Gabrielle DeAngelis CM-101 Professor Sawyer 30 April, 2012

Cm 101 powerpoint final

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Gabrielle DeAngelis CM-101

Professor Sawyer30 April, 2012

Page 2: Cm 101 powerpoint final

Demi Lovato Who is Demi Lovato?

› She was born on August 20th, 1992 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

› She is an American singer, song writer, musician, and actress.

› She got her big break starring in her role in Camp Rock.

› She has been in three other films, thirteen T.V. shows, and has three albums out and a fourth on the way.

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Demi Lovato and childhood Demi is a normal person just like us. She has feelings and emotions like

any other person because she is only human. In 7th grade she was first bullied and this

started the beginning of her problems. After dealing with the bullying for 7th grade

she requested she was home schooled and she was.

She graduated high school in April 2009 from her home schooling.

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In 2011 she had an interview with 20/20 and confessed for the first time openly information about her treatment in 2010.

She told us at age 8 she started with her unhealthy eating habits and at age 11 she started self harming to cope with her feelings.

The bullying started at such a young age that this triggered her depression and eating disorder very young as her fame was heating up as well so she tried to keep it together to keep her fans.

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Stages of Treatment October 30th, 2010 Demi dropped out of the Jones

Brothers Live Concert World Tour due to her struggles and checked into a treatment facility to treat not only emotional but physical issues also.

January 28th, 2011 it was leaked that Demi had finished her treatment and was going back home.

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Post- Treatment

Demi had many post-rehab interveiws about her treatment for bulimia and self harming.

One thing that stood out was her documentary T.V. show on MTV called Stay Strong.

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Stay Strong

The documentary aired on MTV on March 6th, 2012 and took us through her life starting with where she is now in life.

After this she talks about her disorder and stories about it and then she continues on to her recovery story and where her career is now.

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Media Part of Stay Strong In the documentary Stay Strong we view a lot of home

footage which makes us know this is personal and there are no exaggerations or false information. › Also this sharing of old memories probally suggests a stronger

connection that she is trying to make with the viewers. During the documentary we interview Demi Lovato a few

times and every time she is confessing or opening up to us she is in front of a dark screen which means all the dark times in her life and the darkness makes her stand out and the lighting they put on her is very light to portray her as angelic almost. This represents the good overcoming the darkness that was her struggles.

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Media Part… (cont.) Another signifier is the camera. The camera is at a medium shot of Demi

which is most of her body and this signifies a personal relationship which brings us even closer to relating ourselves to her.

Also on more intense topics the camera would pan in towards her face which is called dolly in and it signifies observation or focus which is what she definitely wants us to do as she is talking about something serious.

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Demi and Body Image The stress of being perfect physically and

Demi’s bullying was not something abnormal for teenagers to go through.

Girls all around the world and even guys deal with bulimia and self harming everyday.

Demi Lovato by being famous had an extra stress put on because she was famous she was being watched and if she acted upset or didn’t look perfect like any famous person your scared to lose fans because everyone looks up to the happy, young, skinny role model actress.

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Demi and Body Image… (cont.)

Society and the media portray beautiful as this skinny tall beautiful sort of not a care in the world because she knows shes beautiful sort of attitude which is hard to have when society is tearing us down so much.

If every woman looked like this then it would not be special anymore.

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Demi and Body Image… (cont.)

Demi Lovato being a normal teenage girl, despite the fame, has issues with these things because of bullies. She has lost her self worth from bullies who have to tear down others to build themselves up.

The idea of a alpha body type is not presented well at all and we shouldn’t have one at all.

Everyone has a different body type and looks a certain way because of genetics bone structures etc. and this automatically puts bigger people at a lower standard then thin people because the thin people are better

This will cause depression and eatting disorders for the amount of pressure put on a female to have this thin beautiful figure that many girls can never achieve.

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After Stay Strong

After letting everyone know her story Demi’s career kept on growing and more and more females look up to her today then ever.

The struggle for her to get her story out there and re-live it through telling it is hard and shows girls how strong she is and makes them understand that if she can do it and help herself get better they can to. Also this helps girls understand that there is no perfect body and they are just as good even if you don’t have the thin body.

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After Stay Strong… (cont.) Demi has been much better since opening up

to her fans and the world about her issues and she is only becoming a better help to the world because she is an activist in helping depression and eatting disorders.

By making her whole story public she has gotten the support of so many people and has gained many more fans and this shows us that no ones perfect but it’s the support system you have around you that can make you or break you.

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In conclusion In conclusion from all of this information we learn

about Demi and her issues she deals with and how it is okay to have issues because that’s normal.

We also note media related things that maybe draw us into watching her because we feel that connection which is good.

And finally the idea of body image we should try to fix in society because it ends up hurting many females in the long run because we are told to look basically unreal so we should try to get rid of the idea that to be beautiful you need to be thin because its not true.

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