Nature optimized Brain Food- Magnesium

Brain Food - Magnesium

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http://www.natureoptimized.com/#!adhd-diet-blog/cvhu/brain-food--magnesium - If we give the most valuable player of a team an MVP award, would we give an MVM to the most valuable mineral for our health? If so, magnesium might take the prize. All biochemical reactions in the body require an enzyme, or substance that acts as a catalyst, to help the reaction take place and get going. Magnesium is an extremely important and valuable mineral, as it plays a role in over three hundred of those enzyme reactions in the body. Magnesium has an important job in ensuring the body and mind are functioning at their best.

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Nature optimized

If we give the most valuable player of a team an MVP award, would we give an MVM to the most valuable mineral for our health?  If so, magnesium might take the prize.  All biochemical reactions in the body require an enzyme, or substance that acts as a catalyst, to help the reaction take place and get going.  Magnesium is an extremely important and valuable mineral, as it plays a role in over three hundred of those enzyme reactions in the body.  Magnesium has an important job in ensuring the body and mind are functioning at their best.

It’s discouraging to note that magnesium supplementation is dramatically under utilized by conventional physicians, as up to half of all Americans are deficient in this nutrient.  Magnesium deficiency can affect nearly every organ system in the body, and accounts for a long list of symptoms and diseases.  To be a little more specific, there are over 3,500 medical references out there on magnesium deficiency.  Yep, that’s a lot!

Most Valuable Mineral

Brain Food- Magnesium

Page 3: Brain Food - Magnesium

Nature optimized

One specific system that is dramatically affected by magnesium deficiency is the central nervous system, which can very likely lead to conditions such as ADD/ADHD.  Magnesium is used to calm the nervous system, which is extremely important in treating children with hyperactivity issues.  Research shows positive correlations between supplementation with magnesium and a significant decrease of hyperactivity for those with ADD/ADHD.  

Magnesium is pretty much a stress antidote that calms hyperactive symptoms by relaxing the mind and the body.  It is found in all your tissues, but mainly in your brain, bones, and muscles.  In the brain, it’s used to make the neurotransmitters involved in attention and concentration, and when your stock of these neurotransmitters is high, things work a lot more smoothly.  Smooth = calm.

A Stress Antidote

Brain Food- Magnesium

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Nature optimized

With the right amount of magnesium present in the body, children can think clearer and concentrate better.  Magnesium is also a key factor in the production of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that provides a feeling of calm and well-being.  Low levels of serotonin are associated with irritability, moodiness and depression.

We eat a diet that has practically no magnesium in it.  The Standard American Diet (often referred to as the S.A.D. diet.  Sad, I know.) is full of convenient, highly-processed, refined foods that are high in salt, sugar, and phosphoric acid commonly found in colas.  Our culture is also under chronic stress and uses excessive antibiotics and other drugs, all of which decrease magnesium levels.  

Right Magnesium Level

Brain Food- Magnesium

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Nature optimized

Eliminating magnesium deficiency in children and adults is a process.  You must first work to remove stressors that cause magnesium deficiency, like emotional stress and foods that aren’t beneficial to the body (coffee, alcohol, and sugar).  Yes, bad foods can stress your body, which is why it’s extremely important to avoid processed junk foods and refined sugars and replace these nutrient-poor meals by eating nutritious foods rich in natural minerals.  Once you’ve begun reducing the stress, taking an extra magnesium supplemental will help you on your path as well.By the way, magnesium supplementation is also beneficial for a number of other symptoms, particularly anxiety, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and autism. Nature Optimized has formulated Pure Clarity to aid individuals with ADD/ADHD, as well as anyone trying to be health-conscious, whether or not they have  hyperactive symptoms.  We designed Pure Clarity with nutrients focusing on brain health to provide natural and safe mental and physical well-being.  With Pure Clarity, you’ll be supplementing with the amounts of magnesium your body and brain need, in a form they can quickly assimilate and utilize.

Food Causing Magnesium Defeciency

Brain Food- Magnesium