Checklist for going out to film Equipment List: Moped Possibly a weapon (Knife, Cosh, Baseball Bat etc….) Camera Tripod Costumes (Please see Costume list document) Spare batteries for Camera Safety equipment for bike First Aid Health and safety Risk Potential Harm Possible actions to prevent this Traffic A good chance of injury should a car hit someone if people aren’t courteous of any oncoming traffic Use the Road Crossing code ‘Stop, Look, Listen’ when crossing the road Tripping on uneven/ slippery ground Commonly things like cuts and grazes are the most common form of injury associated with this risk however as with all of these bigger ‘harms’ can happen Be very careful underfoot and it’s probably best not to run as running increases the chances of tripping especially on slippery surfaces Thorns and other sharp objects we may encounter such as Barbed Wire Cuts are the main risk although infections can be caught from dirty barbed wire which Either wear gloves and long sleeved clothing when going through these areas.

Checklist For Going Out To Film

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Checklist for going out to film

Equipment List: Moped Possibly a weapon (Knife, Cosh, Baseball Bat etc….) Camera Tripod Costumes (Please see Costume list document) Spare batteries for Camera Safety equipment for bike First Aid

Health and safety

Risk Potential Harm Possible actions to prevent this

Traffic A good chance of injury should a car hit someone if people aren’t courteous of any oncoming traffic

Use the Road Crossing code ‘Stop, Look, Listen’ when crossing the road

Tripping on uneven/ slippery ground

Commonly things like cuts and grazes are the most common form of injury associated with this risk however as with all of these bigger ‘harms’ can happen

Be very careful underfoot and it’s probably best not to run as running increases the chances of tripping especially on slippery surfaces

Thorns and other sharp objects we may encounter such as Barbed Wire

Cuts are the main risk although infections can be caught from dirty barbed wire which can be a hospital visit

Either wear gloves and long sleeved clothing when going through these areas. (Unless on set in which case be cautious)

The possibility of cold whether

Cold whether can be dangerous, especially out in the open. This combined with icy cold river water could cause things like Hypothermia

Wrap up warm in well insulated, water proof clothing. With other layers available in the worst case scenario