THE CARDIOTHORACIC CENTRE LIVERPOOL NHS TRUST N orth M ersey H ealth Inform atics Service _______________________________________________________________________________ ________ SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT THE CARDIOTHORACIC CENTRE LIVERPOOL NHS TRUST Foreward This document is intended to address Services Level Agreement issued between the North Mersey HIS and The Cardiothoracic Centre Liverpool NHS Trust. This document is key in defining and delivering services to the Trust. Document History Revision History First Draft By Paul Turner – Shared Services Project Manager Issue Statu s Versi on Revision date Actioned by Summary of Changes Draft 0.1 07112005 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT 1

Document 3b North Mersey Health Information Service

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North Mersey Health Informatics Service




ForewardThis document is intended to address Services Level Agreement issued between the North Mersey HIS and The Cardiothoracic Centre Liverpool NHS Trust. This document is key in defining and delivering services to the Trust.

Document HistoryRevision History First Draft By Paul Turner – Shared

Services Project Manager

Issue Status


Revision date

Actioned by Summary of Changes

Draft 0.1 07112005Master 0.2 19012006 PT Various Master 0.3 27032006 PT VariousMaster 0.4 08052006 PT VariousMaster 0.5 20062006 PT/VH Various



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I. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................….. 2

2. SLA SUMMARY & ISSUES.............................................................................. 4

3. SLA Terms and Provisions............................................................................. 8

4. SERVICE DESCRIPTION.................................................................................16

5. SERVICE LEVELS.............................................................................................…..19


Schedule A1 – Services Schedule.....................................................................23

Schedule B – Finance.........................................................................................23

Schedule C – Baseline Establishment..............................................................23

Schedule D – Contracts and Re-curring Expenditure......................................24

Schedule E – Accommodation...........................................................................24


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This Service Level Agreement (SLA) defines the service and financial arrangements agreed regarding the provision of IM&T (Information Management & Technology) services by the North Mersey Health Informatics Service (HIS) to The Cardiothoracic Centre. It describes the general aspects of the HIS SLA and the specific services relevant to The Cardiothoracic Centre.

The purpose of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) document is to provide documentation, in sufficient detail, to enable a clear understanding of services and financial arrangements between the HIS and The Cardiothoracic Centre. It is also intended to provide:

A basis for monitoring performance, service delivery and developments,

A service baseline, including escalation procedures, should disagreements over service performance or delivery arise.

A baseline for agreement of future amendments or enhancements to the services.

This SLA focuses on the operational arrangement between the PO and the HIS. The strategic relationship is defined in the North Mersey HIS Accountability and Governance Framework. The two sets of arrangements are intended to work together to support successful development of Informatics Services in North Mersey for the benefit of all Partner Organisations and ultimately patients.

The commencement date for the operation of this SLA is 1st October 2006.

1.1 Context for Developing the SLA

Although a robust and consultative process has been followed in drawing up the SLA it is not expected to provide comprehensive detail of every aspect of the services. During the period covered by the SLA and in the initial 6-12 months after the commencement date additional aspects or requirements may come to light and both the North Mersey HIS and The Cardiothoracic Centre will aim to be flexible and responsive to ensure that The Cardiothoracic Centre’s needs are best met within the resources available.

It is expected that there will be changes in the SLA, over time, agreed between The Cardiothoracic Centre and the HIS which will be formally captured in a change control process. Such changes may arise from evolving local needs, changes driven by the National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT), or development of services within the HIS itself.

1.2 Scope of the SLA

The format and sections on terms and provisions are common to all the SLAs but each has a specific summary of services for the individual PO with the specific details covered in the various schedules.


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The Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust is the host trust for the North Mersey HIS, and will support the Shared Service by providing back office functions as outlined in the HIS Governance & Accountability Arrangements.


This section provides a summary of the service scope covered by the SLA. It also highlights any significant issues or developments which may affect the delivery or ongoing development of services under the SLA.

2.1 Period of the SLA

This SLA applies for 12 months from the commencement date, (including financial arrangements which will be put in place from the commencement date). Subsequent SLAs continue on an annual basis.

The SLA will roll forward to cover the following year unless specifically amended through the SLA review process. The roll forward will include any changes to the baseline as agreed by the HIS management board (e.g. inflation), or increased investment from CfH.

Further details regarding the period of notice for termination from the HIS are detailed in the Governance and Accountability Arrangements.

2.2 Summary Of Service Scope & Other Schedules

The key aspects of the service arrangements are summarised below. Full details are given in the various schedules at the end of this document. Staff and Services are divided into Services for transfer and services to be retained.

Services and staff transferring to the HIS can be found at Schedules A1 and C

Services Transferring include:

(ii) Application support(iii) Service Desk (iv) IT Support (v) Data Network(vi) Web Technology Services(vii) IT Project Management(viii) IT Training (ix) Procurement of standard hardware, software and upgrades IT Security

Services and staff that remain the responsibility of the Trust are: (for example)

(x) Information management/analysis (xi) Clinical coding

Vacancies – any vacancies are recorded at Schedule C.


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2.4 Community Wide-Services

Please note that services provided to all Partner Organisations on a community-wide basis (primarily via the former North Mersey LIS Team) will be covered in a separate ‘Community-wide SLA’ document.

2.5 Funding Of Hardware, Software & Consumables

The table below summarises the budget arrangements for the main IM&T non-pay items funded from revenue and capital. Contracts are covered in the relevant schedules at the end of this document.

Service Requirement Budget Arrangement

Central (server) hardware and software costs including licensing, maintenance and support

Server H/W (new or replacement) – Trust capitalServer Software – Trust capitalMaintenance and Support - HIS with appropriate budget adjustment

Planned user hardware replacement programme (i.e. planned replacements of existing equipment)

Networked PCs and Printers – Trust capital orTrust revenue

Planned user hardware extension programme (i.e. planned new hardware in addition to that already held)

Networked PCs and Printers – Trust capital or Trust revenue

New one-off or unplanned additional user hardware and software (i.e. in addition to that already held)

Trust expenditure - each occurrence will be considered on its merits as to whether it’s capital or revenue

Replacement user hardware where broken equipment cannot be fixed

Networked PCs and Printers – Trust capital or Trust revenue

Replacement user hardware & Software where equipment is functional but the service has chosen to upgrade

Trust – capital or revenue

New or replacement hardware and software requested for Health & Safety reasons or for accessibility

Trust expenditure - each occurrence will be considered on its merits as to whether it’s capital or revenue

Printer & PC consumables –e.g. disks, CDs, screen cleaners, paper, ink cartridges, toner cartridges, etc.

All Trust revenue

Phone costs for home working, including dial-in access

HIS for HIS staffTrust for Trust staff


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The HIS will work with The Cardiothoracic Centre to agree technical standards for IT systems/software and support arrangements. Funding arrangements for any non-compliant systems may differ from by those set out in the table above. The Cardiothoracic Centre will determine the appropriateness of assigning spends to either capital or revenue in line with local requirements.

2.6 Service Developments & Goals

The Trust’s Business Plan for 2006 / 2007 sets out the Trust’s Core Values and Key Strategic Objectives and Performance Framework for the coming year. It also announces the Trust’s Vision Statement as follows:

The Trust’s vision is to be a national and international leader in cardiothoracic care, delivering clinical excellence and a first class patient experience.

The Trust’s vision as an NHS Foundation Trust is based upon 10 core values:

(xii) Treating patients quickly and appropriately

(xiii) Treating patients with kindness, compassion, dignity and respect

(xiv) Empowering patients and carers to ensure meaningful involvement in service planning and delivery

(xv) Being a flexible and listening employer that recruits and retains experts in relevant specialties

(xvi) Optimising the use of resources to eliminate waste and deliver value for money services

(xvii) Offering modern, efficient and effective services

(xviii) Continuously strengthening research and development

(xix) Developing and maintaining external relationships with an awareness of the environment leading to greater ownership by patients and the public

(xx) Promoting business focused decision making resulting in high quality services for patients

(xxi) Enhancing educational opportunities, enabling the Trust to retain its position as leader and centre of excellence for cardiothoracic care

One of the Trust’s Key Strategic Objectives is ‘to implement the National Programme for IT’ and includes the following strands:

Implement the National Care Records System including Theatres Scheduling

Implement the Cluster PACS Archive and speech recognition technology in Radiology

Consider a business case for introduction of electronic prescribing


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The Business Plan also contains the following paragraph:

Implementing the advanced technology and computer systems provided by the NPfIT programme clinicians will be able to access medical records and medical images from any NHS organisation at the touch of a button. Furthermore the implementation of these clinical systems, such as PACS will improve the efficiency of the organisation and improve the patient experience.

This emphasises the reliance upon IT at the Cardiothoracic Centre and the prominence that it is given.

2.7 Management Structures

Within the Trust, IT developments are overseen by both the Management Board and the Clinical Governance structure. IT performance is also monitored via twice yearly Performance Reviews of Trust Corporate Teams. In addition, Project Boards are established with Senior Executive level representation for all major IT projects undertaken.

2.8 Key Systems

The Cardiothoracic Centre existing IT services and systems which will become the responsibility of the HIS are detailed in Schedule A1.

2.9 Strategic Implementation

The Trust is addressing its strategic plan for IM&T in the following areas:

(xxii) Adopt National Programme for IT (NPfIT) applications including the new Patient Administration System, PACS, ChooseandBook and Order Communications

(xxiii) Contribute towards the Site Development Project. A new IT infrastructure is being built for the new premises.

(xxiv) The IT infrastructure in the current building is also being upgraded with greater bandwidth and resilience, all PCs being brought up to NPfIT specification and a wireless being implemented.

(xxv) ITIL Service Management

2.10 Service Issues

Specific service issues relevant to the SLA are noted below:

Contracts third party suppliers (See Schedule D)

2.11 Planned Amendments

Amendments to the SLA are planned, or likely, in the following areas:

(xxvi) To reflect further work on the Trust’s IM&T strategy.(xxvii) To reflect further implications from CfH Programme for Informatics which

may impact on the Trust’s plans(xxviii) To reflect the ongoing development of performance indicators for

identifying appropriate levels of service.


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IT Department Structure


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This section describes and defines the terms of the operational relationship between The Cardiothoracic Centre and the HIS. It covers the following areas:

SLA variation and change control processes

Service monitoring and review Problem reporting, escalation and resolution Performance and service delivery Financial arrangements The NPfIT and The Cardiothoracic Centre Liverpool NHS Trust local

IM&T strategies Confidentiality and statutory requirements

The strategic relationship is described in ‘Governance & Accountability Arrangements for the North Mersey Health Informatics Service’. The Governance Arrangements and the SLA document together described the management and arrangements for the HIS.

3.1 Service Objectives

The principal objectives of the SLA are as follows:

(xxix) Provision of a Service that seeks to appropriately support patient care and helps support the strategic objectives of The Cardiothoracic Centre.

(xxx) Description of a Service that is easily understood and can be easily engaged with by The Cardiothoracic Centre staff

(xxxi) Provision of a service that can be measured and monitored(xxxii) To clarify the obligations on all parties to the agreement (xxxiii) To define the support that The Cardiothoracic Centre will receive from the

HIS with their involvement and integration with local and national Connecting for Health initiatives.

(xxxiv) A Service that provides best value for money

3.2 SLA Variation & Change Control Processes

There will be a formal annual review of the SLA but either party may propose variations to this agreement at any time. Any proposed changes will involve joint planning and agreement between both parties.

Proposed changes will be reviewed and discussed between The Cardiothoracic Centre and North Mersey HIS. This should ensure that:

Both sides have a clear and common understanding regarding the reasons and objectives for changes to the SLA.

Any resource and financial implications have been considered and are understood.

There is clarity regarding the service performance and any impacts on other service areas.


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Changes affecting multiple Partner Organisations will be reviewed and approved by all parties concerned.

The review will cover all relevant schedules to ensure that resource, service and finance stay in step across all aspects of the SLA.

Proposed changes will be documented in revised schedules and an updated SLA document. These will be summarised in an updated revision history and the new SLA will be signed by authorised signatories (see 3.23) for The Cardiothoracic Centre and the HIS.

Annual reviews and significant changes will always result in a new full SLA document. Minor changes ‘in year’ can be documented by the production of updated schedules which are appended to the existing SLA document.

Where agreement cannot initially be achieved the escalation processes will be invoked.

3.3 Service Level Monitoring and Review

The HIS will develop service and performance information reports which will be developed and agreed jointly with The Cardiothoracic Centre. This will enable in-year monitoring of the SLA.

Joint review meetings will be held between The Cardiothoracic Centre and the HIS to review performance. Review meetings between the Cardiothoracic Centre Organisational Lead for IT (OLIT) and the HIS Relationship Manager (RM) (or other local arrangements) will be held on a minimum of a quarterly basis. Either party may call additional meetings at any time as part of the service review and planning process.

The HIS Director will also report on overall performance of the HIS to the HIS Management Board at regular intervals (see Accountability and Governance Framework).

3.4 Problem Reporting, Escalation and Resolution

The starting point for general discussions regarding services (e.g. regarding the scope of services or service developments, rather than regarding specific service problems) should be between The Cardiothoracic Centre OLIT and the relevant HIS Relationship Manager.

Problem reporting and escalation procedures apply to finance issues as well as to service/performance issues. The aim is to ensure a clear process for communicating and resolving problems. Problems should be resolved promptly and at a local level, with a clear escalation process if a satisfactory conclusion is not reached.

In general the reporting and escalation process is as follows:

(xxxv) Specific service problems should be reported to the local operational service desk (see 4.5).

(xxxvi) If users have any more general concerns or issues which have not been resolved then this should be raised with their line manager in the first instance (e.g. relevant team leader), and communicated to the Service Desk for action.


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(xxxvii) Managers who still have issues relating to service problems which have not been resolved at this level should then escalate them to the OLIT within the Cardiothoracic Centre and the HIS Relationship Manager.

(xxxviii) If there is not satisfaction that an appropriate response is underway at this level then issues should be escalated to the HIS Director.

At each stage of reporting and escalation there should be sufficient opportunity allowed to investigate the concerns and develop a plan for resolution before escalating to the next level. Both The Cardiothoracic Centre and North Mersey HIS should endeavour to provide clear communication and updates regarding progress etc. during this process.

It is expected that both parties use the Joint Review Meetings to raise any concerns at an early stage wherever possible so that appropriate corrective action can be taken before a situation escalates.

The HIS Management Board is not intended to be involved in resolving specific customer problems other than as a very last resort. The Cardiothoracic Centre will not initiate unilateral action, for example, by withholding payments, but will work through the above escalation procedures.

3.5 Performance And Service Delivery - Utilising Resource

The HIS will work with The Cardiothoracic Centre to provide the optimum service delivery within the resources allocated. Both service performance targets (if available) and the resources provided are covered in the SLA. Service expectations should be realistic given the resource level available through the SLA.

The North Mersey HIS also has to respond to the NPfIT on behalf of all Trusts across North Mersey. This may require some flexibility in the use of resources across all POs in order to balance peaks and troughs and in order to use skills most effectively. Within the SLA there will be allowance for the flexible use of resource and the HIS will monitor use of resources to ensure fairness and equality in overall provision of services. Any ‘flexibility’ in the use of resources will not undermine current arrangements to support existing IM&T activity with each PO.

3.6 Financial Arrangements

Key aspects of the financial arrangements are covered below.

3.7 Financial Basis of SLA

In the first year of the North Mersey HIS (2006/7) the financial basis of the SLAs is primarily a transfer of budgets related to staffing. The basis of SLA may be reviewed in subsequent years after full discussion at the HIS Management Board.

3.8 Agenda For Change

It is likely that there will be ongoing costs in respect to staff terms and conditions under Agenda for Change (AfC). These additional costs will be reconciled with the respective PO. Any cost pressures relating to AfC will be addressed through the re-charge and will incorporate full staff costs.


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In the medium to long term, changes in service design and service delivery which has an effect on the service costs, will be renegotiated accordingly with all POs. In the short term any funding issues will be recharged on an actual basis as service will continue to be delivered as is.

The HIS will, after 1st October 2006, undertake a comprehensive service development programme in consultation with all POs. Any changes in staff costs due to the implications of this programme will be fully negotiated with all PO affected.

In year 1 staff re-charges will be based on actual costs incurred. If a member of staff leaves during this period, the PO may be re-charged a comparable amount relating to the established post. This may be due to either a pool member of staff or an IT agency employee covering the leaver’s duties.

As a rule any outstanding AfC appeals will be managed by the original trust prior to the staff transfer process. Any subsequent costs relating to the assimilation process will be addressed in the financial re-charge arrangements.  In addition salary costs relating to pay point progression under Agenda for Change will also be addressed through the financial recharge.

3.9 Inflation and Incremental Salary Increases

The level of inflation applied to baseline budgets must be sufficient to ensure that the purchasing power of the baseline funds transferring to the HIS are not eroded in any way.

In year 1 appropriate re-charging will be initiated which will include any inflationary or incremental salary increases.

The agreed baseline budgets in year 2 (2007/8) and thereafter will be uplifted for inflation in accordance with the national uplift or the agreed SHA wide uplift or the percentage agreed by the HIS Management Board. In addition agreement will also be sought on an appropriate levy for incremental salary increases based on year 1 activity.

3.10 Transferred budgets & Payment Arrangements

The baseline budgets for HIS SLAs have been developed between the POs and the North Mersey HIS.    The intention of both parties has been to set a fair and realistic budget for the services.

Payment arrangements – All staff transferring to the HIS will be paid through the host payroll, (Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust) and re-charged out based on actual expenditure incurred. POs should make 1/12 of their forecast annual payment ‘on account’ no later than the 15th on each month.

This will ensure that appropriate cash arrangements are in place to ensure timely payment to staff.

Reconciliation will be provided on a quarterly basis and the appropriate debit/credit invoice will be issued, whichever relevant.


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The actual costs have been provided through the completion of a detailed return and will be continually reviewed as the HIS develops and a clearer picture of actual costs emerges.

3.11 Pay And Rations Costs, Etc.

The initial arrangements for the North Mersey HIS do not attempt to identify and release support costs from individual POs. The following services will be provided by the Host Trust after the commencement date:

(xxxix) Human resources (including occupational health)(xl) Organisational audit(xli) Financial services(xlii) Payroll(xliii) Supplies

This creates a shortfall in the HIS budget and in year 1 (2006/7) this will be funded from either non-recurrent set up funds, or the increased level of investment as the HIS is being established to support the national programme. In year 2, it is possible that these costs will be met by efficiency savings, However, if the increased level of investment in 2006/07 and 2007/08 does not provide sufficient capacity to support the roll-out of the national programme plus these support costs then an equitable methodology will be determined to identify the funds required from each partner organisation to fund the gap. Such funding, if needed, would be added to the SLA charges for the POs involved.

The costs of new central accommodation for the HIS are expected to be met through existing LIS funding, however, if national programme demands exceed local reinvestment then the above arrangements to close the gap will be applied.

Forecasted Summary Budget

It must be noted that the following table represents a summary of costs which has been provided by each PO through the completion of a detailed financial return.  Both parties accept that this first call for financial information may not have captured all associated expenditure/costs.  

It is expected that during the first twelve months after 1st October, further clarification will take place.

Due to the confidential nature of the information provided on staffing costs, the detailed return is not included in this document,   however further details of costs and criteria used is available in Schedule B.

Budget Summary

Total Annual staff recurring cost322,267


Total cost of overtime 5,599  

Total cost of on-call 4,812  

Total estimated cost of travel 83


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Total Cost of Staffing and Allowances 332,716 06-07

Total cost of training 2005-06 1,800  

3.12 Provision To Recover Accommodation Costs

The baseline figures exclude accommodation costs (and other indirect costs – mentioned above) for the majority of PO organisations. Where accommodation costs are not included in baseline budgets, the HIS will retain the use of existing IM&T team accommodation (or equivalent) in local organisations at nil cost. (This reflects the ongoing provision of ‘local services’ and avoids POs having to release the indirect costs as part of the HIS formation).

However, should staff relocation prove to be necessary in the future then the relevant POs will release appropriate accommodation costs to support the relocation of staff. Schedule E documents the ‘Accommodation’ that the PO will provide to the HIS at nil cost.

3.13 Purchase And Control Of Assets Etc. - Capital Transfer And Capital Charges

There will be no accounting transfer of capital assets to the HIS (i.e. the host organisation) on its establishment. Similarly, there is no planned transfer of capital funds to the HIS from POs initially (this situation will be reviewed in year 1 (2006/7). POs will remain responsible for the payment of capital charges.

3.14 Ownership of IT assets at ‘Go Live’

Ownership of IT assets at the commencement date will remain with the Trust. However, both capital and revenue IT assets will be deemed to belong to the HIS for decisions about their ongoing maintenance and future replacement (subject to Trust agreement and funding). This will enable the HIS to manage and develop the infrastructure to comply with CfH requirements and obtain more beneficial contracts because of economies of scale.

The IT assets owned and maintained by the Trust prior to the commencement of the HIS will be subject to review once the HIS has been established. For capital assets, HIS staff will work closely with Trust staff to ensure registers are kept up to date to enable the Trust to calculate their capital charges.

3.15 Asset Purchase

Assets purchased after the establishment of the HIS are likely to be funded from a range of sources (listed below) and the source of funds will determine the ownership of the assets.

HIS capital

HIS revenue

Trust’s own capital


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Trust’s own revenue

CfH Monies

As the HIS will not hold all funds used to acquire IT equipment, Trusts will continue to account for assets purchased from their own funds. Such purchases will need the approval of the HIS to ensure compatibility, maintenance issues etc. are addressed.

3.16 Security, Verification And Disposal Of Assets

Where assets purchased from HIS funds are located outside of HIS managed accommodation (i.e. in the Trust’s premises) the Trust will be responsible for control procedures to provide for the security and condition of the asset and will promptly complete any periodic verification requirements issued by the HIS. Similarly the HIS will have the same responsibilities for PO assets in its control.

A specific procedure will be drawn up (between the HIS and its POs) to provide for the loss or damage of HIS or PO purchased assets located in accommodation managed by the Trust and visa versa.

Disposals will be managed by the HIS in line with any locally existing agreements. A standard disposal protocol will be developed once local circumstances are determined. If deemed appropriate by the HIS and PO, local agreements will be retained.

3.17 Telephones

In some cases an IM&T department (transferring into the HIS) are responsible for the PO’s telephone systems and prior to HIS have held both the rental and call budgets. All ongoing costs will remain with each PO. In these circumstances the PO will remain responsible for the call levels and call costs.

3.18 Audit Arrangements

The Host Trust Director of Finance will ensure that an audit programme is undertaken and that the Host Audit Committee is satisfied. The internal and external auditors of the Host Trust will ensure that their audit work provides sufficient coverage for the auditors of all the POs to place full reliance upon the work, without carrying out audit exercises themselves (other than of the SLA). This requires the adoption of a Managed Audit approach whereby annual planning ensures that the needs of the POs are taken into account in the planning process. This will ensure that there is no duplication or omission. The HIS Director will agree the audit programme with the Host’s External Auditor and Chief Internal Auditor and in liaison with the Partner Directors of Finance. The HIS Director will recommend the agreed audit programme to the HIS Management Board for approval.

Further details of Audit arrangements and can be found in the Accountability and Governance arrangement for North Mersey HIS. It is unlikely that there will be much change in the first year of the North Mersey HIS (2006/7) as the audit plans for most organisations are already set.

3.19 Connecting For Health Programme And Local IM&T Strategies


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The HIS will work with POs to support the implementation of the National Programme for IT and their own IM&T strategies. Both are expected to lead to variations or extension of SLAs to reflect new service areas.

There is no provision in the baseline budgets for new services resulting from local IM&T strategies and so these will have to be addressed as variations to the SLA. This may require additional PO funding to increase capacity or, in some cases, may be possible by reallocating resources within the service and funding envelope.

3.20 Confidentiality And Statutory Requirements

The HIS will comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, Freedom of Information Act 2000, Caldicott recommendations, observe legal and Mental Health Act restrictions, and other relevant UK and Economic Union legislation.

The HIS undertakes to ensure that all appropriate data protection registrations are maintained within the host DPA registration to enable HIS bureau activity.

If the event of business sensitive or Person or Patient identifiable information being used by the HIS, each PO undertakes to agree to an appropriate overarching Information Sharing Agreement to allow that information to be shared. This will be held by the host organisation of the HIS. The HIS and Host undertake not to disclose any business sensitive or person or patient identifiable information without prior approval of the appropriate Caldicott Guardian from the appropriate PO.

3.21 Health & Safety

The HIS will develop Health & Safety Policies with the Host Trust. HIS staff located in The Cardiothoracic Centre premises will also need to cooperate and coordinate with the local H&S policies, procedures and management arrangements. The interface between the HIS and the POs will be documented as part of the HIS H&S policies.

Broadly, The Cardiothoracic Centre is responsible for meeting health and safety requirements of their premises (including areas solely occupied by HIS staff). Similarly, the HIS (i.e. Host organisation) is responsible for meeting health and safety requirements of its premises (including areas which may be, from time to time, solely occupied by PO organisations’ staff). HIS staff are responsible for ensuring any equipment they install or manage complies with health and safety requirements.

3.22 Statutory And Other Regulations

HIS staff will comply with Acts of parliament, statutory regulations or other laws, guidelines or codes of practice relevant to the services being provided.

3.23 SLA Signatories

Approval and authorisation of SLAs is required by authorised officers of the PO organisation and the North Mersey HIS.

Authorised officers for the North Mersey Health Informatics Service are: North Mersey HIS Director


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Relationship Manager (RM) nominated for The Cardiothoracic Centre.

Authorised officers for the PO organisations are: Chief Executive Officer Nominated Organisational Lead for IT (OLIT) or retained RM.


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4.1 Service Hours And Target Service Availability

Standard hours of service are 0800 – 1800: Monday – Friday, excluding public holidays.

An On-call service will be required 24 / 7 / 365. This will consist of an initial point of contact in the Service Desk with escalation points up to representatives from areas such as Server & Network Support and Senior Management.

4.2 Service Areas Covered

The HIS will provide The Cardiothoracic Centre support on: Procurement and installation of computer equipment National (NHSNet/N3) network connectivity and administration, Local data network support PC and peripheral maintenance and support, Computer security, Troubleshooting, Fault reporting as well as general advice and guidance IT Project Management including consultancy on any ICT related issues. Application support Supporting Web Technology Services IT Security IM&T training

Further detailed information of these services and any On-Call arrangements can be found in Schedule A1

4.3 Service Desk

The Trust Service Desk will be staffed between 0800 and 1800 Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays) and can be contacted on: 0151 293 2298. Urgent calls can be logged out of these hours via the Service Desk on-call telephone number : 07879 427185.

4.4 Service Desk Function

The first point of contact for The Cardiothoracic Centre in notifying incidents is the Service Desk. The core function of the Service Desk is to:

• Log calls• Determine the priority level• Allocate a unique call identification number• Initiate and manage the support process• Agree call closure

The Service Desk provides the mechanism against which all performance reports will be obtained. It is therefore CRITICAL that all calls, regardless of nature, are processed and logged through the Service Desk.


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4.5 Preparing to Call the Service Desk

In order that your call can be dealt with quickly and efficiently you should, as far as possible, gather the following information prior to making the call.

Description of problem, Location of the equipment. Contact name and telephone number. If the call is relating to a hardware item, the asset tag number must be provided. Check if anyone else in the department is experiencing similar incidents. This is

important as it may be symptomatic of a larger incident (i.e. access to an application) and provision of this information will aid a speedy resolution.

If patient care is affected

4.6 Logging the Call

When calls are answered the Service Desk Agent will ask you the above questions and will log your call. The agent may ask the user to carry out some diagnostic checks but this will only happen if the user is comfortable with the checks they are being asked to carry out.

The agent will issue the user with a unique service desk reference number, which should be quoted in any further contact with the Service Desk relating to the call.

4.7 Call Priority Levels And Target Response Times

The Service Desk will allocate a Priority Level to a call as a result of information received from the caller and in conjunction with the Priority Level Guidelines in Section 5.

Each call will be assessed individually and its Priority Level assigned based on the Service impact to the caller and the affect of the incident on patient care. The call will be managed and reported in accordance with its Priority Level. The Priority Level of a call may be altered as events proceed.

Priority 1 incidents will be managed by the Major Incident Manager who will co-ordinate resources and agree an action plan in order to restore the Service as quickly as possible minimising the impact on patient care.

4.8 Service Provision Method

The Service will be provided to The Cardiothoracic Centre by a number of methods, dependent upon the type of incident identified, local arrangements and existing infrastructures. Methods that will usually be employed are as follows:

Types of support - Example InstancesTelephone support - upon notification of incident or a call back from a support person

Remote Software Support (if available) By agreed remote connection. This may be at notification of Incident stage or after a call back from a support person. This method may also be used by third party suppliers.

Site Visit Incident will require an engineering visit by HIS staff (or contractors)


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Repair /Replacement Agreement by the Department and HIS when hardware or network equipment requires repair or replacement (if repair would prove to be uneconomical). Where equipment needs to be repaired off site, loan equipment will be provided wherever possible to ensure business continuity.

4.9 Call Closure

Ownership and management of all calls is the responsibility of the Service Desk. If a call requires a Third Party to be involved this will not normally lead to the registering of a new call, rather that the original call number (and obligations in respect of Priority Levels and Target Response Times) will apply.

Priority Levels may vary (upon agreement with the Service Desk and the caller) during the period of a call.

When it is agreed (between the caller and the Service Desk) that a call has been resolved the call will be closed in the Service Desk system. This may be by direct contact between the Service Desk and the caller, or by “signing off” a call by the caller to a support person.

4.10 Clinical Systems Incidents

For incidents relating to a clinical system, The Cardiothoracic Centre should contact the Service Desk who will determine whether the system suppliers need to be contacted.


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The following table shows the Services offered to The Cardiothoracic Centre.

Call Priority Levels And Target Response Times

Severity Level


1 An incident causing an extremely serious impact to patient care and the business as a result of the services and number of people affected by the incident, e.g. a complete loss of the customer’s service or the impacted business function is halted completely and interim restoration is either not possible or not acceptable.

2 An incident causing significant impact to patient care and the business as a result of the service and number of people affected by the incident e.g. significant loss of customer’s service but the impacted business function is not halted although interim restoration is not possible or not acceptable.

3 An incident which affects the customer’s service but has a small impact to the business e.g. single user or component affected but the trouble can be circumvented.

4 Incidents that have a negligible impact to the business, requests or enquiries for information purposes only.

Procurement Description

5 Procurement requests for standard equipment and software only.

6 Procurement requests for non-standard equipment and non-standard software.

Priority Table


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Incident Response

Priority Target Response Time(Hours)

Target Fix Time(Hours)

1 1 4

2 2 7.5

3 7.5 15

4 15 37.5

Procurement Response



Quotation Form


Order raised

from date quotation accepted(Hours)

Order received from date

order raised


Installation from date

order received(Hours)

5 15 15 37.5* 75**

6 15 37.5 75* 150**


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In electronic copy of the SLA document the schedules are included as embedded Excel or Word objects. Double click on the icons to open the selected schedule:

In paper versions of the SLA document the schedules are included as an inserted printout of the schedules following this sheet.

A1 – Services Schedules

Schedule A1 organises the services that will be provided by the North Mersey HIS into the following areas (not all services may be provided under this specific SLA):

Information management – discretionary services: BS7799

Technology services – includes: Network support and implementation PC support and implementation Service Desk – including management and reporting IT security Network strategy management Asset management and reporting

Communications - including: Radio networks (voice and mobile data systems)

Implementation and development services – includes: Training

Change management

Benefits realisation

Web services

Application management and support (e.g. PAS teams)

Programme and Relationship Management Maintain a close relationship with each PO to ensure tight integration

between the HIS and each organisation.

Lead on the NPfIT and project management aspects of the HIS - in particular, working with the LSP, both directly and through the SHA.


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This section of the document contains Schedule A1. This schedule defines the services provided by the HIS which have transferred to the HIS from the PO organisation (if relevant).


This section of the document contains Schedule B. This schedule defines the financial arrangements regarding the SLA.


This section of the document contains Schedule C. This schedule defines the baseline establishment which transferred to the North Mersey HIS. It describes the establishment of staff by post title, WTE.


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This section of the document contains Schedule D. This schedule gives an indication of existing contracts currently being managed by the IT department. Funding for these contracts will continue to be held by the POs.



This section of the document contains Schedule E. This schedule defines the current accommodation utilised by staff transferring to the HIS.

The accommodation identified in the schedule (or equivalent) will continue to be provided by the PO to HIS staff based at the Trust at nil cost. Should staff relocation prove to be necessary in the future then the PO will release appropriate accommodation costs to support the relocation of staff.