South Africa

Field Leaders, top Stemtech Executives, Special Guests and YOU make each Webinar amazing.

You’ll learn a lot and you’ll feel “connected” as never before when you interact with the Webinar leader

and other Distributors in “real time!”

TUNE IN AT 6 p.m. Pacific time



Page 6: Health link  from stemtech co

Nowhere else can you enjoy a wonderful vacation while you do your ‘due diligence’ — seeing and hearing from the company leaders, learning the latest about our products and opportunity, meeting and learning from people who are enjoying great success, rein-forcing your firm belief that this is the only company for you! At the Convention, you see Stemtech ‘in 3-D’ — and part of the success I enjoy today is because I have made the Convention a prior-

ity every year.”

Mark Parsekian

Triple Diamond

“The Convention is inspiring. At my first Convention I felt connected, and I felt such energy! You hear from peo-ple who have had amazing experiences and it is easy to talk with the people who are really successful. I learned last year that the Convention is the perfect place to take a guest (prospect) to ‘check out’ Stemtech before joining. You can rest assured that the Convention will seal the deal for any prospect, just as it did

for mine!”

Elena Gurevich

Senior Director

“The best thing you can do for yourself and your busi-ness is to get to the Conven-tion and bring as many people as you can, as well. It is where you meet our Co-Founders, Executives and top Field Leaders in an environ-ment that promotes great synergy and the power of belief that fuels action. You can recoup your money in-vested many times over. Attending the Convention

weekend is totally worth it!”

Angela & Ed Budreika

Executive Directors

“For me and every Field Leader I know, the Conven-tion is the culmination of the whole year. I get to meet and ‘catch up’ with everybody, and it is great fun. There are al-ways exciting new things presented. For new people especially, I think the Conven-tion provides a tangible ex-perience that shows just what this wonderful company is all about. But whether you are new or a ‘veteran Stemtech family member,’ attending the Convention is a real necessity if you are serious about build-

ing a successful business.”

Marijke Long

Triple Diamond

Join these fellow members of the Stem-tech Family for a week-end that will propel your business to the heights of your dreams. Put the Convention on your “Must-Do” list now. See you in Irvine!


Convention’s a “Must” Continued from page 1





Fifth Annual

Convention and First Annual

Americas Regional Convention

Irving Marriott

Irvine, CA (a quick shuttle from the John Wayne Airport)

August 5-7, 2011

• General Sessions with

Exciting Announcements

• Distributor-led

Success Workshops

• Gala Recognition


• Health Fair with “Walk

Up & Learn” Booths

• Networking with Old &

New Friends


Angela & Ed


Gather three of your Distributor friends or guests and SHARE a room at the Marriott!

Special Stemtech Room Rate: $89/night*


Share with three friends and YOUR two nights’ lodging comes to a total of only $49.00 (taxes included). What a bargain!

Call the Marriott at 949 553-0100, and ask for the special Stemtech Convention rate.


Page 7: Health link  from stemtech co

Did you know THAT Stemtech offers

FREE SHIPPING on AUTOSHIP orders of 4 BOTTLES or more?

(Any available product combination)

Go to your Back Office &

add to your order.


Irvine, CA


What is your “perceived exertion”?

As spring moves into summer for us in North America, it is time to look over our living habits and evaluate what is working and what needs to be ad-justed. In times of reflec-tion like these, we often think first about our food intake and our diet choices. This is good. Our diet needs to be evaluated and adjusted to make sure we are taking in the essential nutrients our bodies must have each day. However, another big factor to evaluate as a component of living in a state of well-being is our daily activity level.

The StemSportTM con-cept assists people in sup-porting an active lifestyle, which is an important part of obtaining and maintain-ing a state of well-being. You allow Stemtech’s products to support your active lifestyle when you consume StemEnhance® a nd S t emF l o ® ( o r StemSport Chewable Tab-lets) before and after exer-cise or activity. From walking or jogging to swim-ming, cycling, climbing stairs, and to many other activities, you can deter-mine the intensity rating of

your activity with the Per-ceived Exertion Scale, known as the RFO (Rate of Perceived Exertion, seen on the chart below). In the Usage document on the StemSport website (www.stemsport.com), you will find recommendations for the amount of product to use, based on the inten-sity or stressfulness of your exercise or activity.

Whatever your activity or exercise, it is important to assist with cardiovascu-lar fitness by concentrating on aerobics. To remain within the aerobic activity level, your exercise inten-sity should stay within a range of comfort. As you become familiar with the RPE scale, you can con-tinually assess your exer-

cise intensity and ensure a level of exertion that is both beneficial and com-fortable.

During aerobic activi-ties, your perceived exer-tion is a combination of sensory output from mus-cles and joints, as well as your breathing and heart rates. By using the RPE scale, you can accurately “describe” your sensation of effort when exercising and gauge how hard you are working. In addition, RPE helps you evaluate your internal comfort zone (how you feel during your exercise session) with re-spect to the normal sensa-tions of exertion: heavier breathing and even dis-comfort.


Perceived exertion is assessed by using the 1-10 chart (at left) to rate the feelings caused by your exertion. For example, using this scale, sitting quietly in a chair would have a rating of 1. Adding a gentle waving of your arms might increase the effort to 1.5. Walking at a moderate pace might have a 3 rating. Speed up your pace, and your number on the chart goes up, too.

10 Very, very hard activity Totally out of breath, unable to talk

9 Very hard activity Can speak only one word at a time

7-8 Hard activity Out of breath,

can speak a sentence or two

4-6 Moderate activity Can carry on a conversation

2-3 Light activity Breathing is easy

1 No activity


Heather Livingston, VP Global Product Training

& Sports Martketing

Continued on page 8 Gather three of your Distributor friends or guests

Page 8: Health link  from stemtech co

1011 Calle Amanecer

San Clemente, CA 92673

Phone: (949) 542-8600

Fax (949) 542-8617

Retail Toll-Free:

1 (888) STEMTECH

1 (888) 783-6832



StemEnhance® , StemFlo

® and StemSportTM

provide active

support for the work of adult stem cells in the body, as more

stem cells are released to circulate and migrate into tissues.

New Xtra Smooth ST-5 with MigraStemTM

provides additional

nutrition for all cells in the human body. And StemPets® and

StemEquine® offer the benefits of specially-formulated

StemEnhance for our animal friends.

Writer & Editor Bonnie Goldfein

HealthLink is a copyrighted pu bl i c a t i on o f S t e m t ec h HealthSciences, Inc. For per-mission to reprint articles from this newsletter, Stemtech Dis-tributors may contact the Editor at Stemtech World Headquar-ters, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673, or email: [email protected]


Remember, the rat-ing of your exertion should be completely independent of the pace you think you are walking; it is dependent solely on the reactions within your body that are caused by the exer-tion. When you start walking, then increase your pace to a run and add a hill, you could possibly work your way up near the top of the scale, since your mus-cles and joints would be under greater stress

Perceived Exertion

and your heart and breathing rates would increase dramatically when you were running at a fast pace on very demanding terrain.

Most of us do not want to approach the 9-10 point on the scale, however. The Ameri-can Council on Exer-cise (ACE) suggests, “On the 1-10 scale, the recommended RPE for most people is usually between 3 (moderate) and 5 (strong).”

W ha t e v e r y o u choose as the level of your exertion, the most important thing about exercise is to do it regu-larly. It is also impor-tant to support both your exertion and your recovery by using the StemSport concept: combining StemEn-hance® and StemFlo® both before and after exercise or activity. With the RPE and the StemSport website, you can now determine how much of these essential

Continued from page 7

Stemtech products to use in association with exercise to help you maintain your active StemSport lifestyle!

Detailed information about the StemSport concept you can f ind on www . s t ems p o r t . c om includes: FAQs, recom-mendations for most beneficial usage, and “Why StemSport?” — as well as powerful testimoni-als from active people.