Bangladesh Applied Nutrition and Human Resource Development Board (BAN-HRDB)

functions_of_ nutrients_and_their_sources

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Page 1: functions_of_ nutrients_and_their_sources

Bangladesh Applied Nutrition and Human Resource Development Board


Page 2: functions_of_ nutrients_and_their_sources

Functions of Nutrients and their sources

Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To build and repair body tissues, muscles and vital fluids like blood; to help form enzymes and antibodies to fight infection

Protein Fresh or dried milk, cheese, curd, oilseeds and nuts, soyabean, yeast, pulses, meat, liver, fish, egg, cereals, defated oilseed flour and soya flour

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To serve as a concentrated source of energy, provide essential fatty acids, carriers of vitamin A, D, E and K.

Fat Butter, ghee, vegetable oils and fat, oilseeds, nuts, soyabean and avocado pear.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To supply energy to the body.


Cereals, millets, roots and tubers, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam, sugar and jaggery.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To help keep the eyes, skin and mucous membranes healthy and to maintain visual efficiency in dim light.

Vit. A Fish liver oils, liver, whole milk and whole milk products (curds, butter, ghee) yellow and red fruits, green leafy and yellow vegetables, (carrots, pumpkin) and fortified fats.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

For normal appetite, digestion, vision and healthy nervous system. To help change good carbohydrates into energy for work.

Vit. B1


Liver, eggs, glandular-organs, legumes, pulses, nuts, oilseeds, yeast, whole-grain cereals and parboiled rice.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To help the cells use oxygen, to keep vision clear and smooth, skin without scaling around mouth and nose or cracking at the comer of the mouth.

Vit. B2


Milk, skim, curd cheese; eggs, liver, kidney, heart, leafy vegetables and yeast.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To preserve health of the skin, functioning of the stomach and intestine and nervous system.

Niacin Whole-grain cereals, pulses, nuts, particularly groundnuts, liver, meat and yeast.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

Required for healthy gums and body’s resistance forms and maintains intercellular substance.

Vitamin-C Guava, citrus fruits, raw vegetables and fruits, leafy vegetables and sprouted pulses.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

Regulates absorption and anchorage of calcium, phosphorus to help build strong teeth and bones.

Vit.-D Exposure to sunlight, butter, fish liver oil, ghee, egg yolk and milk.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To help build bones and teeth and also the blood to clot and assist muscles and nerves to react normally. Normal heart rhythm.

Calcium Milk, skimmed milk, butter milk, curd, channa, cheese leafy vegetables, small fish, and cereals (excluding rice) millets.

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Nutrients Functions Rich Sources

To combine with protein to make hemoglobin the red substance in the blood (-) which carries oxygen to the cells.

Iron Lean, red meats, egg yolk, whole grain cereals, liver, yeast, oilseeds, nuts, legumes, pulses, brown sugar (jiggery), dried fruits, leafy vegetables, dates and sprouted pulses.

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Bangladesh Applied Nutrition and Human Resource Development Board